Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 8
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 8
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Genealogies of the Old Testament
- Beatus super Apocalypsim
- Commentary on Daniel (incomplete)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Béat (saint, 07..-0798)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Beatus of Liébana, 750-798
- Beatus of Liébana (b. c. 750, d. c. 798)
- Other form
- Beatus a Liebana
- Author: Beatus, Liebanensis
- Beato de Liébana, ?-798, O.S.B.
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Jerome, Saint, 347-420
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. c. 420)
- Other form
- Hieronymus (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- S. Hieronymus
- Hieronymus Stridonius
- Hieronymus
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Sancti Jeromini
- S. Hieronymus,
- Jerome, S.
- Hieronymys Stridonius
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Jérôme
- Hieronymo
- Saint Jérôme
- Jérôme (0345?-0420 ; saint)
- Sanctus Hieronimus
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Hieronymus (s.)
- Jheronimus Stridonius
- Hieronimi
- Hieronimus Stridonius
- Hieronymus Stridonensis
- Ieronimi
- Sancti Hieronymi
- Hieronymi
- Hieronimus
- S. Jérôme
- Jérôme (Saint)
- Jérôme saint 0345?-0420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420
- Hieronymus (heilige)
- Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20
- Jeroni, sant, ca. 342-420
- Jerónimo, Santo
- Author: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Translator: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Jerome
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420
- Jerome, c 345-420, Saint
- St Jerome
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420), author
- Hieronymus, Heilige, 347?-420
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420). Auteur.
- Jérôme (saint)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius, 345-420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Saint Jérôme
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus (345-420)
- D. Hieronymus
- Divus Hieronymus
- Hieronymus santo
- Hieronimus santo
- Hieronymus santo, 342/347-419
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420), priest and theologian
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420, theologian and priest
- Jerome Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420) > Père de l'Eglise
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420)
- Jérôme de Stridon (347/8-419/20)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (ca. 349-420)
- Jerónimo, Santo, 346-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , co-autor
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , impr.
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , trad.
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteurbriefschrijver
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur voorwoord
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - auteur
- Hieronymus - auteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertaler
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne (1835-19..?)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne (b. 1835), book collector
- Bachelin-Deflorenne, Antoine, b. 1835
- Other form
- Bachelin Antoine
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher
- Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899
- Other form
- Quaritch, Bernard (1819-1899)
- Bernard Quaritch
- Bernard Quaritch, 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch, Limited
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899), bookseller and publisher
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
ff. 254 (iii+249+ii) Leaf height: 454 mm, width: 326 mm.
Lettered: 'S Amandus in apocalipsin'.
17th century.
For a detailed discussion of the illustrations in this manuscript in both English and Spanish see Peter K. Klein, Beato de Liebana: La ilustracion de los manuscritos de Beato y el codice de Manchester (Valencia: Patrimonio Ediciones, 2002).Folio 1r: Porticus. Uncoloured ground at the top, and from the upper border depend blank medallions (as in the genealogies which follow). The grounds of the arches (horseshoe) which occupy the lower part are alternately dark green and red.
Folio 1v: Cross supported by the lamb. The ground is blue. The lamb supports on his back a yellow cross fleury with equal arms, on a green stem. From the arms hang A and ω in gold. The lance and reed and sponge (gold) rest against it. Right and left are angels pointing to the lamb.
Folio 2r: Jesus surrounded by animal representations of the four Evangelists (man, eagle, lion, ox) in the spandrels. Lozenge inscribed with quatrefoil, supported by angels. Ground yellow and dark blue. Christ throned, sun and moon above.
Folios 2v-6r: Pairs of pictures of the Evangelists arranged on a uniform plan. Each page shows a horseshoe arch with transom above the caps of the pillars. In the tympanum a three-quarter-length figure. Below, on the left page, a seated Evangelist and a nimbed messenger, each holding a gold book or roll. On the right page two angels holding between them a gold book or tablet. The figures in the tympana are the only ones that vary. They are: 2v - beardless figure holding long staff terminating in what might be called a fool' head; 3r - angel; 3v - lion; 4r - winged figure with a lion's head; 4v - ox; 5r - winged figure with an ox's head; 5v - eagle; 6r - winged figure with an eagle's head.
Folios 6v-14r: Genealogies of the Old Testament in chains of medallions: blue, red, yellow, green, diversified by horseshoe arches. Certain figures intervene: 6v - Adam, Eve, tree and serpent; 7v - Noah (?) pointing to two birds seated on an altar; 9r - Sacrifice of Isaac, and Divine Hand; 9v-10r - medallions of Isaac, Jacob and Leah; 10v - Rachel; 11v - David; 13r - end of the text of the genealogies, comparing Christ destroying Satan to a bird which rolls itself in mud and kills a serpent; 14r - a full page depiction of the bird (green and yellow neck, blue wings and tail, red body) killing the blue serpent.
Folio 14v: Two large horseshoe arches: grounds blue, red, green in three bands. At the bottom four pairs of figures. Each pair consists of a beardless man (John) speaking to another, beardless or bearded, who stands on the other side of a little red altar supported on a single shaft.
Folio 15r: Section of Noah's ark. In the triangular space at the top Noah (with his wife and three daughters on the left and sons on the right) takes in the dove and olive-branch through the top of the roof. Below this are 42 square compartments in six rows of seven each (grounds red, green, yellow and blue). The three upper rows contain pairs of birds, and in two cases cooking utensils. The next three contain pigs, oxen, mules, horses, asses, sheep, goats, unicorns, deer, human-headed dragons, three other pairs of dragons, two camels, men with pointed ears, two seven-headed beasts, lions, bears(?), wolves (?). and two toilets. To the right is a tall tree with the dove plucking a branch. Below, three corpses, the raven plucking out the eye of one.
Folio 16r: Upright panel. Angel under horseshoe arch holding a book: blue ground. Decorative initials, with white scroll-work, to prologues.
Folio 23v: Grotesque lion in outline in lower margin, surrounding the catchword of the quire.
Folio 25r: Decorated initial 'S'.
Folio 26v: Half-page picture; ground in three horizontal bands, blue, red, green. Above on the blue and red bands, Christ with a book, seated, between angels with books. Below, Angel, John, man with a chausuble.
Folio 27v: Red and green ground. On the right, Christ thrones, in large grey cloud surrounded by angels' heads. On the left a group of eight nimbed figures standing on earth.
Folio 29v: Blue and red ground. Above left, John prostrate, Christ throned, angel, seven white stars, and seven gold lamps above.
Folio 31v: Nimbed figure in outline, horizontal, enclosing catchword.
Folios 43v-44r: Mappa mundi. Oval, surrounded by a dark blue ocean, with fish in the black outline.
Folio 44v: Full page in three divisions: grounds red, yellow and green. The twelve Apostles, four in a row, holding gold books, except Peter, who has keys and a scroll. Their names are given: Petrus, Andreas, Thomas, Iohannes; Mattheus, Philipus, Bartolomeus, Simon Zelotes; Iacobus, Paulus (beardless), blank, Iacobus.
Folio 49v: Blue and red ground. The four beasts of Daniel. Below, image of Daniel, the stone from the mountain on the right smites his feet.
Folio 51r: Woman riding on the beast. Palm tree on the left.
Folios 56v, 61v, 64v, 68v, 72r, 75v, 81r: A series of pictures, each in two sections. On the left, John is addressing or is addressed by an angel. On the right is one of the churches, represented in section as a rule, and contains an altar with a gold chalice. f. 64v is smaller, f. 68v is larger and the church is on the left.
Folio 86r: Three-quarter page; grounds red, blue, red. Above, twelve elders, like Apostles, seated, with books. In the centre, Christ in a gold sphere, supported by two angels. Below, twelve elders, as above.
Folio 89r: Full page. A great circle held by four angels. Below, two figures (John and an elder?). The border of the circle red with white stars: ground blue. In the centre the Lamb with the cross in a medallion. Above, God throned, surrounding, the four beasts, each a human figure, with appropriate head, terminating in a wheel. Betewen them are three figures holding gold cups of incense. and three with guitar-like instruments.
Folio 103v: Three-quarter page. four trees: grounds blue, red, yellow, green. Top row: centre, a lamb with cross in medallion, on left and right the first and second beasts hold the hand of John kneeling; second row: first and second riders with bow and sword; third row: third and fourth beasts hold the hand of John; bottom row: third rider with scales, fourth rider followed by a shaggy winged figure with arms outstretched and clawed hands and feet.
Folio 106v: Full page. Grounds blue, red, green. Top row: gold altar, draped. On right and left hang eight gold objects (probably originally votive crowns), and on the ground right and left a large number of white birds (souls); middle row: Christ standing between two trees; bottom row: two groups of nimbed beardless figures (13 in all) conversing.
Folio 109r: Full page. Four tiers. Top row: blue grounds, two angels support disc, in which Christ is seated; second row: red grounds, two pairs of figures right and left, one in each stretches hands towards the other; third row: green grounds, 'Hic sol obscurabitur' - brown sun, red moon, seven white stars; bottom row: brown-red grounds, seven white stars, three groups of people in caves.
Folio 111v: Oval, surrounded by purple stream, containing three tiers. Top row: brown grounds, three angels, head downwards - right and left have trumpets, cente descends from the sun, has a gold cross; middle row: yellow grounds, a tree in the middle, right and left six and five nimbed figures; bottom row: red grounds, two angels with trumpets.
Folio 113r: The adoration of the lamb, in three tiers. At the bottom a band of ornament: two dragons and scroll-work, principally white on black. Top row: lamb, angels, four beasts holding books; middle row: twelve men with palms; bottom row: 32 nimbed men.
Folio 123r: Large palm tree. A man climbs up the trunk with a bill-hook.
Folio 125r: Two tiers. Top row: blue grounds, Christ in a medallion on the left, angels with trumpets on the right; bottom row: angel flies down emptying a censer. Another angel stands on an altar with a censer.
Folio 126r: An angel with a trumpet. Hail falls from the trumpet onto trees below.
Folio 127v: Second trumpet pours fire on naked people below.
Folio 128r: Third trumpet. Star falls on the stream, with dead people below.
Folio 129r: Fourth trumpet. Sun and Moon with their names witten on an open book (Sol and Luna in Latin), stars in the sky. Eagle on the right, trees below.
Folio 130r: Fifth trumpet. Smoke ascends out of a well in the centre. Locusts like blue frongs with tails attached attack men.
Folio 131v: Angel attacks locusts (horned beasts with nimbuses and tails). Three more locusts, each stinging a man with his tail.
Folio 132v: Christ, throned. The sixth angel blowing twice by the altar. The river Euphrates. Below, four angels.
Folio 133r: Full page. Four riders on locusts (which are stinging men), dead men below.
Folio 134v: An angel gives a book to John. On the right, an angel gives a reed to John. Below, temple with worshippers. An angel measures it.
Folio 137r: The two witnesses, each in a long peaked cap, holding a book. Right and centre two gold lamps and two trees. Enoch left, Elyas right.
Folio 138v: Two tiers. Top row: 'Antichristus ciuitatem Iherusalem subuertit' - men on each side pull down stones, in the centre a building containing seven suppliants; bottom row: 'Elias et Enoch occiduntur': they are beheaded by four warriors.
Folio 139v: Four tiers. Top row: 'Elyas et Enoch ascenderunt in nube.'; second row: 'Ubi uidentes eos inimici eorum.'; third row: men adoring; bottom row: ' Isti sunt qui in terremotu ceciderunt in ciuitatibus suis.'.
Folio 140v: 'Ubi septimus angelus tuba cecinit.'.
Folio 141r 'Templum apertum'; 'Ascendit bestia de abisso'
Folios 142v-143r: 'Mulier amicta sole que luna sub pedibus eius'; 'Super mulieris (caput) .x. stelle'; 'Draco' (her tail extends across the two pages); 'Michael et angeli eius pugnant cum dracone'; 'Ubi puer est raptus'; 'Ubi draco, traxit terciam partem stellarum'; 'Ubi date sunt mulieri ale ut uolaret in heremum'; below, a demon confined in an oblong frame with bars, his head and hands passed through the upper bar, his legs intertwined among the lower bars. Angels above: men right and left
Folio 146v: left 'Ubi reges terre bestiam et draconem adorant'; right 'Ubi bestia ascendit de abisso'.
Folio 149v: 'Ubi bestia ascendit de terra'. Yellow beast with two horns.
Folio 151r: A fox seizing a cock.
Folios 155r-155v: Two full-page diagrams of the name and number of the beast.
Folio 158v: Full page. Three tiers. Top row: blue grounds, 'Quatuor animalia'; middle and bottom rows: red and green grounds, 'Agnus stans in monte Syon et cum eo centum quadraginta iiii milia habentes citharas.'
Folio 160v: Full page. Three tiers. Top row: blue grounds, 'Angelus uolans per medium celi habens euangelium eternum'; middle row: red grounds, 'Isti dederunt gloriam deo celi'; Bottom row: blue grounds, dead men and falling city.
Folio 162r: Three tiers. Top row: 'Iste angelus habet potestatem super ignem.'; middle row: 'Ubi metent mesem terre. Ubi uindemiant brotos (botros) uinee terre.'; Bottom row: 'Ubi calcantur torcularia extra ciuitatem et exiit sanguis de torculari usque ad frenos equorum'.
Folio 164r: 'Isti sunt tenentes phialas'; 'Ubi sancti tenentes citharas et cantantes canticum nouum magnum' The phialae are gold horseshoes.
Folio 165v: Three tiers. Top tier: starry sky and door of temple open; middle row: 'Istud animal dedit angelis vii fialas', the eagle-headed beast, head downwards; bottom row: 'Hii sunt vii angeli portantes fialas aureas'.
Folio 166v: Seven angels, in white, holding vials.
Folio 168r: Two illustrations, top and bottom of page. Top of page: 'Primus angelus efundit fialam in terram'; bottom of page: 'quam tercius angelus efundit fialam suam super flumina'.
Folio 169v: 'Ubi(?) iiii angelus effudit fialam super solem'.
Folio 170r: 'Ubi quintus angelus efundit fialam super tronum best(i)e'. The beast white, with gold collar, looking up.
Folio 170v: 'Ubi sextus angelus efundit fialam super eufraten'.
Folio 171r: 'Ubi draco et bestia et pseudoprophete et tres spiritus ostenduntur quasi zane'. The dragon is a horned serpent, the beast a large dog. The false prophets are three men.
Folio 173r: 'Ubi vii effundit fialam in aere et facta sunt fulgura et grandines'. He stands on a building with three large portals, the lateral ones consisting of two arches each.
Folio 174r: 'Mulier regibus propinat de ealice plena sanguine'.
Folio 175r: 'Mulier sedet super bestiam'. The beast is blue.
Folio 179v: 'Ubi agnus uincit pseudoprophetas draconem et diabolum et bestiam'. Three tiers. Top row: Lamb in starry sky; middle row: man fighting the beast, which has a single head, and another on its tail; bottom row: three decapitated men, and the serpent: one man attacking.
Folio 181v: 'Ubi babilon id est iste mundus ardet'. Full page without frame. Great building, with vessels and gold tablets seen in the windows: surrounded by flames, angel above.
Folio 182r: 'Ubi reges uel mercatores babiloniam plangunt'. Two rows each of seven figures, headed by two kings.
Folio 184v: 'Hic angelus lapidem molarem mittit in mare. Lapis molaris est iste.'. City below.
Folio 185v: Full page. Top two rows: 'Hie iiii animalia et seniores adorant tronum'; bottom two rows: 'Hic Johannes cadit ante pedes angeli'.
Folio 187r: Full page. 'Christus cum suo exercitu ad pugnam uadit contra diabolum'. Three rows. Grounds blue, red, blue, each covered with white stars. In each, two white riders on white horses, with lances, attack each other.
Folio 188r: 'Angelus in sole', surrounded by birds.
Folio 189r: Two men attack large boar with mallets. Below, another attacks a man (the false prophet) with a mallet. Birds pick out the eyes of a corpse.
Folio 190r: 'Ubi angelus aprehendit draconem et ligauit eum in abissum'. Angel with two keys and chain round the neck of the serpent (above him). Below on left, the devil confined in square frame. His neck locked in a beam, his hands and feet confined by rings passed round the bars
Folio 191r: 'Hii sunt sedentes in trona et iudicium datum erit eis'. Top row: Christ, throned, facing twelve seated men on the right; bottom row: three rows of birds, blue, yellow, and white, representing the souls of martyrs.
Folio 192v: Full page. Top row: the beast, men on right and left; middle row: 'Antichristus circumdat altare et uenit ignis de celo et comedit eos', city in centre with warriors right and left. Fire not shown; bottom row: 'Ubi abscondunt se in montibus', three groups of people.
Folio 194v: 'Ubi bestia et pseudopropheta et diabolus missi sunt in stagnum ignis et sulphuris'. Demon, beast, and two men falling into red flames.
Folios 195v-196r: Two full pages. f. 195v four rows. Top row: Christ in medallion, supported by angels. Bottom three rows each have twelve nimbed men with books. f. 196r three rows. Top row: seventeen men, holding hands, look to the right; middle row: twelve men look to the left; bottom row: hell, with hell mouth, two demons, and serpents, and nude souls.
Folio 197r: Three tiers. Top row: left column, 'Hic populus meus et habitauit deus cum eis'; middle column 'Tronus. Flumen de trona exiens'; right column 'et regnum in secula seculorum'. Botom row: 'Arbor iste per singulo, menses singulos dat fructus'. In the top centre is Christ. Right and left are eighteen horseshoe arches in six rows of three: in each a seated figure. River flows from between Christ's feet. Below, on left the tree. On the right John and angel on mount.
Folio 203v: Three tiers. Top row: Christ on medallion, supported by angels; middle row: 'Ubi angelum iohannes adorat et dicit ei angelus ne feceris deum adora conseruus tuus et fratrum tuorum sum'; bottom row: John, on left, looks at seven horseshoe arches (four and three), in which are the names of the seven churches.
Folio 204r: Full page. Babylon. A tall towered edifice, with large horseshoe arched portal: three shrines (the tombs of the Three Children) in three arches above.
Folio 206v-207r: Lower and upper half of pages respectively. The taking of Jerusalem. 206v, three tiers. Top row: seven soldiers with round shields, bows, spears, clubs, all turned to right, arrows aimed at them from right; middle row: four horsemen with spears facing right, some are struck by arrows; bottom row: in the centre, Nebuchadnezzar, throned, left Zedekiah bound seated onground - a man puts out his eyes, right a man beheads the two sons of Zedekiah. 207r Jerusalem. Seven warriors on the walls and towers - two in, arched openings by the gate. They shoot arrows, throw stones, etc. A seated figure outside on the right may represent Jeremiah.
Folio 208v: Almost full page. Three tiers. Top row: Nebuchadnezzar, seated. Three nimbed men (soothsayers); middle row: 'Hec est statua quam uidit nabucodonosor'. Nebuchadnezzar lies on bed on the left, the nude statue in centre, stone below its feet. Mountain on the right; bottom row: the statue in fragments.
Folio 212r: 'Statua aurea quam erexit nabucodonosor in campo tirat'. 'Isti adorant statuam'. Nude statue in centre, hands on thighs. Right and left, two groups of kneeling men. 'Hic uidet nabucodonosor tres pueros miti (mitti) in fornacem'. Nebuchadnezzar seated on left, right the furnace seen in section with conical roof and chimney in centre. Two men stir the fire. Within it, above the three children, is Christ, half-length, with arms outspread.
Folio 215r: Without frame. A large tree with red, blue, and yellow birds in it. Below left, a yellow ox eating: 'Fenum ut bos comedet'. Right, 'Ubi nabucodonosor erbam pascit'. Nebuchadnezzar sits, in robe, eating plants.
Folio 218r: A great horseshoe arch. Ground blue, red and green. Top tier: a gold candlestick: a hand projecting from it holds a pen, on the left, Daniel looks at it. Inscription: 'Candelabrum'. 'Articulus scribens in parietem'. 'Mane id est numerauit deus regnum tuum et compleuit illud. Thecel .i. pensus es in statera et inuentus es minus habens phares .i, diuisum est regnum tuum et datum est medis et persis', on the left, 'Daniel contra scripturam respiciens'; middle row: Only a scroll, 'Hic est baltasar in conuiuio cum obtimatibus suis'; bottom tier: Semicircular table. At the end, left, Belshazzar, right, another, both nimbed, reclining. In the centre, a group of seven, half-length. In front a servant bringing in a large gold bowl, with curious tall base.
Folio 221v: Full page. Three tiers. Top row: Angel holds Habakkuk by the hair: both figures horizontal. 'Hic est lacus leonis ubi daniel missus est et abacuc porta(ns ?) illi prandium'; middle row: Daniel in centre, bearded, arms outspread. Right and left, two lions lick his feet; bottom row: 'Rex ieiunus dolens pro daniele nequid dormire'. Darius on bed, head to the right. A soldier, with shield and spear, stands at his head and feet.
Folio 223r: Full page. Three tiers. Top row: 'Hic est iudicium et libri aperti sunt milia milium'. Christ, seated, under arch. Round the arch fourteen heads and wings of angels; middle row: on the left, 'Scena (leaena) regnum babilonum. Ale aquile'. Red lioness, winged; bottom row: River flowing from feet of Christ. On the right, 'Pardus habens iiii°l capita regnum alexandrino(rum)' bottom row: on left, 'Ursus cum tribus dentium ordinibus regnum medorum atque persarum', on the right, 'Os loquens terribile ingens regnum romanorum', blue beast with ten horns and a human head in the midst. Outside the frame, right and left, four busts, blowing, represent winds.
Folio 226r: top row: the ram and he-goat fighting: the ram's horns fall; middle row: 'Suse ciuitas', portal with lateral towers: over it Christ, half-length (should be Daniel, but has cross-nimbus), on the right, ram feeding on tree, 'Hic aries qui et darius rex medorum atque persarum unum cornu excelsus altero atque subcrescens'.
Folio 227v: Small. Angel on left, Daniel on right. 'Gabriel locutus est uolando danieli'.
Folio 228r: Three tiers. Top row: angel, horizontal in air, with staff; middle row: Daniel in prayer, right, an altar, marble, with cloth 'altare' above; bottom row: Daniel reclines, head to right, on mattress, with bolster, 'Hic languet daniel per multos dies'.
Folio 234v: A blue river winds down the centre, 'Hic est fluuius tigris qui ebrayce dicitur edegel'. Above, left, 'Daniel interrogans usquequo finis homm mirabilium erit'. He stretches his hands to the right. Centre, 'Ubi uestitus lino qui stabat super aquas fluminis alloquitur danielem de desolatione futura'. Angel with arms outspread. Below, left, 'Et alius angelus hinc super ripam fluminis'. Right, 'Et alius inde ex altera ripa fluminis'.
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
1 parchment endleaf
2 paper endleaves
Quire A8 (wants 1)
Quires B-Z8
Quires aa-gg8
Quire hh10 (wants 10)
1 parchment endleaf
Written in a gothic hand by a single scribe.
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Bible. Revelation; Bible--commentaries
Beatus of Liébana's commentary on the Apocalypse of St John (written in 776 CE, revised c. 784, c. 786). This manuscript was produced in Spain in the late 12th or early 13th century. Decorated with illuminated miniatures. Iconographically related to copies in the Cathedral Archives at Gerona ('The Gerona Beatus', Núm. Inv. 7 (11)) and the Bibliotheca Nazionale at Turin ('The Turin Beatus', Sgn. I.II.1).
After f. 132 the old numbering is incorrect by one.
Parchment, with one parchment endleaf and two paper endleaves at the front and one parchment endleaf at the rear. Two paper endleaves at the front have a watermark a fleur-de-lys with 'J. Kool' underneath and 'IV'..
Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne (b. 1835), book collector: purchased in a small curiosity shop in Madrid before 1869.
Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher: purchased in the Firmin-Diderot sale, May 1877, lot 11.
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).