Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 10
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 10
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Gospels, with Jerome's preface to the Vulgate
- Capitulare Euangeliorum
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Jerome, Saint, 347-420
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420), priest and theologian
- Other form
- Hieronymus (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- S. Hieronymus
- Hieronymus Stridonius
- Hieronymus
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Sancti Jeromini
- S. Hieronymus,
- Jerome, S.
- Hieronymys Stridonius
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Jérôme
- Hieronymo
- Saint Jérôme
- Jérôme (0345?-0420 ; saint)
- Sanctus Hieronimus
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Hieronymus (s.)
- Jheronimus Stridonius
- Hieronimi
- Hieronimus Stridonius
- Hieronymus Stridonensis
- Ieronimi
- Sancti Hieronymi
- Hieronymi
- Hieronimus
- S. Jérôme
- Jérôme (Saint)
- Jérôme saint 0345?-0420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420
- Hieronymus (heilige)
- Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20
- Jeroni, sant, ca. 342-420
- Jerónimo, Santo
- Author: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Translator: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Jerome
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420
- Jerome, c 345-420, Saint
- St Jerome
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420), author
- Hieronymus, Heilige, 347?-420
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420). Auteur.
- Jérôme (saint)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius, 345-420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Saint Jérôme
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus (345-420)
- D. Hieronymus
- Divus Hieronymus
- Hieronymus santo
- Hieronimus santo
- Hieronymus santo, 342/347-419
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. c. 420)
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420, theologian and priest
- Jerome Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420) > Père de l'Eglise
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420)
- Jérôme de Stridon (347/8-419/20)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (ca. 349-420)
- Jerónimo, Santo, 346-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , co-autor
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , impr.
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , trad.
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteurbriefschrijver
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur voorwoord
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - auteur
- Hieronymus - auteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertaler
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher
- Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899
- Other form
- Quaritch, Bernard (1819-1899)
- Bernard Quaritch
- Bernard Quaritch, 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch, Limited
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899), bookseller and publisher
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
193 ff. (ii+191) Leaf height: 230 mm, width: 190 mm.
Wooden boards, covered with brown leather: there are remains of two metal clasps. The front cover is plated with metal. The arrangement is as follows.
At the angles are four nearly square enamelled plates, each fastened by four nails, They represent the Evangelists writing, the emblem of each is partially seen behind or above him. Top left, Luke. Top right, Matthew. Mark and John at bottom. The grounds are mainly in white, portions of the enamel have been lost.
These plates are connected by four oblong plates of gilt metal, engraved with a pattern of conventional foliage, the interstices being filled with lines and dots. They are also set with stones, a single crystal at top and bottom, and three stones on each of the side-pieces. The plates are fastened on with plain domical-headed nails, some of which are wanting.
The central panel is an ivory of the 11th century (?), deeply sunk. It has a border of classical leaf-work, and represents the Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St John. The cross has a line drawn round just within the edge, and continued all about it. The title is so large as to form an upper cross-piece almost as long as the main cross-piece. It is uninscribed. Christ has cross-nimbus: His head inclines to L.: He is fastened with four nails, and His feet test on a short tree-stump with the. branches lopped off, and with some appearance of a serpent twined about it. He wears a loin-cloth. The lateral figures are both looking up.
Within the cover is the book-label of Ambroise Firmin Didot, no. 7 in the sale of 1879. There is also the following paper: 'Antiquum hunc 4. SS. Evangeliorum Textum ab Ecclesia collegiata Sti Petri Leodien: acquisivi, lacunam in eo 5 foliorum ex alia meo, anno D· CCC· scripto restitui, ac de novo compactum, priscis ornamentis suis et gemmis decorare curavi, quod lubens attestor.
B. de Crassier.
N.B. Quod in Capitulari Evangeliorum, &c., in huius Codicis fine scripto, reperiatur ad diem .xiii. Maii festum dedicationis Ecclesiae S. Mariae ad Martyres, unde certe constat dictum Codicem fuisse octavo saeculo scriptum.'
The Baron de Crassier, the writer of this note, was a collector who resided at Liège in the early part of the eighteenth century: he is mentioned twice in the 'Voyage littéraire de deux Bénédictins' (Martène and Durand), and something is said of his collections; but this manuscript is not noticed. In Montfaucon's 'Bibliotheca Nova Manuscriptorum', however (i. 605), an account is given, which was written by the Baron himself in or before 1733, in these words:
'Textus alter Evangeliorum eiusdem circiter aetatis (sc. cent. viii) praefixam habens in tabella eburnea Christi 4 clavis cruci affixi excisam imaginem inter B. V. Mariam et S. Ioannem Evangelistam hinc inde stantes. Circumferentia tabellae decorata est quatuor Evangelistis ex vitrea gemma, gemmis, aliisque ornamentis deauratis. Notandum quod quatuor folia quae deerant, sub finem Evangelii secundum Marcum, suppleta fuerunt ex textu praecedenti.'
The other 'textus' (of which the Baron gives a long account in French and a short one in Latin) is attributed by him to the year 800. It had on the cover an ivory representing our Lord in glory and Bishop Notger of Liège
12th century
Contains miniatures
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
1 column, 24 lines
Quire A2 (two front endleaves)
Quire 1 8, wants 1
Quire 28, 8 cancelled (?)
Quires 3-78
Quire 810, 7 cancelled
Quire 98
Quire 108, wants 8
Quire 112
Quire 122, + 1
Quire 135
Quires 14-198
Quires 21-268, wants 7 and 8
Written in Carolingian miniscule by two separate scribes.
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Religion; Christianity; Bible. Latin--Versions--Vulgate; Bible. New Testament
Gospel Book, probably produced at the Abbey of Stavelot in the 9th or 10th century.
Modern pencil foliation in top right hand corner.
Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher purchased it at the Firmin-Didot Sale in May 1879 (Lot 7) and offered by him for £310 in his A General Catalogue of Books, i (1887), p.2 (No.2).
Bought from Quaritch by James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford for £300.
Bottom of f. 174 cut off below end of text.
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).