second half of the 15th century (around 1473?) / 16th century / additions 18th century
Graduale de tempore, Ordinarium missae, Sequentiar
This large-format manuscript, which forms a unit with Cod. Sang.
1757, contains chants for the Mass – Proprium de tempore,
Ordinarium missae (partially troped), Sequences and votive Masses -
in German plainsong notation ("Hufnagelnotation") in a four
line-system. Multiple pieces have been deleted and replaced with
other pieces. Together with Cod. Sang. 1757, this codex presents
the oldest systematic St. Gall records of sequences on a musical
staff. Several pages have book decorations in the form of initials
(several exquisite filled initials, some with gold leaf) and
borders. Heavy decorative fittings with animal heads and mythical
creatures. Until 1930, the manuscript was kept in the choir library
(first of the St. Gall monastery, later of the St. Gall cathedral).
e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland