Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 420
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 420
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 420: Astrological and Astronomical Tracts
- Astrological and Astronomical Tracts || Tractatus valde dignus et multum approbatus quod licet permissione divina scire ventura tam per revolutionem superiorum corporum quam diversorum aliorum signorum, Or, A perfette instruccyon of astrologie with the carecters of the sygnes and planetts, and also divers other good rules and notys with many divers judgements that be necessarye and requysyte belongyng to the same.
- Johannes Stoeffler, Almanach noua plurimis annis uenturis inseruientia || Ephemeridum opus Ioannis Stoefleri Justingensis mathematici a capite anni redemptoris Christi MDXXXII in alios XX proxime subsequentes ad veterum imitationem accuratissimo calculo elaboratum, Tubinge anno XXXIII K. L. Feb. Cum effigie autoris ligno incisa
- Abraham ibn Ezra, Liber introductorius in iudicia astrorum qui dicitur Principium sapientiae, transl. by Peter of Abano || Abrahe Avenaris Judei astrologi peritissimi in re judiciali opera ab excellentissimo philosopho Petro de Abano post accuratam castigationem in Latinam traducta. Venetiis MDVII
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Johann Stöffler (1452-1531)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Johannes Stoeffler
- Other form
- Stöffler, Johannes
- Johannes Stöffler (1452-1531)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Abraham ibn ʿEzraʾ (1089?-1164)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Abraham ibn Ezra
- Other form
- ʾAbraham ʾibn ʿEzraʾ (1089?-1164)
- Abraham ibn Ezra (1089-1164)
- Abraham ibn ʿEzraʼ (1089?-1164)
- Abraham ibn Ezra (1089?-1164)
- Abraham ibn ʿEzraʼ
- Abraham ibn ʿEzraʾ (1089?-1164)
- Abraham ben Ezra
- אבן עזרא, אברהם בן מאיר
- עזרא, אברהם בן מאיר אבן
- Abenezra
- Abraham ibn ‘Ezra
- Abraham Ibn Ezra
- Author: Ibn-ʿEzra, Avraham Ben-Meʾir
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr (attributed to)
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr, 1089-1164
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr, 1092-1167
- Abraham Aben Esra
- Abraham Abenezra
- R. Abraham Aben Ezra
- Aben Ezra
- Ibn ʿEzra, Avraham ben Mei̇r
- Ibn-ʿEzra, Avraham Ben-Meʾir
- Ibn ʿEzra, Avraham ben Meʾir
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham bar Dawid, 1089-1167 > , co-autor
- Ben Ezra, Abraham, 1092-1167 > , co-autor
- Ben Ezra, Abraham, 1092-1167
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 420 is a compendium of astrological and astronomical tracts. Of these, Johannes Stoeffler's Ephemerides and the translation by Peter of Abano (c. 1257-1316) into Latin of Abraham ibn Ezra's astrological treatise Re'shit Ho'khmah - the Liber introductorius in iudicia astrorum qui dicitur Principium sapientiae are printed versions produced in Parker's lifetime. The first portion of the collection contains various manuscript tracts in Latin and English copied in the sixteenth century, the first of which is the preface to the Prognosticatio of Johannes Lichtenberger (d. 1503). The name John Eston appears in two places in the volume, though he and his relationship to Parker, if any, has not been identified.
Contents :
13r-124v - Astrological and Astronomical Tracts || Tractatus valde dignus et multum approbatus quod licet permissione divina scire ventura tam per revolutionem superiorum corporum quam diversorum aliorum signorum, Or, A perfette instruccyon of astrologie with the carecters of the sygnes and planetts, and also divers other good rules and notys with many divers judgements that be necessarye and requysyte belongyng to the same.
rubric: (13r) Sequitur tractatus valde dignus - signorum prout in prologo et aliis auctoribus sequentibus patet
incipit: (13r) Quamquam solus deus in sua potestate
Note: 3 pages: the 3rd has quotations from Ptolomeus, Aristoteles, Sibilla, Erigida (!), lulhardus, Turcus ad quendam Romanum Pontificem, Respons. pontificis.
incipit: (15r) Hereafter followyth a perfett Instruccyon of Astrologie with the Carecters, etc
Note: 21 pp. a break
rubric: (27r) The Natyuytyes
Note: ff. 2
rubric: (29r) Here begynith a techynge of the newe Calender with many other helpy thynges, etc
Note: Miscellaneous tracts or sections follow including a collection of Jugements for hidden treasure and the like
Note: Later
rubric: (91r) Incipit Inuolucio spere
Note: in Latin
incipit: (91r) Duo sunt extremi vertices mundi
Note: This has diagrams in colour. An English version follows
Note: A good many blank leaves follow
Note: (117r) Then a short tract in English
Note: (120r) and a Centiloquium also in English
125r-179v - Johannes Stoeffler, Almanach noua plurimis annis uenturis inseruientia || Ephemeridum opus Ioannis Stoefleri Justingensis mathematici a capite anni redemptoris Christi MDXXXII in alios XX proxime subsequentes ad veterum imitationem accuratissimo calculo elaboratum, Tubinge anno XXXIII K. L. Feb. Cum effigie autoris ligno incisa
Note: (125r) Printed, has at topLiber Joh. Eston prec. iii8 iiid.Tubingae per Hulderrichum Morhart anno xxxiii kal. Feb
Note: (163r) Followed by a couple of quires mostly blank but containing some astronomical matter in Eston's hand
180r-239v - Abraham ibn Ezra, Liber introductorius in iudicia astrorum qui dicitur Principium sapientiae, transl. by Peter of Abano || Abrahe Avenaris Judei astrologi peritissimi in re judiciali opera ab excellentissimo philosopho Petro de Abano post accuratam castigationem in Latinam traducta. Venetiis MDVII
Note: Printed. The margins much scribbled in another hand
Note: VeniceP. Liechtenstein, 1507
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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