Koran, written in Ramaḍān 639 h. [= March-April 1242] by
Muḥammad Ibn al-Maʿāǧīnī. In addition to the canonical text,
the manuscript also contains the variants of the seven readers of
the Koran and their main transmitters. It was brought to Basel from
Constantinople in 1437 by the Dominican John of Ragusa , one of the
leading theologians for the Council of Basel. Since 1433 the
manuscript was the property of the Dominican monastery of Basel as
a bequest of John of Ragusa, and in 1559 it became the property of
the university library. The Zurich theologist Theodor Bibliander
made use of this manuscript in the preparation of his printing of
the Latin translation of the Koran by Robert von Ketton (Basel
e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland