Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, MSS 05321
- Source
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. University of Toronto Libraries
- Library
- Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
- Shelfmark
- MSS 05321
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- ca. 1153
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- De claustro animae
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Hugues de Fouilloy (11..-1173?)
- Original form
- Hugh, of Fouilloy, d. 1172 or 3
- Other form
- Hugo de Folieto
- Hugo de Folieto (11..-1173?)
- Hugo de Folieto (Hughes de Fouilloy)
- Hugh of Fouilloy OSA
- Hugues de Fouilloy, -1172?
- Hugh of Fouilloy (-1172 or 1173)
- Hugues de Fouilloy, prieur de Saint-Laurent-aux-Bois (1100?-1273?) > Prieur du couvent augustinien de Saint-Laurent au Bois
- Hugues de Fouilloy, prieur de Saint-Laurent-aux-Bois (1100?-1273?)
- Hugo <de Folieto>
- Hugo de Folieto, 1096-1172 > , co-autor
- Hugo de Folieto - ca. 1100 - 1174 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Venise. Convento di San Salvador
- Original form
- S. Salvador (Convent : Venice, Italy) (association)
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
[68] leaves.
Preceded by a fragment of the author's De duodecim abusionibus claustri.
Collation: i⁶, ii², iii⁴, iv⁴, v⁸, vi⁸, vii¹⁰ [vii9-10 wanting], viii⁸ [viii7 wanting], ix⁶, x¹⁰ [x3 cancelled], xi⁶ [xi3, 5-6 wanting], xii², xiii¹.
Twelfth-century Praegothica minuscule script; written above the topped ruled line.
Leaves [1-32] contain up to 26 long lines per page (215 x 130 mm); leaves [33-67] in columns of up to 40 lines per page (225/230 x 140/145 mm).
Written by several hands in Latin in brown and darker brown ink; ruled in plummet, part in blind.
With some catchwords, guide letters, and guide words for rubrics found in margins. Some guide words printed vertically; rubrics generally written horizontally, though some in vertical position.
Quotation marks indicated in margins. Numerous marginal annotations and corrections.
Pricking visible on most leaves.
In a later (late 16th century?) tacketed, limp vellum ledger binding of Italian origin showing leather overbands and decorative lacing. Numbers and calculations scribbled in brown ink on the covers, with the name 'Barnabei' at bottom of lower cover. Some leaves misbound.
Leaf [7] extensively repaired with contemporary stitching.
Note at top of leaf [1]: A[nn]o d[omini] M.C. octogesimo VII. quondam sanctum captum fuit sepulcrum (referring to the capture of the Holy Sepulchre by Saladin on 2 Oct. 1187).
With the inscription 'Iste liber est monasterii s[an]c[t]i salvatoris de venetiis. Ego fr. petrus venetus filius simonis lanzini m[er]chatori vini venetis' at bottom of leaf [1].
An inscription in substitution code is recorded on leaf [67v] which may be deciphered as 'Die quarto aprilis 1507 die sancte pasche. Iste liber est monasterii sancti salvatoris de venetiis'.
Title from contents.
Purchase; Les Enluminures; 2011; MS.11.022.
Manuscripts, Latin
Monastic and religious life
Manuscripts, Medieval
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- France
- Original form
- France
- Other form
- France (Paris ? Fontainebleau ?)
- France.
- France (?)
- Lieu de copie : France ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 327
- France ?
- France -- 16e siècle
- Frankreich
- França
- Francia
- Frankrijk
- Abbaye de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadia de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abtei Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadía de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abdij van Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Région de la Loire (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- Loire Region (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Regió del Loira (Abadia de Fleury ?)
- Región del Loira (Abadía de Fleury ?)
- France (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- França (Abadia de Fleury?)
- Francia (Abadía de Fleury?)
- France (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Frankreich (Abtei Fleury?)
- Frankrijk (Abdij van Fleury?)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- França (Borgonya?)
- France (Burgundy?)
- Francia (Borgoña)
- France (Bourgogne ?)
- Frankrijk (Bourgondië?)
- France (Bretagne ?)
- França (Bretanya?)
- Frankreich (Bretagne?)
- France (Brittany?)
- Francia (Bretaña)
- Frankrijk (Bretagne?)
- France (ouest : Bretagne ?)
- Western France (Brittany?)
- França (oest: Bretanya?)
- Francia (oeste: Bretaña?)
- Frankrijk (westen) (Bretagne?)
- Westfrankreich: Bretagne?
- Bretagne
- Bretanya
- Bretaña
- Brittany
- Probably the Loire region
- France: Auxerre or Brittany
- France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff)
- France: Ile-de-France (Sens?)
- France: Fleury; Reims?
- France (Southern France?)
- France: Fleury
- France: probably Auxerre
- France: evidently Eastern France
- Central- or southern France
- France, Vienne
- [France]
- Paris (?)
- France (Paris?) or Flanders
- France (3rd part)
- Strassburg (probably)
- Paris (?) or Tours (?)
- France (Normandy?)
- Rouen (?) or Paris (?)
- France: Champagne, Burgundy or Centre
- Lyon or Luxeuil (?)
- France (Besançon?)
- France (Paris?)
- France, Northern (probably)
- Probably Eastern France
- St. Denis near Paris (monastery) (?)
- Tours (?)
- France (possibly near the court)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- [Provence?]
- France, East (?)
- France, Northeast?
- France, Pontigny (or Paris?)
- France, North?
- France, Paris?
- France, Diocese of Limoges?
- France, Auxerre or area
- France, Burgundy?
- France, Brittany or Paris?
- France, Angers?
- France, Normandy?
- France, East?
- France, Bourges?
- France, Anjou?
- France, Northwest?
- France, Tours?
- France (probably Paris)
- France, Europe
- SW France?
- FR
- [FR]
- Frankreich (Angers?)
- Frankrijk (?)
- Gallia
- Gallia (Frankrijk)
- Gallia? (Frankrijk?)
- Frankreich (I.)
- Frankreich (III.)
- Frankreich (III)
- Frankreich (II)
- Frankreich (I)
- I./III. Frankreich
- II. Frankreich
- Frankreich (Ergänzung)
- [Frankrijk]
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