Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 165
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 165
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Frontispiece
- Prayer: Te inuocamus te laudamus domine deus pater omnipotens ex quo omnis paternitas
- Prayer: Confiteor tibi domine I. C. omnia peccata mea
- Psalms xxi (xxii) Deus deus meus to xxx (xxxi) In te domine speraui, ending with v. 6 (domine deus ueritatis)
- Antiphon: Christus factus est. Collect: Respice quesumus domine super hanc familiam tuam Passio d. n. I. C. secundum Iohannem
- Or. Deus qui manus tuas
- VII verbis domini or. D. I. C. qui septem uerba
- Orationes dicte quindecim
- Gracias tibi ago d. I. C. qui voluisti pro redempcione
- O bone Ihesu O dulcis Ihesu
- In te inimicos nostros uentilabimus letetur cor meum ut timeat nomen tuum domine
- O intemerata
- Obsecro te
- Gaude uirgo mater christi, with Collect, etc.
- Gaude flore virginali, with Collect, etc.
- Stabat mater, with Collect, etc.
- Stella celi exstirpauit, with Collect, etc.
- The Five Joys: Aue cuius concepcio, with Collect, etc.
- Domine deus omnipotens...da michi famulo tuo .N. uictoriam
- Or. Miserere miserere nobis miseris
- O bone Ihesu duo in me agnosco
- Ad eleuacionem. In presencia sacrosancti corporis
- O d. I. C. qui hanc sacratissimam carnem
- Aue uerum corpus
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Brigitte de Suède (sainte, 1303?-1373)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bridget, of Sweden, Saint, 1303-1373
- Bridget of Sweden, (b. 1303, d. 1373), nun, mystic and saint
- Other form
- Brigida, Sancta
- S. Birgitta Suecica
- BIRGITTA (s.), Suecica
- Author: Birgitta, Suecica
- Birgitta of Sweden
- Birgitta <Suecica> (1303-1373)
- Birgitta <Suecica>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Islip (1464-1532)
- Original form
- John Islip (b. 1464, d. 1532), abbot
- Islip, John, 1464-1532
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899)
- Original form
- Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher
- Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899
- Other form
- Quaritch, Bernard (1819-1899)
- Bernard Quaritch
- Bernard Quaritch, 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch, Limited
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899), bookseller and publisher
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
ff. 96 (x+76+x) Leaf height: 115 mm, width: 80 mm.
Dark brown leather over wooden boards: with remains of two metal clasps. On each cover is a panel of gold tooling consisting of a frame of roll-ornament, angle-ornaments in the form of elaborated fleurs-de-lys, central panel with the arms of England and France quarterly (for Henry VII?). The shield is put together in part at least out of stamps originally separate: for instance, its outline is composed of four curved pieces of branch-ornament and two plain curved pieces back to back: and the pale or vertical dividing line is a rod with a fleur-de-lys at each end.
Folio 1v: Full page. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John. Landscape with city.
Folio 5r: Large initial. The Man of Sorrows standing in the tomb; rays about Him, the cross behind. IC. XC. in gold on the red ground.
Folio 21r: Initial. Christ in red robe holding a green knotted branch (Ecce Homo).
Folio 28r: Fifteen Oos. Half-page. St. Bddget of Sweden in white headkerchief and blue mantle over red, kneeling at desk on left, a canopy behind her. Green and black tiled floor. Pink ground with gold hatching. On right Christ appears half-length in a blue cloud showing His hands and side wounded.
Folio 43v: 'O bone Ihesu'. Initial. Christ in purple robe, seated with orb, blessing: pink ground with gold hatching.
Folio 47v: 'O intemerata'. Half·page. Pink ground with gold hatching. The Virgin (left) holding the Child: another figure facing right which ought to be St. John but seems to be a woman.
Folio 52r: 'Obsecro te'. Ground as before. The Virgin crowned and the Child seated on right. Islip kneels on left in black habit with crosier: mitre behind him. Scroll on which is an eye, perhaps a slip, and 'Pastori succurre Maria Johanni', i. e. Islip Pastori, etc.
Folio 57r: 'Gaude virgo'. Initial. Pink ground. The Annunciation. The Virgin on left.
Folio 58v: 'Gaude flore'. Half-page. Pink ground. The Father throned on right. The Virgin kneeling to Him, a crown above her head. Islip kneeling on left at desk; a mitre behind him.
Folio 61v: 'Stabat mater'. Half-page. The Virgin seated; seven swords in her bosom. A landscape behind.
Folio 66r: 'Aue cuius concepcio'. Half-page: ground partly pink and gold. Islip kneels at desk on left. On right, the golden gate and Joachim and Anne embracing. The following pictures are uniform with this in size and illustrate the same text.
Folio 66v: The Birth of the Virgin. A woman holds the infant, another with a jug feels the warmth of the water in a tub. Anne in bed behind.
Folio 67r: The Annunciation. The Virgin on left. Lilypot in centre. Gabriel on right with scroll ave-plena.
Folio 67v: The Presentation. Virgin, Joseph, and Maid on left, altar in centre, Symeon on right.
Folio 68r: The Assumption. Background of sky. The Virgin borne up by four demi-angels.
Purchased for the Rylands on 5 April 1909 for £248.12s.6d. from Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher, who acquired it at the Amherst sale on 24 March 1908 (Lot 742). Library Accession Number R17978.
1 column, 13 lines to a page.
Quire a2, 1 lining cover
Quire b8
Quire 18, + 1*
Quires 2-98
Quire 104, wants 4
Quire c8
Quire d2, 2 lining cover
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Prayers and devotions
Devotional miscellany of John Islip, abbot of Westminster 1500-1532, produced in the late 15th century. Islip has introduced the rebus of his name into many of the borders, consisting of a human eye and a slip or branch of a tree. In the border on folio 2r is also a scroll inscribed in gold 'islip'. His own figure is also introduced, in one case with a mitre behind it.
The original maker and owner was John Islip (b. 1464, d. 1532), abbot, the abbot of Westminster from 1500 to 1532. He has introduced the rebus of his name into many of the borders, consisting of a human eye and a slip or branch of a tree. In the border on folio 2r is also a scroll inscribed in gold 'islip'. His own figure is also introduced, in one case with a mitre behind it.
Quire b after the prayer Stella Maris: Katharin: Fortescue (second in date). Katheren: Poole (earliest in date). Elizabeath: Warneforde (latest in date). Katheren Poole wrote the prayer Stella jWaris. Elizabeth Warneforde wrote the devotions in English to SS. Roch, Apollonia, Winifred. All are of cent. xvi.
In modern times the book belonged to Edwin H. Laurence, F.S.A. lot 528 in his sale, 1892. On the endleaf is pencilled 'Edwin H. Laurence, F.S.A.', and '15'.
Belonged to Lord Amherst of Hackney, in whose sale it was no. 742. A label bearing the Amherst coat-of-arms is pasted on the front fly-leaf and the manuscript is no. 21 in de Ricci's 'A Hand-List of A Collection of Books and Manuscripts Belonging to...Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk' (Cambridge, 1906), p. l01.
Quire b has on its first 4 leaves prayers added in a clear hand of cent. xvi or xvii early, viz. : (a) Stella maria maris. (b) The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The vertue of his Holy passin. (e) Per signum ta (i.e. Tau) Tu a peste et fame libera nos Jhesu. hie est titulus Triumfalis hie est Jhesus Nazarenus rex iudeorum. Christus venit in pace et deus homo factus est Jhesus. Amen. (d) To St. Roche against the Pestilence. O how magnificent is thy name (followed by a Collect in English). (e) A prayer to St. Apolonia. O Apolonia noble vergin of Christ (followed by Collect). The remainder of quire b is blank.Quire c in the same hand as quire b has: A praire to St. Anne. O God which hast voutsafed to bestowe Devotion to St. Winifred. (Memoria.) Aue gemma claritatis ad instar carbunculi Ora pro nobis san eta Wenefreda, etc. Deus qui b. Wenefredam. Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui b. Wenefredam Litany of St. Winifred in English. (5 pp.) The himme. For Winefrede vir(g)ine pure that ouercomminge youthful lures didst serue our Lord a life secure eternalllife to gaine, etc. (7 stanzas). When ȝe mayde was dead, then ȝe tirant raged, where ȝe head did rest, there a fountaine flowed: whose water is now loued for diseases it healeth and ȝe bloody collour yet on stones remaineth: O Blessed Wenefrede intercession make that we may all wickednes vtterly forsake. O God who didst rayse from death the blessed virgin St. Wenefrede, etc. The next leaf but one has on the verso: Remember Robt. Smallwood, 1539. On the following leaf written the reverse way, in the hand of quire b, etc., is a prayer in English partly erased: O My most blessed lord and saviour who of thine infinite bounty hast not only visited the sick in person, etc.
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).