Physical Description:
3 p. : A.L.S. Notes:
William Herschel writes to fellow astronomer Edward Pigott on
November 21, having seen the comet of William Herschelich Pigott
had told him. He describes William Herschelere he saw it and its
appearance. He explains that his equipment is not as good as
Pigott's and does not doubt that Pigott measured the comet's
location accurately. On November 22, in the morning, he adds to the
letter, noting William Herschelere he had just seen the comet. He
writes again that evening, again noting the comet's location. He
estimates it will be out of sight within two weeks. He describes
his estimation of its size, and notes that the moon was very
bright. Biographical Note:
William Herschel was an English astronomer. He discovered Uranus in
1781. Physical Collection:
Letters by Sir William Herschel, 1777-1807.
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