St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 197
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
- Shelfmark
- Cod. Sang. 197
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 10th century
- 9th century
- 9th century and 10th century
- Language
- Latin
- German
- Title
- Composite manuscript, contains, among other items,Dictys Cretensis, De excidio Troiae historia and Dares Phrygius, Historia de excidio Troiae.
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Avit (saint, 0450-0518?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius
- Other form
- Avitus (saint ; 0450-0518?)
- Alcimi
- Avit (saint, 0450-0518?)
- Translator: Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius
- Avitus Alchimus
- Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Dictys de Crète
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Dictys, Cretensis
- Other form
- DICTYS Cretensis
- Dictys Cretensis
- Dictys de Crète
- Dictis de Creta
- Dictys, Cretensis
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus (03..-03..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Iuvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus
- Other form
- C. Vettus Aquilinus Iuvencus
- Juvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus
- Juvencus, Caius Vettius Aquilinus
- Iuvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus
- Iuvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus fl.4. Jh.
- Juvenc, Gai Veci Aquileu
- Juvenco, Cayo Aquilino Vecio
- Juvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus, c 300-c 400
- Iuuencus
- Juvencus
- Iuvencus
- Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Iuvencus (Gaius Vettius Aquilinus)
- Iuvencus presbyter Hispanus
- Vectius Iuvencus
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Caius Coelius Sedulius (04..-04..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Sedulius, Caelius
- Other form
- Sedulius
- Sedulius, Caius Coelius (04..-04..)
- SEDULIUS (Caelius)
- Sedulii
- Caelius Sedulius
- Sedulius, Caius Coelius
- Seduli, m. ca. 450
- Sedulio, Celio
- Sedulius, 5th cent.
- Sedulius Caelius fl.5. Jh.
- Sedulius, fl 450
- Sedulius, Coelius, 5th century
- Sedulius <Caelius>
- Sedulius, Caelius, ca. 5. Jh.
- Sedulius, Coelius, 4--
- Coelius Sedulius - 5de eeuw - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Sénèque (0004 av. J.-C.-0065)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
- Other form
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (0004 av. J.-C.-0065)
- L. Annaeus Seneca
- Sénèque (0004 av. J.-C.-0065)
- Seneca
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
- SENECA tragicus
- SENECA (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
- Sénèque
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
- Lucii Annaei Senecae
- Senecae
- L. Annaei Senecae
- Sénèque 0004 av. J.-C.-0065
- Sèneca, Luci Anneu, ca. 4 aC-65 Dc
- Séneca, Lucio Anneo
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, ca. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Philosophus v4-65
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, the younger, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D.
- Annaeus Seneca, Lucius, 4 BC-65, also known as Seneca The Younger
- Senecæs
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Lucius Annaeus)
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ca. 4 a.C.-65 d.C.
- Sénèque (4 av. n. è.-62)
- Seneca, L. Annaeus (5 v. Chr.-65 na Chr)
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Philosophus, -65
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus <Philosophus>
- Seneca philosophus
- Séneca, ca 4 a.C.-65
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca - ca. 1 v.Chr. - 65 - auteur
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca - ca. 1 v.Chr. - 65
- Seneca - auteur
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- Description
- This composite manuscript, of particular significance in terms of textual history study, consists of at least four distinct parts, written during the 9th and 10th centuries, primarily in the Cloister of St. Gall. The manuscript volume contains, among other items, a Latin prose narrative about the Trojan war from a Greek point of view (De excidio Troiae historia), generally associated with the pseudonym Dictys Cretensis; the 5th century "Troja-Roman" or Trojan epic (Historia de excidio Troiae) published under the pseudonym Dares Phrygius; a copy of the work De spiritalis historiae gestis by Avitus of Vienna; poems by Salomon, Abbot-Bishop of St. Gall (890-920) dedicated to Dado of Vienna, and the Carmen paschale by the Latin-Christian poet Sedulius (5th century). On page 122 is an illustration of the labyrinth of the Minotaur in Knossos on Crete.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland)
- Original form
- St. Gall
- Other form
- Suisse (Saint-Gall).
- Kloster St. Gallen
- Abadia de Sankt Gallen
- Convent of St. Gall
- Abadía de Sankt Gallen
- Abbaye de Saint-Gall
- Abdij van Sankt Gallen
- St. Gall (?) / St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey: Dominikus Feustlin
- St. Gall, Benedictine Monastery / Hermitage of St. George
- Cloister of St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey
- Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
- Joseph Leodegar Bartholomäus Tschudi (book decoration, perhaps the script as well) for the Abbey of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall: two scribes at the behest of Georg Franz Müller
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Aemilian Zeller
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger
- Jodocus Metzler
- Commissioned by Abbot Otmar Kunz
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger)
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Joseph Bloch
- Monastery of St. Gall, Fr. Dominikus Feustlin
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Abbey of Saint Gall
- Partially in St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (P. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Gregor Schnyder, P. Chrysostomus Stipplin)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle)
- St. Gall Abbey, P. Ambrosius Epp
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Martin ab Yberg; F. Notker Grögle)
- St. Gallen
- Abbey of St. Gall (Joseph Adam Bürke; F. Notker Grögle)
- St Gall
- St. Gall (possibly)
- Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fr. Heinrich Keller)
- St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- [in part Monastery of St. Gall]
- Fridolin Sicher
- St. Gall (in part)
- Lay community of St. Gall, partly Monastery of St. Gall (P. Joachim Cuontz)
- Area of the Abbey of Saint Gall
- St. Gall (only parts)
- Monastery of St. Gall, possibly owned for a time by Fr. Gallus Kemli
- Community of lay brothers of the Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall (area near St. Gall)
- St. Gall, Abbey Library
- Germany, St. Gall
- Sankt Gallen
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- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation