Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 485

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 485
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1299
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 485: Bible
  • Bible
  • Summary: CCCC MS 485 is an English Latin Bible of the middle years of the thirteenth century which includes a list of books once owned by Robert of Aldsworth (fl. 1275), a monk of Gloucester. The Bible was at Gloucester by the third quarter of the thirteenth century as evidenced by an inscription mentioning Reginald de Haunne, abbot 1263-84. The book is decorated with ornamental and figure initials in a simple style, not using gold grounds.

    Contents :

    1r-381v - Bible

    Note: (1r) Prologues

    incipit: (1r) Frater Ambrosius

    incipit: (3r) Desiderii mei

    Note: (3r) Genesis-Deut.

    Note: (62r) Jos. (pr.)

    Note: (70r) Iud.

    Note: (78r) Ruth

    Note: (79r) Reg. (pr.)

    Note: (119v) Paral. (pr.)

    Note: No prayer of Manasses

    Note: (141r) Ezr. (pr.)

    Note: (144v) Neh.

    Note: (149v) Esth. (pr.)

    Note: (153v) Tob. (pr.)

    Note: (157r) Iud. (pr.)

    Note: (162r) Iob (pr.)

    Note: Followed by

    Note: (170v) Job exemplar patientie etc.

    Note: (171r) Psalter (Gall.)

    Note: 191v blank

    Note: (192r) Prov. (pr.) - Eccl.

    Note: (202r) Cant. (in dialogue with rubrics)

    Note: (203v) Sap. (pr.)

    Note: (208v) Ecclus.

    Note: (223r) Oratio Salomonis

    Note: (224r) Isa.-Ezech. (proll.)

    Note: At the end of Ezech. is a paragraph

    Note: (272r) Ubicunque medicina uel sanitas necessaria est Raphael uadit. Interpretations of several names are given, ending with: Zacharias lingua syra adiutor. mundum muliebrem cultam dicit in auro

    Note: (272r) Dan. (pr.)

    Note: (278v) Twelve Prophets (proll.)

    Note: (291r) Macc. (pr.)

    Note: (308r) Evv. (pr. Matheus ex iuda, etc. Luke has pr. at end)

    Note: (341v) Paul. Epp. (proll.: Romani sunt partes ytalie)

    Note: (362r) Acts (pr.)

    Note: (372r) Cath. Epp. (pr.)

    Note: (376v) Apoc. (pr. of Gilbert)

    incipit: (376v) Omnes qui pie uolunt uiuere.

    Note: (381v) At the end of Apoc. is written (xvii): A prophesie found vnder ye ground foundation of S. Denis in fraunce, written in hebrue. 1620 Generall warres in Italie. 1622 There shall be no Pastor. ...... 1630 All flouds shall drie up and there shalbe but one Pastor

    Note: (381v) At the bottom of the page in another hand (xvi or xvii): Biblia hec sacra per S. Hieronumum translata et manuscripta hec sunt Gulielmi Roberts. Ex dono Hieremiae Martyn medicinae doctoris

    Note: (bib) On the lining of the last cover are earlier inscriptions: (a) an erasure of some lines

    Note: (bib) (b) Quisquis eris qui transieris pro me precor oraSum quod eris fueram quod et es sta perlege plora

    Note: (bib) (c) In the hand of the Gloucester inscription at the beginning: Omnis claustralis perfesse (professe?) sub ordinis alisRespice deuote passus sum qualia pro teIn claustro mecum residens sis sum quia tecumPer claustri sedem celi lucraberis edem. Wylls (?) (erased)

    Note: The decoration of the book is odd and seems to me provincial. No gold seems to occur: there is an unusual yellow, and a blue-green (e.g. Judges and Philippians). White dots and rings are copiously used (e.g. Joshua)

    Note: The notable initials are

    Note: (1r) Prologue. The usual writing figure

    Note: (3r) Genesis. Six pictures of the days of creation

    Note: (18v) Exodus. A group of four figures

    Note: (30v) Levit. Two figures: the one on R. looks out of a window or door

    Note: (79v) Note the colouring of I Reg

    Note: (90v) 2 Reg. Outline sketch of a king in the margin

    Note: (129r) 2 Par. has odd gay colouring

    Note: (171r) Ps. 1. David playing the harp

    Note: The Nocturnes and the triple division are marked by decorative initials

    Note: (179v) Salvum me fac. A man in the water

    Note: (181v) Exultate. Man on horseback looking back to L. and holding up a rod

    Note: (184r) Cantate and Domini exaudi each have a black monk praying

    Note: (186r) Dixit dominus. Christ throned, blessing

    Note: (192r) From Prov. to Ecclus. the initials are in red and blue with delicate penwork, very bright in colour

    Note: (224r) With Isaiah the polychrome initials begin again. No more figured initials occur

    Note: (341v) The Pauline Epistles show some very strange combinations of colour

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