London. British Library, Harley MS 337
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Harley MS 337
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Anglo-Norman
- Title
- Miscellany, including a cartulary from Benedictine abbey of St Augustine, Canterbury
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Willame de Wadington
- Original form
- William of Waddington, Late 13th century
- Other form
- William de Wadington
- William <de Wadington>
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Innocent III (pape, 1160?-1216)
- Original form
- Innocent III, 1160/61-1216, Pope
- Other form
- Innocentius III (pape ; 1160?-1216)
- Innocent III
- Innocentius III
- Lothaire de Segni, futur pape Innocent III
- Innocentius III papa
- INNOCENTIUS III, papa (Lotharius Signiensis)
- Innocent III, pape
- Innocent III, pape, 1160-1216
- Innocenci III, papa, 1160-1216
- Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 61-1216
- Innocentius III (paus)
- Innocentius Papa, III. fl.1198/1216
- Inocencio III, Papa
- Author: Innocentius III, Papa
- Innocentius III, Pont. Max.
- Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216
- Innocent III (1160-1216 ; pape)
- Innocent III (Lotharius de Segnis)
- Innocent III (Lotharius de Segnis) (attrib.)
- Innocentius III, paus, 1160?-1216
- Innocent III (pape ; 1160-1216)
- Innozenz III., Papst, 1160-1216
- Innocentius III. Papa
- Innozenz III.
- Innozenz <III., Papst> (1160-1216)
- Lotharius diaconus
- Innocentius papa III
- Lotharius Levita
- Innocent III, Pope (1160 or 1161-1216)
- Innocent III, né Lothaire de Segni, 176e pape de l'église Catholique de 1198 à 1216 (1160?-1216)
- Innozenz
- Innocentius <Papa, III.>
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1179-1180 (Inocêncio III) > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1179-1180 (Inocêncio III) > , compil.
- Inocêncio III, Papa, 1198-1216
- Innocentius Papa, III. - ca. 1160 - 1216 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hippocrate (auteur prétendu, 0001-0099)
- Original form
- Pseudo Hippocrates, Unspecified
- Other form
- Pseudo-Hippocrates
- Ps. Hippocrates latinus
- Ps. Hippocrates
- Pseudo-Hippocratus latinus
- Pseudo-Hippocrates latinus
- Hippocrates, auteur prétendu
- Pseudo-Hippocrate
- Hippocrates (Pseudo-)
- Pseudo Hipócrates
- Pseudo Hipòcrates
- Pseudo-Hippocrates v460-v370
- Pseudo-Hippocrates
- Ps.-Hippocrates
- Ps.-Hippokrates
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This composite manuscript consists of five different parts bound together in the early modern period.ff. 1r–11r: Cartulary owned by the Benedictine abbey of St Augustine, Canterbury; fragmentary (12th century). ff. 12r–31v: William of Waddington, Manuel de Pechiez (The Textbook of Sins) , including a series of shields painted around 1314; fragmentary (early 14th century). ff. 32r–53v: Sentences on Scripture, mainly deriving from Origen's Homilies, but also including excerpts from Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job, Julian of Toledo and Serlo of Savigny (early 13th-century). ff. 54r-65v: Innocent III, De contemptu mundi ; fragmentary (13th century). ff. 66r–71v: Expositio super Missam, a liturgical commentary on the Roman Mass. f. 72r: Pseudo-Hippocrates, Capsula Eburnea (late 12th century). f. 72v: Pseudo-Hippocrates, Indicia valetudinum (late 12th century).
- Place
- Preferred form
- Canterbury (Kent, United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Canterbury, England
- Other form
- Canterbury (?)
- Angleterre (Canterbury)
- England, Canterbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- England (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- England
- Other form
- Angleterre
- Angleterre (?)
- Angleterre.
- Angleterre ?
- Anglaterra
- Inglaterra
- Engeland
- Angleterre (Salisbury ?)
- Anglaterra (Salisbury?)
- Inglaterra (Salisbury?)
- England (Salisbury?)
- [Oxford?]
- [England]
- England, Norwich?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey?
- England, Cornwall?
- England, St. Albans?
- England, North?
- England, York?
- England, Witham?
- England, Winchester or St. Albans
- England, Reading or Leominster
- England, Cirencester?
- England, Sherborne?
- England, Worcester?
- England, Bury St. Edmunds?
- England, Tewkesbury?
- England, East Anglia?
- England, Peterborough?
- England, Mercia?
- England, Canterbury, Christ Church?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's?
- England, Winchester?
- England, Oxford?
- Flanders (possibly executed in England)
- England and Netherlands
- England, Canterbury?
- England, West Midlands?
- England, London?
- England, Crowland?
- England, Wessex?
- England, Reading?
- England, Northeast?
- England, Southeast?
- England, Ely?
- England, Winchester or Hereford?
- England, Salisbury?
- England, Oxford or Salisbury
- German (but made in England)
- England, South East (?)
- England. Peterborough (?) or Lincoln (?)
- Hereford?, England
- England, Durham ?
- England, Durham?
- England, probably Durham
- England, Oxford (?)
- England, possibly Oxford
- England (?Oxford)
- England, Durham (?)
- England, London/Westminster
- Unknown, possibly London and Cambridge
- Royal Chancery, London; Cambridge
- Engeland (?)
- England (II)
- I. England
- [Engeland]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License