London. British Library, Add MS 11440
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Add MS 11440
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Two canon law compilations
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Burchard de Worms (0965-1025)
- Original form
- Burchard of Worms, c 965-1025, Bishop of Worms
- Other form
- Burchardus Wormaciensis (0965-1025)
- Burchardus Wormatiensis
- Burchard de Worms (0965-1025)
- Author: Burchardus, Wormaciensis
- Burchard, Bishop of Worms, approximately 965-1025
- Burchardus
- Burchard de Worms (950-1025)
- Burchardus Wormatiensis, 965?-1025 > , co-autor
- Burchardus Wormatiensis, 965?-1025
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Yves de Chartres (saint, 1040?-1116)
- Original form
- Ivo of Chartres, c 1040-1116, Saint, Bishop of Chartres
- Other form
- Ivo Carnotensis
- Ivo Carnotensis (saint ; 1040?-1116)
- Yves de Chartres
- Yves de Chartres (saint ; 1040?-1116)
- Yvonis Carnotensis
- Yvo Carnotensis
- Ivonis
- Author: Ivo, Carnotensis
- Ivo of Chartres
- Ivo, Saint, Bishop of Chartres, approximately 1040-1116
- Ivo Carnotensis, 1040?-1116
- Ivo <Carnotensis> (1040-1115)
- Ivo, Saint, Bishop of Chartres (approximately 1040-1116)
- Yves de Chartres (v. 1040 - 1115)
- Ivo, Carnotensis, 1040-1116
- Ivo de Chartres, Santo, 1090-1115
- Ivo Carnotensis - gest. 1115 - oorspronkelijke auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This manuscript contains two canon law texts and a tree diagram reflecting consanguinity rules. The first text is a collection concerning penance, which opens with De Penitentia Sive Medicus (About Penance or the Physician) by Burchard of Worms (d. 1025), followed by excerpts attributed to many other authorities. The other text is an abridged version of the Panormia , which, in turn, is an abbreviated and reworked version by an anonymous compiler of the Decretum (The Decretals) of Ivo of Chartres (d. 1115) (see Rolker, Canon Law (2010)). Contents: ff. 1r-72r: Burchard of Worms, Decretum Burchardi (The Decretals of Burchard), Book 19, De penitentia Sive Medicus or Corrector Burchardi , followed by excerpts from many different sources on penance from f. 36r onward, beginning ‘liber qui corrector vocatur et medicus qui correctiones corporum et animarum medicinas pleniter continet [...] Ex penitentiali Romano’. ff. 73r-112r: The Panormia (abridged version), beginning ‘Exceptiones ecclesiasticarum regularum’. f. 112v: A Tree of Consanguinity. Decoration:A diagram of the Tree of Consanguinity on f. 112v, decorated with foliate and architectural elements. Large initials in red and small initials in red or brown ink throughout the manuscript.
- Place
- Preferred form
- France, Northern
- Original form
- Northern France
- Other form
- Nord de la France
- Nord de la France (?) (Fichier Avril)
- Nord de la France (?)
- France (Nord).
- France (Nord)
- France (Nord) (?)
- France (nord)
- France (Nord : voir Faral, Bastin, Œuvres complètes de Rutebeuf, p. 26-27).
- France (Nord de la France ?)
- Nordfrankreich
- França (nord)
- Francia (norte)
- Frankrijk (noorden)
- Laon
- France (nord : Laon ?)
- França (nord: Laon?)
- Nordfrankreich (Laon?)
- Northern France (Laon?)
- Francia (norte: Laon?)
- Northern France (Paris?)
- France, North, Chelles (nunnery) or Jouarre (nunnery) (?)
- France, North
- Northern France
- Northern France
- Northern France, Paris (?)
- [Nordfrankreich]
- Oberitalien und Nordfrankreich
- Noord-Frankrijk (?)
- Noord-Frankrijk
- Nordfrankreich (Teil 2]
- II./III. Nordfrankreich
- Nordfrankreich (I)
- [Noord-Frankrijk]
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Netherlands, Southern
- Original form
- Southern Netherlands
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License