Durham. University Library, Cosin MS. V.v.6
- Source
- Durham University and Cathedral Library
- Library
- Durham. University Library
- Shelfmark
- Cosin MS. V.v.6
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- [12th century]
- [end of 11th century]
- [end 11th century]
- [13th century]
- [16th century]
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- [De sancto cuthberto]
- [De sancto nicholao]
- [De sancto cuthberto]
- De sancto vincentio martire
- De sancto paulo
- De sancto oswaldo
- De sancta maria
- Item
- [De sancta maria]
- Sancte crucis
- [De sancta maria]
- [De sancta maria]
- Laudes regiae
- Sanctus
- Temporale
- see more
- Rights
- Provided by Durham Priory Library Project - a collaboration between Durham University and Durham Cathedral