Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 10

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 010
Biblissima authority file
  • 1100 - 1299
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 010: Gratian, Decretum
  • Gratian, Decretum || Gratiani, Decretum
  • Summary: CCCC MS 10 contains a luxury copy of the Decretum (Concordia discordantium canonum), a canon law collection attributed to the twelfth century jurist Gratian (fl. c. 1150). It is one of a group of finely illustrated manuscripts of the text produced in northern France or southern England in the last quarter of the twelfth century. The various 'causae', the legal cases, have historiated and ornamental initials. There is also a full-page miniature of a man standing holding a consanguinity table. Its exact provenance and how it came to be in Parker's possession are unknown.

    Contents :

    1r-363r - Gratian, Decretum || Gratiani, Decretum

    Note: (1r) Table of tituli

    incipit: (1r) In prima parte agitur de iusticia

    Note: A title has been erased, and one of cent. xvi inserted

    rubric: (1r) Decretum abbreuiatum sigillatim cuncta attingens

    Note: A fine initial I in gold and colour on blue

    Note: (11r) Ends on Causa xxxvi

    Note: (11v) blank

    Note: (12r) Text begins. At the top a xvith cent, title Concordantia discordancium Canonum, written over erasure

    incipit: (12r) Humanum genus duobus regitur

    Note: There is a splendid initial mostly in blue and vermilion on gold: it contains the small white lions which often mark the work of Christ Church, Canterbury. The whole is edged with green. Smaller initials alternately blue and red. Each Causa has a fine initial; some are decorative, some figured. The latter shall be specified

    Note: (25v) Opposite a sentence about the bad pronunciation of readers, is a sketch (xiv?) of a monk's head: with book on desk, inscribed In principio erat verbum etc.

    Note: (92r) Causa I Abbot in purple with crosier, throned on L. Bearded man on R. presents a small boy in red tunic and a bowl full of silver : gold ground

    Note: (113r) Causa II

    Note: (130v) Causa III

    Note: (138r) Causa IV

    Note: (140r) Causa V

    Note: (142v) Causa VI Bishop in white seated between two litigants

    Note: (145v) Causa VII Bishop in bed, hand to face: another bishop (a substitute) bends over him, two men at head and foot weep

    Note: (152r) Causa VIII (Medallions of beasts)

    Note: (154v) Causa IX

    Note: (157r) Causa X

    Note: (160v) Causa XI

    Note: (171v) Causa XII

    Note: (181r) Causa XIII In C. two men one with sheaf, the other with lamb. On R. and on L. four tonsured clerics, two and two, those on R. hold out hands to receive offerings, those on L. point back to L. The men in C. have been driven from their old diocese and moved to another, but still cultivate their old lands. Tithes are claimed by both churches

    Note: (185r) Causa XIV

    Note: (187v) Causa XV A tonsured man in short tunic smites one on R. on the head with a club: a woman stands with arms out in consternation

    Note: (192r) Causa XVI Abbot in purple habit with crosier seated, under architecture: lamp hangs above: two monks behind him. Two secular clerics seated on L. argue

    Note: (204v) Causa XVII

    Note: (208r) Causa XVIII

    Note: (210v) Causa XIX

    Note: (212r) Causa XX Abbot with crosier throned on R. On L. kneel two tonsured boys, one in blue cowl (a willing novice), the other looking back at his father on L. (unwilling)

    Note: (214r) Causa XXI

    Note: (216r) Causa XXII

    Note: (224r) Causa XXIII

    Note: (246r) Causa XXIV

    Note: (257r) Causa XXV

    Note: (261r) Causa XXVI

    Note: (268r) Causa XXVII A maiden in red in C. (who has vowed not to marry, and repented). A youth on R. holding sword puts his arms round her neck to lead her away. A bearded man (former betrothed) on L. protests, holding her hand

    Note: (275r) Causa XXVIII

    Note: (279r) Causa XXIX

    Note: (280r) Causa XXX

    Note: (283v) Causa XXXI. Man and woman on R. embrace. Man in C. lays hands on woman and looks back at older man on L. (a daughter promised by her father to one, and given to another)

    Note: (285r) Causa XXXII

    Note: (294r) Causa XXXIII

    Note: (325v) Causa XXXIV

    Note: (326v) Causa XXXV Above a man at table, a woman in blue on L. (his wife) hands him a dish. Below two men lay a shrouded corpse (the first wife) in the grave. A cross in C. All the figures are half-length

    Note: (330v) A full-page painting of a man with white beard and hair in purple-grey robe over white, red hose, and black shoes, both patterned: on patterned blue ground: coloured frame. In front of his body is a tree of affinity formed of (blank) white medallions set in a gold frame

    Note: (333v) Causa XXXVI Above, youth and maid at table, servants on R. and in front. Below, youth and maid in bed

    Note: (335r) Ultima pars

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (363r) a nisi quod uiderit patrem facientem

    Note: (363r) Three quarters of the leaf is cut away

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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