Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 108
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 108
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 108: Documents Relating principally to Stoke College, Lincoln Cathedral and Cambridge
- Licence for non residence granted to Pierre Alexander, prebend at Canterbury temp. Elizabeth I || Licentia regia de non residentia concessa doctori Petro Alexander prebendario Cantuar. tempore reginae Eliz.
- Appropriation of the church of Great Dunmowe in Essex made to the college of Stoke 1481 || Appropriatio ecclesiae de Dunmowe magna in Essex, facta collegio de Stoke juxta Clare 1481, original
- Appropriation of the church of Wetherfield made to the college of Stoke 1503 || Appropriatio ecclesiae de Wetherfield, facta collegio de Stoke juxta Clare, circa annum 1503, Orig.
- The reformed statues of Stoke college || Statuta collegii de Stoke reformata
- Two letters from John Skypp to Matthew Parker || Two letters from John Skypp to Matthew Parker, informing him, that it is the queen's [Anna Boleyn] pleasure that he should come up to court, and that she intends to make him her chaplain
- Presentation of Matthew Parker to the deanery of Stoke College by Queen Anne || Presentatio Matthei Parker ad decanatum collegii de Stoke per Annam reginam 4 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII.
- Composition of the first fruits of Matthew Parker upon his appointment as dean of Stoke College || Compositio de primitiis ejusdem 5 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII.
- Thomas Barnsley, Account statutes of Stoke College transcribed by Matthew Parker || Statuta antiqua collegii de Stoke facta per Thomam Barnesley et transcripta per M. Parker
- Sylloge of sermons on the holy scripture held at Stoke 1547 || Sylloge praelectionis in S. scripturas habitae apud Stoke 1547
- The names of the deans of Stoke College || Nomina decanorum collegii de Stoke
- Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke Feb. 8 || Letter from Cecill duchess of York [mother of Edw. IV. and Ric. III.] to the dean and canons of Stoke, recommending John Davy to be appointed verger. Bernardcastle Feb. 8
- Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke Dec. 3 || From the same, recommending Sir Richard Heggis and Sir Richard Shurborne to be presented unto two prebends in that college. Westminster Dec. 3
- Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke 7 Jan || From the same desiring to have the nomination to the two prebends that shall next become vacant. From the manor of the More, 7 Jan.
- Letter from Richard [Edenham] bishop of Bangor to William Wilflete dean of Stoke, London 28 Oct. || Letter from Richard [Edenham] bishop of Bangor to William Wilflete dean of Stoke-Clare, acquainting him that he is nominated to a prebend in the college of Stoke, and desiring a presentation to the same, and that his brother may have the vicarage of Thaxted. London 28 Oct.
- Letter from Sir Anthony Denny to the commissioners for dissolution || Letter from Sir Anthony Denny to the commissioners recommending Dr. Parker to them, and desiring that at the dissolution of the college he might have a suitable pension. Cheshunt ultimo Feb. 1547
- Letter from the commissioners of dissolution to Matthew Parker || Letter from the commissioners to Dr. Parker, desiring him to have in readiness a rentall and inventory of the possessions of his college. Blithborough Mar. 5
- Donations of Edmund earl of march made to Stoke College 1415 || Donationes Edmundi comitis Marchiae factae collegio de Stoke et a capitulo ejusdem confirmatae ult. Feb. 1415
- Letter from Sir Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker || Letter from Sir Nicholas Bacon to M. Parker with his opinion in several cases proposed to him
- Letter from archbishop Cranmer to Dr. Parker, Lambeth May 5 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer to Dr. Parker appointing him to preach at St. Paul's cross. Lambeth May 5
- Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker dated at Norwich || Literas Gualteri Haddon ad Mattheum Parker datae ex suburbano Norwiaco quae Thorpa nuncupatur; orat ut se et amicos suos, quos pestis ab academia fugaverat, in domicilium ejus apud Stoke accipere dignaretur
- Letter from Matthew Parker to the king's commissioners for dissolution || Letter from M. Parker to the king's commissioners, requesting their protection for the college of Stoke, and assigning reasons why it would be more convenient not to suppress it
- Donation of Edmund earl of March made to Stoke College 1415 || Donatio Edmundi comitis Marchiae facta collegio de Stoke a capitulo ejusdem confirmata, 12 Martii 1415
- Papal bull for the establishment at Stoke College || Bulla papalis pro fundatione collegii de Stoke
- Donation of Edmund earl of March of all possessions once pertained to the priory of Stoke to the dean and chapter of Stoke College || Donatio Edmundi comitis Marchiae omnium possessionum, quae olim pertinebant ad prioratum de Stoke, decano et capitulo collegii de Stoke, 7 Hen. V
- Confirmation of the establishment of Stoke College by the bishop of Lincoln 1422 || Confirmatio collegii de Stoke per episcopum Lincoln. 1422
- Oath of the canons at Stoke College || Juramentum canonici
- The method of installing canons of Stoke College || Modus inducendi canonicum per installationem ejusdem
- Epitaph of Edmund Mortimer, earl of March in the choir of Stoke College || Epitaphium ejusdem in choro collegii
- Of Edmund Mortimer, earl of March and founder of Stoke College || De Edmundo de Mortuo-mari comite Marchise et fundatore collegii de Stoke
- Tithes that should be paid by the dean and canons of Stoke || Decimas solvendae per decanum et canonicos de Stoke
- Declaration of the account of master Thomas Bacon, overseer of Stoke College || Declaratio computi magistri Thomae Bacon clerici, praepositi collegii de Stoke juxta Clare, pro uno anno integro finito ad festum S. Michaelis archangeli, 38 Hen. VIII.
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Dr. Stokes || Letter from M. Parker to Dr. Stokes, exhorting him not to raise any controversy, nor to stir up the people to sedition by his preaching, Stoke-college 23 Nov.
- Letter from Dr. Stokes to the lord privy-seal || Letter from Dr. Stokes to the lord privy-seal, imploring his lordship's protection, and clearing himself from some accusations brought against him
- Statutes of Stoke College translated into English by Matthew Parker from a Latin version by John Cheke || Statuta collegii de Stoke juxta Clare, scripta Anglice a Mattheo Parker, et Latine versa per Ioannem Cheke
- Inventory of all ornaments and other goods of the church of Stoke by Clare College 1534 || Inventorium factum Io Julii, 1534, de omnibus iocalibus ornamentis, et caeteris bonis ecclesiae collegiatas de Stoke juxta Clare
- Taxatio of the prebends of the cathedral church of Lincoln || Taxatio prebendarum ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln. secundum quam solvuntur septimiae non residentium
- Names and surnames of al canons and prebendaries of the cathedral church of Lincoln 1552 || Nomina et cognomina omnium canonicorum et prebendariorum ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln. 1552
- A declaration of the revenue appertaining to the Lincoln cathedral || A declaration of the revenewe appertayning to the cathedral churche of our blessed ladye of Lincolne with the allowances and yearly charges goinge and issuinge out of the same, made 7o die Sept. Anno Domini 1559
- A declaration of all the revenue belonging to the fabric of Lincoln cathedral 1559 || A declaration of all the revenewe belonginge unto the fabrick of the cathedral church of Lincoln 1559
- Annual revenues of the choir house of Lincoln cathedral || Revenciones domus choristarum ecclesiae cathedralis beati Mariae Lincoln, per annum
- Pensions and other duties due unto the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Lincoln which has not been paid || Pencions and other duties due unto the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Lincoln which hath not been paid and are denied since the dissolution of the abbies and chantries
- Pensions belonging to the choristers of the cathedral church of Lincoln and unpaid || Pencions belonging to the choristers of the cathedral church of Lincoln and unpaid
- Valor of the possesion of the dean of Lincoln cathedral and the prebends of Corringham || Valor possessionum decanatus ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln, et prebendae de Corringham in eadem, ex recordis D. N. regis curiae suae primorum fructuum et decimarum
- Extracts from the register of William Alnwick, bishop of Lincoln || Quae continentur in registro novo W. Alnewyke
- From the oath of deans and others of Lincoln cathedral || Forma juramenti decani, et cetera, Lincoln
- Excerpts from the black book which is called the ancient register of Lincoln || Excerpta ex nigro libro qui dicitur registrum vetus
- Contents of a Lincoln register || Contenta in registro
- Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI. in his highness' visitation to Lincoln || Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI. in his highness' visitation to the dean and subdean, chancellor, chaunter, treasurer, archdeacons, prebendaries, peti-canons, vicars and all others ministers, primo regni anno
- The form of the objections of the deans of Lincoln cathedral || Forma protestationis decani
- Register of William Alnwick bishop of Lincoln || Registrum W. de Alnewyke episcopi Lincoln.
- Tract concerning the holding of parliament || Tractatus de parliamento
- Statutes for the church and college of Strassbourg in Germany in Martin Bucer's hand || Statuta pro ecclesia et collegio Argentinae in Germania scripta a Bucero
- Oath of John Immanuel Tremellius upon his appointment as a prebend at Strassbourg || Obligatio Ioannis Himmanuel Tremellii facta quando praebendam accepit in ecclesia Argentina
- Letter from the College of Strassbourg to Martin Bucer, 1544 || Literae collegii Argentinae ad Bucerum, quibus eum certiorem faciunt quod electus est in decanum collegii
- Summons to the diocesan Synod at Saverne, February 1549 || Citatio ad synodum dicecesanam apud Zabern tenendam 2 Aprilis per Erasmum ecclesiae Argentinas Alsatias Landgravium, printed with his seal affixed
- Draft of statutes for Tunbridge school || Draft of statutes for Tunbridge school erected by Sir Andrew Judd knight and alderman of London, confirmed by the archbishop of Canterbury and the dean of St. Paul's
- Letter from the master and wardens of the skinners company, governors of Tunbridge school, to archbishop Matthew Parker || Letter from the master and wardens of the skinners company, governors of the said school, to archbishop Parker, desiring his confirmation of the statutes drawn by Dr. Nowel dean of St. Paul's, London May 7, 1564
- Charter of Elizabeth I for the foundation of a grammar school at Sevenoaks in the county of Kent || Carta Elizabethae pro fundatione scholae grammaticalis apud Sevenoke in comitatu Cantiae
- Expences at law between archbishop Parker and Sir John Byron knight || Expences at law between archbishop Parker and Sir John Byron knight, farmer of the parsonage of Rachedale in the county of Lancaster
- Directions for building a school-room at Rochdale || Directions for building a school-room
- Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff desiring a longer time may be granted them for building the school at Rachdale, March 6, 1566
- Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house, March 13, 1561 || From the same, thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house. Rachdale March 13, 1561
- Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house || From the same on the same subject
- Letter from Matthew Parker to the inhabitants of Rochedale || Letter from the archbishop to the inhabitants of Rachdale concerning the building of the school
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Sir John Byron || Letter from the same to Sir John Byron, desiring him to pay the remainder of the stipend of the vicar and curate towards the building of the said school
- Promissory note from Sir John Byron to Matthew Parker || Promissory note from Sir John Byron to the archbishop for payment of the said arrears 27 Nov. 4 Eliz
- Letter from Richard Hill to Matthew Parker 24 Apr. 1564 || Letter from Richard Hill to the archbishop acquainting him that two of the inhabitants of Rachdale are come up to town, in order to give bond for building the school-house 24 Apr. 1564
- Letter from Francis Holt, Charles Holt and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker May 2 || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to the same, acquainting him that the house is finished, and desiring that the suit commenced against them for non-performance of covenants may be staid. Rachdale May 2
- Letter from Richard Hill to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Hill to the same recommending a master for the school at Rachdale
- Memorandum of the delivery of the deeds concerning the foundation of the school at Rochdale to Corpus Christi College Cambridge and to the vicar and churchwardens of Rachdale || Memorandum of the delivery of the deeds concerning the foundation of the said school to Corpus Christi College Cambridge and to the vicar and churchwardens of Rachdale
- Letter from Francis Holt, Charles Holt and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker Sept. 10 || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to the archbishop, beseeching him to give directions for the delivery of the writings relating to the school to them. Rachdale Sept. 10
- Letter of attorney of the inhabitants of Rochdale, appointing James Wolfenden and John Warberton their attorneys, May 30, 20 Eliz. || Letter of attorney of the inhabitants of Rachdale, appointing James Wolfenden and John Warberton their attorneys, May 30, 20 Eliz.
- Commission of Henry VIII. appointing Dr. Parker and others, visitors of the University of Cambridge 16 Jan. 37o regni || Commission of Henry VIII. appointing Dr. Parker and others, visitors of the university 16 Jan. 37o regni || Commission of Henry VIII
- Condition of several of the colleges of the University of Cambridge || Status omnium fere collegiorum in academia Cantabrigiensi, viz.
- Account of the report made to the king at court by Matthew Parker and others, following a survey of the possessions of the University of Cambridge and its colleges || Account of what passed on the repair of the visitors of the university to court
- Mandamus for electing Matthew Parker master of Corpus Christi College, 36 Hen. VIII || Mandamus for electing Dr. Parker master of Corpus Christi College, 36 Hen. VIII
- First delineation of the accounts of Corpus Christi College Cambridge by Matthew Parker || Prima delineatio computi Coll. Corp. Christi per Matthaeum Parker, I Edw. VI
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John Skip (149.-1552)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Skypp
- Other form
- John Skip
- John Skip, Bishop of Hereford
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Barnesley (13..-1454?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Barnsley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Cecily (duchesse d'York, 1415-1495)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Edenham (14..-1494)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard [Edenham] bishop of Bangor
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anthony Denny (1501-1549)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Anthony Denny
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Bacon (1509-1579?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sir Nicholas Bacon
- Other form
- Nicholas Bacon
- Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579
- Bacon, Nicholas, Sir
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Archbishop Cranmer
- Other form
- Cranmer, Thomas, 2 Jul 1489-21 Mar 1556, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Thomas Cranmer
- The archbishop of Canterbury
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walter Haddon (1514?-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter Haddon
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Stokes (14..-15..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dr. Stokes
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Holt (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Francis
- Other form
- Francis Holt
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Charles Holt (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Charles Holt
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Hill (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Hill
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Charles Radcliff (15..-15..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Charles Radcliff
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: MS 108, contains a large collection of documents and letters collected by Matthew Parker (1504-1575). His diverse career included serving as the dean of Stoke by Clare College; as one of Anne Boleyn's chaplains and, after her fall, as one of the king's chaplains; as dean of Lincoln and prebend of Corringham in Lincoln Cathedral, as master of Corpus Christi College and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; and as archbishop of Canterbury. Just as this broad career is reflected across the Parker Library collection as a whole, much of it is reflected here in a microcosm of letters and documents relating to Stoke by Clare College, Lincoln cathedral, Cambridge and the government of England. This manuscript also contains a copy of the 'Report on the conditions of Cambridge' which Parker and others compiled when the Chantries Act of December 1545 threatened the University of Cambridge's financial security. The manuscript dates to the sixteenth century.
Contents :
iiir-iiiv - Licence for non residence granted to Pierre Alexander, prebend at Canterbury temp. Elizabeth I || Licentia regia de non residentia concessa doctori Petro Alexander prebendario Cantuar. tempore reginae Eliz.
Note: On vellum (2 Elizabeth)
3-26 - Appropriation of the church of Great Dunmowe in Essex made to the college of Stoke 1481 || Appropriatio ecclesiae de Dunmowe magna in Essex, facta collegio de Stoke juxta Clare 1481, original
Note: Reservatur vicario portio congrua et antiqua: - omnia onera per rectorem supportari consueta, decanus et capitulum dicti collegii deinceps supportabunt; - preterea solvent annuatim episcopo London 40s. decano et capitulo London 3s. 4d. archdiacono Middlesex 26s. 8d.- presentatio ad vicariam erit in episcopo London, et decano et capitulo collegii de Stoke alternatim: - in die caenae Domini distribuetur pauperibus ejusdem parochiae 5s.
Note: Vellum, has the notarial mark of N. Collys: see his book no. 170
27-52 - Appropriation of the church of Wetherfield made to the college of Stoke 1503 || Appropriatio ecclesiae de Wetherfield, facta collegio de Stoke juxta Clare, circa annum 1503, Orig.
Note: Solvent episcopo London 13s. 4d. decano et capitulo London 20d. archidiacono Middlesex 6s. 8d. decanus et capitulum collegii de Stoke habebunt presentationem ad vicariam: - vicarius habebit decimas lanae agnorum vitulorum agistamentorum casei, necnon oblationes et altaragia, omnesque singulas et personales, prediales duntaxat minores mixtas et minutas: et habebit ad minus 10£ annuatim
Note: Vellum, notarial mark of Ric. Spencer
53-72 - The reformed statues of Stoke college || Statuta collegii de Stoke reformata
Note: Haec statuta in hunc ordinem et formam reducta, rata et comprobata sunt deinceps perpetuo observanda, assensu totius capituli Anno Domini 1537, Mattheo Parker decano
Note: Continues on pp. 129-137.
73-73 - Two letters from John Skypp to Matthew Parker || Two letters from John Skypp to Matthew Parker, informing him, that it is the queen's [Anna Boleyn] pleasure that he should come up to court, and that she intends to make him her chaplain
Note: Parker Correspondence I, II
74-74 - Presentation of Matthew Parker to the deanery of Stoke College by Queen Anne || Presentatio Matthei Parker ad decanatum collegii de Stoke per Annam reginam 4 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII.
Note: Parker Correspondence Ib, V
74-74 - Composition of the first fruits of Matthew Parker upon his appointment as dean of Stoke College || Compositio de primitiis ejusdem 5 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII.
75-82 - Thomas Barnsley, Account statutes of Stoke College transcribed by Matthew Parker || Statuta antiqua collegii de Stoke facta per Thomam Barnesley et transcripta per M. Parker
Note: Continues on pp. 117-124
83-84b - Sylloge of sermons on the holy scripture held at Stoke 1547 || Sylloge praelectionis in S. scripturas habitae apud Stoke 1547
90-90 - The names of the deans of Stoke College || Nomina decanorum collegii de Stoke
Note: Note that the 2nd page of this follows item no. 21
Note: Continues on p. 115 and on p. 116.
Note: Printed in Masters's History, App. p. 38-40 (H. P. S.)
91-92 - Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke Feb. 8 || Letter from Cecill duchess of York [mother of Edw. IV. and Ric. III.] to the dean and canons of Stoke, recommending John Davy to be appointed verger. Bernardcastle Feb. 8
93-94 - Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke Dec. 3 || From the same, recommending Sir Richard Heggis and Sir Richard Shurborne to be presented unto two prebends in that college. Westminster Dec. 3
95-96 - Letter from Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to the dean and canons of Stoke 7 Jan || From the same desiring to have the nomination to the two prebends that shall next become vacant. From the manor of the More, 7 Jan.
97-98 - Letter from Richard [Edenham] bishop of Bangor to William Wilflete dean of Stoke, London 28 Oct. || Letter from Richard [Edenham] bishop of Bangor to William Wilflete dean of Stoke-Clare, acquainting him that he is nominated to a prebend in the college of Stoke, and desiring a presentation to the same, and that his brother may have the vicarage of Thaxted. London 28 Oct.
99-100 - Letter from Sir Anthony Denny to the commissioners for dissolution || Letter from Sir Anthony Denny to the commissioners recommending Dr. Parker to them, and desiring that at the dissolution of the college he might have a suitable pension. Cheshunt ultimo Feb. 1547
Note: Correspondence p. 33 note
101-102 - Letter from the commissioners of dissolution to Matthew Parker || Letter from the commissioners to Dr. Parker, desiring him to have in readiness a rentall and inventory of the possessions of his college. Blithborough Mar. 5
103-106 - Donations of Edmund earl of march made to Stoke College 1415 || Donationes Edmundi comitis Marchiae factae collegio de Stoke et a capitulo ejusdem confirmatae ult. Feb. 1415
Note: On vellum, ff. 2 smaller size
107-108 - Letter from Sir Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker || Letter from Sir Nicholas Bacon to M. Parker with his opinion in several cases proposed to him
Note: Strype, Parker Appendix II
111-112 - Letter from archbishop Cranmer to Dr. Parker, Lambeth May 5 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer to Dr. Parker appointing him to preach at St. Paul's cross. Lambeth May 5
Note: Correspondence XXVII
113-124 - Letter from Walter Haddon to Matthew Parker dated at Norwich || Literas Gualteri Haddon ad Mattheum Parker datae ex suburbano Norwiaco quae Thorpa nuncupatur; orat ut se et amicos suos, quos pestis ab academia fugaverat, in domicilium ejus apud Stoke accipere dignaretur
Note: Followed by end of item 11, and of item 8
127-137 - Letter from Matthew Parker to the king's commissioners for dissolution || Letter from M. Parker to the king's commissioners, requesting their protection for the college of Stoke, and assigning reasons why it would be more convenient not to suppress it
Note: Strype, Appendix VI, Corr. XXXIII
Note: Followed by end of item 4
138-138 - Donation of Edmund earl of March made to Stoke College 1415 || Donatio Edmundi comitis Marchiae facta collegio de Stoke a capitulo ejusdem confirmata, 12 Martii 1415
139-140 - Papal bull for the establishment at Stoke College || Bulla papalis pro fundatione collegii de Stoke
141-142 - Donation of Edmund earl of March of all possessions once pertained to the priory of Stoke to the dean and chapter of Stoke College || Donatio Edmundi comitis Marchiae omnium possessionum, quae olim pertinebant ad prioratum de Stoke, decano et capitulo collegii de Stoke, 7 Hen. V
143-145 - Confirmation of the establishment of Stoke College by the bishop of Lincoln 1422 || Confirmatio collegii de Stoke per episcopum Lincoln. 1422
146-146 - Oath of the canons at Stoke College || Juramentum canonici
146-146 - The method of installing canons of Stoke College || Modus inducendi canonicum per installationem ejusdem
148-148 - Epitaph of Edmund Mortimer, earl of March in the choir of Stoke College || Epitaphium ejusdem in choro collegii
Note: 12 lines beginning
incipit: (148) Instabilis mundus mortalibus ecce minatur
149-151 - Of Edmund Mortimer, earl of March and founder of Stoke College || De Edmundo de Mortuo-mari comite Marchise et fundatore collegii de Stoke
152-152 - Tithes that should be paid by the dean and canons of Stoke || Decimas solvendae per decanum et canonicos de Stoke
153-154 - Declaration of the account of master Thomas Bacon, overseer of Stoke College || Declaratio computi magistri Thomae Bacon clerici, praepositi collegii de Stoke juxta Clare, pro uno anno integro finito ad festum S. Michaelis archangeli, 38 Hen. VIII.
161-164 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Dr. Stokes || Letter from M. Parker to Dr. Stokes, exhorting him not to raise any controversy, nor to stir up the people to sedition by his preaching, Stoke-college 23 Nov.
Note: Strype Appendix III, Correspondence X
167-168 - Letter from Dr. Stokes to the lord privy-seal || Letter from Dr. Stokes to the lord privy-seal, imploring his lordship's protection, and clearing himself from some accusations brought against him
Note: Strype Appendix IV, Correspondence p. 14 note
171-176 - Statutes of Stoke College translated into English by Matthew Parker from a Latin version by John Cheke || Statuta collegii de Stoke juxta Clare, scripta Anglice a Mattheo Parker, et Latine versa per Ioannem Cheke
177-207a - Inventory of all ornaments and other goods of the church of Stoke by Clare College 1534 || Inventorium factum Io Julii, 1534, de omnibus iocalibus ornamentis, et caeteris bonis ecclesiae collegiatas de Stoke juxta Clare
Note: Divided into Calices | Cruces | Ymagines | Jocalia pro communi usu Collegii | Libri (all service books, some printed) | Candelabra | Caps ( = Copes) | Casule etc. | Ornamenta altarium | Corporalia cum thecis | Vexilla | puluinaria | Coopertoria ymaginum in temp. quadragesimali
Note: Other items follow
207-208 - Taxatio of the prebends of the cathedral church of Lincoln || Taxatio prebendarum ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln. secundum quam solvuntur septimiae non residentium
Note: Relates to Lincoln
209-214 - Names and surnames of al canons and prebendaries of the cathedral church of Lincoln 1552 || Nomina et cognomina omnium canonicorum et prebendariorum ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln. 1552
Note: Relates to Lincoln
215-218 - A declaration of the revenue appertaining to the Lincoln cathedral || A declaration of the revenewe appertayning to the cathedral churche of our blessed ladye of Lincolne with the allowances and yearly charges goinge and issuinge out of the same, made 7o die Sept. Anno Domini 1559
Note: Relates to Lincoln
219-220 - A declaration of all the revenue belonging to the fabric of Lincoln cathedral 1559 || A declaration of all the revenewe belonginge unto the fabrick of the cathedral church of Lincoln 1559
Note: Relates to Lincoln
223-224 - Annual revenues of the choir house of Lincoln cathedral || Revenciones domus choristarum ecclesiae cathedralis beati Mariae Lincoln, per annum
Note: Relates to Lincoln
225-232 - Pensions and other duties due unto the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Lincoln which has not been paid || Pencions and other duties due unto the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Lincoln which hath not been paid and are denied since the dissolution of the abbies and chantries
Note: Relates to Lincoln
233-238 - Pensions belonging to the choristers of the cathedral church of Lincoln and unpaid || Pencions belonging to the choristers of the cathedral church of Lincoln and unpaid
Note: Relates to Lincoln
239-246 - Valor of the possesion of the dean of Lincoln cathedral and the prebends of Corringham || Valor possessionum decanatus ecclesiae cathedralis Lincoln, et prebendae de Corringham in eadem, ex recordis D. N. regis curiae suae primorum fructuum et decimarum
Note: Relates to Lincoln
249-251 - Extracts from the register of William Alnwick, bishop of Lincoln || Quae continentur in registro novo W. Alnewyke
Note: Relates to Lincoln
252-254 - From the oath of deans and others of Lincoln cathedral || Forma juramenti decani, et cetera, Lincoln
Note: Relates to Lincoln
255-260 - Excerpts from the black book which is called the ancient register of Lincoln || Excerpta ex nigro libro qui dicitur registrum vetus
Note: Relates to Lincoln
261-264 - Contents of a Lincoln register || Contenta in registro
Note: Relates to Lincoln
265-270 - Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI. in his highness' visitation to Lincoln || Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI. in his highness' visitation to the dean and subdean, chancellor, chaunter, treasurer, archdeacons, prebendaries, peti-canons, vicars and all others ministers, primo regni anno
Note: Relates to Lincoln
Note: See Bradshaw and Wordsworth, Lincoln Cathedral Statutes III 579 sqq.
271-272 - The form of the objections of the deans of Lincoln cathedral || Forma protestationis decani
Note: Relates to Lincoln
273-320 - Register of William Alnwick bishop of Lincoln || Registrum W. de Alnewyke episcopi Lincoln.
Note: Nova est forma statutorum cum assensu decani et capituli stabilita Anno Domini 1440
Note: Relates to Lincoln
Note: This item is a separate book of cent. xv. It is the second draft of the Novum Registrum of Bishop Alnwick 1440, on which see Lincoln Cathedral Statutes, Bradshaw and Wordsworth I 182, 246 etc. and text in Part II
321-334 - Tract concerning the holding of parliament || Tractatus de parliamento
Note: Citatur hic tractatus per dom. Elsinge in libro suo, Of the lawe of parliaments, sub titulo tractatus veteris de modo tenendi parliament
Note: Items 58 and 59 form a volume
Note: Headed
rubric: (321) Sine regali prouidentia impossibile est rebus pacem dare. Mach. primo
rubric: (321) De gradibus parliamenti qui sunt sex in numero
incipit: (321) Rex est caput principium et finis parliamenti
337-396 - Statutes for the church and college of Strassbourg in Germany in Martin Bucer's hand || Statuta pro ecclesia et collegio Argentinae in Germania scripta a Bucero
Note: Items 60 - 63 form a separate volume
397-398 - Oath of John Immanuel Tremellius upon his appointment as a prebend at Strassbourg || Obligatio Ioannis Himmanuel Tremellii facta quando praebendam accepit in ecclesia Argentina
Note: Items 60 - 63 form a separate volume
Note: Correspondence CCXLI, note
399-400 - Letter from the College of Strassbourg to Martin Bucer, 1544 || Literae collegii Argentinae ad Bucerum, quibus eum certiorem faciunt quod electus est in decanum collegii
Note: Items 60 - 63 form a separate volume
Note: (399) Dated Strasburg, pridie Kal. Ap. 1544
400a-402 - Summons to the diocesan Synod at Saverne, February 1549 || Citatio ad synodum dicecesanam apud Zabern tenendam 2 Aprilis per Erasmum ecclesiae Argentinas Alsatias Landgravium, printed with his seal affixed
Note: Items 60 - 63 form a separate volume
Note: (400b) Dated 4 Feb. 1549
403-414 - Draft of statutes for Tunbridge school || Draft of statutes for Tunbridge school erected by Sir Andrew Judd knight and alderman of London, confirmed by the archbishop of Canterbury and the dean of St. Paul's
Note: This school was confirmed by act of parliament 1572, which act is not in the printed statute book
Note: Correspondence p. 211 note
415-416 - Letter from the master and wardens of the skinners company, governors of Tunbridge school, to archbishop Matthew Parker || Letter from the master and wardens of the skinners company, governors of the said school, to archbishop Parker, desiring his confirmation of the statutes drawn by Dr. Nowel dean of St. Paul's, London May 7, 1564
Note: Correspondence CLX
418-420 - Charter of Elizabeth I for the foundation of a grammar school at Sevenoaks in the county of Kent || Carta Elizabethae pro fundatione scholae grammaticalis apud Sevenoke in comitatu Cantiae
421-426 - Expences at law between archbishop Parker and Sir John Byron knight || Expences at law between archbishop Parker and Sir John Byron knight, farmer of the parsonage of Rachedale in the county of Lancaster
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
427-428 - Directions for building a school-room at Rochdale || Directions for building a school-room
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
429-430 - Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff desiring a longer time may be granted them for building the school at Rachdale, March 6, 1566
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
431-432 - Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house, March 13, 1561 || From the same, thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house. Rachdale March 13, 1561
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
433-434 - Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff thanking the archbishop for establishing the school, and assuring him of their intention of building a school-house || From the same on the same subject
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
435-435 - Letter from Matthew Parker to the inhabitants of Rochedale || Letter from the archbishop to the inhabitants of Rachdale concerning the building of the school
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
Note: Correspondence CLXXIII
436-436 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Sir John Byron || Letter from the same to Sir John Byron, desiring him to pay the remainder of the stipend of the vicar and curate towards the building of the said school
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
Note: Correspondence CLXXIV
437-438 - Promissory note from Sir John Byron to Matthew Parker || Promissory note from Sir John Byron to the archbishop for payment of the said arrears 27 Nov. 4 Eliz
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
439-440 - Letter from Richard Hill to Matthew Parker 24 Apr. 1564 || Letter from Richard Hill to the archbishop acquainting him that two of the inhabitants of Rachdale are come up to town, in order to give bond for building the school-house 24 Apr. 1564
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
441-442 - Letter from Francis Holt, Charles Holt and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker May 2 || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to the same, acquainting him that the house is finished, and desiring that the suit commenced against them for non-performance of covenants may be staid. Rachdale May 2
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
443-443 - Letter from Richard Hill to Matthew Parker || Letter from Richard Hill to the same recommending a master for the school at Rachdale
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
444-444 - Memorandum of the delivery of the deeds concerning the foundation of the school at Rochdale to Corpus Christi College Cambridge and to the vicar and churchwardens of Rachdale || Memorandum of the delivery of the deeds concerning the foundation of the said school to Corpus Christi College Cambridge and to the vicar and churchwardens of Rachdale
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
445-445 - Letter from Francis Holt, Charles Holt and Charles Radcliff to Matthew Parker Sept. 10 || Letter from Francis and Charles Holt esqrs. and Charles Radcliff to the archbishop, beseeching him to give directions for the delivery of the writings relating to the school to them. Rachdale Sept. 10
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
446-446 - Letter of attorney of the inhabitants of Rochdale, appointing James Wolfenden and John Warberton their attorneys, May 30, 20 Eliz. || Letter of attorney of the inhabitants of Rachdale, appointing James Wolfenden and John Warberton their attorneys, May 30, 20 Eliz.
Note: Items 68-81 concerning Rochdale. See Lamb's History, p. 97
447-448 - Commission of Henry VIII. appointing Dr. Parker and others, visitors of the University of Cambridge 16 Jan. 37o regni || Commission of Henry VIII. appointing Dr. Parker and others, visitors of the university 16 Jan. 37o regni || Commission of Henry VIII
Note: Lamb 58, Correspondence p. 34 note
449-562 - Condition of several of the colleges of the University of Cambridge || Status omnium fere collegiorum in academia Cantabrigiensi, viz.
Note: (449) a. Rental of Corpus Christi
Note: Lamb 61 (see below)
Note: The accounts for the colleges follow item 86
Note: (489) b. Rental of Trinity Hall
Note: (497) c. Gunvil Hall
Note: (504) d. King's
Note: (504) e. Michael House
Note: (504) f. Queens'
Note: (504) g. St John's
Note: (505) h. Pembroke
Note: (513) i. Trinity
Note: (517) k. Peterhouse
Note: (525) l. Clare
Note: (533) m. Estates of King's
Note: (537) n. Jesus
Note: (543) o. Magdalene
Note: (549) Then a second summary account for all the Colleges, which is printed in Lamb, p. 61. This begins at p. 549
Note: (558a) A statement for Goneuill and Caius College, on two leaves
Note: These accounts of the revenues and expences of the several colleges were taken at the above visitation
457-458 - Account of the report made to the king at court by Matthew Parker and others, following a survey of the possessions of the University of Cambridge and its colleges || Account of what passed on the repair of the visitors of the university to court
Note: Lamb 59, Correspondence XXIV
459-461 - Mandamus for electing Matthew Parker master of Corpus Christi College, 36 Hen. VIII || Mandamus for electing Dr. Parker master of Corpus Christi College, 36 Hen. VIII
Note: (459) Leaf of a handsome service-book (written on one side only) enclosing items no. 85, 86
Note: (461) Mandamus
Note: Strype, Appendix v
Note: Cf. MS 114. 2 (H. P. S.)
462-488 - First delineation of the accounts of Corpus Christi College Cambridge by Matthew Parker || Prima delineatio computi Coll. Corp. Christi per Matthaeum Parker, I Edw. VI
rubric: (462) Prima delineatio
Note: (487) Other portion of leaf of service-book
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