Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, MSS 05288
- Source
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. University of Toronto Libraries
- Library
- Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
- Shelfmark
- MSS 05288
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- mid 15th cent.
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- De civitate Dei. Book 1-13
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Original form
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Other form
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint)
- Augustinus Hipponensis
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin d'Hippone
- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430)
- S. Augustinus
- Augustin, S.
- Augustin (sain ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (s.)
- S. Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustinus Hiponnensis
- Augustin
- Sancti Augustini
- Sanctus Augustinus
- S. Augustinus (?)
- Augustinus episcopus
- Augustini
- Sancti Augustini
- S. Augustin
- [Augustinus]
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustin (Saint)
- Augustin saint 0354-0430
- Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona
- Augustinus, Aurelius, 354-430
- Augustinus (heilige)
- Author: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Translator: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustine
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint). Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels
- Augustine (attrib.)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), author
- Pseudo Augustine
- Pseudo Augustine (Quodvultdeus)
- Pseudo Augustine (Patrick of Dublin)
- Pseudo Augustine (Jeronimus)
- St Augustine
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430 (role)aut
- Augustin (saint)
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- S. Augustin
- Aurelius Augustinus (354-430)
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author,
- D. Augustinus
- B. Augustinus
- Agostino
- Augustinus Aurelius santo
- Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Docteur de l'Eglise
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Evêque
- Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430)
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , co-autor
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , ant. bibliog.
- Augustin (05.. ?-0604 ? ; saint)
- Augustinus - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Saint Augustin d'Hippone
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Paul Chandon de Briailles (1821-1895)
- Original form
- Chandon de Briailles, Paul, comte de, 1821-1895 (bookplate)
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
[274] leaves.
Written in Germany(?) in a cursive book hand; on paper; anchor watermark (not found in Bricquet or Mošin)
Title from incipit to liber primus (leaf [16v])
With index (leaves [1-15]); incipit (leaf [1r]): Aditus quid est.libro p[ri]mo.cap[itu]lo iiij.
Leaf [16r]: Incipit prologus sancti Augustini ep[iscop]i in librum de Ciuitate dei vel sententia de libro recitationu[m] s[an]c[t]i Aug[ustin]i super libru[m] de ciuitate dei feliciter.
With a decorated initial (black, red, white, blue) beginning Prologue and each book; rubricated.
With marginal gloss mostly in a lighter ink (very little after leaf [176]); some catchwords.
Leaves pricked at outer edges.
Stub bound in between leaves [257] and [258]
"Dono Dn̊i de Trompes Canci. Tor." - on front end paper.
Bound in leather over oak boards, blind stamped with fleur de lys decoration; rebacked; remains of brass clasps.
With the book label of the comte de Chandon de Briailles (probably Paul)
Kingdom of God
Apologetics--Early works to 1800
Manuscripts, Latin
Manuscripts, Medieval
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- Germany
- Original form
- Germany
- Other form
- Allemagne
- Allemagne (?)
- Allemagne ?
- Deutschland
- Alemanya
- Alemania
- Duitsland
- Southwestern German region (?)
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Germany (Gladbach Abbey?)
- Germany (Tegernsee?)
- Cologne (?)
- [Germany]
- Germany, Nuremberg?
- Germany, Erfurt?
- Flanders; Germany
- Fritzlar? (Germany)
- Cologne? (Germany)
- Germany, Augsburg?
- Germany, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Germany, Cistercian abbey of Eberbach (?)
- German, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey, Benedictine abbey (?) or Hildesheim, Benedictine abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian or Niederaltaich, Benedictine abbey
- Germany, Eberbach?
- Germany, Murbach
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey?
- Germany, Fulda?
- Germany and Switzerland, Constance(?)
- Germany, Hirsau?
- Germany, Reichenau?
- Germany, Rhineland?
- Germany, Europe
- Germany, Cologne or Lower Saxony
- [Deutschland]
- Duitsland (?)
- Germania
- [Duitsland]
- [Duitsland?]
- Germania (?)
- Deutschland (I)
- Deutschland (II)
- Deuschland
- Deutschland (III)
- Deutschland (V)
- Deutschland (I, III, V)
- I./II. Deutschland
- I. Deutschland
- Alemanha
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- For rights and reproduction information please contact