Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 189
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 189
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1399 - 1100 - 1199
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 189: Canterbury Documents. William Thorne OSB, Chronicle (587-1375)
- List of keepers of the Kent coast in the reign of Edward III || Custodes periculorum super coster. maris in com. Kant. XIII die Augusti anno regis Edwardi tertii XLIIIIto
- Explanation of the custom of 'gavelet' in the county of Kent || Expositio cujusdam usagii in com. Kant. quod dicitur Gavelate
- Payment owed to the church of Sibertswold by the abbey of St Radegund || Pensio ecclesiae de Siberteswalde solv. per abbatiam sanctae Radegundis
- List of the churches of St Augustine's abbey appropriated by Archbishop Simon Langham, April 1368 || Dimissio omnium ecclesiarum monasterii sancti Augustini appropriatarum facta per dominum Simonem Langham archiepiscopum Cantuariensem 18 Aprilis 1368
- Declaration of Archbishop William Courtenay that his visit to St Augustine's abbey will not prejudice its future privileges, 1389 || Protestatio Willelmi Courtenay archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ne ingressus suus monasterii privilegiis deroget vel praejudicet in futurum
- Chronology from the beginning of the world to 1378 || Chronologia quaedam ab orbe condito ad annum 1378
- History of Britain from antiquity to the death of Edward III || Historia Britanniae a prima antiquitate ad mortem Edwardi III
- Constitution of Pope Innocent on the chapters of the Benedictine order || Constitutio Innocentii papae de capitulis ordinis Sancti Benedicti celebrandis
- Fragment from a history of England and Scotland || Fragmentum cujusdam historiae Angliae et Scotiae
- Archiepiscopal constitutions || Constitutiones archiepiscopales de eis quae parochiani tenentur invenire in ecclesiis; et de decimis per ecclesiarum rectores a suis parochianis petendis
- On the sale and tithe of wool || De venditione et decimis lanae
- Estimate of the lands and manors of St Augustine's abbey, Canterbury || Terra maneriorum Sancti Augustini mensurata
- List of counties of England with their castles, monasteries and priories || Comitatus Angliae, et castella abbatiae et prioratus in quolibet comitatu
- Letter of Pope Boniface IV to Ethelbert, king of Kent on the foundation of Christ Church, Canterbury, dated 615 || Litera Bonifacii papae missa Ethelberto de prima fundatione ecclesiae Christi
- William Thorne OSB, Chronicle (587-1375) || Chronica fratris Wilhelmi Thorne, cui subnectuntur evidentiae donationum ecclesiae Christi Cantuarie
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Innocent VII (pape, 1336-1406)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pope Innocent
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Thorne (chroniqueur, 13..-14..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Thorne OSB
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 189 is made up of two volumes. The first section is a collection of documents relating to Canterbury including a chronology, copies of Anglo-Saxon charters and papal letters copied in the later fourteenth century but with material added to in later years down to the reign of Henry VI. The second volume is one of two surviving copies of William Thorne's (fl. c. 1397) Chronicle (to 1375) (the other copy, to 1397, being in British Library, Add. MS 53710). The provenance of this manuscript is well attested. It was almost certainly acquired after the Dissolution from St Augustine's, Canterbury by the antiquarian John Twyne (c. 1501-81). Thereafter, a note in the manuscript records how it was in the possession of Thomas Twyne (1543-1613), John Twyne's son, and was given to Parker by Robert Breacher, a former monk of St Augustine's and royal chaplain to Elizabeth I.
Contents :
1r-1v - List of keepers of the Kent coast in the reign of Edward III || Custodes periculorum super coster. maris in com. Kant. XIII die Augusti anno regis Edwardi tertii XLIIIIto
Note: (1r) In a xvth cent. hand
Note: (1r) There are some notes on measures besides the matter described by Nasmith
Note: (1v) In an earlier hand a note on St Augustine's Abbey
incipit: (1v) A sancto petro primo abbate usque ad aldhunum
explicit: (1v) per archiepiscopum lanfrancum serpentina calliditate processus pentecostales amisit
1v-1v - Explanation of the custom of 'gavelet' in the county of Kent || Expositio cujusdam usagii in com. Kant. quod dicitur Gavelate
Note: Items 2-5 are in a hand similar to that of item 1 except that a list (Ordinatio de vicariis cum appropriatione earundem videantur in fine libri) is in a hand of cent. xvi
1v-2r - Payment owed to the church of Sibertswold by the abbey of St Radegund || Pensio ecclesiae de Siberteswalde solv. per abbatiam sanctae Radegundis
Note: Items 2-5 are in a hand similar to that of item 1 except that a list (Ordinatio de vicariis cum appropriatione earundem videantur in fine libri) is in a hand of cent. xvi
2r-2r - List of the churches of St Augustine's abbey appropriated by Archbishop Simon Langham, April 1368 || Dimissio omnium ecclesiarum monasterii sancti Augustini appropriatarum facta per dominum Simonem Langham archiepiscopum Cantuariensem 18 Aprilis 1368
Note: Items 2-5 are in a hand similar to that of item 1 except that a list (Ordinatio de vicariis cum appropriatione earundem videantur in fine libri) is in a hand of cent. xvi
2v-2v - Declaration of Archbishop William Courtenay that his visit to St Augustine's abbey will not prejudice its future privileges, 1389 || Protestatio Willelmi Courtenay archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ne ingressus suus monasterii privilegiis deroget vel praejudicet in futurum
Note: Items 2-5 are in a hand similar to that of item 1 except that a list (Ordinatio de vicariis cum appropriatione earundem videantur in fine libri) is in a hand of cent. xvi
Note: Item 5 is dated 1389, 23 aprilis
3r-15v - Chronology from the beginning of the world to 1378 || Chronologia quaedam ab orbe condito ad annum 1378
Note: (3r) In a small hand
incipit: (3r) Adam homo primus de limo terre extra paradisum in agro damasseno
Note: Apparently a Canterbury chronology
Note: Ends
explicit: (15v) Anno (mo) iiic lxxviij urbanus 6 fit papa dominica in ramis palmarum
16r-23r - History of Britain from antiquity to the death of Edward III || Historia Britanniae a prima antiquitate ad mortem Edwardi III
incipit: (16r) Transactis a constitucione mundi iii ml viiic iii annis quidam Rex grecie nomine Cycropes cunctis regibus terre potentior habebat xxx filias
Note: Foundations of monasteries and donations to St Augustine's are noted
Note: Ends with Edward III
explicit: (23r) iste regnauit li annis et Westmonasterii cum patribus suis sepelitur
23v-25v - Constitution of Pope Innocent on the chapters of the Benedictine order || Constitutio Innocentii papae de capitulis ordinis Sancti Benedicti celebrandis
Note: (23v) In another hand, 1st year of pontificate
incipit: (23v) Regis pacifici qui regnat in celis
Note: f. 25r+25v blank
26r-32r - Fragment from a history of England and Scotland || Fragmentum cujusdam historiae Angliae et Scotiae
Note: (26r) Double columns
Note: (26r) Begins imperfectly with a note at topRegnum Scotorum est in occidentale parte britannie et regnum pictorum in aquilonali etc.
Note: Text
incipit: (26r) occiso Thymgarus solus reg'. post istum Riuallo quo mortuo erat inter fratres et nepotes
Note: The same text as item no. 7: see f. 16v
Note: (30r) After Edward III it adds
explicit: (30r) Ricardus filius Edwardi principis sub anno domini ml iiic lxxvij puer x annorum etate xvii kal. aug. in regem coronatus est
Note: On 29v are paragraphs omitted in the text. The latest referring to 1259
Note: On f. 30r. Lists of kings from Ethelbert to Richard II, and archbishops from Augustine to Simon Langham
Note: (31v) List of kings (and dioceses) in England at the time of Augustine
Note: (32r) Counties and dioceses (cf. MS 301)
rubric: (32r) Contenta in decretali (another hand)
32v-33r - Archiepiscopal constitutions || Constitutiones archiepiscopales de eis quae parochiani tenentur invenire in ecclesiis; et de decimis per ecclesiarum rectores a suis parochianis petendis
Note: (32v) Constitutions (1) of Robert and Walter. (2) Of Robert at Lambeth
33v-37r - On the sale and tithe of wool || De venditione et decimis lanae
rubric: (33v) Vendicio lane
Note: Extract from Rotulus placitorum 12 Edwardi II on dues of Abbot and Archbishop
Note: (34r) Table of a book referring to St Augustine's: double columns
Note: (36v) On the Cinque Ports
Note: (36v) Number of churches etc. in England
Note: (37r) Explanation of Sake, Soke etc. (also in MS 301)
37v-37v - Estimate of the lands and manors of St Augustine's abbey, Canterbury || Terra maneriorum Sancti Augustini mensurata
incipit: (37v) In Rodrycheffeld ccl acras etc.
Note: (Twysden, Decem Scriptores col. 2202)
Note: Chronological notes and note of death of Joh. Derby, monachus et sacrista monasterii Sancti Augustini Cantuarie. (1404 die S. liuini): qui de nouo fecit domum angularem ex opposito ecclesie Sancti Andree in cantuarie. Et decorauit et ornauit ecclesiam predicti monasterii cum xiii fenestris de opere lapideo et vitreo bene et suspicaciter (?) perfectis
38r-45v - List of counties of England with their castles, monasteries and priories || Comitatus Angliae, et castella abbatiae et prioratus in quolibet comitatu
Note: (38r) A quire in a larger hand: first, a table with headings Longitudo. Latitudo. Pedes. Pollices (Twysden, 2203)
Note: List of counties, monasteries, castles: monastic order specified
Note: (45v) Note in another hand on money and measures
45v-45v - Letter of Pope Boniface IV to Ethelbert, king of Kent on the foundation of Christ Church, Canterbury, dated 615 || Litera Bonifacii papae missa Ethelberto de prima fundatione ecclesiae Christi
Note: (45v) Dated 615
incipit: (45v) Domino excellentissimo atque precellentissimo filio
Note: In Claudius A. III and Cleopatra E. I. See Bohmer, Fälschungen Lanfranks, p. 145
46r-203v - William Thorne OSB, Chronicle (587-1375) || Chronica fratris Wilhelmi Thorne, cui subnectuntur evidentiae donationum ecclesiae Christi Cantuarie
Note: Hic liber primo mutuatus a Mag. Thoma Twine, sed postea datus fuit Matthaeo Cantuariensi per Mag (blank) Bracher (cum aliis quibusdam libris) quondam monachum Sancti Augustini qui fuit confessor in aula regia et verus possessor hujus libri
Note: Headed in red
rubric: (46r) Cronice ff. Willmi Thorne
incipit: (46r) Ualens labor et laude dignus per quem ignota noscuntur occultata ad noticiam patescunt etc.
Note: Annotated by some of the scribes of previous articles
Note: Printed from this and another MS. by Twysden in Decem Scriptores 1757
Note: On ff. 181v - 184r are inserted some later Placita (one of 19 Henrici VI): 184v - 185v blank
Note: This copy ends f. 190r (on 1375) with the election of Michael de peccham (see notes on this election in MS 301)
Note: Twysden's cap. xl, col. 2150, ends thus: maneria de oris et dene constat augmentata
Note: This MS. reads: constat augmentata, and continues
explicit: (191r) Igitur defuncto abbate supra dicto regia licencia prehabita elegerunt per viam compromissi fratrem Michael de Pecham tunc camerarium virum prestantissimum die S. Albani anno supradicto
Note: This sentence does not appear to be in Twysden
Note: On 190v has been a papal document: erased except the first words, Johannes Ep. seruus seruorum
Note: (192r) Another hand
incipit: (192r) ffait assauoir de la ffraunchise lerceuesque de Canterbirs qil ad en Staplegate en lauant dit citee
Note: (Twysden 2204)
Note: 192r
Note: On 192v - 194r (195r) in various hands are copies of documents
rubric: (193v) Breue regis (Ricardi) escaetori de kancia ... de seisina temporalium tempore vacacionis
rubric: (194r) Perambulacio balliuorum et comit. ciuit. Cantuarie 46 Edwardi III
rubric: (194v) Juramentem etc. Vicarii de Plumsted
rubric: (194v) Ordinacio Vicarii de litlebourne
rubric: (195r) Forma obligacionis camere pape
Note: (Twysden 2206)
Note: (195v) Document relating to Plumsted, dated 1387
Note: 195r (- 196r) sqq. are of cent. xii and are in a Christ Church hand. They contain Evidentiae ecclesiae Christi Cant. and are printed by Twysden 2207-2226
Note: (196r) A number of Christ Church, Canterbury documents, mostly abbreviated Anglo-Saxon charters. See Sawyer, Anglo-Saxon Charters: S 1609, S 8, S 230, S 1610, S 19, S 22, S 1611, S 90, S 1612, S 38, S 1613, S 1430a, S 155, S 1259, S 160, S 111, S 1436, S 1615, S 1616, S 1617, S 1618, S 175, S 1619, S 186, S 1266, S 188, S 414, S 1623, S 1438, S 1625, S 286, S 1626, S 1627, S 1628, S 1629, S 1209, S 132, S 1614, S 398, S 1210, S 537, S 546, S 31, S 477, S 1632, S 1633, S 1212, S 1636, S 1503, S 1378, S 1638, S 905, S 1624, S 1639, S 1630, S 1634, S 1635, S 1640, S 1641, S 1642, S 1222, S 1221, S 1218, S 1637, S 1646, S 1643, S 1089, S 1047, S 1090, S 1645, S 1530, S 1631, S 1389, S 1644, S 959
Note: (203r) The last leaf is a fragment
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