Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 94

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 094
Biblissima authority file
  • 1100 - 1199
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 094: Collectio decem partium (expansion of Ivo of Chartres, Panormia)
  • Collectio decem partium (expansion of Ivo of Chartres, Panormia) || Panormia Ivonis Carnotensis || Ivonis CarnotensisPanormia
  • Summary: CCCC MS 94 contains an expanded version of the decretal collection of Ivo of Chartres (c. 1040-1116), Panormia, known as the Collectio decem partium and sometimes attributed to Hildebert of Lavardin (1056-1133). The manuscript was written in Canterbury in the mid-twelfth century, though authorities disagree as to whether it was produced at the Benedictine abbey of St Augustine, or the Benedictine cathedral priory of the Holy Trinity, Christ Church. The hand of the same scribe that produced this codex has been identified in CUL MS Kk.1.17, Oxford, Bodleian MS e Mus. 66 and CCCC MSS 270 and 274. In the eighteenth century Nasmith recorded a fragment of a homily written in uncial script as being present with the codex, but this had disappeared by the time that M. R. James examined the volume. It has never been rediscovered.

    Contents :

    1r-151v - Collectio decem partium (expansion of Ivo of Chartres, Panormia) || Panormia Ivonis Carnotensis || Ivonis CarnotensisPanormia

    Note: At top of f. 1r Parker has written

    Note: Deest folium. forte est Theodori Archiep. Cantuar. (!!!)

    Note: Begins imperfectly in c. viii of part i

    rubric: (1r) Augustinus de unico baptismo libro iiiito

    incipit: (1r) Si pro eo qui respondere potest in baptismo

    Note: At the end of part I (f. 14r) Parker notes that cap. lx (Clemens lacobo: Abbatis palla etc.) is plus quam in libro impresso.

    Note: (15v) Part II (preceded by Capitula, as are the rest)

    rubric: (16r) Ex decretis Julij

    Note: (35r) Part III

    Note: (62v) Part IV

    Note: (81r) Part V

    Note: (96r) Part VI

    Note: (108v) Part VII

    Note: (122r) Part VIII (lacuna in capp. 4-8)

    Note: (129v) Part IX

    Note: (142r) Part X

    Note: Ending f. 158v in cap. xxvii

    Note: (151v) Si magos consuluisti etc. duos annos per legitimas ferias penitere debes

    Note: This is not the Panormia, but seemingly the revision of it by an unknown author, made about 1130, which is described by M. Paul Fournier as the Collection en dix parties. (Les Collections Canoniques attribuées à Yves de Chartres (Bibliothओque de l'7#201;cole des Chartes) 1897, p. 147)

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