Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 525

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Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 525
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1499
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 525: Homilies. Johannes Aretinus, Aureum poenitentiale
  • Homilies
  • Johannes Aretinus, Aureum poenitentiale
  • Summary: This book is in an extremely fragile condition and it has not been possible for it to be imaged, save for the front exterior, the first leaf recto foliated as f. a, and the back exterior - the boards do not survive. The paper is disintegrating and cannot be stabilised, so it has not even been possible to foliate the manuscript throughout. CCCC MS 525, probably made in Germany or Bohemia, contains a series of sermons for the church year and a penitential text, 'Penitentiale aureum', by a certain Johannes Cappellanus. This volume is part of the Elbing collection; a group of manuscripts which belonged to a Brigittine convent at Elbing (Elblag), near Gdansk. The collection was donated to Corpus Christi College by either Richard Pernham (1583?-1628) or his wife Mary, whose name is in many of these books.

    Contents :


    Note: The first and larger portion seems to contain: Homiliae per annum and de sanctis Begins with Easter

    Note: The rubric 'miraculum' occurs often towards the end of this portion

    Johannes Aretinus, Aureum poenitentiale

    handNote: in another hand

    incipit: Venerabili patri domino Hildebrando0dei gratia et apostolice sedis episcopo aretino ... Joh. Cappellanus vester unus ex minimis, etc.

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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