Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 421
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 421
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 421: Old English Homilies
- Prayer following Homily for the Feast of an Apostle
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostle
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Virgins
- Ælfric OSB, Sermo ad populum in octauis Pentecosten dicendus
- Sermon on Larspel and scriftboc
- Sermon Ammonitio amici
- Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
- Sermon on Larspel
- Wulfstan, Luke on the last days
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric OSB
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Wulfstan (0960?-1023)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Wulfstan
- Other form
- Wulfstan, Archbishop of York, -1023
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 421 is an important collection of Old English homilies, many by Ælfric of Eynsham OSB (d. 1010). It originated in the first half of the eleventh century as a companion volume to CCCC MS 419, partly written by the same scribe, and pp. 12 of MS 421 were originally physically part CCCC MS 419. Substantial additions were made to MS 421 at at Exeter in the time of Bishop Leofric (1050-1072). The manuscript contains an eleventh-century frontispiece drawing of the Crucifixion in the part (p. 1) which was originally in CCCC MS 419. MS 421 was Parker's sixth volume of homilies in his numeration system.
Contents :
2-2 - Prayer following Homily for the Feast of an Apostle
Note: (Cameron B12.4.8.2)
Note: (2) Prayer or conclusion of Sermon in honour of an Apostle (such as no. 3) not on the hand which follows
incipit: (2) Uton nu biddan ealle eadmodlice [uel an] þysne [þas] halgan [haligan] Apostol [uel las] .N. þaet he [uel hi] for his [uel hira] mæran gearnungum, etc.
Note: ending
explicit: (2) þe ƿe nu to dæg ƿurþigeaþ 7 mid eallon his halgan. Se þe leofað 7 ricsað a buton ende on ecnysse. Amen. Credo in unum deum
3-25 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.24)
rubric: (3) In die Sancto Pentecosten
incipit: (3) Fram ðam halgan Easterlican dæge
Note: Thorpe I 310
Note: pp. 3-96 are in a more regular hand than what follows
25-36 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostle
Note: (Cameron B1.2.44)
rubric: (25) In natale unius Apostoli
incipit: (25) Ðes Apostolica freols dæg
Note: Thorpe II 520
36-54 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
Note: (Cameron B1.2.46)
rubric: (36) In Natale Plurimorum Sanctorum Martyrum
incipit: (36) Cum audieritis prelia
incipit: (36) Se Hælende foresæde
Note: Thorpe II 536
54-76 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
Note: (Cameron B1.2.47)
rubric: (54) In Natale Unius Confessoris
incipit: (54) Homo quidam peregre
incipit: (54) Ure Drihten saede
Note: Thorpe II 548
76-98 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Virgins
Note: (Cameron B1.2.48)
rubric: (76) In natale Sanctarum Virginum
incipit: (76) Simile est regnum ... decem uirginibus
incipit: (76) Se Hælend sæde gelomlice
Note: Thorpe II 562
Note: Ends p. 96
Note: pp. 97, 98 blank
99-150 - Ælfric OSB, Sermo ad populum in octauis Pentecosten dicendus
Note: (Cameron B1.4.11)
rubric: (99) Sermo ad populum in octavis Pentecosten
incipit: (99) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ sæcgan sume sƿutelunge
Note: MS 178 (5), MS 188 (22), MS 303 (42) and elsewhere
Note: (99) pp. 99-208 are in the hand of no. 419
150-159 - Sermon on Larspel and scriftboc
Note: (Cameron B3.4.38)
rubric: (150) Lar Spel 7 Scrift Boc
incipit: (150) Leofan men. doð sƿa ic eoƿ bidde gehyrað þæt soð is
Note: Napier, Wulfstan XLVII, p. 242
159-170 - Sermon Ammonitio amici
Note: (Cameron B3.4.39.2)
rubric: (159) Ammonitio amici þaet is freondlic mynegung
incipit: (159) Eala geƿynsuman men 7 æþele ƿæpmen
Note: Napier, Wulfstan XLVIII, p. 246
170-208 - Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.40.2)
rubric: (170) Lar spell
incipit: (170) Men ða leofestan ƿe gehyrdon oft sæcgan be þam æþelan to cyme
Note: Napier, Wulfstan XLIX, p. 250
209-221 - Sermon on Larspel
Note: (Cameron B3.4.40)
rubric: (209) Lar spell
incipit: (209) Ƿe secgeað urum cyne hlaforde
Note: Napier, Wulfstan L, p. 266
Note: pp. 209-224 are in a careful upright hand, 25 lines to a page
221-226 - Wulfstan, Luke on the last days
Note: (Cameron B2.1.3)
rubric: (221) (Erunt signa)
incipit: (221) Crist cƿæð on his halgan godspelle þæt fela fortacna
Note: Napier, Wulfstan XV, p. 90
Note: Ends p. 224
Note: pp. 225, 226 are blank
227-254 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
Note: (Cameron B1.1.20)
Note: On p. 227 the hand of MS 419 resumes
rubric: (227) In L(etania maiore)
incipit: (227) Ðas dagas synd gehatene Letanige
Note: Thorpe I 224
254-287 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
Note: (Cameron B1.1.21)
rubric: (254) Feria III. De Dominica Oratione
incipit: (254) Se hælend Crist syððan he
Note: Thorpe I 258
287-324 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
Note: (Cameron B1.1.22)
rubric: (287) Feria IIII. De fide catholica
incipit: (287) Ælc Cristen man sceal æfter rihte cunnan
Note: Thorpe I 274
324-354 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
Note: (Cameron B1.1.23)
rubric: (324) In ascensione domini. Primum quidem sermonem
incipit: (324) Lucas se godspellere us manede
Note: Thorpe I 294
Note: Ends
explicit: (354) Bartholomeus on India. Matheus on æthiopia. And sƿa heora gehyƿylc on his daele 7 godes miht
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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