Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 301
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 301
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1325
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 301: Annals of St Augustine's, Canterbury. Canterbury Documents, etc
- Annals of St Augustine's, Canterbury (to 1316) || Annales ecclesiae Augustini Cantuariensis
- Walter of Henley, Hosebandrie. Husbandry || Advice from a father to his son on the management and improvement of his estate || Hosebondrie of Walter of Henley, and the anonymous Husbandry
- The usage and customs of the community of Kent || Les usages et les coustumes les queus la comunaute de Kent clayment aver en gavelikende et en gens gavelikendyes
- Veterinary recipes for horses || De equis medicandis
- The monasteries of England and their founders || De monasteriis in Anglia et eorum fundatoribus
- Customary and excerpt from the privileges of the monastery of St Augustine's, Canterbury || Custumale et excerpta ex privilegiis monasterii Sancti Augustini
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Walter of Henley (12..-1300?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter of Henley
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 301 contains a number of texts relating to St Augustine's, Canterbury, copied in the early fourteenth century. Among the texts included in the volume are two chronicles; one describing events from the arrival of Brutus in England to the accession of Henry III derived firstly from Bede, and from English twelfth-century writers such as Geoffrey of Monmouth (d. 1154), William of Malmesbury OSB (c. 1080-1143), Henry of Huntingdon (1084-1155) and Roger of Howden (d. c. 1201). The other chronicle is based on a foreign source and covers the period from the Incarnation to 1316. In addition, this manuscript contains an early fourteenth-century Anglo-Norman copy of the Hosebandrie of Walter of Henley (d. c. 1290/1300), a treatise on estate management and accounting, and a number of veterinary recipes, also in Anglo-Norman. The book was donated to St Augustine's by Stephen de Hackyngton (fl. 1332). Matthew Parker no doubt valued it for the light it shed on the history of Canterbury, a recurring theme in his collection.
Contents :
1r-68v - Annals of St Augustine's, Canterbury (to 1316) || Annales ecclesiae Augustini Cantuariensis
Note: Desinunt in anno 1316
Note: (1r) Chronicle
rubric: (1r) Ante incarnacionem domini mo cco venit Brutus in Angliam et regnauit xxiiiior annis cuius tempore judicauit Heli filios israel
incipit: (1r) Fluxit ab Enea primum Romana propago, etc.
rubric: (1r) Eneas cum Ascaneo filio suo fugiens excidium
Note: Added (xiv): Habet Britannia in longitudinem dccc milia et in latitudinem cc. Et quicunque (?) usui mortalium congruit indeficienti fertilitate ministrat
Note: Ends p. 44 in 1200
rubric: (20v) Ipseque Rex ffrancorum Regem Johannem de prodicione appellauit
rubric: (20v) Quere de gestis Henrici filii Johannis in xio xiio xiiio et quartodecimo foliis
Note: (i.e. pp. 65 sqq.)
Note: (20v) List of Kingdoms, Counties and Bishoprics in England
Note: Another hand begins here
rubric: (21r) Incipit cronice paucorum scilicet ab incarnatione domini nostri Ihesu Christi
incipit: (21r) Orosius ad beatum Augustinum scribens
explicit: (21r) ab origine mundi usque ad Christum fluxerunt anni quinque milia centum nonaginta nouem
Note: The form is annalistic: at first in double columns down to 1038: one line for a year: from 1039 to 1186 a line to a year, single columns
Note: (29v) Insertion on Archbishop Baldwin
Note: (30r) 1187-1226, a line to a year
Note: (31r) Then longer entries
Note: (32v) 1235-1253, a line to a year. Then longer entries
Note: There are various changes of hand after p. 113 (1304): on 136 (1315, Statute de venditionibus) is a xvith cent. reference: Vide in libro qui inscribitur Diuersi tractatus monasterii Sancti Augustini Dorobernie. This is a book mentioned in Parker's own list but marked therein as missing by John Parker: it is now Lambeth MS. 1213
Note: The text goes to 1316 ending with Edward II's letter to Pope Clement on the election of an Abbot of St Augustine's (Devenysshe), ending p. 140
explicit: (68v) Calesium. die septembris
Note: In another hand: the letter of the Barons on the same in French, ending imperfectly. The end is supplied in a xvith cent. hand on two out of four small leaves of paper inserted here
Note: A notice of this Chronicle is in Hardy III 361
69r-75v - Walter of Henley, Hosebandrie. Husbandry || Advice from a father to his son on the management and improvement of his estate || Hosebondrie of Walter of Henley, and the anonymous Husbandry
Note: in French
Note: This treatise contains a succinct account of the mode of husbandry and rural economy of the times: it appears to have been written in the reign of Edward III
rubric: (69r) De Gaynag' terrarum
incipit: (69r) Le pere dist a sun fiz. beau fiz viuet sagement
explicit: (75r) viii Rousches dun galon de mel
Note: This is almost certainly the copy used by William Lambarde in his note-book of 1571, now Brit. Mus. Add. 20709, under the title Du gaignage des terres. See the edition by Dr W. Cunningham and E. Lamond (Royal Historical Society 1890), pp. xxxiii, xxxviii. Corrected by Dr Cunningham in Transactions Royal Historical Society IX 1895, p. 215
Note: (75v) On weights and measures, in Latin. Prices of bread, and of colours
incipit: (75v) Digitus pars minima mensurarum
77v-79r - The usage and customs of the community of Kent || Les usages et les coustumes les queus la comunaute de Kent clayment aver en gavelikende et en gens gavelikendyes
rubric: (77v) De legibus Kancie
incipit: (77v) Ces sunt les usages e les costumes les queus la comunaute de kent clayment auer ... dunt il est dit en Kentoys þe vader to þe boghe and þe sone to þe loghe
explicit: (78v) ke furent deuant le conqueste e en le conqueste e totes houres dekes en ca
rubric: (79r) De feod' fidelitatem faciend'
Note: Forms of oaths
incipit: (79r) Cancia est prouincia in anglia iuxta oceanum
explicit: (79r) alia habet commoda vite mortalium necessaria que recitari per singula longum esset
79r-81r - Veterinary recipes for horses || De equis medicandis
Note: Gallice
incipit: (79r) Ceo est la marechausie de chiuals. Peleyn deit cure treys aunz oue sa mere
explicit: (79v) de vin blanc a beure chaud kant il auerad ankes erre
rubric: (81r) Contra pugturam serpentis
incipit: (81r) Accipe aquam benedictam
explicit: (81r) bibat illam aquam qui portauit rumores et sic recedat
81r-86v - The monasteries of England and their founders || De monasteriis in Anglia et eorum fundatoribus
incipit: (81r) In Pago Cantuar. edificauit Edelbertus monasteria Sancti Augustini
Note: The last is a note on Etheldreda: Velata erat apud eli cum sorore sua
Note: In another hand: a table in six columns, Reges, Anni, Archiepiscopi, Anni, Abbates, Anni
Note: From Ethelbert to Edward II in the original hand. Archbishops to Johannes frater minor (Peckham) and Robertus. Abbots to Radulphus (Bourn). Continued by various hands to Edward IV, King, Thomas Bowseyr, Archbishop, William Sellyng, Abbot
rubric: (84r) De morte imperatoris
incipit: (84r) Stante obsessione contra Lucam usque ad terminum .xxx. dierum
explicit: (84v) et Regem Cicilie fredericum suum constituens vicarium domino reddidit spiritum
Note: pp. 173-176 blank
87v-108v - Customary and excerpt from the privileges of the monastery of St Augustine's, Canterbury || Custumale et excerpta ex privilegiis monasterii Sancti Augustini
rubric: (87v) Custumare
Note: List of dues from manors: Minster etc.
Note: Distribucio cere (Candlemas). Distribucio argenti in festo Sancti Augustini
Note: Longitudo stragule
Note: (88v) List of priuilegia
Note: (89v) Knights' fees
Note: Temporalia of the Archbishop, Abbot, Prior etc.
Note: (90v) Custumare: of bread etc.: a slip inserted giving particulars about bread
Note: Dues of various officers
rubric: (96v) Mensurata terra maneriorum Sancti Augustini
rubric: (97v) De sompniis
Note: double columns, alphabetical: crossed out
incipit: (97v) Arma tractare mutacionem significat
explicit: (98v) Zonam cingere valitudinem
rubric: (99r) De confirmacione cartarum. et visu franci pleggii
incipit: (99r) Edwardus deo gratias ... Inspeximus cartam
explicit: (101r) apud douor. xxii die maii anno regni nostri vito
rubric: (101v) Visus franci pleggii
incipit: (101v) Primes wus nus dirrez
explicit: (101v) par le serment qe wus auet fet
Note: Notes in various hands, xiv and xv
Note: (102r) Forma treugarum inter Regem Anglie et Robertum de Brus (1323)
Note: Unfinished
Note: (102r) Privileges claimed by the Abbot of St Augustine's
Note: (102r) Interpretacio verborum. Saka. Idem est quod placitum etc.
Note: The Latin ends with Forstalles. Then in French: Sokne cest asauer sute de vos hommes ... Ferdfaire cest seruice daler en host
Note: (102v) Notes of cent. xvi
Note: In 1529. Oct. 31. A robbery of plate
Note: In 1531. 3 Id. Apr. (and other dates). Removal of precious metals from shrines of Saints Augustine, Jambert, Mildred etc. and other spoliations
Note: In 1535 further spoliation
Note: On p. 212: suuerderi καὶ φιλῶν
Note: pp. 213-215 blank
Note: (105v) Accounts De Bosc. superius apud Tenterdenne 24 Edwardi III and other similar accounts
Note: (106v) Paragraph per viam eleccionis capituli cum expediat via mixta scrutinii et compromissi
Note: Compromisarii traxerunt se ad angulum australem capituli quorum duo, viz. fratres Thomas Ikham et Henricus Tilmanstone etc.
Note: (106v) List of monks and their votes (which are for William Thorne, Thomas Ikham, Michael Pecham: the last was eventually elected Abbot)
Note: (107v) Extractus de quadam tabula in ecclesia conuentuali Colcestre, giving dates of foundation of Glastonbury, Westminster (A.D. 169), St Augustine's, St Alban's
Note: (107v) Application from Richard Cokman, custos in St Nicholas Church at Dover, to Francis, Cardinal of the Four Crowned, for an indulgence for an altar of the Virgin and St John of Bridlington
Note: The Cardinal seems to be Francesco Uguccione, Archbishop of Bordeaux, d. 1412
Note: (108r) Epitaph of Archbishop Chicheley, Pauper eram natus etc.
Note: Receipt for gout, in French (xiv)
Note: Note of date of canonization of St Thomas of Hereford (1320, 14 kal. Mai)
Note: (108r) Epitaph of Peter Comestor (xvi)
Note: p. 222 covered with paper
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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