Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 465

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 465
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1325
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 465: Ordinal of Norwich
  • Kalendar of Norwich
  • Customary of Norwich
  • Summary: Although CCCC MS 465 is frequently described as the Customary of the Benedictine Cathedral priory of Norwich, the content is that of the Ordinal rather than the Customary. An Ordinal contains directions for the liturgical services throughout the Church year. The dating of the main text is 1258-65, but the calendar of Norwich Cathedral Priory at the beginning of the book was added 1278-88. The pressmark of the priory is on the flyleaf, and an inscription recording it as the 'Ordinale fratris R. de Lok.'.

    Contents :

    3r-8v - Kalendar of Norwich

    Note: (3r) Kalendar in red and black

    Note: (3v) February 19 Obiit Nicholas prior

    Note: (4r) March 16 Obiit Mabilie de Lakenham 24 Passio Sancti Willelmi Martyris

    Note: (5r) May 20 Ethelberti Regis et Martyris

    Note: (5v) June 17 Botulphi red 23 Etheldrede

    Note: (6r) July 31 Neoti Abbatis Germani Episcopi red

    Note: (6v) August 11 Taurini Episcopi red 16 Obiit Thomas Episcopus

    Note: (7r) September 16 Translacio Reliquiarum red. Pandulfus Episcopi 24 Dedicatio ecclesiae Norwyc. red, with octave

    Note: (7v) October 6 Fidis Virginis, red 7 Oside Virginis Martyris 12 Eborard Episcopus 17 Translatio Sancte Etheldrede, red 18 Iohannes Episcopus 21 Obiit henricus de lakenham prior Norwyci 22 Elyas prior

    Note: (8r) Nov Both Edmunds in red

    Note: (8v) December 16 Antiphoni quomodo fiet

    9r-162v - Customary of Norwich

    rubric: (9r) Incipiunt consuetudines ecclesie Norwyc. per annum

    incipit: (9r) Sabbato aduentus domini

    rubric: (131r) Incipit ordo lectionum ad prandium per totum annum

    rubric: (132r) De lectione ad collacionem

    rubric: (132r) Ad mandatum

    rubric: (133r) De prephationibus

    incipit: (134r) Quibus diebus dicatur Credo

    rubric: (134r) De commemoratione Sancte Marie per totum annum

    rubric: (136v) De processi(oni)bus in ecclesia ad vesperas et ad matinas

    rubric: (138r) Incipit ordo processionum claustralium dominicis diebus

    Note: (146v) Of responses, of incense, etc., ending with

    rubric: (146v) De presente defuncto, etc.

    rubric: (147v) De necgligentia corporis et sanguinis domini nostri Ihesu Christi

    rubric: (151v) Officium ad professionem faciendam

    Note: (152v) Versiculi. Benedictiones. Antiphons

    Note: In smaller hands

    rubric: (159v) Obseruancie in sepultura monachi

    Note: (160v) Miscellaneous supplementary ordinances (1351, 1379 are named)

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