Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 38

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 038
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1399
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 038: Tabulae etc. super Decreta et Decretales
  • Summary: CCCC MS 38 is a collection of canonical Tabulae and Gregory IX's Decretals, dating to the early years of the fourteenth century. It was item 1723 in the fifteenth-century catalogue of St Augustine's abbey, Canterbury, to which it was donated by Dr Thomas Mankael after his death in c. 1329-31. Mankael was the first monk-student from St Augustine's to graduate as a doctor of theology at Oxford. His personal collection of books, presumably acquired during his time at Oxford in the 1320s, made up 39 entries in the St Augustine's catalogue. CCCC MS 38 bears a donation inscription in which Mankael is named. A similar inscription is found in London, BL MS Lansdowne 359.

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