Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 422
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 422
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0900 - 1099
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 422: The Red Book of Darley
- Solomon and Saturn
- Missal || Missale
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 422 consists of two parts, which were together by the twelfth century. The first, a tenth-century volume, contains two Old English texts about the dialogue between Solomon and Saturn, one in poetry (also found in CCCC MS 41) and one in prose. This is an example of a type of Old English wisdom literature which was influenced by Old Norse examples. The second part is a Missal, known as The Red Book of Darley because of its later provenance at the church of St Helen, Darley Dale, in the Lake District. Its Easter table suggest that it was written in the 1060s, probably circa 1061. Its calendar contains rare feasts pertaining to Sherborne in Dorset, and the manuscript was probably written there. It has been suggested that it is associable with Ælfwold, bishop of Sherborne 10451062. The Missal section contains ornamental initials and drawings of Christ between angels and of the Crucifixion. This manuscript was given to Parker by Richard Wendesley.
Contents :
26-Jan - Solomon and Saturn
Note: (1) The first page of the MS. is very illegible, especially at the top. It was once pasted down to the cover. Enough words are decipherable (Vincenti, p. 44) to show that the text was essentially identical with that preserved in the only other copy (a fragment in no. 41 in this collection). Galls have been used to revive this and subsequent pages. At the top is a modern note: S. 16 in red leather, and an old scribble in large letters made with a dry point. About the first five leaves are penetrated by some small holes caused by rust
Note: p. 7 has been cut out, but is now reattached. It contained a portion of the prose description of the contest between the devil and the Paternoster (Kemble, p. 152).
Note: The second (poetical) dialogue begins on p. 13. The first words are in large capitals
Note: p. 14 has had its original text erased, and a Latin form of excommunication has been written on it in a rather rough hand of cent xii
incipit: (14) Ex auctoritate dei patris omnipotentis et filii et spiritus Sancti
Note: (14) sequestramus illos homines qui hoc factum uel maleficium fecerunt, etc.
explicit: (14) et ad emendacionem congruam perueniant fiat fiat fiat. Amen
Note: (14) The page has also been treated with galls. A word or two in line 8 may be read. The Latin text occupies two-thirds of the page and when it ends there are remains of another hand not the original. It is just possible that a little of the original text might be recovered at the bottom of the page. The remaining pages (15-26) are legible, though discoloured by reagents in many places
Note: The text ends
explicit: (26) him to neiddes
Note: (Kemble, p. 176)
27-586 - Missal || Missale
Note: (27) Table of Moons with short prognostics in Latin and Anglo-Saxon
Note: The numerals have disappeared to a large extent. The form is
Note: (27) Luna ... Non est bona nis hit her god tima. Melior est her hit is betere, etc.
Note: (28) Diagram of days in the months
Note: (28) Table of concurrentes, etc.
Note: (28) Notes in Latin and Anglo-Saxon
Note: (28) Gif ðu ƿille ƿitan hu fela epacta, etc.
Note: (29) Kalendar in black, red and green
Note: There are a good many notes in Anglo-Saxon. Uniformly each month has one of this kind
Note: (March)
Note: (31) Seo niht xii tida 7 se dæg xii. To underne 7 to none xiii fotgemetu 7 to middæges vii
Note: (May)
Note: (33) Ðes monoð hæfð xxxi daga 7 se mona xxx nihta eald
Note: There are also occasional notes, some of which will be given
Note: The great feasts, as Mr Bishop remarks, are distinguished by the letter f, not by the more usual cross
Note: (29) January 3. Genofeue uirginis 8. ƿulfsini scirburnensis episcopi 9. Translatio Sancti Iudoci Confessoris 12. Sancte Iohannes ap'losaquarius (glossed ƿaterrið(?)) 29. gildae sapientis
Note: (30) February 1. brigide Virginis 4. added early ƿærburuhe Virginis 11. her onginnað fugelas to singen 13. eormenhilde Virginis (added Translatio Sancti eadƿardi regis et martyris)Pisces (glossed fisc) 18. added early Translatio Sancti Eadƿardi regis et martyris in capitals Note on leap year in Anglo-Saxon
Note: (31) March (glossed hraedd) 1. Sancti deuin 2. ceadde episcopi 3. albani episcopi 4. dccc. martirum 15. Longini qui latus christi perforauit 17. Patricii episcopiariete (gl. ram) prima dies seculi se forma dæg 18. Eaduueardi regis et martyris capitals 19. Ioseph sponsi Sancte marie 20. Cuðberhti episcopi capitals 21. Benedicti abbatis capitalsEquinoct. (gl. emniht) 26. dominus (in) sepulchro 27. Resurrectio domini prima 29. Ordinatio Sancti Gregorii pape
Note: (32) April (easter monoð) 1. ƿalerici Confessoris 11. Guthlaci presbyteriTauro (gl. fear) 18. Passio Sancti eleutherii episcopi 19. ælfeachi martyris et archiepiscopi 21. fortunati 22. Inuentio Corporum Sanctorum Dionisii Rustici et Eleutherii 23. Georgii Martyris capitals 24. Melliti archiepiscopi 30. Erkenƿoldi episcopi
Note: (33) May (ðrymylce) 8. sumor 13. Uictoris quarti et cccc iiiior militum 18. ælfgiue reginegeminis (gl. getƿisan) 19. Dunstani (capitals) 20. æthelbrihti regis et martyris 25. Aldhelmi episcopi added 26. Augustini episcopi (et S. bede presbyteri added early) 28. germani parisius episcopi
Note: (34) June (Liða) 4. petroci Confessoris 5. bonefacii archiepiscopi 6. amandi Confessoris 8. medardi Confessoris 13. hic hobiit simundus clericus (xi late?) 15. Uiti, etc. et Sancte eadburge Virginis 16. Botulfi abbatis (lined through and transferred to 17th by a later hand)Cancro (gl. Crabba) 21. leutfredi abbatis ƿaerburh added 22. albani Martyris 23. æþeldriðe Virginis
Note: (35) July (Liða) 1. Suuithuni episcopi 2. Translatio Sancti thome apostoli 5. Sexburge Virginis 6. Sanctarum æþelburge et ƿihtburge 7. Grimbaldi (capitals) Confessoris 10. Translatio Sancti Benedicti abbatis (capitals) 13. myldriðe dies caniculares (gl. hare dagas) 14. Translatio Sancti Sƿiðhuni 16. Kenelmi Martyris 17. Leonem (gl. leo)Sancti eadwardi regisadded in a faint hand 19. ƿulfmari Confessoris et Sancte margare(te)added in the same faint hand 28. Samsonis episcopi 29. felicis simplicis faustini Olaui et beatricis
Note: (36) August 1. S. aþelƿoldi added early? 5. osƿaldi regis et martyris 7. Autumnus initium habet dies xci(?) (gl. hærefest). donati Episcopi added 12. Translatio Sancti eadƿoldi anachoriteuirgine (gl. mæden) 19. magni Martyris 24. Bartholomai et audoeni written over erasure roughly 31. cuðburhe
Note: (37) September (halig monð) 1. Egidii added 2. iusti martyris 4. Translatio Sanctorum birini et cuthberhti 5. berhtini. her geendioð þa haredagas 10. Translatio Sancti aþelƿoldi episcopi 12. Maurilionis Confessoris 16. Eufemie 7 eadgyþe. lucie ge[ni]miniani 17. landberhtiLibra (gl. ƿægan) 20. Amandiequinoct. (gl. emniht) 22. gloss on Maurici six ðusendum six... 25. ceolfriði Abbatis
Note: (38) October (ƿinter fylled monoð) 1. Germani Remegii Uedasti 5. Christiane Virginis 7. Dionisii, etc. 8. Paulini episcopi 9. Æþelburge Virginis 10. ƿilfriði Episcopi 15. æðelryðe VirginisScorpione (gl. ðroƿend) 20. Neoti presbyteri 21. hic ordinatus fuit dunstanus archiepiscopi
Note: (39) November (blod monoð) 7. ƿintres angin 11. (Martini) et Sancti Menne (capitals) 15. Macuhti Confessoris 17. Sagittarius (gl. sceotere). aniani added 20. eadmundi Regis et martyris 25. Saltus lune. ðæs monan hlyp 27. Her onginð aduentum domini
Note: (40) December (iolmonoð) 2. Uiuiane 3. Birini episcopi. Ultimus aduentus. endung 4. barnabe apostoli 6. nicolai episcopi Confessoris seemingly original 13. lucie et iudoci 14. nicase episcopi ? addedCapricornu (gl. gat oððe gate horn) 21. Solstitium (gl. sunstede) 22. Theodosie Virginis 25. Nativitas Domini et anastasie 29. Thomas has been added in red and erased
Note: (41) Table of Termini paschales, under arches
Note: (42) Paschal Tables with notes in Anglo-Saxon
incipit: (42) Gif ðu ƿille ƿitan hƿænne septuagessima beon sceole, etc.
incipit: (43) Gif ðu ƿylle ƿitan hƿær halgandaeg beon sceole, etc.
Note: (44) Table showing Easter, etc. from 1061 to 1098
Note: (46) Explanation in Anglo-Saxon of the Tables, and notes on Kalendar matter
incipit: (46) Gif ðu ne cunne understandan on ðis ledene þe her beforan aƿriten is þonne loca ðu her hu þu scealt þin gear rihtlice gefadian, etc.
Note: Ends with a note on the three Fridays
incipit: (47) Ðis synd þa þry frigedagas þe man sceal fæstan
Note: Further notes in Anglo-Saxon
incipit: (48) Fram middan ƿintra byð to sancta marian mæssan v ucan 7 iiii niht
Note: (48) It goes through the year enumerating the great feasts, including Gregory, Cuthbert, Benedict and Augustine
incipit: (49) On tƿelf monðum byð þreo hund daga 7 v 7 syxtig daga 7 þæra ƿucena synt tƿa 7 fiftig 7 þæra tida eahta þusenda 7 eahta hund syxtig tida
Note: (49) In a later hand, large and pale
Note: (49) Isti sunt tres dies anni pre aliis obseruandi primus est viii kalendas aprilis et primus dies agusti et nouisimus est tertia kalendas decembris. Qui in is diebus hominem uel pecus inciderit tertia die morietur. Si quis in predictis diebus natus fuerit mala morte morietur. In anno sunt tres dies et tres noctes in quibus si quis homo genitus fuerit sine dubio corpus eius integrum manebit usque in diem iudicii hoc est vi kalendas aprel. et idus agustus et iii kalendas februarii et est mirabile misterium
Note: (49) Mass for St Helen in two hands (xii)
Note: (50) Last Gospel of the Mass (xii)
incipit: (50) In principio erat
Note: (51) The Order of the Mass
Note: (51) The first page in red and green capitals (alternate lines) with large initial in green and red, panelled, with plaited work and beasts' heads at top
rubric: (51) Per omnia / secula / seculorum / amen / dominus vobiscum / et cum spiritu tuo / sursum corda / habemus ad dominum / gratias agamus / domino deo nostro / dignum et iustum est /
Note: (52) The Preface
Note: (52) The upper half of the page occupied by a drawing mostly in green outline. Christ beardless in mandorla with book blessing, supported by two angels with flowering sceptres. The text of the preface is written on and about the mandorla, in green and red capitals. Below, it is continued in minuscule, with neumes
Note: (53) The Canon
Note: (53) The initial is a cross, green, roughly in the form of a tree-trunk. On it Christ bearded(?) nailed with four nails, the side wounded. He wears a rich loin-cloth. On L. the Virgin holds her robe to her face, bends to R. and points or blesses. Above on R. the divine hand; on L. a dove with wreath in beak flies down
Note: The Saints in the Canon after 'Cosme et damiani' are: Hilarii, Martini, Benedicti, Gregorii, Agustini, Amandi, Laurentini (cf. MS 411)
Note: After the Agnus (p. 61) on p. 62 is the rubric
rubric: (62) Coniunctio panis et uini
rubric: (63) Missa de Sancta Trinitate
rubric: (67) Alia missa de Sancta Trinitate cotidianis diebus
rubric: (69) Feria missa pro peccatis
rubric: (72) Feria III Missa ad suffragia angelorum
rubric: (75) Feria IIII Missa ad Sanctam Sophiam que(?) christus est
rubric: (78) Alia feria quinta
rubric: (81) Feria VI Missa in honore Sancte crucis
rubric: (84) Sabbato Missa in honore Sancte Marie Virginis
Note: Common of Saints
rubric: (88) Vigilia Unius Apostoli
rubric: (123) Missa sanctorum quorum reliquie in una continentur ecclesia
rubric: (126) Missa cotidie ad post dam (postulanda) suffragia sanctorum
rubric: (127) Missa in honore omnium celestium et omnium sanctorum
rubric: (128) Missa in memoriam saluatoris domini nostri
rubric: (130) Missa pro abbate uel congregatione
rubric: (130) Missa in congregatione monachorum
rubric: (131) Missa pro petitione lacrimarum penitentie
Note: (130) (and p. 131) [Scribbled name (xvi). Margaret Rollysleye wydowe]
rubric: (132) Missa pro gratia Spiritus Sancti postulanda
rubric: (133) Missa pro temptatione carnis et gratia Spiritus Sancti
Note: (133) glossed for flaesc costnunge þaet is idel lust
rubric: (135) Missa tempore sinodi pro rege
rubric: (137) Missa cotidiana de Sancti Suuithuno
rubric: (141) In natali plurimorum martirum
Note: and other Masses from the Common of Saints
rubric: (162) IIII kalendas Agusti Sancti Olaui regis et martyris
rubric: (163) VIII Idus Decembris Sancti Nicolai Episcopi
Note: Missae votivae, beginning with
rubric: (164) Propria missa sacerdotis
Note: In the Mass on p. 168 (pro amico uiuente) the Secret, Preface and Postcommunion name
Note: The Virgin, SS. Dunstan, Sƿuiðhun and ælfeag
Note: (171) Anglo-Saxon gloss: for þone kyning
Note: A change of hand apparently at p. 203
rubric: (213) Missa tempore quod absit mortalitatis
Note: pp. 234, 235. contra paganos
rubric: (237) Missa contra iudices male agentes
Note: (257) For ember days
rubric: (268) Incipiunt orationes. pro peccatis
rubric: (271) matutinales
rubric: (276) Missa ad sponsas benedicendos
rubric: (280) Bletsung Benedictio
rubric: (285) IIII nonas februarii Purificatio Sancte Marie Benedictio super candelas
Note: With neumes
rubric: (288) Benedictio cineris in capite ieiunii
rubric: (291) Benedictio in die palmarum
rubric: (292) Benedictio carnium
rubric: (293) Super olera in nativitate Sancti Johannis Baptiste
rubric: (294) Pomorum in natale Sancti Petri apostoli
rubric: (295) panis et noui (!)
rubric: (296) uue uel fabe
rubric: (297) ad fruges nouos
rubric: (297) ad omnia que uolueris
rubric: (300) Oratio contra fulgora
rubric: (300) super uasa in domo antiquo reperta
rubric: (301) putei, cisternae
rubric: (302) (super retia)
rubric: (303) pro emundatione cereuisie
rubric: (304) Exorcismus aque super fontes
rubric: (305) Benedictio salis ad pecora
rubric: (305) (Benedictio incensi)
rubric: (306) ad segetes contra aues et uermes
rubric: (307) Oratio super eos qui morticinum comederint(?)
rubric: (307) Benedictio olei ad infirmos, etc.
rubric: (308) saponis
rubric: (308) areae
rubric: (309) horrei
Note: (310) In a hand of cent. xii. Excommunication
incipit: (310) Ex auctoritate patris et ex uerbo filii
Note: (315) Improperia and Ecce lignum with neumes
Note: (316) followed by Pange lingua without neumes
Note: (318) Later prayer. D. pater piissime
rubric: (319) Incipit exorcismus aquae ad iudicium dei demonstrandum
Note: pp. 319, 320 in capitals. Rubrics much faded
Note: The Anglo-Saxon form on p. 330
Note: (339) (Exorcismus panis et casei)
Note: (345) Blessing of water and salt (with the Passio secundum Matheum)
Note: (367) Baptismal office and Blessing of font
Note: Litany p. 378 includes: Martyrs: osƿalde, kenellme, albane, eadmunde, eadƿarde, aelfeahe Confessors: birine, sƿiðhune, dunstane, iudoce, GRIMBALDE Virgins: brigida ... aeðeldriða, sexburga, eormenhilda, eadburga, aelfgiua, eadgiða
Note: (397) Blessing of ashes
Note: (399) Visitation of the Sick
Note: Anglo-Saxon begins on p. 400
incipit: (400) Æfter þisum collectan bige se preost his cneoƿa
Note: Litany, p. 402, has: Confessors: birine, gregorii, augustine, sƿiðune, aþelƿolde, cutberhte, iudoce, remei, germane, columbane, antone, machare Virgins: brigida ... genetrudis(!), æþeldriða, eadburgae, eadgiþe
Note: (410) Office of Extreme Unction
rubric: (423) Missa pro infirmo in domo
Note: (429) Rubric glossed in Anglo-Saxon
rubric: (429) Her onginð seo endebyrdnyss hu man sceal embe þonne untruman do(?) þonne man getryhþ þet his ge endung genealæceð, etc.
Note: Followed by Burial office
Note: (445) Masses for the dead
Note: (470) Incipiunt Ant. R. in agenda mortuorum
Note: (470) With neumes
Note: After p. 490 a misplaced quire (29) intervenes
Note: (507) Antiphons and Responses, Capitula, Lessons and Collects (some noted)
rubric: (507) In natali apostolorum. ad uesperam
Note: For Common of Saints
Note: On p. 554 part of an office for the dead in later hand
Note: (555) Office from Holy Thursday to Easter with neumes
rubric: (555) In cena domini ad uesperam
Note: After p. 570 should follow pp. 491-506 ending imperfectly in the Easter office
Note: In two good hands of cent. xii:
Note: (571) Lessons for a Confessor
Note: (574) For Virgins
Note: (578) De Sancta Trinitate
Note: (581) De Sancta Cruce
Note: (582) Alexandrieuentii et theodoli
Note: (583) Inuentio Sancte Crucis
Note: In the latter part of the book the Rubrics are very commonly in Anglo-Saxon. They are very faint
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