Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 210
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 210
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- English
- Middle French
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 210: William Worcester, Itineraria
- William Worcester, Itineraria || Itinerarium sive liber rerum memorabilium Willelmi [Bottoner] de Worcestre
- Agent
- Preferred form
- William Worcester (1415-1480?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Worcester
- Other form
- William of Worcester
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 210 contains the unique copy of William Worcester's Itineraria. William Worcester (1415-1480/85), a servant of Sir John Fastolf, wrote the Itineraria in note form during a series of journeys he undertook throughout southern and western England between 1478 and 1480, and the manuscript must date from this period. The text's eclectic mixture of local history, biography and geography reflect a lively and curious mind. How this manuscript came into Parker's possession is unknown, and it has been suggested that the codex was another bequest to the college by Henry Aldrich (Fellow 1569-79, d. 1593) (see CCCC MS 208). However, the presence of Parker's characteristic red chalk in the volume and the existence of a partial transcript of the text in CCCC MS 101 must refute that claim. Instead, it is probable that Parker acquired the manuscript shortly before his death, after the composition of his Register, CCCC MS 575, which contains no reference to this manuscript.
Contents :
1-334 - William Worcester, Itineraria || Itinerarium sive liber rerum memorabilium Willelmi [Bottoner] de Worcestre
Note: Hic codex charactere valde difformi exaratur, et interlineationibus ubique scatet ita ut videatur fuisse autographum autoris in itineribus suis compilatum: occidentals et orientales partes hums regni saepe visitavit, ecclesias et monasteria descripsit seu potius mensuravit, nihil enim notavit praeter longitudines et latitudines quas per gressus suos computavit, et ex obituariis et chronicis quaedam excerpsit : diligentiam facile laudares, judicium ubique desiderares; primus tamen fuit, qui Angliam perlustrare aggressus est, et si maximas laudes assecutus sit Lelandus vestigiis ejus feliciore gradu insistens, nonnullae ipsi Bottonero debentur, qui viam ei monstravit
Note: [Nasmith gives references to the pages of the partial transcript of this Itinerary which is in MS 101, art. 31. I omit these, but give instead references to the pages of Nasmith's printed edition. I also mark with an asterisk those items which Nasmith has omitted]
Note: (1) * Fragmentum testamenti R. Halwey A.D. 1454
Note: The first two pages are a copy of the will of Ric. Halwey of St Andrew's Castlecumb (1454), with certificate of probate endorsed
Note: (4) De obitibus fundatorum ecclesiae S. Mariae Tinternae, et de genere eorum ex antiquo kalendario
Note: (N. p. 77)
Note: (5) Descriptio ecclesiae Tinternae
Note: (p. 78)
Note: (6) De Fontibus fluviorum Avyn Thamesiae Frome et Castelcombe
Note: (p. 79)
Note: (6) De castro antiquissimo vocato Yeffandebry super le Playn de Salesbery
Note: (80)
Note: (7) Descriptio ecclesiae de Romesey
Note: (80)
Note: (7) Descriptio ecclesiae de Sarum
Note: (81)
Note: (7) Excerpta ex obituariis dictae civitatis
Note: (81)
Note: (7) Descriptio ecclesiae monasterii de Wilton juxta Sarum
Note: (81)
Note: (8) Excerpta ex martirologio fratrum sancti Francisci civitatis Sarum
Note: (82)
Note: (8) Descriptio ecclesiarum de Radclyff Bristol et Tyntern
Note: (82, 83)
Note: (8) De Willelmo Canyng mercatore Bristollensi et postea decano ecclesiae de Westbery
Note: (83)
Note: (9) Epitaphium regis Gulielmi I
Note: (Another hand) (83)
Note: (9) Excerpta ex chronico Gildae apud monasterium de Walden in Essexia
Note: (84)
Note: (11) De nobilitate Andreae Ogard: de proportione et mensura dominii manerii de Rye per 16 miliaria de London in Essex: de manerio de Ermeth per 2 miliaria de Wisbech; de castello de Bokenham et de castello de Hownesdon
Note: (86)
Note: (12) * A medicine for the stone
Note: (Worcester's hand)
Note: (12) De hospitio ducis Bedfordiae
Note: (89)
Note: (13) De aquis quae currunt per Kirton et Lamport
Note: (90, 91)
Note: (13) Excerpta ex kalendario martirologii monasterii de Newnam prope Axminster
Note: (90)
Note: (14) De sepulturis quorundam sanctorum
Note: (90, 91)
Note: (14) De ecclesia monasterii de Newnam; de castello et ecclesia cathedrali Excester; de Axwater Comwich et Bridgewater
Note: (92, 93)
Note: (15) De Edmundo Lacy episcopo Exon.
Note: (93)
Note: (16) De castello Excestre; de ponte de Honiton-clist; de ponte S. Mariae de Otrey; de Exmouth
Note: (94)
Note: (17) Nomina diversorum castellorum et turrium in Devonia, etc.
Note: (94)
Note: (18) Itinerarium Cornubiae ad occidentalem suum finem
Note: (97)
Note: (19) * Regulae astrologicae de fausto precandi tempore
Note: (Worcester's hand)
Note: (19) De insulis occidentalibus
Note: (98)
Note: (19) De navibus Willelmi Canyng, qui fuit major London. [Bristol?] quinque vicibus
Note: (99)
Note: (20) De edificatione monasterii de Bukelonde
Note: (99)
Note: (20) De fundatione ecclesiae fratrum ordinis S. Francisci de Bodnam, et de obitibus ibi inventis
Note: (99)
Note: (20) Descriptio ecclesiae predictae
Note: (100)
Note: (20) De flumine apud Falmouth
Note: (101)
Note: (21) Publicatio bullae papalis datae ecclesiae Montis S. Michaelis in Cornubia A.D. 1070
Note: (101)
Note: (21) Memorabilia de praedicta ecclesia
Note: (102)
Note: (21) Descriptio ejusdem
Note: (103)
Note: (22) Nomina principalium fluviorum in Cornubia et Devonia
Note: (103)
Note: (24) Informatio Thomas Peperell de obitibus et sepulturis quorundam sanctorum
Note: (105)
Note: (24) De Castris de Lidiford et Okehampton et de flumine de Lidiford
Note: (106)
Note: (25) De diebus quibus sancti venerantur
Note: (107)
Note: (25) Excerpta ex kalendario ecclesiae de Bodman
Note: (107)
Note: (26) De situ villae de Lawnceston
Note: (108)
Note: (26) De fluminibus de Bodman Tintmouth Plimouth, etc.
Note: (108)
Note: (27) De insulis in ore maritimo Cornubiae sitis
Note: (110)
Note: (28) Descriptio ecclesiae villae de Bodman
Note: (111)
Note: (28) Nobiles et generosi in kalendario fratrum S. Francisci de Bodman
Note: (111)
Note: (29) De pestilentia apud Anglos A.D. 1348, ex registro de Bodman
Note: (112)
Note: (29) De quibusdam sanctis
Note: (113)
Note: (30b) De morte Ricardi Radford de Pogg-hill juxta Kirton
Note: (114)
Note: (30b) Versus in ecclesia de Tavystoke
Note: (115)
Note: (30b) Excerpta ex kalendario et descriptio ejusdem ecclesiae
Note: (115)
Note: (31) De ponte Bristol, et capella ibidem
Note: (116)
Note: (31) De diversis castris et aquis
Note: (117)
Note: (32) Homines lanceati Griffith Don apud captionem domini Gawcourt
Note: (118)
Note: (32) De obitibus et sepulturis quorundam sanctorum et regum
Note: (119)
Note: (33) Carta Cuthredi regis West-saxonum
Note: (119)
Note: (33) De ecclesiis pontis Bristol. Glastynbery et Radcliff
Note: (120)
Note: (34) * De Ricardo Lidbery de Glastynbery
Note: (34) * De ecclesia S. Pauli de Bristol
Note: (34) Nobiles et generosi occisi apud Hedgecote-field per exercitum comitis de Warwick
Note: (120)
Note: (35) * Expensse autoris
Note: (35) De obsidione castri Mont-Michael quod tenuit comes de Oxford
Note: (122)
Note: (35) De fundatione collegii de Penryn
Note: (122)
Note: (36) Itinerarium per Cornubiam et pontes super Tamer
Note: (123)
Note: (39) * Letter from R. Bottoner to William of Worcester
Note: (39) The letter has been folded and some of Worcester's notes written on the blank side. It runs as follows (so far as it is seen)
Note: Sir youre blissyng and my modirs desirid I sent yow a letter by Master Paston man. Which is in that / contre etc. Sir I am with my maister lovel god geue me grace to plese hym. And sir he wol nedes / haue a bed and I haue take youre bed except fethirbed and bolstre etc. Sir your hostes made suche / wark that I am not fare with her they wold not let me haue the bed tyll my coson sent / his maid ye be remembrid ze bad me take it but I beseche yow of a fethir a matras and shift / of shetes by the next man or els my maister will refuse etc. I pray yow to haue a gowne / or ell. vjs viijd for and I haue money I shall make shift wit my Roset gowne and for / othir thyngis which most be had I pray yow send to my coson to take yt me and to take it / vp' in rent and he may lend yow a matras tyll ye come etc. this most be answerd by the next / man that comyth etc. your hostes seth pleynly that she is the wors for yow by xl. s. etc. / she will nat delyuer yower fethirbed tyll ther be Rekenyng made ye may witt to (one line hidden) my coson to se awey at this pertyng etc. sir ther come thomas kent to me and he hath be / with the wedew for the yong woman. And whan sho comyth sho shall be welcome etc. / sir the Ravyn which nest is made in charyng cros it is withyn the Ston and ther comyth / no foule but he fleth them. Som sey it is a tokyn. which hath be profecied for the batell / which shuld begyn by the meanis of prestes there abought (interlined the same rofe(?)) etc. Sir for Goddissake thank / sir John Paston and any thyng that may help I pray yow do youre delygence he hath holp / me he comand me writ a letter to hym and so I haue and send it to yow to delyuer etc. / No more etc. but God prospere you I pray yow comaund me to my modir and sister and brodir and / all my frendis I pray yow remembre my mater I here no word of the ansuere of W. B. demaundes etc. youre boke is to Wynchestre etc. Wrete on Tuesday iiid weke of lent. / R. Botoner
Note: Endorsed
Note: To Willm worcestre this be delyuered / In hast. etc.
Note: (40) Continuatio Itinerarii
Note: (123)
Note: (42) Top of item at p. 39 (letter from R. Bottoner to William of Worcester)
Note: (45) De ecclesia de Penryn
Note: (128)
Note: (46) De Brokmanno et progenie ejus
Note: (129)
Note: (47) De comitibus Pembrokiae ex familiis de Strongbow et Marescalli
Note: (131)
Note: (48) Obitus Ioannis Bennet rectoris de Pitney
Note: (132)
Note: (48) Itinerarium a Ware ad montem Michaelis in Cornubia
Note: (132)
Note: (49) De ponte de Chepstow
Note: (133)
Note: (49) De ecclesia cathedrali Wellensi et Willelmo secundo episcopo
Note: (133)
Note: (50) De ecclesiis de Glastynbery Allaunston et Launceston et de nuptiis Henrici II
Note: (134)
Note: (51) Nomina liberorum tenentium in Acle tempore Rogeri Bigod et reditus ejusdem manerii
Note: (135)
Note: (54) Descriptio ecclesiae de Bridgewater et excerpta ex kalendario
Note: (136)
Note: (54) Descriptio ecclesiae de Kirton
Note: (137)
Note: (55) Aquas plures currentes per Salysbury
Note: (138)
Note: (56) Excerpta ex kalendario de Hyde prope Winchester
Note: (139)
Note: (56) Descriptio ecclesiae cathedralis Winton
Note: (140)
Note: (57) De insulis Thorney Hanyng Wortham et de fluminibus Andever et Stockbridge
Note: (140)
Note: (58) De quibusdam sanctis
Note: (141)
Note: (59) Excerpta ex kalendario sub custodia scriptoris Text-writer commorantis apud Seynt Mary Strond
Note: (141)
Note: (60) Diarium itineris ab autore facti a Norwico ad Montem S. Michaelis et illuc ad Londinum
Note: (142)
Note: (66) Informatio Willelmi Powell de Tintern de quibusdam rupibus in Wallia
Note: (147)
Note: (67) De certis insulis Norwalliae ut in libro itinerarii Walliae Geraldi Cambrensis
Note: (148)
Note: (68) Descriptio ecclesiae de Mochely
Note: (150)
Note: (69) Declaratio insularum Hiberniae ex parte meridionali Scotiae
Note: (151)
Note: (71) De insulis in principio introitus aquae de Severn
Note: (154)
Note: (72) De insulis in Severn versus Bristolliam
Note: (155)
Note: (73) Excerpta ex kalendario ubi de fundatoribus prioratus de Brecknock
Note: (156)
Note: (75) Excerptiones de antiquis chronicis Britonum in Gallica lingua quae incipiunt En la cite de grande Troye estoit ung noble chevalier
Note: (157)
Note: (77) De Waltero Breus et sobole ejus
Note: (159)
Note: (78) Capitanei et homines armati ad Bellum de Vernellie
Note: (160)
Note: (79) Comedia ad monasterium de Hulmo directa
Note: (161, 162)
Note: (78) De damasella de Dygeon
Note: (161)
Note: (80) De Ricardo domino Cromwell
Note: (162)
Note: (80) De multis sanctis
Note: (163)
Note: (83) De castris per Ricardum regem Alemaniae fundatis
Note: (164)
Note: (84) De familia de Brainche
Note: (164)
Note: (86) De ecclesia S. Pauli London
Note: (166)
Note: (86) De ecclesia S. Mariae Magd. Oxon.
Note: (166)
Note: (87) Descriptio civitatis de Bristol, 87-168
Note: (166)
Note: (131) De academia Oxon.
Note: (222)
Note: (132) De insulis Irlandiae
Note: (223)
Note: (149) Notulae de chronicis Mariani Scoti apud librariani omnium sanctorum
Note: (229)
Note: (152) Excerpta ex martirologio fratrum predicatorum Bristol
Note: (233)
Note: (169) Nobiles ex parte regis apud le Jorney de Waltham contra ducem Ebor.
Note: (256)
Note: (169) Descriptio ecclesiae S. Nicolai de Jermuth
Note: (256)
Note: (171) De monasterio et ecclesia parochiali de Berry
Note: (257)
Note: (172) De civitate de Hereford
Note: (259)
Note: (173) * Expensae et itinera autoris
Note: (175) De civitate Bristol
Note: (259)
Note: (181) * Dicta sapientium sive proverbia
Note: The proverbs are headed
rubric: (181) Prouerbia certorum (?) philosophorum compilata per magistrum Iohannem halle de Aula Regis Cantebrigie
Note: (183) Quod cives Nordowicenses et Jernemuthenses visitaverunt matrem regis apud monasterium de Hulmo
Note: (261)
Note: (185) * De insulis Canariis
rubric: (185) De Insulis Canariis
Note: (185) Insula voc' insula mader. Portio insula distans ab Insula mader per 20 miliar'. Seynt Marry Island distat ab insula Mader per a day and half seylyng (twice). By northyse Islandes sunt due Insule viz. Insula pryke [pyke]. et alia Insula vocata the Isle of hawkes. vbi gentes portugalie Inhabitant alia est Insula ... Verd Insula seynt Jorge Island Tenereff Insula Rex Tenereffe, Insula graunt Canere [Caneree] Caneree of belun Ins de graunt Canarye
Note: (187) De Blackstonys insula in aqua de Severn
Note: (262)
Note: (189) Way from Bristow to Chester; et de pontibus super Sabrinam
Note: (263)
Note: (190) De civitate Bristol
Note: (263)
Note: (191) De rege Henrico I. de Anglia et Hibernia
Note: (264)
rubric: (193) Catalogus operum Iohannis Grosthead episcopi Lincoln.
Note: (266)
Note: (193) De primis regibus Saxonicis in Anglia
Note: (267)
Note: (194) * Excerpta ex Ovidio
Note: (195) De Iohanne Jay et de navigatione incepta a Bristol usque ad insulam de Brasylle ex occidentali parte Hiberniae
Note: (267)
Note: (196) De civitate Bristol
Note: (268)
Note: (201) Itinera autoris
Note: (275)
Note: (203) De parentela autoris
Note: (276)
Note: (205) De Cyrencestre et Cotyswold et de fontibus Tamisiae et Avyn
Note: (277)
Note: (206) Willelmus Rufus occisus in foresta Ykene
Note: (279)
Note: (206) De castro Torre, Cyrencestre, de doctore Neckham, et de Bresingfield-park
Note: (279)
Note: (207) Excerpta ex libro chronicorum qui incipit Summum laboris linimen et doloris solamen
Note: (280)
Note: (209) De Oxforth
Note: (281)
Note: (209) De fundatione ecclesiae Sheen-Syon prope Braynford
Note: (282)
Note: (209) De militibus apud bellum de Vernoyle creatis
Note: (282)
Note: (209) De civitate Bristol
Note: (282)
Note: (210) De monasterio de Malmesbury et de ecclesiis de Castelcombe et Radclyffe
Note: (283)
Note: (211) De aula episcopi et ecclesiis cathedralibus Bathon. et Wellen.
Note: (284)
Note: (212) De operibus magnificis factis per episcopum Bath et Well.
Note: (285)
Note: (213) De cursu aquae de Uske in Wallia
Note: (287)
Note: (213) Descriptio cavernae dictae Woky-hole prope Wells
Note: (288)
Note: (214) De civitate Bristol
Note: (289)
Note: (215) De ecclesia cathedrali Wellensi
Note: (290)
Note: (216) De piscatione in aqua currente de Woky-hole
Note: (291)
Note: (216) De castellis prope Wellys
Note: (291)
Note: (217) Descriptio monasterii Glastoniae
Note: (292)
Note: (218) Descriptio ecclesiae S. Katerinae Bristol
Note: (294)
Note: (219) De castris Nevillorum et de sancto Bonifacio
Note: (295)
Note: (220) Descriptio ecclesiarum, etc. Oxoniae
Note: (296)
Note: (221) Descriptio Kingston Sheene
Note: (297)
Note: (222) Descriptio ecclesiae de Eaton
Note: (299)
Note: (222) Excerpta ex Gilda
Note: (299)
Note: (223) * Figura astrologica
Note: (224) Descriptio monasterii de Abyndon
Note: (300)
Note: (226) De edificatione claustri ecclesiae cathedralis Norwicensis
Note: This page is not in William Botoner's own hand. It resembles that of the copy of the same document in a Norwich Register
Note: (302)
Note: (227) Excerpta ex chronico de vita sanctorum in libraria de Thetford
Note: (303)
Note: (228) Descriptio abbatiae de Holm et plurium ecclesiarum in civitate Norwicensi
Note: (305)
Note: (229) Nomina generosorum ex kalendario martirologii fratrum Augustinens. Norwicens.
Note: (307)
Note: (230) Descriptio ecclesiarum de Bury et Thetford cum versibus in obitum Thomae Brotherton comitis Norfolkiae, et epitaphio Willelmi Elmham
Note: (308)
Note: (231) De Scotia
Note: (310)
Note: (233) De insulis de Man, Anglesey, Prestholme, et Ormeshead
Note: (311)
Note: (234) De Irlandia
Note: (313)
Note: (236) * Letter from J. Bowles (continued at p. 257)
Note: (236) from Waltham, 24 Feb., asking the recipient to report to the writer any slanders that may be uttered against him in his absence: and protesting his innocence of any offence
Note: (237) De Suecia et Denmark
Note: (315)
Note: (238) Quod Francigenae, Calisiam sibi a custode fore traditam expectantes, a rege ipso Edwardo III. acriter repulsi sunt
Note: (316)
Note: (238) De rotunda tabula Edwardi III
Note: (317)
Note: (239) De Norway Denmark et regionibus circumjacentibus
Note: (318)
Note: (241) De cursu fluminum de Wye et de Uske
Note: (319)
Note: (243) De castris de Oswester et Knoklass
Note: (320)
Note: (244) * Indenture between the executors of sir John Fastolf and Thomas Cager and Robert Kirton dated 10 Feb. 3 Edw. IV (continues at p. 249)
Note: (245) De familia de Fastolf
Note: (320)
Note: (245) De S. Thoma de Becket
Note: (321)
Note: (246) De obsidione Castrel-Fastolf per ducem de Norfolk
Note: (321)
Note: (248) Nomina fluminum in Wallia
Note: (325)
Note: (251) De bello apud Mortymer-cross
Note: (327)
Note: (253) Descriptio ecclesiae de Hulmo
Note: (331)
Note: (258) De genere Nevillorum
Note: (332)
Note: (261) * Termini Arabici in instrumento astrolabii
Note: (261) has at top
rubric: (261) Multiplicacio numerorum secundum laborem dompni Thome Hengham Religiosi monasterii norwicensis
Note: (262) De Castre, et de ecclesiis S. Petri Norwicensis, et prioratuum de Combwell et de Makstoke
Note: (332)
Note: (263) Descriptio ecclesiae de Hulmo et ecclesiae de Smallburgh
Note: (333)
Note: (264) Descriptio ecclesiae de Walsyngham
Note: (335)
Note: (264) Notae historicae
Note: (336)
Note: (265) Excerpta ex libro Brewster in monasterio de Hulmo ubi de origine civitatis Norwici
Note: (336)
Note: (267) Nobiles viri sepulti in monasterio praedicto et descriptio ecclesiae ibidem
Note: (339)
Note: (268) Nobiles in fraternitatem hujus monasterii recepti
Note: (342)
Note: (269) De Jernemuth
Note: (343)
Note: (273) Nomina abbatum monasterii de Hulmo
Note: (346)
Note: (276) Alia excerpta ex libro Brewster
Note: (349)
Note: (277) De edificationibus Ricardi Beauchamp comitis Warwici
Note: (352)
Note: (279) * De insulis in mare Graeco
Note: (279) Hic declarantur nomina et naturas circa xl ... insulas in mare greco de parte iiiixx insularum scituatarum vocatarum Insule Cicladum maris(?) venesiani et Rodes. versus Irlm compilat' anno christi 1470 london(?) per willm Worcestre ... de libro Christoferi Baldemont clerici qui laborauit in singulis dictarum iiiixx(?) insularum pertinenti (libro .s.) domino Johanni ffastolf de Castre in comitatu norff. quondam morantis (?)
Note: Begins with Corfu, Pachise, Leucon, Dulchya, Chipalonia, Modon, Corona, Citharea, etc. etc.
Note: Spaces are left on pp. 284, 286, 292, pro histori(a) et portratura Insule precedentis pingendis
Note: The source is Cristoforo Buondelmonte's Liber Insularum written in 1422
Note: (297) De aqua Devent et Southwark water
Note: (354)
Note: (300) Of the course of the Severn (continues at p. 311)
Note: (355)
Note: (301) Pontes Cornubiae et de S. Magno et Mayden-manno episc. de Orkeney
Note: (356)
Note: (302) De familia de Gough
Note: (357)
Note: (303) De pluribus aquis et insulis
Note: (357)
Note: (305) * De insulis in parte meridionali maris
Note: (309) * Bill of expences in a law-suit
Note: (312) De familia de Percy
Note: (360)
Note: (313) De le rescus de Cane, etc.
Note: (360)
Note: (314) * De Arturo rege Britonum
Note: (Long lines, continued on p. 323)
Note: (315) Nomina abbatiarum
Note: (361)
Note: (316) De temporibus quibus ordines religiosi instituti sunt
Note: (362)
Note: (316) De abbatiis ordinis Premonstr.
Note: (362)
Note: (317) De obitibus diversorum ex familiis de Hemingrafe et Thorp
Note: (363)
Note: (319) Notae historicae
Note: (366)
Note: (321) Manerium de Rye dirutum et ad terram complanatum
Note: (367)
Note: (321) De captione Castre-fastolf
Note: (368)
Note: (322) De civitate Norwici
Note: (369)
Note: (322) Manerium de Castre juxta Norwicum combustum
Note: (369)
Note: (325) De hospitio Thomae Beauford ducis Excestriae
Note: (370)
Note: (328) Nomina eorum qui fuerunt cum duce Norfolciae in Bargea sua cum fere submersus fuit juxta pontem London.
Note: (374)
Note: (329) * Account of plate sold belonging, as I conjecture, to sir John Fastolf
Note: (330) * Expences at Oxford
Note: (Another hand)
Note: (331) De ecclesia fratrum August. in Gorlyston cum excerptis ex kalendario
Note: (375)
Note: (332) At the end of the volume, after the note on St Patrick (N. p. 378), is
Note: (332) Ve michi nascenti . ve nato . ve morienti Ve michi quod sine ve non viuet filius cue
Note: (333) A fragment of a leaf follows. The marginal notes which remain show that it contained descriptions of churches at Yarmouth and Norwich. They are as follows
Note: James provides a graphic representation of this fragment, to observe the layout see this figure:
Note: (333) Jern ... fact francisci ... latitude ... longi ... ... longitudo carmelitarum ... ... latitudo (porta Ecclesie Jermuth) ... latitudo por Jermuth blue (Thyrlby Ecclesia) ... longitude Ecc ... latitudo vero ... longitude dicte Ec ... latitudo vero continet. 1479 ... Die lune 12 die J prioratu norwic qi ... militis in dome Rector ... Thome havys Cas ... cist. ad valorem ... in maxima ... atrament (Chorus Norwic ffratrum Scanti ffrancisci) ... Eccl ... lo ... E ... a ... t
Note: (334) There is nothing on the verso
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