Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 242
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 242
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 242: William Buckmaster, Collection of Documents Relating to the University of Cambridge. Catalogue of English Saints and Kings
- William Buckmaster, Collection of documents relating to Cambridge University || Plurimae orationes coram senatu habitae; - literae Henrici VIII. ad academiam, et determinatio academiae de matrimonio ejus cum regina Katerina; - excerpta ex chartis regiis; - modus procedendi in curiis civilibus; - historiola de fundatione academiae, &c.
- Catalogue of English saints and kings || Catalogus sanctorum qui in Anglia requiescunt; - catalogus amnium et fluminum in Anglia; - catalogus regum Britonum et Saxonum, &c.
- Agent
- Preferred form
- William Buckmaster (14..-1546)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Buckmaster
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 242 is a mid-sixteenth-century collection assembled by William Buckmaster (d. 1546), who became the vice-chancellor of Cambridge University in 1529. The manuscript contains a collection of documents relating to Cambridge University during the period 1528-44 and a catalogue of English saints and kings. The manuscript was not a part of Archbishop Parker's collection, but was donated to the college by John Jegon sometime after 1592 when he acquired it.
Contents :
1v-71v - William Buckmaster, Collection of documents relating to Cambridge University || Plurimae orationes coram senatu habitae; - literae Henrici VIII. ad academiam, et determinatio academiae de matrimonio ejus cum regina Katerina; - excerpta ex chartis regiis; - modus procedendi in curiis civilibus; - historiola de fundatione academiae, &c.
Note: (1v) Receipt of Bishop Tunstall for Chrysostom on I Cor. from the University, 3 June 1530
Note: (2r) Speech of Buckmaster giving notice that letters were to be sent to the Chancellor and others at the opening of Parliament
Note: (2v) Notes of such letters being sent in 1529 and 1533
Note: (2v) Note of nomination of proctors, 1530
Note: (3r) Latin speeches (and a few in English) by Buckmaster in Congregation
Note: (11v) The king to the University, 16 May 1529, in the matter of the divorce (Lamb, Documents, p. 19)
Note: (12r) Proceedings and answer of the University
Note: (15r) Case of Dakers
Note: (16v) List of Bishops, 1527-1530, 1534
Note: (17r) Speech about the Cista de Bowcer
Note: (17v) Order to appoint a commission to examine heretical books, 4 May 1530. Names of commissioners (Lamb, p. 26)
Note: (19r) Speeches and proceedings in Congregation (1537 etc.)
Note: (25r) Address to the Senate (printed in Lamb, Documents, p. 15)
Note: (28r) Dr Fox to Buckmaster (Lamb, p. 14)
Note: (28v) Speech on S. Luke's Day 1530 on resigning office
Note: (30r) Bulls and Charters relating to the University
Note: (35r) Note of proceedings between University and Town, 24 July 1534
Note: (35v) Forms of Citations etc. and legal notes
Note: (53r) Note of privileges of the Universities
Note: (54r) Historiola of Cantilupe, neatly written
incipit: (54r) Anno a mundi creacione 4321
explicit: (63r) satis clare habentur
Note: (63r) Notes of British history
Note: (63v) The riot in 4 Richard II (see Gonv. and Caius 249)
incipit: (63v) Memorandum quod die sabbati
Note: (65v) Notes of British history
rubric: (67r) The Vepers in Dyvynytie
rubric: (67v) The commencemente in Dyvynytie
rubric: (69r) The Vepers in arte
Note: ff. 70r-71v blank
72r-88v - Catalogue of English saints and kings || Catalogus sanctorum qui in Anglia requiescunt; - catalogus amnium et fluminum in Anglia; - catalogus regum Britonum et Saxonum, &c.
incipit: (72r) He sunt notaciones de sanctis qui in Anglica patria requiescunt. Sanctus Albanus martyr iuxta locum que vocatur wetlingacester
explicit: (73v) sanctaque morwenna Abbatissa in loco qui dicitur Rumesige prope amnem Taerstan
Note: Cf. Liebermann, Heiligen Englands, p. 10
rubric: (74r) Amnes ac flumina in Anglia
rubric: (75v) Catalogus Regum
Note: (Cerdic - Henry 8)
Note: (76v) Lists of Saxon kings
Note: Ending f. 79r
Note: ff. 79v-86r blank
Note: (86v) List of Proctors and Vice-Chancellors, 1511-1545
Note: (88r) Sums of money in the various chests, 1532
Note: (88v) Notes of admissions to degrees (?) in the years 1528-1544. Many names of monks occur
Note: (br) On the last flyleaf: M. Besyll, M. Gosnell, M. Pulley, M. Swayne, M. Weste, M. Stokes
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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