Prudentius, Cathemerinon , Peristephanon and part of Hamartigenia ; anonymous explanation of poetic metres and letter on the death of Sigon, abbot of Saint-Florent de Saumur; letters by and from Berengar of Tours and Fulbert of Chartres
Preferred form
Prudence (0348-0415?)
Original form
Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens, 348-c 405
Other form
Aurelius Prudentius Clemens
Prudence (0348-0415?)
Aurelius Clementis Prudentius
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (0348-0415?)
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius
Aurelii Prudentii Clementis
Prudence, 0348-0415?
Aurelio Prudencio
Aurelius Prudentius Clemens 0348-0415?
Clemens, Aurelius Prudentius, b. 348
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius
Prudenci, 348?-ca. 405
Prudencio Clemente, Aurelio
Prudentius, b. 348
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius fl.348-405
Author: Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius
Prudentius (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens (348 - c. 413 A.D.))
This manuscript primarily contains works by the Latin Christian
poet Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (b. 348, d. after 405):
Cathemerinon (Hymns for the Day), Peristephanon (Crowns of the
Martyrs), and the final part of Hamartigenia (The Origin of Sin),
all glossed and annotated in the 12th century. Added to ff. 62v-65v
at a later date are other texts, including letters, mostly by and
to Berengar of Tours (?999-1088), and verses by Fulbert of Chartres
(c. 970-1028). Contents: ff. 1v–16r: Prudentius, Cathemerinon ,
with glosses, beginning ‘Per quinquennia iam decem’, with
musical notation in neumes on f. 9v. ff. 16r–62r: Prudentius,
Peristephanon , with glosses, beginning ‘Scripta sunt caelo
duorum martirum vocabula’. ff. 62r–62v: Prudentius,
Hamartigenia , ll. 931–66, beginning ‘O dee cuncti potens’.
The manuscript contains a number of additions:f. 1r: A 12th-century
inscription, beginning: ‘Cerimonie dicebantur apud antiquos
sacracereris’; a late medieval inscription: ‘Liber aurelii
prudencii’.f. 1v: A 12th-century inscription, beginning: ‘Iste
liber ymnorum vocatur greco nomine catamerinos’.f. 62v:
Explanation of poetic metres, beginning ‘Adonium constat ex
dactilo et spondeo’. f. 63r: Letter announcing the death of Sigon
(d. 1070), abbot of Saint-Florent de Saumur, beginning ‘Omnibus
advivendum christo domino’; edited by Huygens, ‘Textes
latins’ (1967), pp. 502–3, revised in Serta mediaevalia (2000),
pp. 273–74. f. 63r: Letter of Berengar of Tours, beginning
‘Domino suo andegavorum episcopo. B. Quam constans’; edited by
Bishop, ‘Unedierte Briefe’ (1880), no. 5. f. 63r: Fulbert of
Chartres, Carmen 142, ‘Quomodo violetur. et quomodo habenda
custodia vite’. ff. 63v–64v: Letter of Ascelin of Chartres to
Berengar of Tours, ‘Domino B. frater A. Litteras tuas’; edited
by Huygens, Serta mediaevalia , pp. 150–54. ff. 64v–65r: Four
letters of Pope Alexander II (d. 1073) to Berengar of Tours (c.
1064–66), beginning ‘A episcopus servus servorum dei’; edited
by Bishop, ‘Unedierte Briefe’ (1880), nos. 1–4. f. 65r:
Fulbert of Chartres, Carmina 137–141, beginning ‘De trimoda
cautela viciorum. Trinus abillicitis hominum’. f. 65v: Letter of
a friend or pupil to Berengar of Tours, ‘Domino B. E. salutem.
Cum venissem Salernum’.Decoration:1 large foliate initial in
brown (f. 16v); 1 large oxidised red initial with penwork
decoration (f. 2r); 1 medium initial in red with penwork decoration
(f. 33r); initials in brown, occasionally with some penwork
decoration in brown or red, or with a reserved design. Rubrics in
red or brown. Display script in brown ink following the foliate
initial (f. 16v).