Cologny. Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 133
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- Cologny. Fondation Martin Bodmer
- Shelfmark
- Cod. Bodmer 133
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 12th century
- end of the 12th century
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Ps. Pilo, Liber antiquitatem biblicarum. Hildebertus Cenomannensis, Carmina (extracts)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Martin Bodmer (1899-1971)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Former possessor: Bodmer, Martin
- Other form
- Martin Bodmer
- Cologny/Genf, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Leander van Ess (1772-1847)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Former possessor: Ess, Leander van
- Other form
- Léonard Van Ess
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Other form
- Hieronymus (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- S. Hieronymus
- Hieronymus Stridonius
- Hieronymus
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Sancti Jeromini
- S. Hieronymus,
- Jerome, S.
- Hieronymys Stridonius
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Jérôme
- Hieronymo
- Saint Jérôme
- Jérôme (0345?-0420 ; saint)
- Sanctus Hieronimus
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Hieronymus (s.)
- Jheronimus Stridonius
- Hieronimi
- Hieronimus Stridonius
- Hieronymus Stridonensis
- Ieronimi
- Sancti Hieronymi
- Hieronymi
- Hieronimus
- S. Jérôme
- Jérôme (Saint)
- Jérôme saint 0345?-0420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420
- Hieronymus (heilige)
- Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20
- Jeroni, sant, ca. 342-420
- Jerónimo, Santo
- Translator: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Jerome
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420
- Jerome, c 345-420, Saint
- St Jerome
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420), author
- Hieronymus, Heilige, 347?-420
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420). Auteur.
- Jérôme (saint)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius, 345-420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Saint Jérôme
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus (345-420)
- D. Hieronymus
- Divus Hieronymus
- Hieronymus santo
- Hieronimus santo
- Hieronymus santo, 342/347-419
- Jerome, Saint, 347-420
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. c. 420)
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420), priest and theologian
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420, theologian and priest
- Jerome Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420) > Père de l'Eglise
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420)
- Jérôme de Stridon (347/8-419/20)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (ca. 349-420)
- Jerónimo, Santo, 346-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , co-autor
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , impr.
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , trad.
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteurbriefschrijver
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur voorwoord
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - auteur
- Hieronymus - auteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertaler
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hildebert de Lavardin (1056-1133)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Hildebertus, Lavardinensis
- Other form
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis (1056-1133)
- Hildebertus Cenomanensis
- Hildebert de Lavardin
- Hildebert de Lavardin (1056-1133)
- Hildebert du Mans
- Hildeberti
- Hildebert of Lavardin, c 1056-1133/4, Bishop of Le Mans, Archbishop of Tours
- Hildebert of Lavardin
- Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133
- Hildebertus Cenomanensis, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133
- Hildebert Archbishop of Tours (1056?-1133)
- Hildebert de Lavardin ou Hildebert de Tours (1056–1133), évêque du Mans entre 1097 et 1125, archevêque de Tours de 1125 à sa mort
- Hildebertus, Lavardinus, fl. 11-- > , co-autor
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis - ca. 1056 - 1133 - auteur
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis - ca. 1056 - 1133 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Ovidius Naso, Publius
- Other form
- Ovidius Naso
- Ovidius Naso, Publius (0043 av. J.-C.-0017)
- Publius Ovidius Naso
- Ovide
- OVIDIUS (Publius Ovidius Naso)
- Ovidii
- Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017)
- Ovidius
- Ovidi
- P. Ovidius Naso
- Ovide, 0043 av. J.-C.-0017
- Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.
- Ovidi Nasó, Publi
- Ovidio Nasón, Publio
- Ovidius Naso, Publius
- Ovid
- Ovidius Naso, Publius, v43-17
- Publius Ovidius Naso (v43-17)
- Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D)
- Ovid, (43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D)
- Ovide ( Publius Ovidius Naso, 043 av. n.-è.- 18 de n. è.)
- Ovidius Naso, P.
- Ovidius Naso, P. (43 v. Chr.-17/18)
- Ovidio Nasón, Publio, 43 a.C.-17 d.C
- Naso, Publius Ovidius
- Ovídio, 43 a.C.-18 d.C.
- Publius Ovidius Naso - 43 v.C.-ca. 17 na C. - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Publius Ovidius Naso - 43 v.C.-ca. 17 na C. - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Philon d'Alexandrie (0030? av. J.-C.-0040?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Philo, Alexandrinus
- Other form
- PHILO Judæus
- Philon d'Alexandrie
- Philo of Alexandria, 1st cent. BCE
- Philon d'Alexandrie (0030? av. J.-C.-0040?)
- Philon Iudaeus
- Philo Iudaeus
- Philon
- Philo
- Philo, Alexandrinus, v25-40
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Londres. William H. Robinson Ltd.
- Role
- Seller
- Original form
- Seller: Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This manuscript, which was probably created in the St. Matthias-Eucharius Abbey in Trier, clearly belonged to the Benedictine abbey, as the ex libris on f. 1r declares. It contains, among others, the Liber antiquitatum biblicarum, which recounts Biblical history from Adam to King Saul, i.e., from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Samuel. This work was falsely attributed to Philo of Alexandria (1st century AD), the Hellenistic philosopher of Jewish culture. It also contains excerpts from the Carmina by the poet and Bishop of Tours Hildebert of Lavardin (1056-1133).
- Place
- Preferred form
- Germany
- Original form
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Other form
- Allemagne
- Allemagne (?)
- Allemagne ?
- Deutschland
- Germany
- Alemanya
- Alemania
- Duitsland
- Southwestern German region (?)
- Germany (Gladbach Abbey?)
- Germany (Tegernsee?)
- Cologne (?)
- [Germany]
- Germany, Nuremberg?
- Germany, Erfurt?
- Flanders; Germany
- Fritzlar? (Germany)
- Cologne? (Germany)
- Germany, Augsburg?
- Germany, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Germany, Cistercian abbey of Eberbach (?)
- German, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey, Benedictine abbey (?) or Hildesheim, Benedictine abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian or Niederaltaich, Benedictine abbey
- Germany, Eberbach?
- Germany, Murbach
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey?
- Germany, Fulda?
- Germany and Switzerland, Constance(?)
- Germany, Hirsau?
- Germany, Reichenau?
- Germany, Rhineland?
- Germany, Europe
- Germany, Cologne or Lower Saxony
- [Deutschland]
- Duitsland (?)
- Germania
- [Duitsland]
- [Duitsland?]
- Germania (?)
- Deutschland (I)
- Deutschland (II)
- Deuschland
- Deutschland (III)
- Deutschland (V)
- Deutschland (I, III, V)
- I./II. Deutschland
- I. Deutschland
- Alemanha
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) (?)
- Original form
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation