Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 251
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 251
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 251: Bury St Edmunds Chronicle
- Bury St Edmunds Chronicle || Chronicon Buriense
- Chronicle of England
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 251 contains two chronicles: a brief abstracted roll-call of the popes from Gregory IX to 1370, followed by an account of English history from Brutus to the accession of Richard II with an emphasis on events pertinent to the abbey at Bury St Edmunds. Both texts were written c. 1445. Even though the press mark ('E.43') appears to be in error, since manuscripts at Bury St Edmunds were classified by subject matter - the volume, M. R. James argued, should fall under 'C' for Chronica - James had no doubt the manuscript was from Bury on the grounds of the content which, as part of the chronicle material, includes a life of St Edmund. Also recorded in this volume is a note on the round chapel at Bury St Edmunds which also appears in London, College of Arms MS Arundel XXX, which was certainly written for the monks at Bury. The manuscript is decorated with two historiated initials and many illuminated ornamental initials.
Contents :
1r-15v - Bury St Edmunds Chronicle || Chronicon Buriense
Note: (1r) Chronicle of the Popes (to Gregory IX, 1370), extracted from another Chronicle
incipit: (1r) Petrus fuit primus papa post Iesum Christum quo anno Petrus apud Romam duos ordinauit
Note: (1r) There is a good blue initial and within it an outline drawing of Peter, throned as Pope, holding keys and book: outside, on L., is St Paul
rubric: (3r) Explicit de libro quarto
rubric: (3r) Incipit de libro quinto
Note: (Capitulum I.)
incipit: (3r) Hillarius post leonem successit
rubric: (5v) Explicit de libro iiiito
rubric: (5v) Incipit de libro vto (sic)
Note: (Capitulum 2.)
incipit: (5v) Martinus papa post Iohannem
rubric: (8v) Explicit de libro sexto
rubric: (8v) Incipit de libro septimo
incipit: (8v) Hildebrandus qui et Gregorius viius
Note: Ends (Capitulum 46)
explicit: (12v) Gregorius undecimus diaconus cardinalis prius Petrus Rogeri nuncupatus
Note: ff. 13r-15v blank
16r-100r - Chronicle of England
rubric: (16r) Incipit historia de Bruto Rege Britonum cum aliis Regibus Anglie linealiter ab eo descendentibus usque ad Regem Ricardum secundum qui presentem fecit compilari historiam anno. Regni sui quarto decimo
Note: (16r) The initial has a seated king, crowned and robed, with shield and bannered lance, in the same style as the other figured initial
incipit: (16r) De Patre istius Bruti historie videntur dissonare. nam Britonum historia dicit istum brutum fuisse filium Siluii
Note: There are marginal references (not consecutive) to chapters of a work unnamed
Note: (34r) The account of St Edmund occupies ff. 32r-43v. It has a large coloured initial and begins
incipit: (34r) Sanctus EdmundusAlkamundi Regis Saxonie et Siware Regine filius anno ab incarnatione domini (bis) dcccxlio
Note: The last event recorded is Bishop Bateman's attempt on the privileges of St Edmund (1344) and his death, with miraculous signs accompanying. This ends:
explicit: (42v) cotidie magnifice operatur in suo martire glorioso
Note: An account of St Edwold follows:
incipit: (42v) Postquam autem beatissimus rex Edmundus mutauit per triumphum martirii
Note: Ends f. 100r with accession of Richard II
explicit: (100r) ac etiam voto communi singulorum in regnum successit Anglorum anno etatis sue undecimo
Note: ff. 100v-102r blank
Note: On f. 102v a note on the old round chapel of St Edmund at Bury. This note also occurs in the MS. Arundel xxx at the College of Arms. See my Essays on the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, C. A. S., p. 188
incipit: (102v) Anno domini mlo ccmo lxxvo deposita est capella rotunda in cimiterio monachorum in qua corpus Sancti Edmundi primo iacuit ante translacionem suam
explicit: (102v) ex parte australi ubi nunc est capella Sancti Botulphi et ortus feretrariorum
Note: (103r) Pensio scolarium. In primis de feretrariis ad festum S. Michaelis iiis vid Item de diuersis fratribus ad fest. S. Andree xxiis Item de celerario pro Abbate Will. xviijd Item pro Will. Rowham xiid ... Item pro priore Joh. Gofford xxd Item de Camerario pro Edo Bokynham xiiiid Item pro henr. de stablys iiiijd Item de manerio de hesete ad fest. purif. xxd ... Item de thoma munchesey xiid Item de sacrista pro Abb. Will. cratfeld iiis iiijd ... Item de magistro cripte xd etc.
Note: No other proper names occur
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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