Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 171B
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 171B
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Middle English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 171B: Scotichronicon (Volume 2)
- Scotichronicon (Volume 2)
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 171, divided into two parts, A and B, since James' description in 1912, contains Walter Bower's Scotichronicon by Walter Bower (1385-1449), a history of the kingdom of Scotland beginning with its foundation with the arrival of Scota, daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh. This chronicle was a continuation and expansion of the Chronica gentis Scotorum by John Fordun (d. after 1363). The manuscript was written c. 1447-9 at the Augustinian abbey of Inchcolm in Fife and was amended under the direction of Bower himself, abbot of Inchcolm (d. 1449). It is considered to be one of the most important texts of late medieval Scottish historical writing in existence and was used as the basis for the nine-volume edition of the text published under the general editorship of D. E. R. Watt. There are a few coloured full and half-page drawings of major narrative events such as the Battle of Bannockburn and the Coronation and funeal of Alexander III. It is not known how this manuscript came to be in Parker's collection.
Contents :
151r-371v - Scotichronicon (Volume 2)
Note: (153v) Liber VIII, capitula
Note: (155r) Text
Note: (182r) Liber IX, capitula
Note: (183r) Text
Note: (205r) Liber X, capitula
Note: (206r) Text
Note: On 205r is a half-page drawing. Alexander III beardless crowned, with massive sceptre, seated between two men, one of whom holds a sword upright: green cross on a base on R. On L. an old man girt with sword steps forward and says benach de re albane alex mak alex. Reproduced Nat. MSS. of Scotland II 84
Note: (225r) Liber XI, capitula
Note: (226r) Text
Note: (225v) Drawing of the funeral of Alexander III, almost without colour. Four men bear the coffin, which has coped lid and white pall with yellow cross, to R. six clerks in copes walking in pairs follow. This is a particularly fine picture. Reproduced Nat. MSS. of Scotland II 85
Note: (239r) blank
Note: Chapters 32, 33 seem to be wanting
Note: (253r) Liber XII, capitula
Note: (254r) Text
Note: (265r) a full-page drawing of the battle of Bannockburn. At the top is a castle on a hill, and houses at the foot. Two powerful warriors on horseback are fighting in front. The drawing is animated and clever. Reproduced in Nat. MSS. of Scotland II 86
Note: (271r) Liber Xlll, capitula
Note: (272r) Text
Note: (292v) Liber XIV, capitula
Note: (293v) Text
Note: (318r) Liber XV, capitula
Note: (319r) Text
Note: (336r) Liber XVI, capitula
Note: (337r) Text
Note: Ends
explicit: (353v) ministerio gramatum de se ad posteros transmittemus
Note: Verses in larger hand
Note: (353v) Aura sileto ratis mea litus habet . freta gratisdesero . subsisto . sit laus et gloria ChristoHic opus hoc finit et scribere desinit auctorquod Scoticronicon iure uocare soletContinet iste liber actus gestus uenerandosregum pontificum sic procerum populi Quinque libros fordon . vndenos auctor arabatsic tibi clarescit sunt sedecim numeroErgo pro precibus petimus te lector eorum(ut) sint regnicole scriptor uterque poli... Discolus est Christe cui liber non placet iste
Note: (353V) Paragraph from Augustinus de doctrina Christiana
Note: (353V) Table
Note: Abbas - Zelotipia
Note: (363R) Colophon
incipit: (363r) Qui ad honorem dei et profectum legencium
Note: asks for the prayers of the reader and ends with three distichs. The last
Note: (363r) Detur autori merces equata la(bori)Dentur autori post mortem gaudia (cell)
rubric: (363r) Explicit liber Scotic(roni)con. Deo. gracias
Note: (363r) Verses, on numerical equivalents of letters
Note: (363r) A caput est numerum quincentumB dicit numerum quem dicimusC centum signat numero si poetc.
Note: (363v) In a fine small hand which appears here for the first time
rubric: (363v) Isidori lib. quinto ethimol. de medicina
Note: Other extracts
Note: (363v) Arist. libro de problematibus
Note: Also on the plague
rubric: (363v) Incipit tractractatus contra pestilenciam
Note: (John of Bordeaux)
incipit: (363v) (Hic inc.) nobilis tractatus
explicit: (364r) alterius non timebit
rubric: (364r) Epistola Sancti Bernardi ad Ramundum militem de cura et modo rei familiaris
incipit: (364r) Gracioso et felici militi
Note: (P. L. CLXXXII 647)
explicit: (364v) perducat sua dampnabilis senectus
Note: 365r-369v blank
Note: (368v) A very badly written note in French about the East. Sardenay, Nazareth are mentioned (12 lines)
Note: a longer note in the same hand on f. 370r, headed
Note: (370r) Item ad eundem de Roma
Note: Beginning
Note: (370r) de Rome en grece premierement ... / de cicile puille etc.
Note: On the upper part of this page is a paragraph in the hand of the main text
Note: (370r) Notandum quod comes orchadie solet antiquitus esse comes Katanesie ... / fuit Rollandus fundator et dotator ecclesie s. magni
Note: Ends
Note: (370r) Tercia filia comitis malisii copulatur Gothredo sper qui genu ... / mortuum sine herede de se genito
Note: (370v) A pedigree of Kings of France and England, the last of whom is Henry V
Note: Also a damaged note in red
Note: (370v) >Ao mo ccccxlix in vigilia natiuitatis domini obiit dus Walterus / B(ow)makar abbas insule sancti / (Colum)be qui scripsit hunc librum
Note: This is preceded by a note in black in the same hand
Note: (370v) Ultimo die Octobr. Ao cxliiij iiijto obiit / dus Andreas de Kirkaldi abbas / de Dunf(ermline) et in die sancti bricii electus / est ric ... sacrista. Ao / cto obiit / dus Wus broun magister in theologia / monachus de dunf. in festo s. calixti
Note: (371r) English verses on the Nine Worthies
incipit: (371r) Hectour of troy throu hard feichtinge in half thrid ȝere slew xix ...
Note: The worthies are
Note: HectorAlexanderJulius CesarJosueDavidJudas machabeusArthurCharlez of franceGodfrey bolȝon
Note: ending with
explicit: (371r) Robert ye brois throu hard feichting wt few vencust ye mti (miȝti ?) kyng / of Ingland Edward twyse in fit at occupide his realme but rit / at sumtyme was set so hard at had not sex til him toward
Note: (371r) Yhe gude men at yir bulletis redis Deme ȝe qwha dochtiast was in dedis
Note: A note on the Stewarts
Note: (371r) Notandum quod barbarius ponit ... stewartis venisse de wallia et originem habuisse / de fleance etc.
Note: (371r) A faint note on Walter Bowart follows
Note: (371v) Latin proverbial verses a good deal mutilated, and some quotations from the Revelations of St Birgitta of Sweden
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