Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 468
- Source
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Shelfmark
- Bodleian Library MS. Laud Misc. 468
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 12th century, beginning
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Noted choir breviary.
- Description
- Fol. 3v: calendarial table. Fol. 4r: start of text. Decorated
initial with foliated scrolls.
Manuscript from St. Willibald, Eichstätt, Bavaria, with neumatic musical notation. The manuscript was presented to the Bodleian Library by Archbishop Laud in 1636.
- Fol. 3v: calendarial table. Fol. 4r: start of text. Decorated
initial with foliated scrolls.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Eichstätt. Kollegiatstift St. Willibald
- Original form
- Bavaria, Eichstätt, St. Willibald
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Germany
- Original form
- Germany
- Other form
- Allemagne
- Allemagne (?)
- Allemagne ?
- Deutschland
- Alemanya
- Alemania
- Duitsland
- Southwestern German region (?)
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Germany (Gladbach Abbey?)
- Germany (Tegernsee?)
- Cologne (?)
- [Germany]
- Germany, Nuremberg?
- Germany, Erfurt?
- Flanders; Germany
- Fritzlar? (Germany)
- Cologne? (Germany)
- Germany, Augsburg?
- Germany, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Germany, Cistercian abbey of Eberbach (?)
- German, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey, Benedictine abbey (?) or Hildesheim, Benedictine abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian or Niederaltaich, Benedictine abbey
- Germany, Eberbach?
- Germany, Murbach
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey?
- Germany, Fulda?
- Germany and Switzerland, Constance(?)
- Germany, Hirsau?
- Germany, Reichenau?
- Germany, Rhineland?
- Germany, Europe
- Germany, Cologne or Lower Saxony
- [Deutschland]
- Duitsland (?)
- Germania
- [Duitsland]
- [Duitsland?]
- Germania (?)
- Deutschland (I)
- Deutschland (II)
- Deuschland
- Deutschland (III)
- Deutschland (V)
- Deutschland (I, III, V)
- I./II. Deutschland
- I. Deutschland
- Alemanha
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Photo: © Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Terms of use: CC-BY-NC 4.0. For more information, please see http://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/terms.html. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Illumination (from 35mm)