Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. C17:70 Oxford (95)

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Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
Oxford. Bodleian Library
  • Bodleian Library MS. C17:70 Oxford (95)
Biblissima authority file
  • 1613
  • English
  • The true Plote, Ground:worke and Foundation of the Scholes in the Vniversitie of Oxford. Together with the Platforme of parte of the publicke Library therevnto adioyning. Erected at yᵉ cost & chargs of Sʳ Tho: Bodley & other worthy Benefactours. The lande situate in yᵉ South:east corner therof & extending it selfe in yᵉ Quadrangle of yᵉ foresayde Schole is land belonging vnto yᵉ College of Sᵗ Mary Magdalen in yᵉ Vniversity of Oxon aforesayd. Wᶜʰ sayd plot of land is marked wᵗʰ M: C: and destinguished with collours as here vnder you may behould. Alsoe whose length & breadth by the Scale adioyning is made apparant.
  • Role
    • Author
    Original form
    • Webb, William, active 1612-14
  • Plan of the Bodleian Library's Old Schools Quadrangle, showing land belonging to Magdalen College. Contemporary note describing the extent and exact measurements of Magdalen College's land pasted top left. Later note giving account of transfer of land from Magdalen College to the University, top right. From this later note: "The Magdalen property in this Quadrangle was held by the University under successive leases from Sept. 30, 1615 to May 16, 1893. At the latter date the property was purchased from Magdalen College by the University for £7000." Scale: [ca. 1:300].
    Provenance: Donated by the curators of the University Chest, 1913.
  • Photo: © Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Terms of use: CC-BY-NC 4.0. For more information, please see http://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/terms.html.
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