Manuscript 199 contains the third part of the Summa Theologiae by
Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274). The Summa is a collection of
scholastic works by Aquinas. He wrote the work as a synthesis
between theology and metaphysics, using the concept of salvation as
a base. The manuscript was gifted to Ter Doest Abbey by Egidius
Bonin, a dean of Saint Donatian's Collegatia Church. It dates from
the thirteenth century. The incipit features an ornamental initial.
The initial is placed on a blue background that is decorated in
white pen. Within the initial decorative flowers are placed in
pink, orange and green, on a golden background. The decorations
continue onto the edge of the page, on the bottom a hare is being
chased by a dog. [Summary by Sarah Vanroye] Title:
Tercia pars Summe sancti Thome [titel fenestra] Note:
Bevat: Tertia pars (ff. 1r-164v), inhoudstafel met overzicht
Quaestiones en Articuli (ff. 164v-167r)
Verso van achterste schutblad bevat penneprobeersels
Mss. 195, 197 en 199 zijn nauw verwant, mogelijk maken ze deel uit
van eenzelfde reeks. Uitzonderlijk eigendomskenmerk voor
Duinenhandschriften: '... Dunensis in ciuitate Brugensi'
Herkomst: Lieftinck situeert het ontstaan van dit handschrift in
Noord-Frankrijk of Henegouwen Topic general subdivision:
Godsdienst Material:
Perkament Extent:
i + 167 ff. + i Dimensions:
230 x 150 mm Decoration and binding:
(Cfr. Mss. 195, 197)
gedecoreerde initialen
Middeleeuwse band Script:
gotische semi-textualis Provenance:
Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.) Genre/form:
Encyclopedieën en summa's