Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 298
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 298
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1525
- Language
- Latin
- English
- French
- Middle English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 298: Laurence Wade OSB, Life of Becket. Canterbury Documents
- Laurence Wade OSB, Life of Becket || The life of Thomas Beckett translated into English verse by Laurence Wade monk of Christ-church Canterbury 1497
- List of donations to Christ Church, Canterbury || Donationes et acquisitiones maneriorum cum ecclesiis totius prioratus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi concessae et confirmatae [ad annum 17 Ricardi II.]
- List of English kings and the location of their tombs from Ethelbert king of Kent to Henry VII || Catalogus regum Anglorum et loca sepulturae eorundem ab Ethelberto rege Cantiae ad Henricum VII
- List of archbishops of Canterbury from St Augustine to William Warham || De archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus quanto tempore in archiepiscopatu vixerunt et in quo gradu et dignitate prius erant (a Sancto Augustino ad Willelmum Warham et neoterica manu ad M. Parker)
- List of the priors of Christ Church, Canterbury from the Norman conquest to Thomas Goldwell (1066-1539) || De prioribus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi et nomina eorum ab adventu Normannorum nam antea decani vocabantur (ad Thomam Goldwell ultimum priorem)
- The death and funeral of Cardinal Thomas Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury (1486) || Obitus et exequiae Thomae Bouchier presbiteri cardinalis et Cantuariensis archiepiscopi
- Description of the pageants in the city of London upon the arrival of the emperor Charles V and Henry VIII || The descrypcion of the pageantes made in the cyte of London at the recevyng of the most excellent pryncys Charlys the fyfte emperour and Henry the VIII. king off Englonde
- List of names of monks of Christ Church, Canterbury 1207-1527 || Nomina monachorum ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi a tempore exilii eorundem A. D. I. 1207, idibus Julii A. R. regis Iohannis octavo [ad annum 1527]
- Excerpt from a papal bull against the taking of benevolencies || Excerptum bullae papalis contra convivia quae nomine benevolentiae a prebendario intrante residentiam suam in ecclesia cathedrali exigebantur
- On the founding of the Abbey at Beverley || De fundatione abbatiae Beverlacensis
- Thomas Stubbs OP (attrib.), Chronica pontificum ecclesiae Eboracensis || Cronica [Thomae Stobbes sive Stobrei dominicani] de successionibus et gestis Eboracensium archiepiscoporum
- Excerpts from an ancient register of the bishop of Rochester on the church of Rochester || Excerpta e registro veteri episcopi Roffensis de ecclesia Roffensi
- Letter of Edward I to the pope on the legitimacy of his rule of Scotland || Epistola Edwardi I. ad papam de jure suo in regnum Scotiae
- Letter of king Cnut to the English, 1027. Brief chronicle of English affairs from the death of Cnut to the death of Hardicnut || Epistola Canuti regis Angliae scripta Romae, in qua testatur papam concessisse, ut archiepiscopi Angliae non amplius Romam ire cogerentur pallii causa:- cui subjungitur brevis narratio rerum Anglicanarum a morte Canuti ad mortem filii ejus Hardicnuti
- On the early statutes of the church of Worcester and of the possessions given to it by kings and vassals || De pontificali sede quomodo primitus statuta sit Wigorniae, et de possessionibus quae a regibus subregulis et bonae recordationis viris datae sunt Wigornensi ecclesiae
- Brief annals of English affairs 1530-1540 || Breve annales rerum memorabilium in Anglia, praesertim ab anno 1530 ad annum 1540
- Excerpt from the history of Jervaulx abbey at the time of King Edgar concerning the true cross at Winchester || Excerpta ab historia libri monasterii Jorevallensis in vita regis Edgari, de cruce loquente apud Winton.
- Letter from Pope Alexander II to William the Conqueror, late 1071, and excerpts from the Passionale Sancti Ignatii || Epistola Alexandri papae ad Wilhelmum conquisitorem
- Canons of the primatial council at Winchester, 1076 || De synodo habita Winton. anno 1076, ubi matrimonia clericorum prohibebantur
- Profession of Thomas archbishop of York and list of all other bishops who made professions to the archbishop of Canterbury || Professio Thomae Eboracensi archiepiscopi: et catalogus omnium episcoporum qui tales professiones fecerunt archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus
- Canons of the synod of bishops Patricius and Isernius. (The first synod of St Patrick || Canones synodi episcoporum Patricii et Issernini
- Synod of London under Anselm (1102), decree against clerical marriage || Synodus Londini sub Anselmo contra uxores presbiterorum
- Letter of Pope Paschal II to Anselm (epistola 43) || Paschalis papa ad Anselmum
- On translating the Bible into English || A determination of a doctor of divinity against them that say it is not lawful to have holy writte and other bookes in Englishe
- Nicholas Trevet OP, Quaestiones quodlibetales (extract, I. q. 13) || Questio determinata per Magistrum Nicolaum dictum Trivet de ordine predicatorum, quod omnia sunt admittenda quae tradit ecclesia circa passionem Christi
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Laurentius Wadus
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Laurence Wade OSB
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Thomas de Stubbes
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Stubbs OP (attrib.)
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- Preferred form
- Édouard I (roi d'Angleterre, 1239-1307)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward I
- Other form
- Édouard I (1239-1307 ; roi d'Angleterre)
- Édouard Ier
- Edward I, 1239-1307, King of England and Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine
- Edward I, King of England, 1239-1307
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- Preferred form
- Alexandre II (pape, 1010?-1073)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pope Alexander II
- Other form
- Alexander II (pape ; 1010?-1073)
- Alexander II papa
- Alexander II, d 1073, Pope
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- Preferred form
- Pascal II (pape, 1050?-1118)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pope Paschal II
- Other form
- Paschalis (pape)
- Paschalis II (pape ; 1050?-1118)
- Pascal II
- Pascal II (pape ; 1050?-1118)
- Paschalis II
- Author: Paschalis II., Papa
- Paschal II, d 1118, Pope
- Paschal II, Pope, -1118
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- Preferred form
- Nicolaus Triveth (1258?-1324?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Trevet OP
- Other form
- Triveth, Nicolaus (1258?-1324?)
- Nicolas Trevet
- Nicolaus Treveth
- Nicolaus Trivet
- Triveth, Nicolaus 1258?-1324?
- Nicolaus Trevetus 1258-1328
- Trivet, Nicholas, 1258?-1328
- Triveth, Nicolaus
- Author: Nicolaus, Trevetus
- Nicholas Trivet
- Trevet, Nicholas, c 1258-c 1334
- Triveth, Nicolaus (1258?-1324?). Éditeur scientifique
- Nicolas Trivet
- Nicolaus de Treveth
- Nicolaus Trivettus
- Trivet, Nicholas (1258?-1328)
- Trivet, Nicholas, (1258?-1328)
- Nicholas Trivet (1258-1334?)
- Triveth, Nicolaus, ca 1258-1328, O.P.
- Nicolaus Trevetus - ca. 1258 - ca. 1334 - auteur
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 298 consists of four separate books bound together. The first contains a unique sixteenth-century copy of the Life of St Thomas Becket in Middle English verse written in 1497 by Laurence Wade OSB.The second part contains a collection of documents relating to the history and landholdings of Canterbury and the archbishops and dates to the early sixteenth century. The third part consists of an early fifteenth-century copy of the Chronica pontificum ecclesiae Eboracensis of Thomas Stubbs OP (d. 1381), with an anonymous continuation and two collection of documents. The chronicle is a history of the church of York covering the period 1147-1373. The fourth part contains a variety of letters, canons and excerpts from longer texts written in a Parkerian hand of the sixteenth century.
Contents :
1r-56v - Laurence Wade OSB, Life of Becket || The life of Thomas Beckett translated into English verse by Laurence Wade monk of Christ-church Canterbury 1497
Note: (2r) Beginning O ye virtuous soverayns spiritual and temporal And all ye devoute people both more and lesse That thys now shall here hartely I praye yow all To support my imperfection of lowly gentylnesse For the lyeff here I purpose with your pacience to reherse Off seynt Thomas the blissed laureat martir dere That dyed for the churchys ryght onely in Cristys werre.
Note: On f. 1r Thomas Cantuariensis (Cranmer's autograph)
Note: Eight verses in red: Herbertum Bosue (i.e. Bosham) virtute virum renitentem...Quem cum rore rigent celibe corda pia
Note: (1v) Note of the author that his sources are the Thomus of Herbert de Bosham, and the Life by John Grandison
Note: Prologue
incipit: (2r) O ye vertuous souerayns spirituall and temporall
rubric: (2r) Incipit vita cum actibus gloriosi martiris Thome Cantuariensi archiepiscopi translata a Laurentio Wade claustrali commonacho ecclesie Christi Cantuariensi
rubric: (2v) De mirabili ortu Sancti Thome secundum Johannem Exoniensem
incipit: (2v) The custome off all holy chirch is laudable and ffamous
Note: 7-line stanzas
Note: Ends
explicit: (56v) Recommend hym wnto this blissed saynt that hath shewyd ws her his story. ffinis
Note: Hardy II 363 prints the prologue, beginning and end. The whole is printed by C. Horstmann in Kölbing's Englische Studien III (1880), pp. 409-469
88r-100r - List of donations to Christ Church, Canterbury || Donationes et acquisitiones maneriorum cum ecclesiis totius prioratus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi concessae et confirmatae [ad annum 17 Ricardi II.]
rubric: (88r) Donaciones et adquisitiones maneriorum etc.
rubric: (88r) Palatium Sancti Ethelberti
Note: The last is
rubric: (96r) Hospicium de le Crown in Cant.
Note: Ending
explicit: (96r) Anno regni (Regi Ricardi II) xviio
rubric: (96v) Ecclesie appropriate ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi
rubric: (98r) Decima omnium bonorum temporalium et spiritualium ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi extracta de rotulis d. Regis a. d. mo cccco ijo
Note: (99v) London churches in the patronage of the Convent
Note: (99v) London advowsons of the Archbishop
100v-106v - List of English kings and the location of their tombs from Ethelbert king of Kent to Henry VII || Catalogus regum Anglorum et loca sepulturae eorundem ab Ethelberto rege Cantiae ad Henricum VII
rubric: (100v) De regibus Anglorum, a. d. 562
incipit: (100v) In primis de regibus Cantie regnauit Ethelbertus
Note: At p. 92 an insertion de coronacione regum anglie secundum registrum Henrici prioris
Note: Bull of Alexander (III) to Archbishop Richard
Note: Ends
explicit: (106r) Anno domini (blank) Henricus septimus (blank)
Note: p. 98 blank
107r-113v - List of archbishops of Canterbury from St Augustine to William Warham || De archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus quanto tempore in archiepiscopatu vixerunt et in quo gradu et dignitate prius erant (a Sancto Augustino ad Willelmum Warham et neoterica manu ad M. Parker)
rubric: (107r) De archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus etc.
incipit: (107r) Sanctus Augustinus primus archiepiscopus Cantuariensis sedit annis xvj
Note: Ended originally with Warham
explicit: (113r) sub fenestra in capella quam ipse fundauerat
Note: Continued in a Parkerian hand: ends with Parker
explicit: (113v) Sedit annis (blank)
114r-120v - List of the priors of Christ Church, Canterbury from the Norman conquest to Thomas Goldwell (1066-1539) || De prioribus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi et nomina eorum ab adventu Normannorum nam antea decani vocabantur (ad Thomam Goldwell ultimum priorem)
rubric: (114r) De prioribus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi etc.
incipit: (114r) Henricus primus prior ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi contemporaneus Lanfranco
Note: Ends
explicit: (119r) Thomas Goldwell prior doctor theologie vixit in prioratu annis (blank)
Note: 124-126 blank
121r-123r - The death and funeral of Cardinal Thomas Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury (1486) || Obitus et exequiae Thomae Bouchier presbiteri cardinalis et Cantuariensis archiepiscopi
rubric: (121r) Obitus domini Thomae Boughier etc.
incipit: (121r) Memorandum quod a. d. mo cccco lxxxvjo
explicit: (123r) et dominus Thomas Goldston sacrae theologiae bachalarius verbum dei seminauit
123v-128v - Description of the pageants in the city of London upon the arrival of the emperor Charles V and Henry VIII || The descrypcion of the pageantes made in the cyte of London at the recevyng of the most excellent pryncys Charlys the fyfte emperour and Henry the VIII. king off Englonde
rubric: (123v) The descrypcioun of the pageantes etc.
incipit: (123v) Fyrst my lorde mayer and the aldyrmen
explicit: (128v) and organs with most swetyst musyke thatt cowed be devysede
129r-150r - List of names of monks of Christ Church, Canterbury 1207-1527 || Nomina monachorum ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensi a tempore exilii eorundem A. D. I. 1207, idibus Julii A. R. regis Iohannis octavo [ad annum 1527]
Note: altera manu addit. ut videtur a Matthaeo Parkero
rubric: (129r) Nomina monachorum etc.
incipit: (129r) Prior. Johannes Sydyngborne
Note: Ends (a. d. 1527)
explicit: (145v) Thomas Farley
Note: Edited from this and Thomas Cawston's MS. at Canterbury by W. G. Searle, Christ Church Canterbury, C. A. S. 1902, p. 173
Note: Four blank leaves follow
Note: ff. 146r - 150r blank
150v-151v - Excerpt from a papal bull against the taking of benevolencies || Excerptum bullae papalis contra convivia quae nomine benevolentiae a prebendario intrante residentiam suam in ecclesia cathedrali exigebantur
Note: Dicitur talia convivia per quadraginta dies continuari, et expensas eorundem ad c libras sterl. communiter ascendere
Note: In Parkerian hand
rubric: (150v) De benevolentia quam vocant prebendarii
Note: See MS. Gonville & Caius 449, f. 126
151v-153v - On the founding of the Abbey at Beverley || De fundatione abbatiae Beverlacensis
Note: in membranis seculo xiv scriptis
rubric: (151v) De abbatia Beverlaci
incipit: (151v) A. d. dclxxiiiio mense Septembri xiio die consecratus est Sanctus Iohannes
Note: (152r) A. d. mill. lxiiiio Aldredus Eboracensis Archiepiscopus statuit prefatos septem canonicos Beuerlaci, etc.
Note: See MS. Gonville & Caius 449, f. 127
Note: (153v) Index to the following tract
Note: 192 blank
154r-180r - Thomas Stubbs OP (attrib.), Chronica pontificum ecclesiae Eboracensis || Cronica [Thomae Stobbes sive Stobrei dominicani] de successionibus et gestis Eboracensium archiepiscoporum
180v-192v - Excerpts from an ancient register of the bishop of Rochester on the church of Rochester || Excerpta e registro veteri episcopi Roffensis de ecclesia Roffensi
Note: (180v) Extracts about Canterbury and Rochester
rubric: (181r) Exscripta e registro veteri Episcopi Roffensis foll. ijo
incipit: (181r) Successit tunc Gilbertus
Note: References to folia are given
Note: 24-26 blank
193r-199r - Letter of Edward I to the pope on the legitimacy of his rule of Scotland || Epistola Edwardi I. ad papam de jure suo in regnum Scotiae
Note: (193r) Heading and colophon in French
Note: 36-39 blank
199v-203r - Letter of king Cnut to the English, 1027. Brief chronicle of English affairs from the death of Cnut to the death of Hardicnut || Epistola Canuti regis Angliae scripta Romae, in qua testatur papam concessisse, ut archiepiscopi Angliae non amplius Romam ire cogerentur pallii causa:- cui subjungitur brevis narratio rerum Anglicanarum a morte Canuti ad mortem filii ejus Hardicnuti
Note: (199v) Begins abruptly: huius etiam instantia. The opening words are supplied on the last page of the volume (f. 257v)
Note: f. 203r blank
203v-206v - On the early statutes of the church of Worcester and of the possessions given to it by kings and vassals || De pontificali sede quomodo primitus statuta sit Wigorniae, et de possessionibus quae a regibus subregulis et bonae recordationis viris datae sunt Wigornensi ecclesiae
incipit: (203v) Egregio Merciorum regi Wifario ... germanus suus generosus rex Sanctus Athelredus in regnum successit
explicit: (206r) Herebertum Herefordensem Episcopum baculo pastorali privavit
Note: Haec descripta e libro quodam veteri ecclesiae Wigorniensis vocato opusculum Bedae de diversis episcopatibus
rubric: (206r) Hec descripta e Libro quodam veteri etc., as Nasmith
Note: f. 206v blank
207r-232r - Brief annals of English affairs 1530-1540 || Breve annales rerum memorabilium in Anglia, praesertim ab anno 1530 ad annum 1540
incipit: (207r) A. d. mill. quingent. trices. septimo Invictissimus Rex henricus octauus misit literas suas Abbati et Conuentui Sancti augustini de comutacione terr.
incipit: (207r) Anno regni tricesimo regi Henrici Octavimonasterium Augustini prefatum extra muros Ciuitatis Cantuariensis in festo domini Petri ad vincula dissolutum est et monachi expulsi doctore Leython. Anthonio sentleger et Joh. Moile commissar'
Note: The latest events noted are in 1540. Chronological order is not kept. The last entry is 1537: surrender of Abingdon Abbey and Boxley Priory, with the rood
Note: ff. 33v-53r blank
232v-233r - Excerpt from the history of Jervaulx abbey at the time of King Edgar concerning the true cross at Winchester || Excerpta ab historia libri monasterii Jorevallensis in vita regis Edgari, de cruce loquente apud Winton.
Note: (232v) One page
Note: f. 233r blank
233v-234r - Letter from Pope Alexander II to William the Conqueror, late 1071, and excerpts from the Passionale Sancti Ignatii || Epistola Alexandri papae ad Wilhelmum conquisitorem
Note: e quodam vetusto libro ecclesiae Cantuariensis vocato passionale Sancti Ignacii jam in manibus Magistri Bower
rubric: (233v) Ex quodam vetusto libro quondam ecclesiae Cantuariensis iam in manibus magistri Bower (Thomas Bowyer?)
Note: (233v) Liber vocatur passionale Sancti Ignatii
Note: The book appears to have been lost: but the flyleaf is in Trinity College MS. O.2.51
234v-234v - Canons of the primatial council at Winchester, 1076 || De synodo habita Winton. anno 1076, ubi matrimonia clericorum prohibebantur
Note: ex vetusto libro e bibliotheca Wigorniense
rubric: (234v) Ex vetusto libro e Bibliotheca Wigorniensis ecclesiae et in duobus libris habetur
Note: ?MS 190. 26
235r-236r - Profession of Thomas archbishop of York and list of all other bishops who made professions to the archbishop of Canterbury || Professio Thomae Eboracensi archiepiscopi: et catalogus omnium episcoporum qui tales professiones fecerunt archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus
rubric: (235r) Petitio clericorum Eboraci
Note: (235r) Ex libro veteri ecclesiae Cantuariensis
236v-238r - Canons of the synod of bishops Patricius and Isernius. (The first synod of St Patrick || Canones synodi episcoporum Patricii et Issernini
rubric: (236v) Ex libro quodam vetusto ecclesiae Wigorniensis
Note: = MS 279
Note: (List of professions (article 21) is continued on 58r)
Note: ff. 237v-238r blank
238v-239v - Synod of London under Anselm (1102), decree against clerical marriage || Synodus Londini sub Anselmo contra uxores presbiterorum
rubric: (238v) E libro vetusto ecclesiae Cantuariensis
incipit: (238v) Hec sunt statuta de archidiaconibus
explicit: (238r) et concubine cum rebus suis velut adultere
Note: f. 61v blank
240r-241v - Letter of Pope Paschal II to Anselm (epistola 43) || Paschalis papa ad Anselmum
Note: (240r) Hec epistola habetur inter Epistolae Anselmi centur. 2 Epistola 43
Note: From MS 135(?)
Note: ff. 62v, 63r-63v blank
242r-252r - On translating the Bible into English || A determination of a doctor of divinity against them that say it is not lawful to have holy writte and other bookes in Englishe
rubric: (242r) This is a determinacion etc.
incipit: (242r) Agaynst theym that say that holy wrytt shulde not be drawen into Englishe
explicit: (243r) and other landes also haue the Bible in their mother tong, as Italy
Note: (bottom of f. 65r)
Note: At top of f. 65v a space and hec ... ta sunt ex quodam lacero fragmento Bibliothecae Wigorniensis
Note: Text continues: hathe in latin for þat is her moder tonge and by many yeres haue hade
Note: Ends
explicit: (245v) is not ells but þe habite of right speakinge and right pronouncinge and right writinge
Note: See Ussher's Historia Dogmatica, s. v. 1410, and MS 100. 3
Note: ff. 68r-74r blank
252v-257v - Nicholas Trevet OP, Quaestiones quodlibetales (extract, I. q. 13) || Questio determinata per Magistrum Nicolaum dictum Trivet de ordine predicatorum, quod omnia sunt admittenda quae tradit ecclesia circa passionem Christi
incipit: (252v) Questio utrum omnia sint admittenda que tradit ecclesia circa passionem christi
Note: Deals with the date principally: ends
explicit: (253v) Quinta decima 8 kalendas apriles indic(t)ione
Note: ff. 254r-257r, 258r-258v blank
Note: On f. 79v notes in a good hand on Alfred
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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