Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 213
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 213
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1425
- Language
- Middle French
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 213: Jean Galopes, Le livre doré de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Crist
- Jean Galopes, Le livre doré de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Crist || Le livre dore des meditations de la vie [de] nostre seigneur Iesu Crist selon Bonneaventure [traduit per Jehan Galopes]
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 213 is a copy of Jean Galopes, Le livre doré de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Crist, made for presentation to Henry V probably c. 1420, which is depicted in a miniature at the beginning of the book. The dating of the book is after 1419 when Rouen surrendered to the English and Normandy came under the custody of the uncle of Henry V, Thomas Beaufort, duke of Exeter, who together with the king is mentioned in the presentation inscription. The text is a translation into French by Jean Galopes of the pseudo-Bonaventuran Meditationes uitae Christi, an expanded version of the Gospel account of the life of Christ, whose Latin text has been attributed to John de Caulibus OFM. Jean Galopes was dean of the collegiate church of St Louis de Saulsoye in the diocese of Evreux in Normandy.
Contents :
1r-159r - Jean Galopes, Le livre doré de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Crist || Le livre dore des meditations de la vie [de] nostre seigneur Iesu Crist selon Bonneaventure [traduit per Jehan Galopes]
Note: f. 1r has border of line and leaf work and the arms of England and France quarterly: also a half-page painting with chess-board ground. On L. Henry in scarlet lined with white, crowned, seated on blue-canopied throne, the hangings semée with gold S's: on L. of him stand two men in doctoral robes. On R. one in green tunic, with moustache, holding a mace. On R. kneels Jean Galopes in purplish robe, offering his book. The floor is of green and black tiles
Note: An engraving of this, with a description, was published in 1770 by Michael Tyson, M.A., F.S.A., Fellow of the College
rubric: (1r) Ci commence le liure dore. des meditations de la vie nostre seigneur Ihesu crist. selon Bonneauanture. Et premierement le prologue du translateur
incipit: (1r) Au tres haust tresfort et tres victorieux prince Henry quint (different ink) de ce nom ... Vostre humble chapelain Jehan Galopes dit
explicit: (2v) bien viure et bien finez. Amen
Note: After f. 2v is an English version of the prologue, of cent. xvi, on two leaves of paper
rubric: (3r) Ci commence le prologue de lacteur du liure dore de la vie nostre seigneur Ihesu Crist selon Bonneauanture
incipit: (3r) Entre les aultres annonciacions des vertus
Note: (3r) Large miniature in the initial: red ground with gold flourishing. On L. Bonaventura in Franciscan habit and cardinal's hat holds his book open. On R. a man in a brilliant blue robe with gypciere at his girdle. This is fine work
explicit: (6r) vueil premier parler
rubric: (6r) Des meditations des choses lesquelles precedent lincarnacion de nostre seigneur Ihesu Crist
Note: Chapter I. Text begins
incipit: (6v) Apres ce que par tres long temps
Note: (6v) Miniature in initial. Above, the Father half length in sphere with orb. Below, in air, three angels in white interceding. At bottom, three nude souls stand in Hell mouth
Note: On f. 141v is a good drawing of a magpie on a dog's back
Note: Ends
explicit: (156r) dieu beney et laudable au siecle des siecles a perpetuite. Amen
rubric: (156r) Ci fine le liure dore de la vie de Jesu Crist compose par Sire Bonneauanture
Note: (156v) Table of chapters
Note: At the end (f. 159r) an erasure in which I read Cest liure ... ... de Stafford
Note: An inscription well written in cent. xvi follows
Note: (159r) This wasse sumtyme King Henri ye / fifeth his Booke; which containeth / the lyfe of Christ & the psalmes / of the patriarkes and prophetes; the / psalmes of ye prophet Dauid omittid; / Mani excilent notes, thoughe some thinges waienge / the tyme; maye be amendid; Rede Iudge & thanke / God for a better light
Note: On f. 160v is written Salue sancta facies
Note: On f. 161r an erasure. Below it on a scroll
Note: (161r) honny soit qi mal y pense
Note: (161r) A sketch of Prince of Wales's feathers ? and: loes soyt deus
Note: (161r) Also other scribbles, and: xxxiiis iiijd
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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