Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 347

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 347
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1325
  • Latin
    • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 347: Almanach
    • Profatius Iudaeus (Jacob ben Machir), Tabulae almanac
    • Tables for the planets, sun and moon
    • Kalendar of Norwich Cathedral Priory
    • Petrus de Dacia, Tabula
    • see more
  • Summary: Parker acquired CCCC MS 347 from Norwich cathedral priory, and it was one of three that the priory had been bequeathed by their former owner, Cardinal Adam Easton OSB (c. 1330-97), that Parker secured (see also CCCC MSS 74 and 180). It contains the 'Almanac' (Tabulae almanac) of Profatius Iudaeus (Jacob ben Machir) (fl. 1288-1301) and other astrological material, a Norwich cathedral priory calendar and the only known surviving fragment of Easton's treatise Expositio quorundam terminorum astrologicorum. It was almost certainly once part of the Cardinal's reputedly extensive personal library. If so, it was probably among the 228 books from that source which arrived in Norwich, packed in six barrels, in 1407, ten years after Easton's death in Rome.

    Contents :

    5-12 - Profatius Iudaeus (Jacob ben Machir), Tabulae almanac

    Note: (5) Text, with good blue initial and red pen-work

    incipit: (5) Quia omnes homines naturaliter scire desiderant et inquirere res occultas

    explicit: (12) motum etiam cursus a principio eclipsis usque in finem eius

    rubric: (12) Expliciunt Canones

    13-146 - Tables for the planets, sun and moon

    Note: A series of Tables very well written in red and black: as far as p. 27 each page is marked in the lower corner corr(ectum)

    Note: (13) Tables for the planets

    rubric: (42) Tabula solis

    rubric: (50) Medius cursus lune

    rubric: (53) Tabula argumenti lune

    Note: for the years 1300-1323

    rubric: (102) Tabula equacionis lune

    rubric: (114) Tabula diuisionis longitudinis buth.

    rubric: (116) Medii motus capitis drachonis

    rubric: (119) Diuersitatis aspectus in longitudine et latitudine ad montem pessuli

    rubric: (120) Latitudinis lune

    rubric: (120) Eclipsis lune

    rubric: (121) Cursus solis et lune

    Note: (Montpellier)

    rubric: (122) Eleuacionis signorum

    rubric: (124) Portionis

    rubric: (125) Minutorum proporcionalium

    Note: Ending 140

    Note: p. 141 blank

    rubric: (142) Cicli primacionum secundum lincolniensem

    Note: p. 145 blank

    Note: (146) Note

    incipit: (146) In hoc primationum ciclo 4 linee descendentes

    147-158 - Kalendar of Norwich Cathedral Priory

    Note: (147) Kalendar in red and black

    Note: Notes of eclipses for the xivth century are added

    Note: The kalendar has

    Note: (149) 24 March. Passio Sancti Willelmi

    Note: (151) 30 May. Sancti ethelberti regis

    Note: (152) 23 June. Sancte Etheldrede Virginis

    Note: (153) 31 July. Sanctorum Neoti et Germani

    Note: (155) 16 September. Translatio Reliquiarum in albis: in red

    Note: (155) 24 September. Dedicatio ecclesie Norwyc.: in red

    Note: (156) 6 October. Sancte Fidis Virginis: in red

    Note: (156) 7 October. Sancte Osithe Virginis

    Note: (156) 17 October. Translatio Sancte Etheldrede

    Note: (158) 29 December. Thomas erased

    159-163 - Petrus de Dacia, Tabula

    rubric: (159) Tabula Magistri Petri de dacia dicti philomena

    Note: With explanatory text

    incipit: (159) Ad locum etiam lune habendum uideas quota est dies etc.

    Note: (163) On p. 163, in a small current hand

    rubric: (163) Incipit exposicio quorundam terminorum astrologicorum quos scripsit frater adam de Estone monachus Norwycensis

    incipit: (163) Almantica est angulus latus in medio et in ligatura

    Note: Ends on the same page

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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