Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 480
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 480
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1199
- Language
- Greek
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 480: Greek Psalter with Canticles and Hymns
- Greek Psalter || Psalterium Graecum
- Canticles and Hymns
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 480 is a twelfth-century Greek manuscript containing psalms, canticles and some hymns. It must have been in England as early as the thirteenth century, and was evidently much used, with marginal Latin transliterations of some of the psalms, and other notes in a variety of hands, which link it with the circle of Robert Grosseteste (d. 1253). It was believed in Parker's time to have belonged to Theodore of Tarsus, and according to a note on f.1r is in the same hand as Cambridge University Library MS Ff.1.24. It is certainly later, but may possibly have a similar provenance.
Contents :
1r-255r - Greek Psalter || Psalterium Graecum
Note: Title in red capitals surrounded by ornament in red
rubric: (1r) Ψαλτήριον τερπν̀ον εἰς θὲον μέλος
Note: Marginal notes in Latin and Greek occur throughout the book. They are in several hands. On the first six leaves (and f. 7r) is a copious series in a neat upright hand of cent. xiii-xiv which gives a Latin rendering of each alternate verse or half verse. I do not think that these are by Grosseteste
Note: On f. 9v is the first good specimen of a note in Grosseteste's hand: it is a transliteration of the title of Ps. ix: doxa kath .. eis telos yper ton kryphion tu autu (erased) iiu [autou psalmos to dauid (in different ink and probably different hand)] gloria in finem super ocultis filii
Note: (9v) This is in a peculiar straggling hand. Similar transliterations of the titles are nearly always given. The other neater hand continues to add marginal and interlinear glosses. Grosseteste (or a contemporary) occasionally writes in Greek characters, and these resemble the script of the Greek Lexicon now at the College of Arms, which I assign to his school (see Mélanges Chatelain 1910 for an account of it)
Note: On f. 41r a note by Grosseteste on ἐγκαινισμός
Note: (85r) The psalm (53, 54) Deus in nomine tuo has a complete interlinear Latin gloss in a very small fine hand which also appears on f. 1r
Note: On f. 81r and after, the transliterations of the titles are in a small black firm hand unlike Grosseteste's
Note: (112v) is largely illegible
Note: (126v) After ps. 76 (77) Voce mea a page is left blank. On it is an (obituary) inscription in black-green ink, the first lines carefully erased. It is not in the hand of the text, but it gives a date in June of the year of the world 6663, corresponding to 1154 or 1155 AD.
Note: On f. 206v is some transliteration in an Italian hand, fine and small. The same hand, larger, appears on f. 218r and perhaps on f. 257v. The upper part of f. 208r is re-written in a good round hand. Psalter ends f. 255r with Ps. 151 (Pusillus eram)
255v-288v - Canticles and Hymns
Note: (255v) Cantica: Mosis (Ex. xv) Mosis (Deut. xxxiii) Annae Abacuc Isaiae Ionae Azariae et Benedicite Magnificat Benedictus Canticum Ezechiae Oratio Manassis Nunc dimittis
rubric: (279r) ́̔Υμνος ἐωθινός
incipit: (279r) Δόξα ἐν ὑψίστοις
rubric: (280r) Μακαρισμὸι ἐκ του̑ κατ̀α Ματθ. εὑαγγελίου
rubric: (280v) ́̔Υμνος ἑσπερινός
incipit: (280v) Φω̑ς ἱλαρ̀ον
Note: (281r) ff. 281r-283v are intrusive. The text of the hymn ends f. 284r followed by
rubric: (284r) Τυπικ̀α τη̑ς ἐκκλησίας του̑ θεου̑
incipit: (284r) Ὁ μονογεν̀ης υἳος
Note: (Hymn of Justinian)
rubric: (284r) ́̔Υμνος χερουβικ̀ος
incipit: (284r) Οἱ τ̀α χερουβ̀ιμ
rubric: (284v) Πληρωθήτω τ̀ο στόμα ὑμω̑ν
incipit: (284v) Σ́υμβολον ά̔γιον ἐκτεθ̀εν παρ̀α τω̑ν ἁγίων πατέρων ἐν τη̑ ἐκκλησία του̑ θεου̑
rubric: (285v) Διδασκαλία του̑ κυρίου ἡμω̑ν Ἰ. Χ. ἐκ του̑ κατὰ Ματθ. εὑαγγ.
Note: (Pater noster)
rubric: (286r) Εἰς τ̀α ἀπόδειπνα
incipit: (286r) Μεθ ἡμω̑ν ὁ θὲος
incipit: (287r) Τ̀ην ἡμέραν παρελθ̀ων εὐχαριστω̑ σοι
incipit: (287v) Ἡ ἀσ́ωματος φ́υσις, τ̀α χερυβ̀ιμ
Note: (Continued f. 281r)
incipit: (281r) Δευ̑τε πάντες πιστὸι προσκυνήσομεν τ̀ον δεσπότην
incipit: (282r) Δόξαι φων̀ας οὐράνιε
incipit: (282v) Παναγία δέσποινα θεοτόκε
incipit: (282v) Ἡ ἀκατάληπτος δ́υναμις
incipit: (283r) Τω̑ν ἀοράτων ἐχθρω̑ν
incipit: (283r) Τ̀ην ἀκαταίσχυντον θεοτόκε
incipit: (283v) Σ̀ε τ̀ο ἀπόρθητον τει̑χος
Note: Continued f. 288r, ending
explicit: (288r) ἡ ἐλπ̀ις ἡμω̑ν. κυρίε ελε. ρ κὰι ἀπολ:
Note: An erasure of several lines below
Note: On f. 288v in another hand (xii-xiii)
Note: (288v) ἀνα δ́υιο (?) ἡμέρας οὐ σινοι[κί]σης . οὐ σικιάσης . ἁμπέλ[ον μ̀η] φιτέυσης . οί̓κον μ̀η θεμ[ελίωσης] δένδρον μ̀η κεντρίσης . εις ...ματίαν μόιαν μ̀η ἀπέλθης ...μ̀ι αγωράσης (?) . σηνάλλαγμα μ̀η .... ὁ ασθενον οὐ ζ̀ι . τ̀ο γενόμε[νον] οὐ ζη . τετράποδον μ̀ι ἀγωρ[άσης] μ̀ι τον αλλον (?) τ̀η εχειρίσης . ταυταις ἡμέρες . αυτε γαρ ε ἠμε[ρε ει]σιν κατηραμένε ισιν παρα το .. / εισιν δε αυται:- Μηνι σεμπτερίο ... / Μηνι οκτωβριω . γ̄ κ̄ ᾱ
Note: It is a warning about unlucky days in Sept. and Oct.
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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