Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Hebrew MS 6
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Hebrew MS 6
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Hebrew
- Title
- Haggadah shel Pesaḥ (הגדה של פסח | Passover Haggadah, Sefardi rite)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Enriqueta Augustina Rylands (1843-1908)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Enriqueta Rylands
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (comte de Crawford, 1847-1913)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford of Haigh Hall
- Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913
- Other form
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, Earl (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), peer and collector
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Ludovic Lindsay 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
57 ff. (i+57+ii) Leaf height: 280 mm, width: 230 mm.
Non-original brown leather binding with gilded decorations.
A complete list by folio is provided below. The decoration can be subdivided into seven types:
1. Eleven full-page paintings with a cycle of biblical illustrations (folios 13b-19a), ending in a panel (folio 19b) of four scenes representing the Passover celebration.
2. Eleven illustrations of the text set in the margins (folios 20a, 21b, 22b, 23a, 28a, 28b, 30b) or within the script column (folios 31a, 31b).
Painted initial-word panels
3. Painted initial-word panels and marginal scrolls with grotesques appear on almost every page between folios 20a-36a.
Penwork initial-word panels
4. Filigree penwork initial-word panels on folios 5b, 7b-10b, 37b-53b.
5. Initial-word panels decorated by red and blue filigree penwork on folios 4b-10b, 37b-51b.
6. Micrography on folios 5b, 6a, 37b, 38r, 40b, 41a, 42b, 43a, 47b, 48a, 50b and 51a.
Other decoration
7. Folios 54a-57b contain additional prayers decorated with painted panels, including one text illustration in the margin (folio 54a). The script and the paintings of this unit were executed by craftsmen who did not take part in the decoration of the original manuscript.
List of decorations by folio
Folio 5b: Fine Sephardic penwork in red and violet. Micrography in the shape of birds and foliage on a background of red and violet penwork squares in the right margin.
Folio 6a: Fine Sephardic penwork in a symmetrical red and violet pattern can be seen in the left margin.
Folio 7b: Initial-word פזמון on a panel of violet Sephardic penwork.
Folio 8a: Initial-words הפסח סדר and twice השמורים ליל on violet and red panels of Sephardic penwork.
Folio 8b: Initial-word השמורים ליל on a panel of Sephardic penwork in red and violet.
Folio 10a: Initial-word השמורים ליל on a panel of Sephardic penwork in red and violet.
Folio 10b: Twice the initial-word השמורים ליל, the upper one on a panel of Sephardic violet penwork, the lower one on a panel of Sephardic red penwork.
Folio 13b: Upper panel: on the right Moses herding Jethro’s flock (Ex. 3:1). On the left Moses approaching the Burning Bush and taking of his shoe (Ex. 3:5). Lower panel: on the right side stands Moses, answering the Lord’s question (Ex. 4:2), he holds up his rod – a hooked shepherd’s staff. In the middle Moses looks amazed at the serpent into which his rod has been changed (Ex. 4:3). On the left stands Moses, holding the serpent that again turns into a rod (Ex. 4:4).
Folio 14a: Upper panel: (from right to left) Moses puts his hand into his bosom (Ex. 4:6); Moses shows his hand that became leprous (ibid.); Moses puts back his hand into his bosom (Ex. 4:7); Moses shows up his healed hand (ibid.). Lower panel: Moses and Zipporah leave Jethro’s house to return to Egypt. Zipporah rides a donkey with her two sons and Moses walks besides them (appropriation of the Flight into Egypt) (Ex. 4:20). A female figure is looking down at them from the top of the walls. On the left, Zipporah can be seen circumcising her son underway (appropriation of Pièta). A man blowing a horn can be seen standing on the city gate.
Folio 14b: Upper panel: Moses meeting Aaron and embracing him on the right (Ex. 4:27); on the left Moses telling Aaron all the words of the Lord (Ex. 4:28), Aaron listens amazed. Lower panel: Moses and Aaron speaking to the elders of the children of Israel and showing them the signs. And the people believed… (Ex. 4:30-31).
Folio 15a: Upper panel: Moses and Aaron tell the Pharaoh the Lord’s message (Ex. 5:1). In the presence of the crowned Pharaoh are two wise men. A white dog sits beside the Pharaoh. Lower panel: an Egyptian taskmaster supervises the labours of the people of Israel who are making bricks (Ex. 5:13). The taskmaster towers over them, in a way of depicting absolute authority.
Folio 15b: Upper panel: Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh, Aaron’s rod has been turned into a snake. The two magicians have changed their rod into snakes as well, but Aaron’s rod eats the other snakes (Ex. 7:10-12). Pharaoh now wears a chaperon instead of the crown. Next to him sits a white dog with black spots. Lower panel: the first plague. In the presence of the crowned Pharaoh and his three wise men, Aaron strikes with his rod the river that turns into blood (Ex. 7:20-21).
Folio 16a: Upper panel: the second plague. In the presence of the crowned Pharaoh and his three wise men, Moses with Aaron and the rod who strikes the river from which many frogs jump on the king (Ex. 8:6). Lower panel: the third plague. Aaron and Moses strike the ground with the rod. The crowned Pharaoh and his three wise men look frightened at the lice invading them and their flock.
Folio 16b: Upper panel: the fourth plague. Crowned Pharaoh and his wise men are attacked by various species of wild beasts (Ex. 9:6). Moses, Aaron and other Israelites are mocking them. Lower panel: the fifth plague. Moses and Aaron warn crowned Pharaoh and his wise men and show them the cattle of the Egyptians destroyed by the pestilence (Ex. 9:6).
Folio 17a: Upper panel: the sixth plague. Crowned Pharaoh and his wise men show their legs and arms covered with boils (Ex. 9:10-11). Three dogs with different furs are licking the boils. Moses and Aaron call the heaven as their witness. On the left a shepherd and his flock, all covered with boils. Lower panel: the seventh plague. Moses and Aaron are standing in the centre, on the right crowned Pharaoh and his wise men covered by hail. On the left a Hebrew shepherd and his flock are unaffected by the plague, while an Egyptian shepherd and his flock are in the middle of the hailstorm. The Hebrew shepherd, Aaron and Moses point mockingly at the Egyptians who are hit by hail.
Folio 17b: Upper panel: the eight plague. On the left Moses and Aaron striking the earth with the rod to rise giant locusts. They fly on Pharaoh and his wise men sitting on the right (Ex. 10:14-15). Lower panel: the ninth plague (Ex. 10:22-23). On the right the Egyptians sit in the dark. Pharaoh is bare-headed; two of his men are being intimate. On the left Moses, Aaron and other Israelites are unaffected by the plague and mock the Egyptians.
Folio 18a: Upper panel: the tenth plague. On the right stands the mourning Pharaoh, on the left are Moses and Aaron; in between them three superimposed registers, two of which are filled with women mourning over their dead first-borns (Ex. 12:29). In the lower register on the right a prisoner in a dungeon, on the left the cattle, all of them smitten by the plague. Lower panel: the Israelites, having gained favour in the eyes of the Egyptians, are borrowing gold vessels from them (Ex. 12:36). A child tries to grab a costly object held by his father.
Folio 18b: Upper panel: the Israelites walk out from the walled city of Raamses with their possessions on their shoulders and fully armed with spears, shields, swords and helmets. They follow Moses and Aaron and are watched by the Egyptians in the city. Lower panel: crowned Pharaoh, on horseback, followed by his army to pursue the Israelites (Ex. 14:8). His soldiers are fully armed with hauberks, coifs, helmets, shields, spears and swords. There is both infantry and cavalry, while the Israelites only have infantry.
Folio 19a: The panel is divided in give horizontal strips. Three strips show drowning Egyptians and they are alternated with two horizontal strips with Israelites who are walking on dry land (Ex. 12:27-28). Crowned Pharaoh can also be seen, drowned in the water. A few Israelites point mockingly at the drowned Egyptians. The Israelites are all fully armed with spears, swords and shields, some with helmets and hauberks, and carry their possessions.
Folio 19b: Upper panel: the preparation of the Passover meal. On the right, a man is slaughtering the lamb, on the left the lamb is being roasted on the spit, while another protagonist in the middle is smearing blood with a branch of hyssop on the arch of a door. Lower two panels: the seder meal. On the right the master of the house lifts a cup while holding a book with silver binding; a servant brings wine. On the left, a couple at the seder table, eating the bitter herbs, while the servant offers the wine jug.
Folio 20a: Gilded initial-words מפרקא אתן on a painted blue panel with fine floral decorations. Around the panel are painted floral motifs with a gilded background. The floral pattern ends in a green dragon figure on the left. In the left margin stands a servant pouring the first cup of wine. There are three small painted and decorated panels with the gilded initial-word ברוך. The upper panel is pink, the other two are blue.
Folio 20b: Gilded initial-word ואם on a small blue panel; gilded initial-word ויכלו on a small painted red panel; gilded initial-word ברוך on a small painted red panel. Painted floral motifs in the left margin.
Folio 21b: Gilded initial-words די עניא לחמא הא on a painted blue panel with fine floral decorations and a red painted frame. The panel is surrounded with painted floral motifs and painted figures: a dragon, two dogs and three male faces, two of them wearing chaperons. The right margin shows a male reclining figure holding a vessel. On the bottom of the page the gilded initial-words נשתנה מה on a painted red panel.
Folio 22a: Gilded initial-word עבדים on a painted pink panel and gilded initial-word ואפלו on a blue painted panel. In the right margin painted floral motifs and a male figure.
Folio 22b: Gilded initial-word מעשה on a painted blue panel with a pink frame and painted floral motifs. In the bottom right margin sits Rabbi Eleazar with an open book on his lap, pointing to his name in the panel on his left. The painted pink panel with a blue frame contains the gilded initial-words אלעזר ‘ר אמר.
Folio 23a: Top of page: gilded initial-word ברוך on a finely decorated painted pink panel with a blue frame and painted floral motifs. Middle of the page: gilded initial-word חכם on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration and a red and black frame. Painted floral motives beneath the panel. On its left side sits the wise son, represented as an old long-bearded man sitting with an open book and pointing at the text written in the book. He faces Rabbi Eleazar who is on the opposite page. Bottom of the page: gilded initial-word רשע on a painted pink panel with fine floral decorations. Painted floral motifs on the right side of the panel. In the left margin stands the wicked son, represented as a Moorish dark-skinned soldier with a sabre, a black beard and a round shield.
Folio 23b: Gilded initial-word תם on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. On its right painted floral motifs; gilded initial-word והגדת on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. On its left side painted floral motifs.
Folio 24a: Gilded initial-word מתחלה on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Painted floral motives with a winged dog on a painted pink panel. Gilded initial-word ברוך on a painted pink panel with fine floral decorations. Painted floral motifs on its left.
Folio 24b: Gilded initial-word היא on a painted pink panel with fine floral decorations. Lower on the page a gilded initial-word צא on a painted blue panel with fine floral decorations.
Folio 25a: Gilded initial-word וירד on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration and painted floral motifs on its right. In the middle: gilded initial-word במתי on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Bottom: gilded initial-word ויהי on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration; painted floral motifs on its left.
Folio 25b: Gilded initial-word ורב on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration; gilded initial-word וירעו on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration; gilded intial-word ויענונו on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Painted floral motifs in the left and right margins.
Folio 26a: Gilded initial-word ונצעק on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration; gilded initial-word וישמע on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration; gilded initial-word וירא on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. Painted floral motifs in the right margin.
Folio 26b: Gilded initial-word ואת on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration and painted floral motifs on its right side. Gilded initial-word ואת on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration and a red frame. Bottom: gilded initial-word ויוציאנו on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration.
Folio 27a: Gilded initial-word ועבדתי on a pink painted panel with fine floral decoration. Middle: gilded initial-word ביד on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration and a red frame. Bottom: gilded initial-word ובזרוע on a painted pink panel with fine floral decorations. In the left margins are painted floral motifs with an owl sitting on a branch and a dog’s head.
Folio 27b: Gilded initial-word ובמורא on a pink painted panel with fine floral decorations. Middle: gilded initial-word ובאותות on a blue painted panel with fine floral decorations. Below: gilded initial-word ובמופתים on a pink painted panel. Painted floral motifs in the left and right margins with several figurative motifs. Left margin: a pink exotic bird, perhaps a flamingo. Right margin (from bottom to top): a beaked hunting bird, perhaps a falcon. He belongs to the archer who has shot an arrow and hit the hare that can be seen on the top. The hare is bleeding. Also in the right margin: a dog’s head.
Folio 28a: Gilded initial-words יוסי ‘ר on a blue painted panel with fine floral decorations. Painted floral motives in the left margin. In the left margin sits Rabbi Jose with an open book. He sits opposite the panel with his name.
Folio 28b: Gilded initial-word כמה on a pink painted panel with fine floral decorations and a red frame. On its right painted floral motifs. Middle: gilded initial-words אלעזר ‘ר on a blue painted panel with fine floral decoration. On its left painted floral motifs. In the right margin sits Rabbi Eliezer reading a book. He sits opposite his name. Bottom: gilded initial-words עקיבא ‘ר on a pink painted panel with fine floral decoration. Opposite the panel with his name, in the right martin, sits Rabbi Akiva reading a book.
Folio 29a: Gilded initial-word מעלות כמה on a pink painted panel with fine floral decorations. Gilded words ולא אלו, marking the verses, on blue painted panels with fine floral decorations. Painted floral motives on the left and right of the panels.
Folio 29b: A vertical row of gilded words אלו marking the verses, on a vertical blue painted panel with fine floral decorations and a pink frame. Opposite is a vertical row of gilded words ולא on a vertical pink painted panel with fine floral decorations. On its right side there is a vertical row with small pink panels containing the gilded word דיינו. These panels are alternated with small square painted panels with painted flowers. The margins are decorated with painted floral and figurative motifs. The left margin shows the face of a bearded man and a pelican catching a snake. The bottom margin shows a hare-hunt, subsequently the hunter with the dead hare on his back (representing Esau or Christendom) and a pelican feeding a grotesque figure (snail with a tail and a human face). The right margin shows a centaur with a crossbow, hunting an owl.
Folio 30a: A vertical row of gilded words אלו on a vertical pink painted panel with fine floral decorations and a blue frame. Opposite is a vertical row of gilded words ולא on a vertical pink painted panel with fine floral decorations and a blue frame. At the bottom are the gilded initial-words כמה אחת על in a painted blue panel with fine floral decorations and a red frame. Surrounding the panels are painted floral motifs. In the left margin are figurative decorations: a centaur with a sword and a red buckler fighting a dragon; and an elongated winged grotesque figure with a dog’s head.
Folio 30b: Gilded initial-word רבן on a painted blue frame with fine floral decorations. In the right margin sits Rabban Gamaliel, reading a book beneath a canopy opposite the panel with his name.
Folio 31a: Gilded initial-words שאנו זו מצה on a painted blue panel with fine floral decorations. Below the panel is the burnished and decorated disc of the matzah. Painted floral motifs can be seen in the right and left margins.
Folio 31b: Gilded initial-words שאנו זה מרור on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Below is another panel with a painted depiction of the maror on a burnished gold rectangular field. Painted floral motifs can be seen in the right and left margins.
Folio 32a: Gilded initial-word הללויה on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration.
Folio 32b: Gilded initial-word בצאת on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Bottom: gilded initial-word ברוך on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. The right and left margin have painted floral motifs and figurative decoration. At the top of the left margin stands a grotesque figure blowing a horn. The bottom of the right margin shows a grotesque figure with a bird’s body and the head of a damsel wearing a hennin.
Folio 33a: Gilded initial-word ברוך on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. The left margin has painted floral motifs and figurative decoration. From top to bottom: grotesque sphinx-like figure, a squirrel and a snail.
Folio 33b: Gilded initial-word שפוך on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. Beneath it the gilded initial-word לנו לא on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. The right margin has painted floral motifs and figurative decoration. From bottom to top: a centaur with a longbow hunting a hare; a grotesque figure resembling a lion.
Folio 34a: Gilded initial-words זכרנו יי on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Gilded initial-word אהבתי on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration.
Folio 34b: Gilded initial-words אשיב מה on a painted pink panel with fine floral decoration The right margin has painted floral motifs.
Folio 35a: Gilded initial-words יאמרו יאמרו יאמר הודו on a rectangular painted pink panel with fine floral decoration. The right margin has painted floral motifs with gilded backgrounds.
Folio 35b: Gilded initial-words המצר מן on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. The right margin has painted floral motifs with a red parrot that has a branch growing out of his beak.
Folio 36a: Twice the gilded initial-word אנא, both times on a painted blue panel with fine floral decoration. Also two pink painted panels with fine floral decoration, one with the gilded initial-word ברוך, the other one with the gilded-initial word הודו. The left and right margin have painted floral motifs.
Folio 37b: Initial-words פסח של ראשון ליום רשות on a red and violet panel of Sephardic penwork; beneath it three floral penwork motifs in violet ink. Initial-word מחרך on a red penwork panel; initial-word נשמת on a panel of violet penwork. In the right margin micrography in a floral shape with red and violet penwork.
Folio 38a: Initial-word אופן on a panel of red penwork. In the left margin micrography in the shape of two winged creatures, possibly griffins, and floral motifs with red and violet penwork.
Folio 38b: Twice the initial-word מאורה: one on a panel with violet penwork, one on a panel with red penwork. Initial-word אהבה on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 39a: Initial-word זולת on a panel with red penwork; initial-word גאולה on a panel with violet penwork.
Folio 39b: Initial-words לטל למוסף מגן on a panel of red and violet penwork; initial-word מחיה on a panel of red penwork; initial-word לטל רשות on a panel of violet penwork.
Folio 40a: Twice the initial-word פזמון: one on a red, the other on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 40b: Twice the initial-word פזמון: one on a red, the other on a violet penwork panel. In the right margin a symmetrical decorative motif of red and violet penwork.
Folio 41a: The initial-words פסח של שני ליום רשות on a horizontal panel made out of four smaller panels, alternately of red and violet penwork. Initial-word רשות on a panel of red penwork. Initial-word נשמת on a panel of violet penwork. In the left margin micrography in the shape of a dog hunting a stag and a dog hunting a hare with a background of red and violet penwork.
Folio 41b: Initial-word אופן on a panel of violet penwork. Initial-word מאורה on a panel of red penwork.
Folio 42a: Twice the initial-word מאורה: one on a panel of violet, the other on a panel of red penwork. Initial-word אהבה on a panel of violet penwork.
Folio 42b: Initial-word זולת on a panel of red penwork. Initial-word גאולה on a panel of violet penwork. Micrography in the shape of two dogs hunting two hares, with a background of red and violet penwork.
Folio 43a: Initial-words למועד חלוש לשבת רשות on a horizontal panel made of five smaller panels, alternating red and violet penwork. Twice the initial-word רשות, one on a red penwork panel, one on a violet penwork panel. Initial-word מחרך on a red penwork panel. Initial-word נשמת on a violet penwork panel. In the left margin micrography shaped like floral motifs, with a background of red and violet penwork.
Folio 43b: Initial-word נשמת on a red penwork panel; initial-word קדיש on a violet penwork panel; initial-word אופן on a red penwork panel.
Folio 44a: Initial-word מאורה on a violet penwork panel; initial-word אהבה on a red penwork panel.
Folio 44b: Twice the initial-word אהבה: one on a violet and one on a red penwork panel.
Folio 45a: Initial-word גאולה on a red penwork panel.
Folio 45b: Twice the initial-word גאולה: one on a violet and one on a red penwork panel.
Folio 46a: Twice the initial-word אהבה: one on a violet and one on a red penwork panel.
Folio 46b: Initial-word אהבה on a violet penwork panel; initial-word זולת on a red penwork panel; initial-word גאולה on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 47a: Twice the initial-word גאולה: one on a red and one on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 47b: Twice the initial-word גאולה: one on a red and one on a violet penwork panel. In the right margin micrography in the shape of a dog hunting a hare and a cat hunting a bird.
Folio 48a: Initial-words ‘לר שירה יום שהוא שביעי ליום רשות on a panel made of two horizontal compartments: the upper part is made of red penwork with encircled violet penwork flowers; the bottom part is made of violet penwork with encircled red penwork flowers. Middle: initial-word רשות on a red penwork panel. Bottom: initial-word מחרך on a violet penwork panel. In the left margin micrography shaped like floral motifs on a background of red and violet penwork.
Folio 48b: Initial-word מחרך on a red penwork panel; initial-word נשמת on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 49a: Initial-word קדיש on a red penwork panel; initial-word אופן on a violet penwork panel. Beneath it a smaller red penwork panel with a violet frame.
Folio 49b: Initial-word מאורה on a red penwork panel; initial-word אהבה on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 50a: Initial-word אהבה on a red penwork panel; initial-word זולת on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 50b: Initial-word גאולה on a violet penwork panel. In the right margin micrography in the shape of a knot pattern with violet and red penwork.
Folio 51a: Initial-words פסח של אחרון ליום רשות on a panel made of red and violet penwork lozenges. Initial-word רשות on a red penwork panel; initial-word מחרך on a violet penwork panel. In the left margin a panel consisting of three panels with micrography shaped like knot patterns with penwork background. The upper and lower panel have the same pattern with violet and red penwork; the middle panel has red penwork with black ink dots.
Folio 51b: Initial-word מחרך on a violet penwork panel; initial-word נשמת on a red penwork panel.
Folio 52a: Initial-word קדיש on a violet penwork panel; initial-word אופן on a red penwork panel; initial-word מאורה on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 52b: Twice the initial-word מאורה: one on a red, one on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 53a: Initial-word מאורה on a red pen-work panel; initial-word אהבה on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 53b: Initial-word אהבה on a red penwork panel; initial-word זולת on a violet penwork panel.
Folio 54a: Gilded initial-words המזון ברכת on a blue painted panel with a violet frame. It is surrounded by painted floral motifs and black penwork. Middle: gilded initial-word ברוך on a small blue painted panel with a larger violet painted panel surrounding it. The left margin shows the painted figure of a man sitting in a chair and holding a cup of wine.
Folio 54b: Gilded initial-word נודה on a purple painted panel with two green painted leaves, a painted red fruit and black penwork; gilded initial-word על on a blue painted panel with purple painted leaves, a painted red fruit and black penwork; gilded initial-word נחמנו on a purple painted panel with green painted leaves, a painted red fruit and black penwork.
Folio 55a: Gilded initial-word רחם on a purple painted panel with four painted green leaves and black penwork.
Folio 55b: Gilded initial-word אלהינו on a purple painted panel; gilded initial-word זכרנו on a blue painted panel.
Folio 56a: Gilded initial-word אמן on a purple painted panel; gilded initial-word ברוך on a blue painted panel; twice the gilded initial-word הרחמן: one on a blue, one on a purple painted panel.
Folio 56b: Six times the gilded initial-word הרחמן: four on blue, two on purple painted panels.
Folio 57a: Gilded initial-word ב on a painted blue panel; gilded initial-word הרחמן on a painted purple panel; gilded initial-word יראו on a painted purple panel.
Folio 57b: Gilded initial-word מה on a painted purple panel surrounded with painted floral motifs and black pen-work.
Acquired by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford of Haigh Hall and later bequeathed to the The John Rylands Library.
On folios 2a-4b, 8a-10b, 21b-36a and 54a-57b the text is in long line of 14 written lines.
On folios 5b-7b and 37b-53b the text is in long line of 30 written lines.
On folios 20a-21a the text is in long line of 18 written lines.
The captions accompanying the miniatures on folios 13b-19b are written in between 2 and 4 lines.
Sephardi square script.
Data Source(s):
Description based on Alexander Samely's unpublished draft catalogue, description of decorations by Gabrielle Sed-Rajna, revised and expanded by Stefania Silvestri and Nienke Valk.
The Rylands Haggadah. Passover Haggadah of the Sefardi rite, with piyyutim for the Passover week and the Sabbath before Passover, with marginal commentary. A richly illustrated and decorated manuscript produced in Spain (probably Catalonia) in the mid-14th century. The pictorial cycle extends from the beginning of the Book of Exodus to the roasting of the Passover lamb. Unusually, the Biblical cycle is followed by an illustration of a Passover celebration.
Modern pencil foliation in Arabic numerals at the top outer corner of side a of each folio.
Bookplate reading: "Endure Fort / Bibliotheca Lindesiana", with shelfmark "L / 1".
Conserved between July 2011 and March 2012 by Steve Mooney at the John Rylands Library. The conservator secured the areas of pigment and gold leaf which had started to crack and flake.
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- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).