Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 114B
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 114B
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- English
- Greek
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 114B: Matthew Parker's Correspondence, Volume 2
- Letter from Nicholas Robinson to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robinson bishop of Bangor, desiring the archbishop to confirm a lease he had granted of the parsonage of Witney, dated Bangor 12 June, 1567
- Letter from Rowland Merrick to Matthew Parker || Letter from Merick bishop of Bangor, that he had sent the archbishop a book with the names, &c. of every beneficed person within his diocese, dated Bangor 7 May, 1561
- Letter from Nicholas Robinson to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robinson bishop of Bangor, that he had sent the archbishop a copy of part of Eadmerus' history, and hoped shortly to have the remaining part transcribed for him: he also acquaints his grace that there are no faithful monuments of antiquity to be found in Wales, and desires him to recommend the son of Mr. Fletcher his principal register to All-Soul's college Oxford, dated Bangor 7 October 1567
- Letter from Richard Cheney to William Cecil || Letter from R. Cheney to Mr. secretary Cecill; - he desires that more preachers might be sent abroad, and complains of the queen's takers [purveyors] who had seized a quarter of his wheat; and gives an account of a dispute about the pronunciation of Greek, concerning which he tells a pleasant story, dated Halford in Warwickshire April 16, 1561
- Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill, recommending Dr. Cheney to the archbishop
- Letter from Richard Cheney to Matthew Parker || Letter from Cheney bishop of Gloucester, recommending the son of sir John Baskerville, dated Gloucester 3 February
- Declaration of Anthony Kitchin || A writing signed by Kitchin bishop of Landaff, in which he promises to maintain the established religion, and to tender the oath of supremacy to all persons receiving office ecclesiastical or temporal within his diocese, which oath the queen had allowed him longer time to consider of, before he should be required to take it, dated 18 July, I Elizabethae
- Letter from Hugh Curwen to Matthew Parker || Letter from Curwin bishop of Oxford, thanking the archbishop for giving up his option, dated Bainton 22 November 1567
- Letter from Hugh Jones to Matthew Parker || Letter from Jones bishop of Landaff, requesting that he may be permitted to appear by proxy in convocation and parliament, dated Matharne 20 September 1566
- Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker || Letter from Davies bishop of St. Asaph, excusing his not coming to town about his translation on account of his bad health, dated Wryxham 18 April 1561
- Letter from Thomas Davies to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Davies bishop of St. Asaph's, desiring to have a dispensation to hold the rectories of Eston and Crome in commendam, dated St. Asaph's ultima Augusti 1566
- Letter from James Pilkington to Matthew Parker || Letter from Pilkington bishop of Durham, recommending George Hargreves and Wight of St. John's, as proper persons either of them to have the vicarage of Rachedale, and complaining of many things in the diocese which wanted reformation
- Letter from James Pilkington to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending a person to the archbishop, dated Awklam 23 August 1563
- Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop-elect of Chester, desiring the archbishop to grant his chaplain William Pascho a dispensation to hold two livings, dated from the court 2 May, 1561
- Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to Ralf Vincent to hold the rectory of Smeton, tho' not in orders, dated Chester 26 March, 1565
- Letter from John Best to Matthew Parker || Letter from Best bishop of Carlisle, desiring the archbishop to renew his dispensation for holding Rumald church in commendam, dated April 9, 1567
- Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker || Letter from Grindall bishop of London, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence for non-residence to Thomas Walker parson of Shadwell in Essex, dated London 23 February 1567
- Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, requesting the same favour for John Woolton, dated London 2 July, 1568
- Dispensation granted to W. Martin || Dispensatio concessa W. Martin ad tenendam rectoriam de Shilbrooke in diocesi Exon. per quinquennium i Decembris 1564
- Dispensation granted to Thomas Williams || Dispensatio concessa Thomas Williams notho ad beneficia ecclesiastica de Lan Edy et Llan Lowghin retinenda vel quaevis alia accipienda 21 Septembris 1561
- Letter from John Foxe to Matthew Parker || Literae Ioannis Foxii, ut concedatur ei quadragesimalis vescendi licentia, data Londini 7 Februarii
- Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from Mr. secretary Cecill, that it is her majesties pleasure, that the archbishop should grant a dispensation to the scholars of Winchester touching the observation of Wednesday as a fish-day, dated Westminster March 14, 1564
- Dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Talis dispensatio concessa academiae Cantabrigiensi
- Confirmation of dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Confirmatio ejusdem per reginam
- Letter of thanks to Matthew Parker for dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Literae academiae, in quibus gratias agunt academici pro dispensatione sibi concessa, datae 11 kalendas Decembris 1564
- Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop of Chester, recommending the son of sir Thomas Gerrard of Lancashire to the archbishop for a dispensation to hold a living, dated Chester 4 October 1567
- Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Alley bishop of Exeter, desiring the archbishop to grant a like dispensation for four years to William Germyn a scholar of Oxford, dated Exeter 9 April 1567
- Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker || Letter from Parkhurst bishop of Norwich that he had received the archbishop's commission to proceed upon the articles exhibited by the parson of Heningham and his parishioners; - that several persons in his diocese who had taken dispensations from the faculties for orders had altered the words non suffraganei to vel suffraganei particularly one Simpson of Norwich; - that Tredar late vicar of Wesenham wanted to resume a benefice which he had resigned by proxy, and which he [the bishop] had conferred on Kindersley of Norwich, he therefore prays that the proxy then in the hands of an officer of the arches may be sent down to him: dated Norwich 29 January 1568
- Dispensation granted to Gilbert Berkeley || Dispensatio concessa Gilberto Barkely episcopo Bathon. et Wellen. ad tenend. beneficium ecclesiasticum in commendam
- Dispensation granted to William Simpson || Dispensatio concessa Willelmo Simpson ad sacros ordines suscipiendas
- Letter from John Spottiswoode, John Knox and John Craig to Matthew Parker and Thomas Young || Letter from Mr. John Spottiswood superintendant of the Lowthean, Mr. John Knox and Mr. John Craig ministers of Edinburgh to the archbishops of Canterbury and York, desiring them to publish a citation in their respective provinces for Anne Gordane to appear before the session of Edinburgh, dated Edinburgh February 10, 1563
- Act of the general assembly of the kirk of Scotland, dated 29 December 1563 || Act of the general assembly of the kirk of Scotland to the same purpose, dated 29 December 1563
- Letter from Matthew Parker to William Cecil || Letter from the archbishop to Mr. secretary Cecill, desiring his advice as to what regard should be paid to the above request of the general assembly, dated April 14
- Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill, that he had sent the archbishop a form of prayer drawn up by the bishop of London, and that orders had been dispatched to the earl of Warwick to surrender New-Haven
- Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending sir Henry Lee to the archbishop, dated Wyndsor 24 September 1569
- Letter from Sir William Petre to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Petres, that he had sent the queen's commission directed to the archbishop and others, to draw up statutes for Christ-Church Oxford, dated Greenwich 6 June, 1566
- Letter from Nicholas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. N. Wootton, recommending Mr. Anthony Rush to be schoolmaster at Canterbury, dated Canterbury ultima June 1561
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Nicholas Wotton || The archbishop's answer
- Letter from Sir William Petre to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Petres, that he had sent the archbishop a letter and articles received from Germany, which her majesty desires him to consider, dated Greenwich 14 July, 1560
- Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from Mr. secretary Cecill, thanking the archbishop for his advice concerning the appeasing the controversy about Christ's descent into hell, and expressing his concern at a commission the queen was minded to put forth to enquire into the waste of the clergy thro' the whole realm, dated Westminster 12 September 1567
- Letter from G. Rogers to Matthew Parker || From G. Rogers, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to John Deker to hold a prebende: dated from the court 19 December 1559
- Letter from Thomas Parry to Matthew Parker || From Thomas Parry, desiring that William Forde may have the parsonage of Cleve in the county of Gloucester, dated from the court 26 August 1559
- Letter from Sir John Mason to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir John Mason, desiring that the students of New-College may be treated with lenity in hopes of their future conformity, dated May 12, 1562
- Letter to Matthew Parker concerning Dr. Baskerville || Letter from --, desiring that Dr. Baxtervyle may be released from his imprisonment on his promise of conformity, dated November 20, 1562
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Nicholas Bacon || Letter from the archbishop to the lord-keeper in favor of Dr. Baxtervyle
- Letter from Sir Francis Knollys to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir F. Knollys, desiring the archbishop to persuade Edward Chamber to subscribe, and wishing the archbishop success in his good enterprize against the enormities still retained in the queen's closet [probably the use of the crucifix] dated from the court 13 October 1559
- Letter from Abraham Cave to Matthew Parker || Letter from Abraham Cave, desiring the archbishop to call before the high commission court John Marshall and Mary wife of John Kempe for living together in adultery: dated from the Savoye 18 February 1567
- Letter from James Boleyn to Matthew Parker || Letter from James Boleyn, desiring the archbishop to grant sir Robert Payne parson of Salington in Norfolk a dispensation for non-residence and for holding two benefices, dated April 27
- Letter from Edward Warner to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Warner, desiring that Christopher Southes might be admitted by proxy to the prebend of Ofgoodby in the church of Lincoln; dated from the tower of London 22 July, 1560
- Letter from Sir Robert Tyrwhitt and Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Tyrwhyt and N. Throkmorton in favor of Thomas Darbie; dated London 28 September 1569
- Letter from Henry Radcliffe to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Radclyff, desiring the archbishop to grant Edward Crofte a scholar of Cambridge a dispensation to hold a benefice for seven years; dated from the court 8 July, 1568
- Letter from Sir George Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir George Howard, recommending Mr. Beard vicar of Greenwich to the archbishop: dated from the court 11 October 1563
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Sir George Howard || The archbishop's answer
- Letter from Sir Thomas Gresham to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir Thomas Gresham, desiring the archbishop to institute the bearer to the living of Great Massingham in Norfolk; dated London 25 May, 1567
- Letter from Sir William Butts to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Butts to Dr. Parker (when master of C.C.C.C.) recommending two young persons and their tutor to him: dated from the court 19 May, 37 Henrici VIII
- Letter from Sir William Butts the younger to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Butts, son to the former, desiring the archbishop to maintain Marmaduke Wood in the possession of the living of Wissingset in Norfolk, against one Watesone, who was already possessed of the livings of North Walsham and Erpingham, and who wanted to obtain it from the archbishop; dated Thornage ultima Januarii 1567
- Letter from Dr J. Smith to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. J. Smith, desiring that Tristam Swadell might have leave to return to Cambridge: dated Monthall February 5
- Letter from Edmund Wyndham and others to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edmund Whyndham and others, desiring the archbishop to grant unto John Toundshend a dispensation to hold the living of Eastwell in Suffolk for a longer time, without taking priests orders: dated 6 August 1567
- Letter from R. Hopton and others to Matthew Parker || Letter from R. Hopton and others, desiring that one Master Lawrens may have his licence restored to him, as he was the only preacher between Blyburgh and Ipswich, dated 27 October 1567
- Letter from J. Bourne to Matthew Parker || Letter from J. Bourne, desiring the archbishop to give credit to the bearer Mr. Allen, in what he should relate of some things that required reformation; dated from the castle of the Holte 10 February 1562
- Letter from Thomas Wroth to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Wrothe, recommending Mr. Bewlie parson of Racheford a suitor for the living of South-church, dated Ratcheford 16 July, 1562
- Letter from Warham St Leger to Matthew Parker || Letter from Warham Sentleger, that he had remitted the archbishop thirty pounds: dated Leeds 13 April 1560
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Warham St Leger || The archbishop's answer
- Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gualteri Haddon, data pridie nonas Julii
- Letter from Henry -- to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry --, desiring to have a licence to eat flesh, dated Sherland the 17 February 1563
- Letter from Thomas Josselyn to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Josselyn, he thanks the archbishop for his kindness towards his son John Josselyn, and desires his acceptance of a doe and two cygnets: dated Newhall-Josselyn 21 November 1560
- Letter from G. Somerset to Matthew Parker || Letter from G. Somerset, recommending a servant to the archbishop, dated Badmondisffelde in Suffolk February 8, 1559
- Letter from Henry Doyle to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Doyley, thanking the archbishop for granting his son leave to visit him: dated Pondhall 12 March 1560
- Letter from Thomas Kempe to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Kempe, desiring the archbishop to grant his licence for the marriage of his daughter with Thomas Shurleye, dated Olente in Kent February 8, 1560
- Letter from Henry Crisp to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Cryspe, desiring to have a lease of Cheslett-park, dated Thanet January 30
- Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gualteri Haddon, data Brugis 3 kalendas Augusti 1565, de victoria in Turcas
- Letter from Thomas Seckford to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Sekford that it was the queen's pleasure that the widow of Allen her late chaplain and minister of Clyffe should have xx marks yearly out of that benefice: dated from the court
- Letter from Thomas Seckford to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring that Mr. Wendye archdeacon of Suffolk might have a prebend of Norwich, dated from the court June 21, 1561
- Letter from John Mann to Matthew Parker || Epistola Io. Mann, data Madrid 4 Novembris 1566, quod impetraverat immunitatem religionis et securitatem ab omnibus molestiis sed sibi soli; famulis suis negabatur
- Letter from Richard Masters to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Masters, desiring that his brother who did not conform in apparel might be suffered for a short time: dated Greenwich 8 June, 1566
- Letter from -- to Matthew Parker on a matrimonial cause || Letter from -- on a matrimonial cause, dated from the court May 8
- Letter from Richard Masters to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Masters, recommending a person from the earl of Leicester; dated Hampton-court November 1
- Letter from Gilbert Gerrard to Matthew Parker || Letter from G. Gerrerd, desiring the archbishop to protect Latham fellow of Merton-College Oxford, who was in danger of losing his fellowship; dated 29 December 1567
- Letter from Gilbert Gerrard to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to dispense with the decree that he had made, that three of the seniors of Merton-College should be priests; dated London 21 June, 1568
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Gilbert Gerrard || The archbishop's answer to the last letter, in which he expresses his surprize that out of twenty fellows of Merton-College there should not three be found disposed to enter into orders, and declares that he cannot in conscience recall his decree: dated Croydon June 21
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Gilbert Gerrard || The archbishop's answer to Gerrerd's former letter, that the fellows of Merton accused Latham of many heinous crimes: ultima Decembris
- Letter from F. Allen to Matthew Parker || Letter from F. Allen enclosing letters from the council, dated Havering 15 July, 1568
- Letter from John Tamworth to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Tamworth, recommending William King M.A. of Cambridge to the archbishop's service: dated from the court 24 May; with a note written by the archbishop that he had received him as his chaplain 21 June, 1565
- Letter from John Tamworth to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring that his kinsman [Ralph Lever] may have the archdeaconry of Northumberland
- Letter from Thomas Heneage to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Heneage, desiring the archbishop's interest to procure a lease from All-Soul's College Oxford for the widow Forster; dated from the court 11 May, 1568
- Letter from Thomas Heneage to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, that Mrs. Foster had not yet been able to procure the lease, chiefly thro' the opposition of the warden; dated from the court 30 May, 1568
- Letters from Matthew Parker to the warden of All Souls College, Oxford || Two letters from the archbishop, one to the society, dated Croydon June 11, 1568, the other to the warden, dated Lambeth May 12, in recommendation of Mrs. Forster's suit
- Letter from Richard Goodrich to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Goodrick, petitioning that a dispensation may be granted to the son of the widow Sparkes to hold an ecclesiastical benefice; dated Stolmmere July 29, 1560
- Letter from Richard Goodrich to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending a person for orders: dated White-friers London March 30, 1559
- Letter from Thomas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Wotton, congratulating the archbishop upon his promotion, and desiring to be appointed his high steward: dated Bocton-Malherbe 30 July 1559
- Letter from William Crowmere to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Crowmere, recommending Mr. Simon Clerke to be one of the preachers of Christ-Church Canterbury, dated Tunstalle 27 July, 1560
- Letter from John Tufton and Thomas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Tufton and Thomas Wotton, recommending Edward Peckham school-master at Egerton for holy orders, dated 5 May, 1565
- Letter from W. Cotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from W. Cotton, excusing his not having waited on the archbishop on account of his sickness, and promising the payment of the money he owed him: dated Panfyde July 15
- Letter from Thomas Hales to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Hales, mayor of Canterbury and others, about the examination of a person
- Letter from -- Coleby to Matthew Parker || Letter from -- Coleby, on the matrimonial cause between Mr. Fry and his wife
- Letter from Thomas Scott to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Scott, that he had sent Christopher Warrener the late anchorite to the archbishop; dated Scott's-Hall August 4
- Letter from William Crisp to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Cryspe, that he had sent the archbishop a dozen and half of guiles from the lord-warden, dated 15 June, 1565
- Letter from John Agmondisham to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Agmondisham, desiring that William Atherton may be permitted to keep his living of Corfe, as he was ready to resign that of Easthersley to him [John Agmondisham] according to the archbishop's decree, dated London 28 May, 1565
- Letter from Richard Pate to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Pate, desiring the archbishop's interest to procure from the queen the presentation to the parsonage of Bewster in Gloucestershire for his kinsman Thomas Pyrrye, the present incumbent Mr. Jenyns being willing to resign, dated Lambhuth 14 May, 1562
- Letter from Roger Manwood to Matthew Parker || Letter from Roger Manwood, desiring the archbishop to give a living to Nicholas Coner: dated Gravesend January 4
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Roger Manwood || The archbishop's answer, declining to comply with his request
- Letter from Robert Doyley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Doyley, vindicating himself from the accusation of having taken away the lead of the chancel at Islip: dated Islip 23 September
- Letter from Thomas Stoughton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Stoughtan, desiring the archbishop's acceptance of a doe; dated December 7, 1567
- Letter from John Goldwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Goldwell, about transcribing a book, dated Goldwell 3 June, 1568
- Letter from John Southwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Southwell, desiring the archbishop to excuse his appearing before him to give account of the effects of Mr. Tolyes his testator on the 23 of that month, as he was the same day to attend the queen's eschetor at Bury: dated Ipswich September 16, 1560
- Letter from William Swerder to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gulielmi Swerderi, in qua se excusat quod archiepiscopum nondum adiisset
- Letter from Simeon Steward to Matthew Parker || Letter from Symeon Styward, desiring the archbishop to give the living of little Barton in Suffolk to his kinsman, which he [Styward] had promised him, thinking he had purchased the patronage with the manor, tho' he had since found the next presentation was in the archbishop, dated Lakynfield June 20
- Letter from John Boxall to Matthew Parker || Letter from Boxall, thanking the archbishop for his kindness to him when confined in his house, and for the leave he had obtained of removing to Bromleigh: dated Bromleigh July 13
- Letter from William Cecil and Thomas Parry to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill and Thomas Parry, signifying to the archbishop the queen's pleasure, that he should tender the oath to Dr. Boxall, and deprive him if he refused taking it: dated from the court November 2, 1559
- Letter from Richard Cheney to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Cheney, about his preaching at Worcester, dated Halford 24 January 1560
- Letter from Francis Babington to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis Babington, vice-chancellor of Oxford, to the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners, thanking them for their recommendation of Lawrence Umphryde to be lady Margaret's reader of divinity, and informing them that every thing had been done according to their directions, dated Baliol-College June 12, 1560
- Letter from Thomas Wilson to Matthew Parker || Epistola Thomae Wilson, in qua gratias agit archiepiscopo, quod illius beneficio Stochiensis ludi constitutus est moderator, et dicit se non potuisse adhuc invenire apud bibliopolas novum testamentum Colinaei typis excussum: data Louanii 8 Septembris 1560
- Letter from Miles Spencer to Matthew Parker || Letter from Miles Spencer chancellor of Norwich, that he had according to order given notice thro' the whole diocese for all persons to receive the communion at the ensuing Easter; and that he had sent the chapter's election of their new bishop, and complains of an inhibition issued out against him from the court of audience for having enjoined penance to one Thomas Reve for living in adultery, dated Norwich April 18, 1560
- Letter from Richard Taverner to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Taverner, that he had received a writ under the privy-seal, to lend the queen C£. which he had it not in his power to do: dated Wodeaton 6 February 1562
- Letter from John Caius to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Caius, that he had sent the archbishop his answer to the Oxford book, and desires his opinion of it: dated Cambridge April 8, 1567
- Letter from John Story to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Storye, offering to take the oath, and desiring to be set at liberty
- Letter from Peter Lysly to Matthew Parker || Letter from Peter Lysly, desiring the archbishop to admit his claim of being register of the diocese of Canterbury: dated Canterbury ultima Martis, 1568
- Letter from Weston to Matthew Parker || Letter from Weston, recommending Christopher Rochell to be deputy register of the court of audience: dated London July 21
- Letter from David Lewes to Matthew Parker || Letter from David Lewes, recommending a person to be admitted proctor, dated London July 7, 1561
- Letter from Thomas Martin to Mr. Lark || Letter from Thomas Martin to Mr. Lark recommending Mr. Westall to be appointed a public notary
- Certificate of the character and abilities of Thomas Hawkin for the office of a notary public || Certificate of the character and abilities of Thomas Hawkin for the office of a notary public, signed by sir Richard Bede and Dr. Gybon, dated 8 June, 10 Elizabethae
- Letter from Immanuel Tremellius to Matthew Parker || Epistola Immanuelis Tremellii ad archiepiscopum de libro quem editurus erat, data Francofurdi 16 Septembris 1568
- Letter from Thomas Godwin to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Goodwyn dean of Canterbury, that they had hitherto been hindered in the reformation of their statutes by sundry and weighty business, but hoped to proceed in it after Easter, dated Canterbury 25 January 1567
- Letter from Thomas Becon to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Becon prebendary of Canterbury, that he had sent the archbishop an old monument worthy to be preserved and embraced for the antiquities sake, namely an exposition upon the gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke, with all the epistles of St. Paul both in Latin and English, dated Canterbury
- Letter from Andrew Perne to Matthew Parker || Epistola doctoris Perne, collegii D. Petri praepositi, in qua orat archiepiscopum, ut beneficium ecclesiasticum daretur filio magistri Egerton, data Cantabrigiae 21 Junii, 1565
- Letter from Thomas Herle to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Herle warden of Manchester, complaining of the troubles raised by Mr. Darker a puritanical preacher
- John Baret OCarm, Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy || Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy by John Barret
- Letter from Thomas Cooper to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cooper dean of Christ's church Oxford, thanking the archbishop for his favour and protection, and desiring the continuance of them: dated 4 January 1568
- Letter from David Lewes to Matthew Parker || Letter from David Lewes, desiring the archbishop to grant Whettel a kinsman of lady Pembroke, and a student of Oxford, a dispensation to hold a prebende in the cathedral church of St. Asaph, dated London 6 July, 1562
- Letter from Dr William Bill to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. W. Byll dean of Westminster, desiring that Dr. Hardeman and Mr. Alveye might not be absent from Westminster during the time of their residence, as it would occasion great infamy for disorder in that new college; and relating what passed between sir William Petres and himself about the appointment of preachers in such dioceses as lacked bishops: dated from the court 8 July, 1560
- Letter from Thomas Cole to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cole archdeacon of Essex, about a person who had forged the archbishop's hand
- Letter from William Day to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Day provost of Eton, desiring the archbishop to send his letters of recommendation to Eton-college in favour of William Smith of Cambridge, dated 23 January 1561
- Letter from Matthew Parker to the provost and fellows of Eton College || The archbishop's letter to the college, recommending Mr. Smith to be elected fellow there: dated Lambeth January 25
- Letter from Francis Mallett to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis Mallet dean of Lincoln, vindicating himself from the charge brought against him that he had preached unsound doctrine about the number of the sacraments: dated Lincoln March 24
- Letter from Hugh Turnbull to Matthew Parker || Letter from Hugh Turnbull prebend of Wells, about the payment of his tenths, dated Canterbury May 5, 1566
- Letter from Gregory Dodd to Matthew Parker || Letter from Gregory Dodd, desiring that none might be allowed to reside at Exeter but such as were preachers, dated Exeter 11 April 1560
- Letter from the dean and chapter of Peterborough to Matthew Parker || Letter from the dean and chapter of Peterborough, desiring they might be excused contributing towards the rebuilding of St. Paul's on account of their inability, dated 11 June, 1562
- Letter from William Turner to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Turner, desiring the archbishop would further his obtaining a supersedeas to the commission for appointing new delegates in the cause between sir John Goodman and himself
- Letter from the dean and chapter of Canterbury to Matthew Parker || Letter from the dean and chapter of Canterbury, recommending John Taylor for priests orders, dated February 2
- Letter from James Calfhill to Matthew Parker || Letter from James Calfehyll, thanking the archbishop for a dispensation to hold two livings, dated Bocking 17 November 1567
- Letter from William Bill to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Byll dean of Westminster and master of Trinity college Cambridge, acquainting the archbishop that the mastership of Katherine-hall is vacant by the resignation of Mr. Cosen, and desiring him to recommend a successor
- Letter from Lawrence Nowell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Lawrence Nowell dean of Litchfield, in favour of Mr. Walker and John Belshawe who had promised conformity: dated Litchfield June 2, 1567
- Letter from Thomas Cole to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cole archdeacon, in favour of Mrs. Grigby in a matrimonial cause: dated from out of Essex 20 June, 1567
- Letter from Matthew Parker concerning Jane Grigby || Letter from the archbishop to --, directing enquiry to be made into Mrs. Grigby's case: dated Lamhithe July 3, 1567
- Letter from R. Carew to Matthew Parker || Letter from R. Carewe, desiring the archbishop to grant Mr. Lloyd his permission to proceed proctor: dated from the Savoye October 30, 1568
- Letter from John Aylmer to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Ælmer archdeacon of Lincoln, that he had no historical MSS. but would shortly send him the archbishop of Canterbury's comment upon the old testament, dated Lincoln 3 November 1567
- Letter from John Kermall to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Kermall, recommending a person to the archbishop, dated Oxford November 25, 1567
- Letter from Laurence Humphrey to Matthew Parker || Letter from Lawrence Humfrey president of Magdalen-college Oxford, recommending a member of Christ's Church to the archbishop, and desiring him to give orders for a public fast: dated Oxford November 29
- Letter from John Warner to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Warner warden of All-Soul's to Dr. Yale dean of the arches, recommending John Tukey to be appointed dean of Law, dated Oxford 5 December 1562
- Letter from Alexander Nowell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Nowell dean of St. Paul's, concerning the opinion of the schoolmen as to the words of consecration
- Letter from Matthew Hutton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Matthew Hutton, that he should come and preach at court as required: dated February 22, 1564
- Letter from Robert Beaumont to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Beaumont master of Trinity-college Cambridge, desiring a dispensation to eat flesh, dated Cambridge ultima Februarii
- Letter from Henry Siddall to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Syddal canon of Christ's Church, desiring he might be excused bringing up the statutes himself: dated Oxford June 11, 1560
- Letter from Edward Leeds to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Leed, master of Clare-hall, that the bishop of Ely had at the archbishop's request ratified and confirmed a deed relating to their college: dated Clare-hall April 8, 1562
- Letter from Thomas Bingham to Matthew Parker || Epistola Thomae Bingham, in qua orat archiepiscopum ut beneficium ecclesiasticum daretur juniori Egerton: data Cantabrigiae 11 kal. quint. 1565
- Letter from Antonio del Corro to Matthew Parker || Epistola Antonii Corrani Hispallensis, quod miserat filiis archiepiscopi duos libros Gallicos a se conscriptos in gratiam Antwerpiensis ecclesiae, in qua pastoris munere olim erat functus, data Londini 16 Januarii 1568
- Letter from James "Ληχαίος" (White?) to Matthew Parker || ̓Επιστολ̀η ̓Ιακ́ωβου το̑υ Ληχαίου πρ̀ος τ̀ον ἀρχιεπίσκοπον
- Letter from Laurence Humphrey to Matthew Parker || Epistola Laurentii Humfredii ad archiepiscopum et episcopum Londinensem, quod socii collegii cujusdam noluerunt eligere eum in munus ei a praelatis designatum: data Oxoniae 17 Septembris
- Letter from George Ackworth to Matthew Parker || Epistola Georgii Ackworthii de ratione studiorum suorum, data Cantabrigiae 10 calendas Aprilis 1560
- Letter from Edward Gascoigne to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Gascoyn, desiring that his pension may be assured to him by deed from the bishop and chancellor of Norwich, dated Norwich 29 January 1566
- Letter from Richard Grafton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Grafton concerning a book that he was printing
- Petition of Dr. Gascoigne || Petition of Dr. Gascoyne, humbly offering to prove his innocencye and to purge himself of every crime objected against him, if the bishop of Norwich would either restore him to his former office of chancellorship, or fulfill the promise he made to the duke of Norfolk with restitution of charges and damages sustained by the said Dr. Gascoyne: dated 13 December 1566
- Letter from Walter Tempest to Matthew Parker || Letter from Walter Tempest (the ignorant curate as Strype terms him of St. Ægidius Cripplegate) to Mr. Pierce almoner to the archbishop, dated 5 June, 1563
- Petition of Lawrence Hayward and Alice his wife, relating to a suit they had with Henry Knight || Petition of Lawrence Hayward and Alice his wife, relating to a suit they had with Henry Knight about some lands that they held of the manor of Lambeth
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Robinson (1530?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Robinson
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Rowland Meyrick (1504?-1566)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Rowland Merrick
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Cheyney (151.-1579)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Cheney
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Cecil (1520-1598)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Cecil
- Other form
- Cecil, William (1520-1598)
- Lord Burleigh
- Cecil, William, 1520-1598, 1st Baron Burghley, royal minister, Lord Treasurer 1572
- Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598
- William Cecil, Lord Burghley
- Cecil, William, First Baron Burghley (1520/1-1598)
- Burghley, William Cecil Baron (1520-1598)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hugh Curwen (1500?-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hugh Curwen
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hugh Jones (1508-1574)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hugh Jones
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Davies (1501-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Davies
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Davies (1511?-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Davies
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Pilkington (1520-1576)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- James Pilkington
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Downham (1510?-1577)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Downham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Best (15..-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Best
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edmund Grindal (1519?-1583)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Grindal
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Foxe (1516-1587)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Foxe
- Other form
- John Fox
- Foxe, John (1516-1587)
- Foxe, John
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Alley (1510?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Alley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Parkhurst (1511?-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Parkhurst
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Spottiswoode (1509?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Spottiswoode
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Knox (1514?-1572)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Knox
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Craig (1512?-1600)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Craig
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Petre (1505?-1572)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir William Petre
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Wotton (1497?-1567)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Wotton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Rogers (1498?-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- G. Rogers
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Parry (1515?-1560)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Parry
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Mason (1503?-1566)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir John Mason
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Knollys (1511?-1596)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Francis Knollys
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ambrose Cave (1503?-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Abraham Cave
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Boleyn (1480?-1561)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- James Boleyn
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Warner (1511-1565)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Warner
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Tyrwhitt (1510?-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Robert Tyrwhitt
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Throckmorton (1515-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Nicholas Throckmorton
- Other form
- Nicholas Throckmorton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Radcliffe (1533-1593)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Radcliffe
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- George Howard (1519?-1580?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir George Howard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Gresham (1519?-1579)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Thomas Gresham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Butts (1485?-1545)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir William Butts
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Butts (1513-1583)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir William Butts the younger
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dr J. Smith
- Preferred form
- Edmund Wyndham (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Wyndham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Hopton (15..-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- R. Hopton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Bourne (15..-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- J. Bourne
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Wroth (1518?-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Wroth
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Warham St Leger (1525?-1597)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Warham St Leger
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walter Haddon (1514?-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter Haddon
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Herne
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Joscelin (1507?-1562)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Josselyn
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- George Somerset (15..-1560)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- G. Somerset
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Doyle (1500?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Doyle
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Kempe (1517-1591)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Kempe
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Crispe (1505?-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Crisp
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Seckford (1515?-1587)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Seckford
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Man (1514?-1569)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Mann
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Master (15..-1587?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Masters
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gilbert Gerard (15..-1593)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gilbert Gerrard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Allen (1518?-157.)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- F. Allen
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Tamworth (1524?-1569)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Tamworth
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Heneage (1532?-1595)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Heneage
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Goodrich (150.-1562)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Goodrich
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Wotton (1521-1587)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Wotton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Crowmere (1531?-1598)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Crowmere
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Tufton
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Tufton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Cotton (15..?-1561)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- W. Cotton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Hales (1515?-1585?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Hales
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- -- Coleby
- Preferred form
- Thomas Scott (1534?-1594)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Scott
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Crispe
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Crisp
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Agmondesham (1511?-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Agmondisham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Pate (1516-1588)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Pate
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Roger Manwood (1524?-1592)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Roger Manwood
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Doyley
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Doyley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Stoughton
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Stoughton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Goldwell
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Goldwell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Southwell
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Southwell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Swerder (15..-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Swerder
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Simeon Steward (15..?-1568?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Simeon Steward
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Boxall (1524?-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Boxall
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Babington (15..-1569?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Francis Babington
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Wilson (1525?-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Wilson
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Miles Spencer (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Miles Spencer
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Taverner (1505?-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Taverner
- Other form
- Taverner, Richard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Johannes Caius (1510-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Caius
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Story (1503?-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Story
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Peter Lyly (15..?-1569)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Peter Lysly
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Weston (1522?-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Weston
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- David Lewes
- Preferred form
- Thomas Martin (1520?-1592?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Martin
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Immanuel Tremellius (1510-1580)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Immanuel Tremellius
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Godwin (1517-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Godwin
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Becon (1512?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Becon
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Andrew Perne (1519?-1589)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Andrew Perne
- Other form
- Andrew Perne (c.1519-1589)
- Perne, Andrew, 1519?-1589
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Herle (15..-15..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Herle
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Barrett (1495?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Baret OCarm
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Cooper (1517?-1594)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cooper
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Bill (15..?-1561)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dr William Bill
- Other form
- William Bill
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Cole (1520?-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cole
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Day (1529-1596)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Day
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Mallett (15..-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Francis Mallett
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hugh Turnbull (1517-1566)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hugh Turnbull
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gregory Dodds (15..-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gregory Dodd
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Turner (1508?-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Turner
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Calfhill (1529?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- James Calfhill
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Laurence Nowell (1516?-1576)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lawrence Nowell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- R. Carew
- Preferred form
- John Aylmer (1520?-1594)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Aylmer
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Kennall (152.-1591)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Kermall
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Laurence Humphrey (1527?-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Laurence Humphrey
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Warner (15..?-1565)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Warner
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Alexander Nowell (1516?-1602)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander Nowell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Hutton (1529?-1606)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Hutton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Beaumont (15..-1567)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Beaumont
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Siddall (15..-1572)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Siddall
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Leeds (152.-1590?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Leeds
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Byng (15..-1599)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Bingham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Antonio del Corro (1527-1591)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Antonio del Corro
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- George Acworth (1534-1579?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- George Ackworth
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Gascoyne (15..-1569?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Gascoigne
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Grafton (15..-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Grafton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walter Tempest (15..?-1563?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter Tempest
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: MS 114, now split into two parts (MS 114A and MS 114B), contains a large collection of letters written to or by Matthew Parker (1504-75). His diverse career included serving as the dean of the Suffolk college of Stoke by Clare; as one of Anne Boleyn's chaplains and, after her fall, as one of the king's chaplains; as master of Corpus Christi College and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; and, after a forced period of seclusion during the reign of Mary, as archbishop of Canterbury. Just as this broad career is reflected across the Parker Library collection as a whole, much of it is reflected here in a microcosm of letters. The manuscript dates to the sixteenth century.
Contents :
499-500 - Letter from Nicholas Robinson to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robinson bishop of Bangor, desiring the archbishop to confirm a lease he had granted of the parsonage of Witney, dated Bangor 12 June, 1567
Note: p. 500 blank
501-502 - Letter from Rowland Merrick to Matthew Parker || Letter from Merick bishop of Bangor, that he had sent the archbishop a book with the names, &c. of every beneficed person within his diocese, dated Bangor 7 May, 1561
Note: Strype, Parker I p. 508 ch. XVIII
Note: p. 502 blank
503-504 - Letter from Nicholas Robinson to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robinson bishop of Bangor, that he had sent the archbishop a copy of part of Eadmerus' history, and hoped shortly to have the remaining part transcribed for him: he also acquaints his grace that there are no faithful monuments of antiquity to be found in Wales, and desires him to recommend the son of Mr. Fletcher his principal register to All-Soul's college Oxford, dated Bangor 7 October 1567
Note: Strype, Parker I p. 509 ch. XVIII. See MS 341
Note: p. 504 blank
505-505 - Letter from Richard Cheney to William Cecil || Letter from R. Cheney to Mr. secretary Cecill; - he desires that more preachers might be sent abroad, and complains of the queen's takers [purveyors] who had seized a quarter of his wheat; and gives an account of a dispute about the pronunciation of Greek, concerning which he tells a pleasant story, dated Halford in Warwickshire April 16, 1561
Note: Parker, Correspondence XCVIII note
506-506 - Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill, recommending Dr. Cheney to the archbishop
Note: Parker, Correspondence XCVIII
506-506 - Letter from Richard Cheney to Matthew Parker || Letter from Cheney bishop of Gloucester, recommending the son of sir John Baskerville, dated Gloucester 3 February
509-510 - Declaration of Anthony Kitchin || A writing signed by Kitchin bishop of Landaff, in which he promises to maintain the established religion, and to tender the oath of supremacy to all persons receiving office ecclesiastical or temporal within his diocese, which oath the queen had allowed him longer time to consider of, before he should be required to take it, dated 18 July, I Elizabethae
Note: p. 510 sender
511-512 - Letter from Hugh Curwen to Matthew Parker || Letter from Curwin bishop of Oxford, thanking the archbishop for giving up his option, dated Bainton 22 November 1567
Note: p. 512 blank
513-514 - Letter from Hugh Jones to Matthew Parker || Letter from Jones bishop of Landaff, requesting that he may be permitted to appear by proxy in convocation and parliament, dated Matharne 20 September 1566
Note: p. 514 blank
515-516 - Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker || Letter from Davies bishop of St. Asaph, excusing his not coming to town about his translation on account of his bad health, dated Wryxham 18 April 1561
Note: Parker, Correspondence XCVII
Note: p. 516 blank
517-518 - Letter from Thomas Davies to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Davies bishop of St. Asaph's, desiring to have a dispensation to hold the rectories of Eston and Crome in commendam, dated St. Asaph's ultima Augusti 1566
519-520 - Letter from James Pilkington to Matthew Parker || Letter from Pilkington bishop of Durham, recommending George Hargreves and Wight of St. John's, as proper persons either of them to have the vicarage of Rachedale, and complaining of many things in the diocese which wanted reformation
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLXVIII
520-522 - Letter from James Pilkington to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending a person to the archbishop, dated Awklam 23 August 1563
Note: p. 521 blank
Note: p. 522 address
523-524 - Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop-elect of Chester, desiring the archbishop to grant his chaplain William Pascho a dispensation to hold two livings, dated from the court 2 May, 1561
Note: p. 524 blank
525-526 - Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to Ralf Vincent to hold the rectory of Smeton, tho' not in orders, dated Chester 26 March, 1565
Note: p. 526 blank
527-528 - Letter from John Best to Matthew Parker || Letter from Best bishop of Carlisle, desiring the archbishop to renew his dispensation for holding Rumald church in commendam, dated April 9, 1567
Note: Strype, Parker I p. 509 ch. XVIII
Note: p. 528 blank
529-529 - Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker || Letter from Grindall bishop of London, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence for non-residence to Thomas Walker parson of Shadwell in Essex, dated London 23 February 1567
Note: Parker Society, Grindall, no. XLVII
530-530 - Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, requesting the same favour for John Woolton, dated London 2 July, 1568
Note: Parker Society, Grindall, no. L
531-532 - Dispensation granted to W. Martin || Dispensatio concessa W. Martin ad tenendam rectoriam de Shilbrooke in diocesi Exon. per quinquennium i Decembris 1564
Note: p. 532 blank
533-536 - Dispensation granted to Thomas Williams || Dispensatio concessa Thomas Williams notho ad beneficia ecclesiastica de Lan Edy et Llan Lowghin retinenda vel quaevis alia accipienda 21 Septembris 1561
Note: p. 536 blank
537-346 - Letter from John Foxe to Matthew Parker || Literae Ioannis Foxii, ut concedatur ei quadragesimalis vescendi licentia, data Londini 7 Februarii
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLXXII
Note: pp. 538 - 546 blank except for addresses on some pages
547-548 - Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from Mr. secretary Cecill, that it is her majesties pleasure, that the archbishop should grant a dispensation to the scholars of Winchester touching the observation of Wednesday as a fish-day, dated Westminster March 14, 1564
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLXXVII
Note: p. 548 blank
549-550 - Dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Talis dispensatio concessa academiae Cantabrigiensi
550-551 - Confirmation of dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Confirmatio ejusdem per reginam
552-552 - Letter of thanks to Matthew Parker for dispensation granted to Cambridge University || Literae academiae, in quibus gratias agunt academici pro dispensatione sibi concessa, datae 11 kalendas Decembris 1564
Note: Parker, Correspondence p. 235 note, Strype Appendix 32
553-553 - Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop of Chester, recommending the son of sir Thomas Gerrard of Lancashire to the archbishop for a dispensation to hold a living, dated Chester 4 October 1567
554-554 - Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Alley bishop of Exeter, desiring the archbishop to grant a like dispensation for four years to William Germyn a scholar of Oxford, dated Exeter 9 April 1567
555-556 - Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker || Letter from Parkhurst bishop of Norwich that he had received the archbishop's commission to proceed upon the articles exhibited by the parson of Heningham and his parishioners; - that several persons in his diocese who had taken dispensations from the faculties for orders had altered the words non suffraganei to vel suffraganei particularly one Simpson of Norwich; - that Tredar late vicar of Wesenham wanted to resume a benefice which he had resigned by proxy, and which he [the bishop] had conferred on Kindersley of Norwich, he therefore prays that the proxy then in the hands of an officer of the arches may be sent down to him: dated Norwich 29 January 1568
557-559 - Dispensation granted to Gilbert Berkeley || Dispensatio concessa Gilberto Barkely episcopo Bathon. et Wellen. ad tenend. beneficium ecclesiasticum in commendam
561-566 - Dispensation granted to William Simpson || Dispensatio concessa Willelmo Simpson ad sacros ordines suscipiendas
Note: pp. 562 - 566 blank except for addresses on some pages
567-568 - Letter from John Spottiswoode, John Knox and John Craig to Matthew Parker and Thomas Young || Letter from Mr. John Spottiswood superintendant of the Lowthean, Mr. John Knox and Mr. John Craig ministers of Edinburgh to the archbishops of Canterbury and York, desiring them to publish a citation in their respective provinces for Anne Gordane to appear before the session of Edinburgh, dated Edinburgh February 10, 1563
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLVII
569-570 - Act of the general assembly of the kirk of Scotland, dated 29 December 1563 || Act of the general assembly of the kirk of Scotland to the same purpose, dated 29 December 1563
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLVII note
Note: p. 570 blank
571-574 - Letter from Matthew Parker to William Cecil || Letter from the archbishop to Mr. secretary Cecill, desiring his advice as to what regard should be paid to the above request of the general assembly, dated April 14
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLIX (note)
Note: pp. 572 - 574 blank except for addresses on some pages
575-576 - Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill, that he had sent the archbishop a form of prayer drawn up by the bishop of London, and that orders had been dispatched to the earl of Warwick to surrender New-Haven
Note: Parker, Correspondence CXXXVI
Note: p. 576 address
577-578 - Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending sir Henry Lee to the archbishop, dated Wyndsor 24 September 1569
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCLXXII
Note: p. 578 blank
579-580 - Letter from Sir William Petre to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Petres, that he had sent the queen's commission directed to the archbishop and others, to draw up statutes for Christ-Church Oxford, dated Greenwich 6 June, 1566
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXXXII
Note: p. 580 blank
581-582 - Letter from Nicholas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. N. Wootton, recommending Mr. Anthony Rush to be schoolmaster at Canterbury, dated Canterbury ultima June 1561
Note: Parker, Correspondence CIII and note
Note: p. 582 blank
583-586 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Nicholas Wotton || The archbishop's answer
Note: Parker, Correspondence CIII and note
Note: pp. 584 - 586 blank except for addresses on some pages
587-588 - Letter from Sir William Petre to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Petres, that he had sent the archbishop a letter and articles received from Germany, which her majesty desires him to consider, dated Greenwich 14 July, 1560
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXXXII
Note: p. 588 blank
589-592 - Letter from William Cecil to Matthew Parker || Letter from Mr. secretary Cecill, thanking the archbishop for his advice concerning the appeasing the controversy about Christ's descent into hell, and expressing his concern at a commission the queen was minded to put forth to enquire into the waste of the clergy thro' the whole realm, dated Westminster 12 September 1567
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXXIV
Note: pp. 590 - 592 blank except for addresses on some pages
593-594 - Letter from G. Rogers to Matthew Parker || From G. Rogers, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to John Deker to hold a prebende: dated from the court 19 December 1559
Note: p. 594 blank
595-596 - Letter from Thomas Parry to Matthew Parker || From Thomas Parry, desiring that William Forde may have the parsonage of Cleve in the county of Gloucester, dated from the court 26 August 1559
Note: p. 596 blank
597-598 - Letter from Sir John Mason to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir John Mason, desiring that the students of New-College may be treated with lenity in hopes of their future conformity, dated May 12, 1562
Note: p. 598 blank
599-600 - Letter to Matthew Parker concerning Dr. Baskerville || Letter from --, desiring that Dr. Baxtervyle may be released from his imprisonment on his promise of conformity, dated November 20, 1562
Note: Parker, Correspondence p. 171 note
601-608 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Nicholas Bacon || Letter from the archbishop to the lord-keeper in favor of Dr. Baxtervyle
Note: Parker, Correspondence CXXIV
Note: pp. 602 - 608 blank except for addresses on some pages
609-610 - Letter from Sir Francis Knollys to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir F. Knollys, desiring the archbishop to persuade Edward Chamber to subscribe, and wishing the archbishop success in his good enterprize against the enormities still retained in the queen's closet [probably the use of the crucifix] dated from the court 13 October 1559
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXVII
Note: p. 610 blank
611-616 - Letter from Abraham Cave to Matthew Parker || Letter from Abraham Cave, desiring the archbishop to call before the high commission court John Marshall and Mary wife of John Kempe for living together in adultery: dated from the Savoye 18 February 1567
Note: pp. 612 - 616 blank except for addresses on some pages
617-618 - Letter from James Boleyn to Matthew Parker || Letter from James Boleyn, desiring the archbishop to grant sir Robert Payne parson of Salington in Norfolk a dispensation for non-residence and for holding two benefices, dated April 27
Note: p. 618 blank
619-620 - Letter from Edward Warner to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Warner, desiring that Christopher Southes might be admitted by proxy to the prebend of Ofgoodby in the church of Lincoln; dated from the tower of London 22 July, 1560
Note: p. 620 blank
621-622 - Letter from Sir Robert Tyrwhitt and Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Tyrwhyt and N. Throkmorton in favor of Thomas Darbie; dated London 28 September 1569
Note: p. 622 blank
623-624 - Letter from Henry Radcliffe to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Radclyff, desiring the archbishop to grant Edward Crofte a scholar of Cambridge a dispensation to hold a benefice for seven years; dated from the court 8 July, 1568
Note: p. 624 blank
625-625 - Letter from Sir George Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir George Howard, recommending Mr. Beard vicar of Greenwich to the archbishop: dated from the court 11 October 1563
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLI and note
625-626 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Sir George Howard || The archbishop's answer
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLI and note
Note: p. 626 blank
627-636 - Letter from Sir Thomas Gresham to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir Thomas Gresham, desiring the archbishop to institute the bearer to the living of Great Massingham in Norfolk; dated London 25 May, 1567
Note: pp. 628 - 636 blank except for addresses on some pages
637-638 - Letter from Sir William Butts to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Butts to Dr. Parker (when master of C.C.C.C.) recommending two young persons and their tutor to him: dated from the court 19 May, 37 Henrici VIII
Note: p. 638 blank
639-640 - Letter from Sir William Butts the younger to Matthew Parker || Letter from sir William Butts, son to the former, desiring the archbishop to maintain Marmaduke Wood in the possession of the living of Wissingset in Norfolk, against one Watesone, who was already possessed of the livings of North Walsham and Erpingham, and who wanted to obtain it from the archbishop; dated Thornage ultima Januarii 1567
Note: p. 640 blank
641-644 - Letter from Dr J. Smith to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. J. Smith, desiring that Tristam Swadell might have leave to return to Cambridge: dated Monthall February 5
Note: pp. 642 - 644 blank except for addresses on some pages
645-645 - Letter from Edmund Wyndham and others to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edmund Whyndham and others, desiring the archbishop to grant unto John Toundshend a dispensation to hold the living of Eastwell in Suffolk for a longer time, without taking priests orders: dated 6 August 1567
646-654 - Letter from R. Hopton and others to Matthew Parker || Letter from R. Hopton and others, desiring that one Master Lawrens may have his licence restored to him, as he was the only preacher between Blyburgh and Ipswich, dated 27 October 1567
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXXVI
Note: Signatures of the letter are pasted on p. 646. Letter starts on p. 647
Note: pp. 648 - 654 blank except for addresses on some pages
655-656 - Letter from J. Bourne to Matthew Parker || Letter from J. Bourne, desiring the archbishop to give credit to the bearer Mr. Allen, in what he should relate of some things that required reformation; dated from the castle of the Holte 10 February 1562
Note: p. 656 blank
657-660 - Letter from Thomas Wroth to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Wrothe, recommending Mr. Bewlie parson of Racheford a suitor for the living of South-church, dated Ratcheford 16 July, 1562
Note: pp. 658 - 660 blank except for addresses on some pages
661-661 - Letter from Warham St Leger to Matthew Parker || Letter from Warham Sentleger, that he had remitted the archbishop thirty pounds: dated Leeds 13 April 1560
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXXVIII and note
662-662 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Warham St Leger || The archbishop's answer
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXXVIII and note
663-664 - Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gualteri Haddon, data pridie nonas Julii
Note: Parker, Correspondence CLXVI
Note: p. 664 blank
665-668 - Letter from Henry -- to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry --, desiring to have a licence to eat flesh, dated Sherland the 17 February 1563
Note: pp. 666 - 668 blank except for addresses on some pages
669-670 - Letter from Thomas Josselyn to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Josselyn, he thanks the archbishop for his kindness towards his son John Josselyn, and desires his acceptance of a doe and two cygnets: dated Newhall-Josselyn 21 November 1560
Note: p. 670 blank
671-674 - Letter from G. Somerset to Matthew Parker || Letter from G. Somerset, recommending a servant to the archbishop, dated Badmondisffelde in Suffolk February 8, 1559
Note: pp. 672 - 674 blank except for addresses on some pages
675-676 - Letter from Henry Doyle to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Doyley, thanking the archbishop for granting his son leave to visit him: dated Pondhall 12 March 1560
Note: p. 676 blank
677-678 - Letter from Thomas Kempe to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Kempe, desiring the archbishop to grant his licence for the marriage of his daughter with Thomas Shurleye, dated Olente in Kent February 8, 1560
Note: p. 678 blank
679-684 - Letter from Henry Crisp to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Cryspe, desiring to have a lease of Cheslett-park, dated Thanet January 30
Note: pp. 680 - 684 blank except for addresses on some pages
685-686 - Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gualteri Haddon, data Brugis 3 kalendas Augusti 1565, de victoria in Turcas
Note: Aschami Epistolae 1703, p. 444
689-690 - Letter from Thomas Seckford to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Sekford that it was the queen's pleasure that the widow of Allen her late chaplain and minister of Clyffe should have xx marks yearly out of that benefice: dated from the court
Note: p. 690 blank
691-692 - Letter from Thomas Seckford to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring that Mr. Wendye archdeacon of Suffolk might have a prebend of Norwich, dated from the court June 21, 1561
Note: Parker, Correspondence C
Note: p. 692 address
695-700 - Letter from John Mann to Matthew Parker || Epistola Io. Mann, data Madrid 4 Novembris 1566, quod impetraverat immunitatem religionis et securitatem ab omnibus molestiis sed sibi soli; famulis suis negabatur
Note: pp. 696 - 700 blank except for addresses on some pages
701-702 - Letter from Richard Masters to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Masters, desiring that his brother who did not conform in apparel might be suffered for a short time: dated Greenwich 8 June, 1566
Note: p. 702 blank
703-706 - Letter from -- to Matthew Parker on a matrimonial cause || Letter from -- on a matrimonial cause, dated from the court May 8
Note: pp. 704 - 706 blank except for addresses on some pages
707-710 - Letter from Richard Masters to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Masters, recommending a person from the earl of Leicester; dated Hampton-court November 1
Note: pp. 708 - 710 blank except for addresses on some pages
711-712 - Letter from Gilbert Gerrard to Matthew Parker || Letter from G. Gerrerd, desiring the archbishop to protect Latham fellow of Merton-College Oxford, who was in danger of losing his fellowship; dated 29 December 1567
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXXVIII note
Note: p. 712 blank
713-714 - Letter from Gilbert Gerrard to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to dispense with the decree that he had made, that three of the seniors of Merton-College should be priests; dated London 21 June, 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCL and note
Note: p. 714 blank
715-716 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Gilbert Gerrard || The archbishop's answer to the last letter, in which he expresses his surprize that out of twenty fellows of Merton-College there should not three be found disposed to enter into orders, and declares that he cannot in conscience recall his decree: dated Croydon June 21
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCL and note
Note: p. 716 blank
717-720 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Gilbert Gerrard || The archbishop's answer to Gerrerd's former letter, that the fellows of Merton accused Latham of many heinous crimes: ultima Decembris
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXXVIII
Note: pp. 718 - 720 blank except for addresses on some pages
721-722 - Letter from F. Allen to Matthew Parker || Letter from F. Allen enclosing letters from the council, dated Havering 15 July, 1568
Note: p. 722 blank
723-723 - Letter from John Tamworth to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Tamworth, recommending William King M.A. of Cambridge to the archbishop's service: dated from the court 24 May; with a note written by the archbishop that he had received him as his chaplain 21 June, 1565
723-724 - Letter from John Tamworth to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring that his kinsman [Ralph Lever] may have the archdeaconry of Northumberland
Note: p. 724 blank
725-726 - Letter from Thomas Heneage to Matthew Parker || Letter from T. Heneage, desiring the archbishop's interest to procure a lease from All-Soul's College Oxford for the widow Forster; dated from the court 11 May, 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXLIV and note
Note: p. 726 blank
727-728 - Letter from Thomas Heneage to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, that Mrs. Foster had not yet been able to procure the lease, chiefly thro' the opposition of the warden; dated from the court 30 May, 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXLIV and note
Note: p. 728 blank
729-732 - Letters from Matthew Parker to the warden of All Souls College, Oxford || Two letters from the archbishop, one to the society, dated Croydon June 11, 1568, the other to the warden, dated Lambeth May 12, in recommendation of Mrs. Forster's suit
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXLIV and CCXLVIII
733-734 - Letter from Richard Goodrich to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Goodrick, petitioning that a dispensation may be granted to the son of the widow Sparkes to hold an ecclesiastical benefice; dated Stolmmere July 29, 1560
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXLIV and CCXLVIII
Note: p. 734 blank
735-740 - Letter from Richard Goodrich to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, recommending a person for orders: dated White-friers London March 30, 1559
Note: pp. 736 - 740 blank except for addresses on some pages
741-742 - Letter from Thomas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Wotton, congratulating the archbishop upon his promotion, and desiring to be appointed his high steward: dated Bocton-Malherbe 30 July 1559
Note: The letter contains a wax seal on p. 741
Note: p. 742 blank
743-744 - Letter from William Crowmere to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Crowmere, recommending Mr. Simon Clerke to be one of the preachers of Christ-Church Canterbury, dated Tunstalle 27 July, 1560
Note: p. 744 blank
745-750 - Letter from John Tufton and Thomas Wotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Tufton and Thomas Wotton, recommending Edward Peckham school-master at Egerton for holy orders, dated 5 May, 1565
Note: pp. 746 - 750 blank except for addresses on some pages
751-752 - Letter from W. Cotton to Matthew Parker || Letter from W. Cotton, excusing his not having waited on the archbishop on account of his sickness, and promising the payment of the money he owed him: dated Panfyde July 15
Note: p. 752 blank
753-754 - Letter from Thomas Hales to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Hales, mayor of Canterbury and others, about the examination of a person
Note: p. 754 blank
755-756 - Letter from -- Coleby to Matthew Parker || Letter from -- Coleby, on the matrimonial cause between Mr. Fry and his wife
Note: p. 756 blank
757-758 - Letter from Thomas Scott to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Scott, that he had sent Christopher Warrener the late anchorite to the archbishop; dated Scott's-Hall August 4
Note: p. 758 blank
759-760 - Letter from William Crisp to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Cryspe, that he had sent the archbishop a dozen and half of guiles from the lord-warden, dated 15 June, 1565
Note: p. 760 blank
761-764 - Letter from John Agmondisham to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Agmondisham, desiring that William Atherton may be permitted to keep his living of Corfe, as he was ready to resign that of Easthersley to him [John Agmondisham] according to the archbishop's decree, dated London 28 May, 1565
Note: pp. 762 - 764 blank except for addresses on some pages
765-766 - Letter from Richard Pate to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Pate, desiring the archbishop's interest to procure from the queen the presentation to the parsonage of Bewster in Gloucestershire for his kinsman Thomas Pyrrye, the present incumbent Mr. Jenyns being willing to resign, dated Lambhuth 14 May, 1562
Note: p. 766 blank
767-768 - Letter from Roger Manwood to Matthew Parker || Letter from Roger Manwood, desiring the archbishop to give a living to Nicholas Coner: dated Gravesend January 4
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCLIX and note
Note: p. 768 blank
769-770 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Roger Manwood || The archbishop's answer, declining to comply with his request
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCLIX and note
Note: p. 770 address
771-774 - Letter from Robert Doyley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Doyley, vindicating himself from the accusation of having taken away the lead of the chancel at Islip: dated Islip 23 September
Note: pp. 772 - 774 blank except for addresses on some pages
775-778 - Letter from Thomas Stoughton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Stoughtan, desiring the archbishop's acceptance of a doe; dated December 7, 1567
Note: pp. 776 - 778 blank except for addresses on some pages
779-784 - Letter from John Goldwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Goldwell, about transcribing a book, dated Goldwell 3 June, 1568
Note: pp. 780 - 784 blank except for addresses on some pages
785-786 - Letter from John Southwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Southwell, desiring the archbishop to excuse his appearing before him to give account of the effects of Mr. Tolyes his testator on the 23 of that month, as he was the same day to attend the queen's eschetor at Bury: dated Ipswich September 16, 1560
Note: p. 786 blank
787-788 - Letter from William Swerder to Matthew Parker || Epistola Gulielmi Swerderi, in qua se excusat quod archiepiscopum nondum adiisset
Note: p. 788 blank
789-792 - Letter from Simeon Steward to Matthew Parker || Letter from Symeon Styward, desiring the archbishop to give the living of little Barton in Suffolk to his kinsman, which he [Styward] had promised him, thinking he had purchased the patronage with the manor, tho' he had since found the next presentation was in the archbishop, dated Lakynfield June 20
Note: pp. 790 - 792 blank except for addresses on some pages
793-794 - Letter from John Boxall to Matthew Parker || Letter from Boxall, thanking the archbishop for his kindness to him when confined in his house, and for the leave he had obtained of removing to Bromleigh: dated Bromleigh July 13
Note: p. 794 blank
795-796 - Letter from William Cecil and Thomas Parry to Matthew Parker || Letter from secretary Cecill and Thomas Parry, signifying to the archbishop the queen's pleasure, that he should tender the oath to Dr. Boxall, and deprive him if he refused taking it: dated from the court November 2, 1559
Note: Parker, Correspondence LXXI
Note: p. 796 blank
797-798 - Letter from Richard Cheney to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Cheney, about his preaching at Worcester, dated Halford 24 January 1560
Note: p. 798 blank
799-800 - Letter from Francis Babington to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis Babington, vice-chancellor of Oxford, to the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners, thanking them for their recommendation of Lawrence Umphryde to be lady Margaret's reader of divinity, and informing them that every thing had been done according to their directions, dated Baliol-College June 12, 1560
Note: p. 800 blank
801-810 - Letter from Thomas Wilson to Matthew Parker || Epistola Thomae Wilson, in qua gratias agit archiepiscopo, quod illius beneficio Stochiensis ludi constitutus est moderator, et dicit se non potuisse adhuc invenire apud bibliopolas novum testamentum Colinaei typis excussum: data Louanii 8 Septembris 1560
Note: pp. 802 - 810 blank except for addresses on some pages
811-812 - Letter from Miles Spencer to Matthew Parker || Letter from Miles Spencer chancellor of Norwich, that he had according to order given notice thro' the whole diocese for all persons to receive the communion at the ensuing Easter; and that he had sent the chapter's election of their new bishop, and complains of an inhibition issued out against him from the court of audience for having enjoined penance to one Thomas Reve for living in adultery, dated Norwich April 18, 1560
Note: p. 812 blank
813-814 - Letter from Richard Taverner to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Taverner, that he had received a writ under the privy-seal, to lend the queen C£. which he had it not in his power to do: dated Wodeaton 6 February 1562
Note: p. 814 blank
815-818 - Letter from John Caius to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Caius, that he had sent the archbishop his answer to the Oxford book, and desires his opinion of it: dated Cambridge April 8, 1567
Note: Strype, Appendix 55 and Parker, Correspondence CCXXIX
Note: pp. 817 - 818 blank except for addresses on some pages
819-820 - Letter from John Story to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Storye, offering to take the oath, and desiring to be set at liberty
Note: p. 820 address
821-824 - Letter from Peter Lysly to Matthew Parker || Letter from Peter Lysly, desiring the archbishop to admit his claim of being register of the diocese of Canterbury: dated Canterbury ultima Martis, 1568
Note: pp. 822 - 824 blank except for addresses on some pages
825-826 - Letter from Weston to Matthew Parker || Letter from Weston, recommending Christopher Rochell to be deputy register of the court of audience: dated London July 21
Note: p. 826 address
827-830 - Letter from David Lewes to Matthew Parker || Letter from David Lewes, recommending a person to be admitted proctor, dated London July 7, 1561
Note: pp. 828 - 830 blank except for addresses on some pages
841-842 - Letter from Thomas Martin to Mr. Lark || Letter from Thomas Martin to Mr. Lark recommending Mr. Westall to be appointed a public notary
Note: p. 842 blank
843-844b - Certificate of the character and abilities of Thomas Hawkin for the office of a notary public || Certificate of the character and abilities of Thomas Hawkin for the office of a notary public, signed by sir Richard Bede and Dr. Gybon, dated 8 June, 10 Elizabethae
Note: pp. 844 - 844b blank except for addresses on some pages
844c-844d - Letter from Immanuel Tremellius to Matthew Parker || Epistola Immanuelis Tremellii ad archiepiscopum de libro quem editurus erat, data Francofurdi 16 Septembris 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCLV
Note: p. 844d blank
844e-844f - Letter from Thomas Godwin to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Goodwyn dean of Canterbury, that they had hitherto been hindered in the reformation of their statutes by sundry and weighty business, but hoped to proceed in it after Easter, dated Canterbury 25 January 1567
Note: p. 844f blank
844g-844h - Letter from Thomas Becon to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Becon prebendary of Canterbury, that he had sent the archbishop an old monument worthy to be preserved and embraced for the antiquities sake, namely an exposition upon the gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke, with all the epistles of St. Paul both in Latin and English, dated Canterbury
Note: The MS. referred to must be MS 32 in this library
Note: p. 844h blank
844i-844j - Letter from Andrew Perne to Matthew Parker || Epistola doctoris Perne, collegii D. Petri praepositi, in qua orat archiepiscopum, ut beneficium ecclesiasticum daretur filio magistri Egerton, data Cantabrigiae 21 Junii, 1565
Note: p. 844j address
844k-844l - Letter from Thomas Herle to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Herle warden of Manchester, complaining of the troubles raised by Mr. Darker a puritanical preacher
Note: p. 844l blank
844m-844n - John Baret OCarm, Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy || Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy by John Barret
Note: p. 844n blank
Note: This is J. Barret, Prior of the Carmelites at Cambridge, who wrote MS 124 etc. He left his books to Norwich, and died 1563. Cooper, Ath. Cant. I 224 (H. P. S.)
844o-844p - Letter from Thomas Cooper to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cooper dean of Christ's church Oxford, thanking the archbishop for his favour and protection, and desiring the continuance of them: dated 4 January 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXL note
Note: p. 844p blank
844q-844t - Letter from David Lewes to Matthew Parker || Letter from David Lewes, desiring the archbishop to grant Whettel a kinsman of lady Pembroke, and a student of Oxford, a dispensation to hold a prebende in the cathedral church of St. Asaph, dated London 6 July, 1562
Note: pp. 844r - 844t blank except for addresses on some pages
845-848 - Letter from Dr William Bill to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. W. Byll dean of Westminster, desiring that Dr. Hardeman and Mr. Alveye might not be absent from Westminster during the time of their residence, as it would occasion great infamy for disorder in that new college; and relating what passed between sir William Petres and himself about the appointment of preachers in such dioceses as lacked bishops: dated from the court 8 July, 1560
Note: Parker, Correspondence p. 119, 120 note
Note: pp. 846 - 848 blank except for addresses on some pages
849-850 - Letter from Thomas Cole to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cole archdeacon of Essex, about a person who had forged the archbishop's hand
Note: p. 850 blank
851-852 - Letter from William Day to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Day provost of Eton, desiring the archbishop to send his letters of recommendation to Eton-college in favour of William Smith of Cambridge, dated 23 January 1561
Note: p. 852 blank
853-854 - Letter from Matthew Parker to the provost and fellows of Eton College || The archbishop's letter to the college, recommending Mr. Smith to be elected fellow there: dated Lambeth January 25
Note: Parker, Correspondence CXVII
Note: p. 854 address
855-860 - Letter from Francis Mallett to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis Mallet dean of Lincoln, vindicating himself from the charge brought against him that he had preached unsound doctrine about the number of the sacraments: dated Lincoln March 24
Note: pp. 857 - 858 blank except for addresses on some pages
861-862 - Letter from Hugh Turnbull to Matthew Parker || Letter from Hugh Turnbull prebend of Wells, about the payment of his tenths, dated Canterbury May 5, 1566
Note: p. 862 blank
863-864 - Letter from Gregory Dodd to Matthew Parker || Letter from Gregory Dodd, desiring that none might be allowed to reside at Exeter but such as were preachers, dated Exeter 11 April 1560
Note: p. 864 blank
865-866 - Letter from the dean and chapter of Peterborough to Matthew Parker || Letter from the dean and chapter of Peterborough, desiring they might be excused contributing towards the rebuilding of St. Paul's on account of their inability, dated 11 June, 1562
Note: p. 866 blank
867-874 - Letter from William Turner to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Turner, desiring the archbishop would further his obtaining a supersedeas to the commission for appointing new delegates in the cause between sir John Goodman and himself
Note: pp. 868 - 874 blank except for addresses on some pages
875-876 - Letter from the dean and chapter of Canterbury to Matthew Parker || Letter from the dean and chapter of Canterbury, recommending John Taylor for priests orders, dated February 2
Note: p. 876 blank
877-878 - Letter from James Calfhill to Matthew Parker || Letter from James Calfehyll, thanking the archbishop for a dispensation to hold two livings, dated Bocking 17 November 1567
Note: p. 878 blank
879-882 - Letter from William Bill to Matthew Parker || Letter from William Byll dean of Westminster and master of Trinity college Cambridge, acquainting the archbishop that the mastership of Katherine-hall is vacant by the resignation of Mr. Cosen, and desiring him to recommend a successor
Note: pp. 880 - 882 blank except for addresses on some pages
883-886 - Letter from Lawrence Nowell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Lawrence Nowell dean of Litchfield, in favour of Mr. Walker and John Belshawe who had promised conformity: dated Litchfield June 2, 1567
Note: pp. 884 - 886 blank except for addresses on some pages
887-888 - Letter from Thomas Cole to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cole archdeacon, in favour of Mrs. Grigby in a matrimonial cause: dated from out of Essex 20 June, 1567
Note: Parker, Correspondence p. 303 note
Note: p. 888 blank
889-892 - Letter from Matthew Parker concerning Jane Grigby || Letter from the archbishop to --, directing enquiry to be made into Mrs. Grigby's case: dated Lamhithe July 3, 1567
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXXII
Note: pp. 890 - 892 blank except for addresses on some pages
893-896 - Letter from R. Carew to Matthew Parker || Letter from R. Carewe, desiring the archbishop to grant Mr. Lloyd his permission to proceed proctor: dated from the Savoye October 30, 1568
Note: pp. 894 - 896 blank except for addresses on some pages
897-900 - Letter from John Aylmer to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Ælmer archdeacon of Lincoln, that he had no historical MSS. but would shortly send him the archbishop of Canterbury's comment upon the old testament, dated Lincoln 3 November 1567
Note: The MS. may be MS 55. Aylmer had promised it to Parker before. Strype, Parker I 511 ch. XVIII
Note: pp. 898 - 900 blank except for addresses on some pages
901-902 - Letter from John Kermall to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Kermall, recommending a person to the archbishop, dated Oxford November 25, 1567
Note: p. 902 blank
903-908 - Letter from Laurence Humphrey to Matthew Parker || Letter from Lawrence Humfrey president of Magdalen-college Oxford, recommending a member of Christ's Church to the archbishop, and desiring him to give orders for a public fast: dated Oxford November 29
Note: pp. 904 - 908 blank except for addresses on some pages
909-912 - Letter from John Warner to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Warner warden of All-Soul's to Dr. Yale dean of the arches, recommending John Tukey to be appointed dean of Law, dated Oxford 5 December 1562
Note: pp. 910 - 912 blank except for addresses on some pages
913-914 - Letter from Alexander Nowell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Nowell dean of St. Paul's, concerning the opinion of the schoolmen as to the words of consecration
Note: Parker, Correspondence CXCII
Note: p. 914 blank
915-918 - Letter from Matthew Hutton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Matthew Hutton, that he should come and preach at court as required: dated February 22, 1564
Note: pp. 916 - 918 blank except for addresses on some pages
919-920 - Letter from Robert Beaumont to Matthew Parker || Letter from Robert Beaumont master of Trinity-college Cambridge, desiring a dispensation to eat flesh, dated Cambridge ultima Februarii
Note: p. 920 blank
921-922 - Letter from Henry Siddall to Matthew Parker || Letter from Henry Syddal canon of Christ's Church, desiring he might be excused bringing up the statutes himself: dated Oxford June 11, 1560
Note: p. 922 blank
923-926 - Letter from Edward Leeds to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Leed, master of Clare-hall, that the bishop of Ely had at the archbishop's request ratified and confirmed a deed relating to their college: dated Clare-hall April 8, 1562
Note: pp. 928 - 934 blank except for addresses on some pages
927-934 - Letter from Thomas Bingham to Matthew Parker || Epistola Thomae Bingham, in qua orat archiepiscopum ut beneficium ecclesiasticum daretur juniori Egerton: data Cantabrigiae 11 kal. quint. 1565
Note: pp. 928 - 934 blank except for addresses on some pages
935-936 - Letter from Antonio del Corro to Matthew Parker || Epistola Antonii Corrani Hispallensis, quod miserat filiis archiepiscopi duos libros Gallicos a se conscriptos in gratiam Antwerpiensis ecclesiae, in qua pastoris munere olim erat functus, data Londini 16 Januarii 1568
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCLX
Note: p. 936 blank
937-938 - Letter from James "Ληχαίος" (White?) to Matthew Parker || ̓Επιστολ̀η ̓Ιακ́ωβου το̑υ Ληχαίου πρ̀ος τ̀ον ἀρχιεπίσκοπον
Note: p. 938 blank
939-940 - Letter from Laurence Humphrey to Matthew Parker || Epistola Laurentii Humfredii ad archiepiscopum et episcopum Londinensem, quod socii collegii cujusdam noluerunt eligere eum in munus ei a praelatis designatum: data Oxoniae 17 Septembris
941-950 - Letter from George Ackworth to Matthew Parker || Epistola Georgii Ackworthii de ratione studiorum suorum, data Cantabrigiae 10 calendas Aprilis 1560
Note: Ending on pp. 941-943: 944-950 are blank
951-952 - Letter from Edward Gascoigne to Matthew Parker || Letter from Edward Gascoyn, desiring that his pension may be assured to him by deed from the bishop and chancellor of Norwich, dated Norwich 29 January 1566
Note: p. 952 blank
953-954 - Letter from Richard Grafton to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Grafton concerning a book that he was printing
Note: Parker, Correspondence CCXXVI
Note: p. 954 blank
955-960 - Petition of Dr. Gascoigne || Petition of Dr. Gascoyne, humbly offering to prove his innocencye and to purge himself of every crime objected against him, if the bishop of Norwich would either restore him to his former office of chancellorship, or fulfill the promise he made to the duke of Norfolk with restitution of charges and damages sustained by the said Dr. Gascoyne: dated 13 December 1566
Note: pp. 956 - 960 blank except for addresses on some pages
961-964 - Letter from Walter Tempest to Matthew Parker || Letter from Walter Tempest (the ignorant curate as Strype terms him of St. Ægidius Cripplegate) to Mr. Pierce almoner to the archbishop, dated 5 June, 1563
Note: Strype Appendix 20
Note: pp. 962 - 964 blank except for addresses on some pages
965-966 - Petition of Lawrence Hayward and Alice his wife, relating to a suit they had with Henry Knight || Petition of Lawrence Hayward and Alice his wife, relating to a suit they had with Henry Knight about some lands that they held of the manor of Lambeth
Note: p. 966 blank
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