Contents: ff. 2r-11r: Quintus Julius Hilarianus, Chronologia sive
Libellus de mundi duratione (Chronology or tract on the duration of
the world) , beginning: 'Quantocumque tempore, in divinis legibus'.
ff. 11r-145v: Fredegarius Scholasticus, Chronica, chronicle about
the Merovingian kingdoms from 584 to 642, attributed to an author
called 'Fredegar' (imperfect), Book 2 to Book 4. This chronicle is
probably the work of several 7th-century chroniclers. The text is
preceded by capitula (ff. 11r-12v), beginning (f. 12v): 'Incipit
regnum Assiriorum. Primus rex Ninis regnavit annos L'; ending:
'pariter uno die a proceribus eorum et consecratione sacerdotum
sublimati sunt in regno'; followed on f. 145v by seven lines of
verses partially erased. Parts of Book 4 (chapters 5, 6 and 7) are
lacking due to a folio having been cut out between f. 93 and f. 94.
Decoration: Added sketch in brown ink of a bearded man, probably
Hilarianus (f. 1r). Initials in red and/or brown, some large, some
small. Rubrics in red.