Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 97
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 097
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 097: Certificates and Returns of Livings of the Province of Canterbury
- Rental etc. of Merton College Oxford || Rentale et status collegii [de Merton Oxon.]
- Returns for Archdeaconry of Coventry || Certificatoria singulorum episcoporum provinciae Cantuar. de statu ecclesiastico diceces. suarum, ubi notantur nomina omnium rectorum vicariorum et curatorum, utrum sint conjugati, docti vel indocti, residentes vel non residentes, utrum praedicent, vel sint hospitales, et quot beneficia habent: facta A. D. 1560, et seq.
- Charter of Elizabeth I confirming the University of Cambridge's priviliges || Carta reginae Elisabethae de privilegiis academiae Cantab.
- Certificates and returns of livings of the Province of Canterbury || Certificatoria singulorum episcoporum provinciae Cantuar. de statu ecclesiastico diceces. suarum, ubi notantur nomina omnium rectorum vicariorum et curatorum, utrum sint conjugati, docti vel indocti, residentes vel non residentes, utrum praedicent, vel sint hospitales, et quot beneficia habent: facta A. D. 1560, et seq.
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- Description
Summary: During the middle years of the sixteenth century, the Privy Council requested that the Archbishop of Canterbury supply them with detailed information regarding the holders of English clerical benefices; details such as their level of education, whether or not they were resident or held multiple livings, and their marital status. CCCC MS 122 and MS 97 contain numerous documents relating to this inquiry, including the Privy Council's initial request to Archbishop Matthew Parker, a draft version of Parker's request for information from the bishops and the detailed returns he received back from the bishops (often referred to as the 'Parker Certificates'). Some missing leaves from these two manuscripts, now CCCC MS 580, were discovered in the College Archives and transferred to the Parker Library in 1959.
Contents :
2r-28v - Rental etc. of Merton College Oxford || Rentale et status collegii [de Merton Oxon.]
Note: (2) Roll cut up and bound; the beginning is fragmentary. Rental etc. of Merton College, Oxford
Note: (Marked as missing in Parker's Register)
29r-33v - Returns for Archdeaconry of Coventry || Certificatoria singulorum episcoporum provinciae Cantuar. de statu ecclesiastico diceces. suarum, ubi notantur nomina omnium rectorum vicariorum et curatorum, utrum sint conjugati, docti vel indocti, residentes vel non residentes, utrum praedicent, vel sint hospitales, et quot beneficia habent: facta A. D. 1560, et seq.
Note: (29r) Returns for Archdeaconry of Coventry, giving the Deaneries of Stonley, Marton, Coventry, Arden
34r-48v - Charter of Elizabeth I confirming the University of Cambridge's priviliges || Carta reginae Elisabethae de privilegiis academiae Cantab.
Note: (34r) Carta Elizabethae de privilegiis Cantabr.
Note: (Marked as missing in Parker's Register)
49r-249r - Certificates and returns of livings of the Province of Canterbury || Certificatoria singulorum episcoporum provinciae Cantuar. de statu ecclesiastico diceces. suarum, ubi notantur nomina omnium rectorum vicariorum et curatorum, utrum sint conjugati, docti vel indocti, residentes vel non residentes, utrum praedicent, vel sint hospitales, et quot beneficia habent: facta A. D. 1560, et seq.
Note: (49r) Returns for Lincoln diocese
Note: (96r) Deaneries of Pagham and South Malling
Note: (97r) Deaneries of the arches London
Note: (98v) Diocese of Llandaff
Note: (104v) Diocese ofGloucester
Note: (116r) Diocese ofWells
Note: (124r) Diocese of Bangor
Note: (128r) Diocese ofWorcester
Note: (133r) Diocese ofBristol
Note: (149r) Diocese of Hereford
Note: (156r) Diocese ofExeter
Note: (184r) Diocese of Sarum
Note: (198r) Diocese ofNorwich198r-249r
Note: See Frere, Hist. Engl. Church, Eliz. and James 103
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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