Manuscript 28 is closely related to manuscript 29. Firstly they
share the same major texts: three commentaries on books of the
Bible, written by Stephen Langton (d. 1228), archbishop of
Canterbury and one of the driving forces behind the Magna Carta:
Super quattuor libros Regum (ff. 35r-95r); Super librum Iudith (ff.
95r-108r); and Super librum Salomonis (ff. 111v-174r). The last two
texts are erroneously attributed by the scribe to the
thirteenth-century French Dominican Nicholas of Gorran (Nicolaus de
Tornaco). Furthermore, manuscripts 28 and 29 both contain two
anonymous sermons (ff. 108r-111r) on the Virgin Mary and on the
Annunciation. The type of script and layout in both manuscripts
correspond to such extent that they were likely copied at the same
location, possibly the scriptorium of Ten Duinen. Manuscript 28
also contains the Sermones varii Stephani Cantuariensis (ff.
2r-21v); three sermons that are attributed by the manuscript to
Stephen (ff. 22r-26r); a Liber poenitentialis by the
twelfth-century Parisian theologian Alain de Lille (1128-1202/3); a
panegyric for Saint Agnes (ff. 33r-34v); and two short moralising
texts on the final leaf (ff. 174v). The manuscript is written in
two columns, with initials in red and blue ink present at each
chapter. The manuscript contains an ownership inscription of Ten
Duinen that has been extended to include a book curse. [Summary by
Dr. Mark Vermeer] Title:
Magister Stephanus super quattuor libros Regum et sermones eiusdem.
Item magister Nicholaus super Iudith et super Parabolas Salomonis
[titel fenestra] Note:
Volgens Lieftinck (1953, p. 73) zijn ms. 28 en ms. 29 afgeschreven
uit hetzelfde model, door zeer verwante handen; ze zouden beiden
uit het scriptorium van Ten Duinen afkomstig zijn
Op f. 1v staat een middeleeuwse inhoudstafel a.d.h.v. de
Duinenfoliëring; op het verso van het perkamenten schutblad
achteraan staat een anathema
Tussen folio's 34-35 zijn twee folio's weggesneden
(Duinenfoliëring onderbroken); twee derde van de buitenste kolom
van f. 122 is weggesneden; vanaf f. 114 zijn de meeste folio's
zwaar beschadigd door willekeurige sneden Topic general subdivision:
Godsdienst Material:
Perkament Extent:
174 ff. + ii Dimensions:
35 x 25 cm Decoration and binding:
gedecoreerde initialen
Moderne band Script:
gotische textualis Provenance:
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)