London. British Library, Cotton MS Claudius E I
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Cotton MS Claudius E I
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Theological tracts, including Anselm of Canterbury's treatises, Arnold of Bonneval, De Operibus Sex Dierum; Arnold of Bonneval, De Sex Verbis Domini in Cruce; Peter the Chanter, Verbum Abbreviatum; Liber Esdrae
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Original form
- Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Other form
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint)
- Augustinus Hipponensis
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin d'Hippone
- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430)
- S. Augustinus
- Augustin, S.
- Augustin (sain ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (s.)
- S. Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustinus Hiponnensis
- Augustin
- Sancti Augustini
- Sanctus Augustinus
- S. Augustinus (?)
- Augustinus episcopus
- Augustini
- Sancti Augustini
- S. Augustin
- [Augustinus]
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustin (Saint)
- Augustin saint 0354-0430
- Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustinus, Aurelius, 354-430
- Augustinus (heilige)
- Author: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Translator: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustine
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint). Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels
- Augustine (attrib.)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), author
- Pseudo Augustine
- Pseudo Augustine (Quodvultdeus)
- Pseudo Augustine (Patrick of Dublin)
- Pseudo Augustine (Jeronimus)
- St Augustine
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430 (role)aut
- Augustin (saint)
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- S. Augustin
- Aurelius Augustinus (354-430)
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author,
- D. Augustinus
- B. Augustinus
- Agostino
- Augustinus Aurelius santo
- Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Docteur de l'Eglise
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Evêque
- Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430)
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , co-autor
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , ant. bibliog.
- Augustin (05.. ?-0604 ? ; saint)
- Augustinus - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Saint Augustin d'Hippone
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anselme (saint, 1033-1109)
- Original form
- Anselm of Canterbury, c 1033-1109, Saint, Abbot of Bec and Archbishop of Canterbury
- Other form
- Anselme (saint ; 1033-1109)
- Saint Anselme de Cantorbury
- S. Anselmus Cantuariensis
- Anselmus (saint ; 1033-1109)
- Anselmus Cantuariensis
- Anselmus
- Anselme de Cantorbéry
- Anselmus Cantuarensis
- S. Anselmus
- Anselme (Saint), archevêque de Cantorbéry
- Author: Anselm von Canterbury
- St. Anselm
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109
- Anselm
- St Anselm
- Anselm of Canterbury OSB
- Anselm of Canterbury OSB (attrib.)
- Anselmi
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109)
- Anselm Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger, 1033-1109
- Anselm <Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger> (1033-1109)
- Anselme de Cantorbéry (v. 1033-1109), saint, archevêque de Cantorbéry
- Anselmo, Santo, Arzobispo de Canterbury, 1033-1109
- Anselm, Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger, 1033-1109
- Anselmus <Cantuariensis>
- Anselmo, Santo, 1033-1109 > , co-autor
- Anselmo, Santo, 1033-1109, O.S.B.
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Arnaud de Bonneval (11..-1157?)
- Original form
- Arnold of Bonneval, d c 1157
- Other form
- Ernaldus Bonaevallensis
- Arnoldus Bonaevallensis (11..-1157?)
- Arnoldus Bonaevallensis
- Arnaldus de Bone Vallis
- Ernaldus abbas Bonaevallis
- Ernaldus Bonaevallis
- Author: Arnoldus, Bonavallis
- Arnold of Bonneval OSB
- Arnold of Bonneval OCist
- Arnald, of Bonneval, Abbot
- Arnauld de Bonneval, O. Cist., 1100-1156 > , co-autor
- Arnoldus Bonavallis - gest. 1156 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre le Chantre (112.?-1197)
- Original form
- Peter the Chanter, c 1125-1197, Chanter of the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris
- Other form
- Petrus Cantor
- Petrus Cantor (112.?-1197)
- Petrus Remensis
- Petrus Cantor Parisiensis
- Peter the Chanter
- Pierre le Chantre (112.?-1197)
- Pierre le Chantre (11..-1197)
- Petrus Cantor, ?-1197, O. Cist.
- Petrus Cantor, O. Cist., ?-1197 > , co-autor
- Petrus Cantor - ca. 1130 - 1197 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Contents: ff. 2r-12v: St Augustine, De Genesi Contra Manicheos (On the Genesis, against Manicheans). ff. 12v-26r: Arnold of Bonneval, De Operibus Sex Dierum (On the works of the six days). ff. 26r-33v; 146r-147r: Arnold of Bonneval, De Sex Verbis Domini in Cruce (On the six words of God on the Cross). ff. 34v-38v; 147r-153v: Anselm of Canterbury, Monologion. ff. 38v–44v: Anselm of Canterbury, Proslogion. ff. 44v-48v: Anselm of Canterbury, Epistole (Epistles). ff. 48v–54v: Anselm of Canterbury, De Processione Spiritus Sancti (On the procession of the Holy Spirit) . ff. 54v-58v: Anselm of Canterbury, De Veritate (On Truth). ff. 58v-64v: Anselm of Canterbury, De Casu Diaboli (On the Fall of Evil). ff. 65r-69r: Anselm of Canterbury, De Incarnatione Verbi (On the incarnation of the Word). ff. 69r-81v: Anselm of Canterbury, Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became Man). ff. 81v-82v: Anselm of Canterbury, Epistola De sacrificio Azymi et Fermentati (Letter on the Sacrifice of Unleavened and Leavened Bread). ff. 82v-86r: Anselm of Canterbury, De Grammatico (On the grammarian) . ff. 86r–92r: Anselm of Canterbury, De Concordia (On concord). ff. 92r–97v: Explanatio Visionum Danielis, a commentary on Prophetia Danielis (attributed in the rubric to Peter Comestor). ff. 98r–145v, 154r–173v: Peter the Chanter, Verbum Abbreviatum (the Abbreviated Word) (short version, imperfect). ff. 174r–185r: Liber Esdrae (Book of Esdras). Decoration:Numerous large initials with penwork decoration and pen-flourishing, in red and blue, at the beginning of each treatise (e. g., ff. 2r, 7r, 12v, 13r, 39r, 69r, 88r). Small initials in red and blue. Rubrics in red. Headings in red.Quires signatures in Roman numerals.Paragraphs signs added in the margins in red ink, throughout.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Tewkesbury (Gloucester, United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Tewkesbury, England
- Other form
- England, Tewkesbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License