Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 432
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 432
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1275 - 1299
- Language
- Old French
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 432: Chronique de Reims
- Chronique de Reims || Polichronitudo basileos sive historia belli quod Ricardus I. gessit contra Sarracenos || Chronique de Reims
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 432 contains a late thirteenth-century copy of the Chronique de Reims (or Rains) a history of the third crusade written in French. This copy, whose illustrations have suffered a great deal of damage, bears a versified inscription by John Skelton (d. 1529), written on the occasion of the manuscript's presentation to Henry VIII, Skelton's pupil. Presumably it came into Parker's possession as a result of his contact either with the Henrician or Elizabethan court, but the manuscript's exact route from the royal collection into Parker's is unknown. The book contains eleven illuminated miniatures and two historiated initials, all much damaged.
Contents :
1r-116v - Chronique de Reims || Polichronitudo basileos sive historia belli quod Ricardus I. gessit contra Sarracenos || Chronique de Reims
Note: f. 1r has a picture at top, and historiated initial, both on gold ground and much worn. The picture shows a city (?) on R. and perhaps a figure by it, then to L. a king pointing three followers to the city. In the initial is a single figure
Note: Text
incipit: (1r) Des puis cele heure qe godefroiz de buillon et la royne de france orent conquise antioiche et iherusalem
Note: On f. 6r a picture. City or church on L.: three men: king on R. Single figure in initial. Rough work: gold ground
Note: There are various marginalia in Latin verse by Skelton
Note: On f. 24v picture: king seated on L. holding a paper (?). Before him a man. Another on R. holds book or charter. Figure in initial
Note: On f. 32r a battle scene
Note: On f. 39v another battle scene
Note: On f. 51v a horse about to have its R. forefoot cut off with an axe. A man in bed on R. Saladin, ill, had demanded the foot of the best horse of the Master of the Hospitallers, and his request was granted
Note: On f. 67r the king throned on L. Before him the Counts Gautier de S. Pol and Renaud de Boulogne struggle. Three other men
Note: On f. 83v Louis (kneeling) crowned by a mitred (archbishop) in short robe. Two men on L. The queen and another woman on R. Kneeling king in initial
Note: On f. 91r two shipfuls of men: a king in each. Figures and deer in border
Note: On f. 99r (much defaced). A wolf (R.) and goat (L.) on hindlegs conversing. Two kids (?) on L. Illustrates a fable told in the text. Angel in border
Note: On f. 114r the queen (?) seated on R. The Archbishop of Rheims gives her a letter and a fleur-de-lys. Two men on L. Initial. Kneeling king and head of God above. The text relates to a dispute as to jurisdiction of Rheims. In border a figure with inscribed scroll: Li arceuesques respondi et dist oyl. Lors. (l. 1 of text of 114r.) Also kneeling woman with book inscribed: domine in te (?)
Note: Text ends
explicit: (116r) et li arceuesques len mercia. et li fist liurer quanque mestier fu. et sen ala a rome et demoura grant piece
Note: f. 116v pasted over
Note: See Hardy II 489, Hist. Litt. XXI 711
Note: The text is known as the Chronique de Rains (Reims). Edited in 1837 by Louis Paris
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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