Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 358

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 358
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1399
  • Latin
    • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 358: Formulary for Letter-writing
    • Dictaminis compendium
    • Tractatus de coloribus rhetoricis. Letters || Tractatus de coloribus rhetoricis
    • Letters
    • see more
  • Summary: CCCC MS 358 contains a fourteenth-century copy of a Formulary, a collection intended to inform clerks and notaries as to the proper form to be employed when writing letters. Because they featured material copied for its form rather than its particular content, letters within such collections are not necessarily a sound guide to the possible provenance of the manuscripts, though it should be noted that several letters in this collection are copies of letters to or from Robert, bishop of Salisbury, probably Robert Wickhampton (bishop 1271-84). The provenance of this manuscript remains unknown.

    Contents :

    1r-20r - Dictaminis compendium

    incipit: (1r) Ad omnipotentis dei laudem gloriosius extollendam conseruandamque iocundius in linguis facundis hominum hoc floride dictaminis compendium studio iuuenili presento

    explicit: (1r) quibus completis hoc compendium finietur

    rubric: (1r) Explicit prologus

    rubric: (1r) Incipit capitulum primum de dictaminis partibus et ordine

    incipit: (1r) Dictacio potest dici congrue dictorum disposicio

    Note: The last formula of the first series is:

    rubric: (20r) Scolare ad magistrum commendacio (?) carcerat'

    Note: (20r) Most part of a blank page follows

    Note: (20v) A burlesque letter to a Christmas king headed:

    rubric: (20v) Momentaneo principi Iohanni vocali sed non reali natalicio regi squalentis viculi de stokwalstret

    incipit: (20v) Baltazar dan filius summi Jouis humane speciei singulare decus et gloria ac tocius inferioris mundi potentissimus imperator Johanni Regulo suburbano sordidissimi vici de stokwel stret

    Note: (21r) Scriptum iiiito de Januarii assistente nobis regum et principum almi imperii nostri vassallorum multitudine copiosa

    Note: (21r) Serenissimo et placidissimo principi domino Johanni dei gratia Regi natalicio illustri de S. Teglet phalazar eadem gratia Iongobardorum rex

    explicit: (21v) hirsutum efficiat Olofernem. Dat' Veneciis duodecimo die mensis Caslew in nostro regali palacio supra mare

    21v-93v - Tractatus de coloribus rhetoricis. Letters || Tractatus de coloribus rhetoricis

    rubric: (21v) Inter diuersa arcium documenta rethorice venustatis obseruanda sunt ornamenta

    Note: Copies of letters begin on f. 23r

    Note: One on f. 51r is dated 1280

    Note: The lower part of f. 89v and all f. 90r are left blank

    Note: On f. 90v is a letter in the same hand written the reverse way of the page

    Note: ff. 91r-93v are in a smaller hand and contain letters: the first from the Dux Geldrie. Another to Adam Easton. These end f. 93v

    94r-117v - Letters

    Note: (94r) In another hand of earlier type: brown ink. The lower part of ff. 94r-95v cut off

    Note: Letters. Those on ff. 94r-97v relate chiefly to a Bishop of Winchester

    Note: From f. 98r to f. 117r, they are all to or from Robert, Bishop of Salisbury

    Note: On f. 117v:

    rubric: (117v) Modus dictandi secundum Curiam Romanam

    incipit: (117v) Si dicitur tetra sillaba

    Note: (117v) Copies of two letters in another hand. The first dated at Cawood

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