Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 46

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 046
Biblissima authority file
  • 1100 - 1199 - 1400 - 1499
  • Latin
    • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 046: John of Salisbury, Policraticus, Metalogicon
    • Table indexing John of Salisbury's Policraticus
    • John of Salisbury, Policraticus
    • John of Salisbury, Metalogicon
    • see more
  • Preferred form
    • Jean de Salisbury (1115?-1180?)
    • Author
    Original form
    • John of Salisbury
    Other form
    • Jean de Salisbury (1115?-1180?)
    • Jean de Salisbury
    • Jean de Salisbury, 1115?-1180
    • Johannes Sarisberiensis
    • Johannes Sarisberiensis 1115-1180
    • John, of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, d. 1180
    • John of Salisbury, bisbe de Chartres
    • John of Salisbury, Obispo de Chartres
    • Author: Johannes, Saresberiensis
    • John of Salisbury, c 1115-1180, Bishop of Chartres
    • Joannes Saresberiensis, 1115?-1180
    • John of Salisbury (c. 1120 – 1180)
    • Johannes Sarisberiensis - ca. 1115/20 - 1180 - auteur
    • see more
    Biblissima portal
    Biblissima authority file
  • Summary: CCCC MS 46 contains copies of two works by John of Salisbury (c. 1120-1180), the Policraticus and the Metalogicon. The Corpus manuscript is sometimes described as the author's own copy that was presented by Salisbury to Archbishop Thomas Becket. Whether this was the case or not, it was certainly at the Benedictine cathedral priory of the Holy Trinity, Christ Church, Canterbury in the later twelfth century and remained there until it came into Parker's possession. Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century editors and commentators stressed the importance of the texts in this manuscript as early versions of John of Salisbury's work. A more recent editor, however, has described the texts preserved in CCCC MS 46 as 'corrupt'.

    Contents :

    1ar-22av - Table indexing John of Salisbury's Policraticus

    Note: Quires a, b, c are of cent. xv in double columns of 54 lines, and contain

    Note: Tabula super polycraticum

    incipit: (1ar) Absolui. Non extorquetis absolui

    Note: (21av) to Ypodamia

    Note: 22ar-22av blank

    ir-183v - John of Salisbury, Policraticus

    Note: The original book begins

    rubric: (ir) Incipit entheticus Iohannis saresberiensis in policraticum

    incipit: (ir) Si mihi credideris linguam cohibebis et aule

    Note: (P. L. CXCIX 379)

    explicit: (iiv) Vix pateris dici pauca uel ista tene

    Note: These leaves are not numbered in the old foliation, which I use

    rubric: (iiv) Incipit prologus Policratici de curialium nugis et uestigiis philosophorum

    incipit: (1r) Iocundissimus cum in multis tum in eo

    Note: (P. L. CXCIX 385)

    explicit: (2v) magni consilii angelus

    rubric: (2v) Explicit prologus I libri

    Note: (2v) Capitula

    rubric: (2v) Incipit liber primus policratici

    incipit: (2v) Inter omnia que uiris solent obesse

    Note: (2v) Fine initial in gold, blue, red, green, pink, set in a panel of green. It has interlaced top, panelled stalk, and leaf ornament at bottom

    Note: (13r) Liber II with capitula (on f. 12v). Initial in blue and red

    Note: (37v) Liber III

    Note: (52r) Liber VI (should be IV)

    Note: (62v) Liber V

    Note: (82v) Liber VI (capitula on f. 82r)

    Note: (101r) Liber VII, pretty initial on f. 101v

    Note: (134v) Liber VIII

    explicit: (183v) dirigat in eo gressus nostros

    rubric: (183v) Explicit Policraticus Johannis de Saresberie. Liber VIII

    184r-240v - John of Salisbury, Metalogicon

    rubric: (184r) Incipit prologus Iohannis in Metalogicon

    Note: (P. L. CXCIX 823)

    incipit: (184r) In humanis rebus nichil fere

    explicit: (184v) placita uoluntati

    rubric: (184v) Explicit prologus

    rubric: (184v) Incipiunt capitula libri primi

    rubric: (185r) Incipit metalogicon Johannis. Liber I

    incipit: (185r) Aduersus insigne donum nature

    Note: (198v) Liber II

    Note: (213r) Liber III (prol.)

    Note: (224r) Liber IV

    explicit: (238r) amatorem pariter et cultorem

    rubric: (238r) Metalogicon Iohannis de Saeresberie liber quartus explicit

    Note: (238r) A Parkerian note on the author's date follows

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