Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 116

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 116
Biblissima authority file
  • 1475 - 1499
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 116: Genealogical Roll (Creation to temp. Edward IV)
  • Genealogical Roll (Creation to temp. Edward IV)
  • Summary: CCCC MS 116 is the third genealogical roll now in the Parker Library collection; the others are MSS 98 and 98A. Originally written c. 1469-1470, the membrane side contains a genealogy of the English kings from Adam to Edward IV (d. 1483), though with a number of later additions. The dorse contains a list of popes from St Peter to Benedict XII (1334-42) and of emperors from Tiberius to Frederick II (d. 1250). More profusely illustrated with tinted drawings of persons in the genealogy than the other two rolls in the collection, it was, however, not part of Parker's bequest to the college but was given by Dr Thomas Whincop (fellow 1670-1682, d. 1713) in 1682-1683.

    Contents :

    - - Genealogical Roll (Creation to temp. Edward IV)

    Note: On the front

    incipit: Anglia insularum maxima in occidentali occeano sita per longum extenditur

    explicit: deinde Willelmus conquestor dux normanorum

    incipit: Cum homo conueniat cum mundo in eius contentis et nonnullis tamen condicionis sue prerogatiuis a mundo discrepat

    Note: Medallions

    Note: The Fall: human-headed serpent: angel with sword on L.

    Note: The ark (ship). Noe and seven other heads of people

    Note: Brutus, large: seated king with scimitar

    Note: Nativity. The Child nude, rayed, blessing, in C. Above Him three heads look in at a window. Divine Hand on R. Censers swinging R. and L. Virgin kneels on L. Joseph (large head), ox and ass on R.

    Note: Lucius: seated king

    Note: Constantine: Emperor, half-length

    Note: ffrealaf: bust crowned

    Note: Egbrutus: half-length king with sword

    Note: Edwardus justus

    Note: Edwardus Confessor: two sceptres, one with dove

    Note: Willelmus conquestor: sword and orb

    Note: Busts of other kings down to Edward IV

    Note: The text has many additions in later hand: at the end are hardly any notes of events

    Note: On the back, in another hand

    rubric: Pontifices Romani

    incipit: Petrus. Post passionem Christi anno sequente beatus petrus apostolus filius Johannis de prouincia galilee vico betreida (sic) tenuit cathedram etc.

    Note: Between Leo V and Benedict III, under the year 861, 5.5 lines (on Pope Joan) are erased

    Note: Ends with Benedict XII (1334-42)

    explicit: Hic iam presidet in ecclesia monachus de ordine Cisterciensi

    Note: On the next skin begin

    rubric: Imperatores Romanorum

    incipit: Tiberius. Anno xiiiio ab incarnatione domini regnauit tiberius

    Note: Ends (after Frederick II)

    explicit: Rex eciam Nauarre qui infirmus de affrica processerat in sicilia ueniens est defunctus

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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