London. British Library, Harley MS 3027
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Harley MS 3027
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Augustine of Hippo (and Pseudo-Augustine), various theological works; Prosper of Aquitaine, Pro Augustino responsiones ad capitula obiectionum Vincentianarum ; sermon collection with texts by Pseudo-Augustine, Pseudo-Eusebius and Origen; Paulinus of Aquileia, Liber Exhortationis ad Quendam Comitem
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Original form
- Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Other form
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint)
- Augustinus Hipponensis
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin d'Hippone
- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430)
- S. Augustinus
- Augustin, S.
- Augustin (sain ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (s.)
- S. Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustinus Hiponnensis
- Augustin
- Sancti Augustini
- Sanctus Augustinus
- S. Augustinus (?)
- Augustinus episcopus
- Augustini
- Sancti Augustini
- S. Augustin
- [Augustinus]
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustin (Saint)
- Augustin saint 0354-0430
- Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustinus, Aurelius, 354-430
- Augustinus (heilige)
- Author: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Translator: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustine
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint). Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels
- Augustine (attrib.)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), author
- Pseudo Augustine
- Pseudo Augustine (Quodvultdeus)
- Pseudo Augustine (Patrick of Dublin)
- Pseudo Augustine (Jeronimus)
- St Augustine
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430 (role)aut
- Augustin (saint)
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- S. Augustin
- Aurelius Augustinus (354-430)
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author,
- D. Augustinus
- B. Augustinus
- Agostino
- Augustinus Aurelius santo
- Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Docteur de l'Eglise
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Evêque
- Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430)
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , co-autor
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , ant. bibliog.
- Augustin (05.. ?-0604 ? ; saint)
- Augustinus - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Saint Augustin d'Hippone
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- Preferred form
- Origène (0185?-0254?)
- Original form
- Origen, c 185-c 254
- Other form
- ORIGENES (Adamantius)
- Origène (0185?-0254?)
- Origenes (0185?-0254?)
- Origenes
- Origenis presbiteri
- Origenis
- Origenes Adamantius
- Origène
- Origène 0185?-0254?
- Origen
- Orígenes
- Orígenes, ca. 183-ca. 253
- Origenes 185-254
- Author: Origenes
- Origene
- Origines
- Origenes ca 184-ca 253
- Origen (b. c. 185, d. 254), Christian scholar, ascetic and theologian
- Origène (0185?-0254?) > Père de l'Eglise
- Orígenes, ca 185-ca 254
- Orígenes, ca 185-ca 254 > , co-autor
- Origenes - ca. 185 - 253/254 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Prosper d'Aquitaine (saint, 0390?-0455?)
- Original form
- Prosper of Aquitaine, c 390-c 463, Saint
- Other form
- S. Prosper Aquitanus
- Prosper Aquitanius Tiro (saint ; 0390?-0455?)
- Prosper
- Prosper Aquitanus
- Prosper d'Aquitaine (saint ; 0390?-0455?)
- Prosperi
- Prosperus
- Prosper Aquitanius Tiro
- Prosper d'Aquitaine saint 0390?-0455?
- Pròsper, d'Aquitània, sant, ca. 390-ca. 460
- Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, ca. 390-ca. 463
- Prosper de Aquitania 390-455
- Próspero de Aquitania, Santo
- Prosper van Aquitanië (heilige)
- Author: Prosper, de Aquitania
- Prosper of Aquitaine
- Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, approximately 390-approximately 463
- Prosper<de Aquitania>
- Prosper <de Aquitania> (390-455)
- Prosperus Aquitanus
- B. Prosperus
- Prosperus Aquitanicus
- Prosper Aquitanus (5e E)
- Próspero de Aquitania, Santo, ca. 390-ca. 455
- Próspero de Aquitânia, Santo, ca 390-ca 463 > , co-autor
- Próspero de Aquitânia, Santo, ca 390-ca 463
- Prosper Aquitanus - gest. post 455 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Paulin d'Aquilée (saint, 0730?-0802)
- Original form
- Paulinus of Aquileia, c 750-802, Saint, Patriarch of Aquileia
- Other form
- S. Paulinus Aquileiensis
- Paulinus Aquileiensis (saint ; 0730?-0802)
- Paulinus Aquileiensis
- Paulin d'Aquilée (saint ; 0730?-0802)
- Author: Paulinus, Aquileiensis
- Paulinus of Aquileia
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- Preferred form
- Eusebius Gallicanus
- Original form
- Pseudo-Eusebius, fl 4th-5th century
- Other form
- Eusebius "Gallicanus"
- Eusebius Gallicanus
- Eusèbe le Gaulois
- Eusebius 'Gallicanus"
- Author: Eusebius, Gallicanus
- Pseudo-Eusebius of Emesa, Unspecified, also known as 'Eusebius Gallicanus'
- Eusebius<Gallicanus>
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- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Augustinus Hipponensis
- Original form
- Pseudo-Augustine of Hippo, Unspecified
- Other form
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Augustinus Hipponensis (ps.)
- Pseudo-Augustin
- Pseudo-Augustin, Sermones de tempore, in natali Domini , sermo 128].
- Ps. Augustinus
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Pseudo-)
- Augustinus (Pseudo-)
- Pseudo Agustí
- Pseudo Agustín, Santo
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, pseudo
- Pseudo-Augustine
- Augustin (saint ; auteur prétendu)
- Pseudo-Augustine
- Pseudo-Augustine (perhaps Quoduultdeus)
- Pseudo-Augustine (perhaps Gilbert the Minorite)
- (Ps.-)Augustinus
- S. Augustinus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Augustinus.
- Ps.-Augustinus
- [Ps.-] Augustinus
- Pseudo-Agostinho, Santo > , co-autor
- <Pseudo->Agostinho, Santo
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur (apocrief)
- Augustin, pseudo-
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- Description
- This 12th-century English manuscript contains a collection of sermons, and theological writings by and spuriously attributed to the Church Father St Augustine of Hippo (b. 354, d. 430), and his disciple Prosper of Aquitaine (b. c. 390, c. 455). The manuscript was owned and perhaps also produced at the Benedictine abbey of Bury St Edmunds; it is recorded in a catalogue of the abbey's library that was probably written in the 3rd quarter of the 12th century. Contents: ff. 1r–20v: Augustine, Soliloquia (Soliloquies) [ Clavis Patrum Latinorum 252], begins imperfect, ‘mea. lux mea. vita mea.’. ff. 20v–27v: Augustine, De Immortalitate Animae (On the Immortality of the Soul) [ CPL 256]. ff. 27v–36v: Augustine, De Praesentia Dei (On the Presence of God) [ Epistola 187; CPL 262]. ff. 37r–86r: Augustine, De Sermone Domini in Monte (On the Lord's Sermon on the Mount) [ CPL 274]. ff. 86r–99r: Augustine, Expositio Quarundam Propositionum ex Epistula ad Romanos (Exposition on Certain Propositions from the Epistle to the Romans) [ PL 280]. ff. 99v–105v: Pseudo-Augustine, De Duodecim Abusivis Saeculi (On the Twelve Wordly Abuses) [ CPL 280]. ff. 105v–122v: Pseudo Augustine, Dialogus Quaestionum LXV (Dialogue of Sixty-Five Questions), rubric: ‘Questiones Orosii. Ad Beatum Augustinum Edite’. ff. 123r–140r: Augustine, De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio (On Grace and Free Will) [ CPL 352]. ff. 140v–152v: Augustine, De Octo Dulcitii Quaestionibus (On Eight Questions by Dulcitius) [ CPL 291]. ff. 153r–157r: Prosper, Pro Augustino Responsiones ad Capitula Obiectionum Vincentianarum (For Augustine: Answers to Chapters on the Objections of the Vincentians) [ CPL 521]. ff. 157r–169v: A sermon collection found in other English manuscripts, including Pseudo-Augustine; Pseudo-Eusebius; Origen, trans. Jerome, De circumcisione domini (On the Circumcision of the Lord) [ Homiliae in Lucam 14; Clavis Patrum Graecorum 1451]: for other manuscripts see Sharpe, English Benedictine Libraries (1996), pp. 60–61. ff. 170r-192v: Pseudo-Augustine (Paulinus of Aquileia), Liber Exhortationis ad Quendam Comitem (Book of Exhortations to a Certain Count) [ Patrologia Latina 40, cols 1047-78). ff. 192v–207v: Augustine, De Videndo Deo (On Seeing God) [ Epistola 147; CPL 262], imperfect the end. Decoration:Numerous large and small initials in red, occasionally with reserved designs and some penwork decoration in red or plummet. Display script in brown ink for letters following large initials. One running header with some penwork decoration (f. 98v). Rubrics in red. Rough drawing of a human figure in plummet (f. 42r, lower margin). Underdrawings in plummet are visible for a number of initials (e.g. ff. 103v, 165v, and 166v); occasionally the design differs (e.g. f. 192v). Manicules added in brown ink. A marginal drawing of a triangle in black ink on f. 200v.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Bury St. Edmunds Abbey (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Bury St Edmunds, England
- Other form
- England, Bury St. Edmunds
- English, Bury St. Edmunds
- Bury St. Edmunds
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- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License