Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 198
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 198
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0900 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 198: Old English Homilies, mostly by Ælfric
- Homily for the Nativity of Christ
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Stephen
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Assumption of St John
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Holy Innocents
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Circumcision
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Epiphany
- Homily for the First Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Purification
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Gregory
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Cuthbert
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Benedict
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Annunciation
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Homily for the Second Sunday in Lent
- Homily for the Third Sunday in Lent
- Homily for the Fourth Sunday in Lent
- Homily for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Homily for Palm Sunday
- Homily In Cena Domini
- Homily De parasceue
- De sabbato sancto
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday after Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sts Philip and James
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Invention of the Cross
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Easter
- Homily for Wednesday in Easter Week
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Virgins
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St John the Baptist
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sts Peter and Paul
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St James and the Seven Sleepers
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, St Mark
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, St Sebastian
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Admonissions in Lent with a continuation taken from Blickling Homily no. 10
- Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Bartholomew (incomplete)
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Laurence
- Homily for the Assumption of Mary the Virgin
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, De initio creaturae
- Homily De sancto Iohanne
- Neumed office for St Guthlac (partial)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Martin
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Excusatio dictantis
- Homily for St Andrew
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric OSB
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 198 is an important collection of Old English homilies, mostly by Ælfric of Eynsham OSB (c. 950-c. 1010). It was written in the first half of the eleventh century and received a number of additions in the second half. It also contains a neumed office for St Guthlac added towards the end of the eleventh century. The manuscript may have been written at Worcester; although the textual associations of the main body are south-eastern, the additions appear from their spellings to be from the west of England, and in the thirteenth century it was annotated by the scribe known as the 'Worcester Tremulous Hand'. It was Parker's fourth volume of homilies in his numeration system.
Contents :
1r-7r - Homily for the Nativity of Christ
Note: (Cameron B3.2.1)
rubric: (1r) Sermo in natale domini
Note: (1r) Title in red capitals
incipit: (1r) Þæt halige godspell be ðære hean medomnysse
Note: On f. 4r two short passages have been erased
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: also in Vercelli Book and Bodleian NE. F. 4. 10, f. 1
7r-12v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Stephen
Note: (Cameron B1.1.4)
rubric: (7r) In nativitate Sancti Stephani protomartyris
incipit: (7r) Ƿe rædað on ðære bec
Note: Thorpe I 44
12v-21r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Assumption of St John
Note: (Cameron B1.1.5)
rubric: (12v) In assumptione Sancti Iohannis apostoli
incipit: (12v) Iohannes se godspellere cristes dyrling
Note: Thorpe I 58. Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, 79
Note: Change of hand at f. 16r
Note: (20r) On the margin of f. 20r in a hand of cent. xi (?) is:
Note: (20r) Me grauat hic esse / quoniam potare necesse / uinum de messe / quem nos consueuimus esse / Poto sed inuite / potum probo gentis a (uite) / Vinum de uite quando (or quoniam) / uitis uia uite
21r-27v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Holy Innocents
Note: (Cameron B1.1.6)
rubric: (21r) V. kalendas Ianuarias In natale innocentum
incipit: (21r) Nu to dæg godes gelaðung
Note: Thorpe I 76. Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, 90
Note: Change of hand at f. 24r
27v-34v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Circumcision
Note: (Cameron B1.1.7)
rubric: (27v) Kalendis Ianuariis Circumcisio domini
incipit: (27v) Se godspellere lucas be leac
Note: Thorpe I 90
34v-43v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.1.8)
rubric: (34v) In epiphania domini
incipit: (34v) Men ða leofestan nu for feaƿum dagum
Note: Thorpe I 104
43v-47r - Homily for the First Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B3.2.3)
rubric: (43v) Dominica I post Theophania domini
incipit: (44r) Monað us 7 mengað
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: also in Vercelli Book and NE. F. 4. 10, f. 33
47r-57v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.2.5)
rubric: (47r) Dominica II post Theophania domini
incipit: (47r) Nuptie facte
incipit: (47r) Iohannes se godspellere cƿæð
Note: Thorpe II 54
57v-64v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.1.9)
rubric: (57v) Dominica III post Theophania
incipit: (57v) Cum descendissed
incipit: (57v) Matheus se eadiga godspellere
Note: Thorpe I 120
Note: Change of hand at f. 64r
64v-73r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Purification
Note: (Cameron B1.1.10)
rubric: (64v) IIII Nonus Februarias In purificatione Sancte Marie
incipit: (64v) God bebead on ðære ealdan ae
Note: Thorpe I 134
73r-81r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Gregory
Note: (Cameron B1.2.10)
rubric: (73r) IIII Idus. In natale Sancti Gregorii pape
incipit: (73r) Gregorius se halga papa engliscre þeode apostol
Note: Thorpe II 116
81r-90r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Cuthbert
Note: (Cameron B1.2.11)
rubric: (81r) XIII kalendas aprili in natale Sancti Cuhtberhti Episcopi
incipit: (81r) Cuðberhtus se halga bisceop
Note: Thorpe II 132
Note: Change of hand at f. 88r
90r-103v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Benedict
Note: (Cameron B1.2.12)
rubric: (90r) In natale Sancti Benedicti Abbatis
incipit: (90r) Benedictus se halga abbud
Note: Thorpe II 154
103v-110r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Annunciation
Note: (Cameron B1.1.14)
rubric: (103v) In adnuntiatione Sancte Marie
incipit: (104r) Ure se ælmihtiga scyppend
Note: Thorpe I 192
110r-117r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
rubric: (110r) Dominica in septuagessima
incipit: (110r) Simile est regnum
incipit: (110r) Se haelend cƿæð þæt heofonan rice
Note: Thorpe II 72
Note: (115v) (Quare pretermittetur alleluia.)
incipit: (115v) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan
Note: Thorpe II 84
117r-122v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.7)
rubric: (117r) Dominica in sexagessima
incipit: (117r) Cum turba plurima
incipit: (117r) On sume tide ðaða micel
Note: Thorpe II 88
122v-128v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.1.11)
rubric: (122v) Dominica in quinquagessima
incipit: (122v) Assumpsit Iesus
incipit: (122v) Her is geread on ðisum godspelle
Note: Thorpe I 152
128v-132v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.8)
rubric: (128v) Dominica in quadragessima
incipit: (128v) Men ða leofostan eoƿ eallum is cuð
Note: Thorpe II 98
132v-137r - Homily for the Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B3.2.11.5)
rubric: (132v) Dominica II quadragesima
incipit: (132v) Men ða leofestan Ic cyðe eoƿ þæt ðreo ðing
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: also in Vercelli Book and NE. F. 4. 10 and 12
137r-140v - Homily for the Third Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B3.2.13)
rubric: (137r) Dominica III in xl
incipit: (137r) Geherað nu men ða leofstan hu ðas halgan bec
Note: Also in MS 419, p. 329
Note: Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien, 1889, p. 138
140v-145r - Homily for the Fourth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B3.2.15)
rubric: (140v) Dominica IIII in xl
incipit: (140v) Men ða leofestan ƿe ƿillað her sprecan feaƿum ƿordum
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: also in MS 419, p. 308, and elsewhere
145r-149v - Homily for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B3.2.16)
rubric: (145r) Dominica V. in xl
incipit: (145r) Men ða leofestan. us is on ælcne sæl geornlice
Note: Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien, 1889, no. XII, f. 144
150r-152v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.9)
Note: Another hand at f. 150r
rubric: (150r) Dominica II in quadragesima
incipit: (150r) Egressus inde Iesus
incipit: (150r) Drihten haelend ðreade
Note: Thorpe II 110
153r-159v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.15)
rubric: (153r) Dominica quinta in quadragesima
incipit: (153r) þeos tid fram ðisum an ƿeardan dæge
Note: Thorpe II 224
160r-166v - Homily for Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B3.2.18.3)
rubric: (160r) Passio domini. In ramis palmarum
incipit: (160r) Passio domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum Matheum
incipit: (160r) Men ða leofestan þis is ures drihtnes þroƿung
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 322. Copied for Professor Napier
166v-174 - Homily In Cena Domini
Note: (Cameron B3.2.22)
rubric: (166v) Feria quinta in cena domini
incipit: (166v) De huius diei ueneratione et de domini misericordia in memoria aeterne iohannes euangelista uenera (sic). Sægeð on ðisum bocum be ðære arƿurðnesse
Note: Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien no. XIII, p. 151
174v-186v - Homily De parasceue
Note: (Cameron B3.2.24.1)
rubric: (174v) Feria VI in parasceuen
incipit: (174v) Hƿæt se ælmihtiga drihten
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 347. Cf. MS 303, p. 61 and elsewhere. Copied for Professor Napier
186v-196v - De sabbato sancto
Note: (Cameron B3.2.25)
rubric: (186v) De Sabbato sancto
incipit: (186v) Men ða leofstan ƿe magon hƿilcum hƿega ƿordum
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 365. Copied for Professor Napier
196v-202r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.17)
rubric: (196v) Dominica in die Sancte pasce
incipit: (196v) Oft ge gehydron ymbe þæs hælendes aerist
Note: Thorpe I 220
202r-206v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday after Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.18)
Note: (202r) Change of hand at 202r
rubric: (202r) Dominica I post pascha
incipit: (202r) Æfter þæs hælendes æriste
Note: Thorpe I 230
206v-209r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.19)
rubric: (206v) Dominica II post pascha
incipit: (206v) Ðis godspel þe nu geræd ƿæs cyð
Note: Thorpe I 238
209r-213r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sts Philip and James
Note: (Cameron B1.2.21)
rubric: (209r) Kalendis maiis in natale apostolorum Philippi et Iacobi
incipit: (209r) Philippus se godes apostol
Note: Thorpe II 294
incipit: (211r) Ƿe ƿurðiad eac ... Iacob
Note: Thorpe II 298
213r-215r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Invention of the Cross
Note: (Cameron B1.2.22)
rubric: (213r) v. Nonas kalendas Mai.(!) inuentio Sancte crucis
incipit: (213r) Men ða leofestan nu to dæg ƿe ƿurðiad þære halgan rode
Note: Thorpe II 302
215r-226r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.2.18)
rubric: (215r) Eodem die passio alexandri euenti et ðeodoli
incipit: (215r) On þisum dæge þroƿode
Note: Thorpe II 308
218r-226r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.2.19)
Note: Change of hand at f. 218r
rubric: (218r) In die Sancta pasce
incipit: (218r) Men ða leofostan gelome eoƿ is gesæd
Note: Thorpe II 262
226r-231v - Homily for Wednesday in Easter Week
Note: (Cameron B1.2.20)
rubric: (226r) Item alia de sancta pasce
incipit: (226r) Hit is sƿiðe gedafenlic
Note: Thorpe II 282
rubric: (228v) Alia de sancta pasce
incipit: (228v) Gelome æteoƿde ure drihten
Note: Thorpe II 288
231v-236v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
Note: (Cameron B1.2.46)
rubric: (231v) In natale sanctorum martyrum
incipit: (231v) Cum audieritis prelia
incipit: (231v) Se hælend forsæde his leorning cnihtum
Note: Thorpe II 536
236v-242v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
Note: (Cameron B1.2.47)
rubric: (236v) In natale unius confessoris
incipit: (236v) Homo quidam pergere
incipit: (236v) Ure drihten saede þis bispel
Note: Thorpe II 548
242v-247v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Virgins
Note: (Cameron B1.2.48)
rubric: (242v) In natale sanctarum uirginum
incipit: (242v) Simile est regnum
incipit: (242v) Se haelend saede gelomlice bigspel
Note: Hand changes on f. 245r
Note: Thorpe II 562
explicit: (247v) man þyssere ƿorulde geendunge. ne f[u]rðon his
Note: Ends imperfectly
Note: (247v) Old note (xii ?) deficit
248r-253v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
Note: (Cameron B1.1.23)
Note: Change of hand at f. 248r
rubric: (248r) In ascensione domini
incipit: (248r) Lucas se godspellere us monade
Note: Thorpe I 294
253v-259v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.24)
rubric: (253v) In die pentecosten
incipit: (253v) Fram þam halgan easterlican dæge
Note: Thorpe I 310
259v-263v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.25)
rubric: (259v) Dominica I post octavas pentecosten
incipit: (259v) Homo quidam erat diues
incipit: (259v) Se ƿealdenda drihten sæde
Note: Thorpe I 328
263v-266r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.29)
rubric: (263v) Dominica II post octavas pentecosten
incipit: (263v) Homo quidam quidam fecit cenam
incipit: (263v) Se hælend sæde þis bigspell
Note: Thorpe II 370
266r-267v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
Note: (Cameron B1.2.30)
rubric: (266r) [Alia narratio de euangelii textu]
Note: Margin
Note: (266r) Est sermo 13 in li M. bower
Note: (xvi)
incipit: (266r) Mine gebroðra ƿe ƿillað sume cristes rinda
Note: Thorpe II 378
267v-273r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St John the Baptist
Note: (Cameron B1.1.27)
rubric: (267v) VIII. kalendas Iulii natifitas Sancti Iohannis Baptista
incipit: (267v) Se godspellere lucas aƿrat on cristes bec
Note: Thorpe I 350
273r-278v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sts Peter and Paul
Note: (Cameron B1.2.31)
rubric: (273r) III kalendas Iulii in natale Sancti petri apostoli
incipit: (273r) Lucas se godspellere us sæde on ðissere pistol
Note: Thorpe II 380
rubric: (274v) Item alia de petre
incipit: (274v) Mattheus se godspellere aƿrat
Note: Thorpe II 384
278v-286r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul
Note: (Cameron B1.1.28)
rubric: (278v) III kalendas Iulii in natale Sancti petri apostoli. Hoc est euangelium
incipit: (278v) Venit Iesu in partes
incipit: (278v) Mattheus se godspellere
Note: A line and a half erased on f. 280v
Note: Thorpe I 364
rubric: (281r) Passio Apostolorum petri et pauli
incipit: (281r) Ƿe ƿillað æfter ðisum godspelle eoƿ gereccan
Note: Thorpe I 370
286r-291v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul
Note: (Cameron B1.1.29)
rubric: (286r) II kalendas Iulii In natale Sancti Pauli apostoli
incipit: (286r) Godes gelaðung ƿurðiað
Note: Thorpe I 384
Note: Change of hand at f. 288r
291v-295r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St James and the Seven Sleepers
Note: (Cameron B1.2.34)
rubric: (291v) Passio. natale Sancti Iacobi apostoli
incipit: (291v) On þisum dæge ƿe ƿurþiaþ on urum lofsangum
Note: Thorpe II 412
295r-298v - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, St Mark
Note: (Cameron B1.3.16)
rubric: (295r) De quarta euangelistas Matheus Marcus Lucas Iohannes
incipit: (295r) Marcus se godspellere be godes dihte for to egypta lande
Note: Skeat's Aelfric's Lives of Saints no. XV (I 320)
298v-306v - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, St Sebastian
Note: (Cameron B1.3.6)
rubric: (298v) XIII kalendas Februarii Passio Sancti Sebastiani Martyris
incipit: (298v) Sebastinus hatte sum halig godes þegen
Note: Skeat's Aelfric's Lives of Saints no. V (I 116)
306v-311v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.12)
rubric: (306v) Dominica in quadragessimo iii
incipit: (306v) Ductus est iesus
incipit: (306v) Ic ƿolde eoƿ trahtnian
Note: Thorpe I 166
311v-316r - Ælfric OSB, Admonissions in Lent with a continuation taken from Blickling Homily no. 10
Note: (Cameron B1.9.7 with an excerpt from B3.4.20)
rubric: (311v) Incipit de penitentia in quadragessima
incipit: (311v) Læƿedum mannum is to ƿitane þæt ælc man
Note: Thorpe II 608
Note: Consists of two parts, (1) = Thorpe II 602-608, (2) a Blickling Homily (pp. 111 (l. 18) to 114), Napier
316r-321r - Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
Note: (Cameron B1.9.7 with an excerpt from B1.4.4)
rubric: (316r) Dominica III in quadragesima
Note: (title xiii ? in red)
incipit: (316r) Erat ihesus eiciens ...
incipit: (316r) On þære mærran tide
Note: Also in MS 188, p. 123, MS 302, p. 129, MS 303, p. 30, and elsewhere
Note: At bottom of f. 321r an inscription partly erased and rewritten
Note: Line 1 is erased
Note: Line 2 reads
Note: (321r) þis his þæt boc þæt ic Ulf h.. h(a)bba. tal(?)a///þ.../
Note: Line 3
Note: (321r) be. ƿannan scypas lære [mid min fæg (over line)] /// oto handa. Crist eo.l . 7 C/
321v-327v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Bartholomew (incomplete)
Note: (Cameron B1.1.33)
rubric: (321v) De Sancto Bartholomeo
incipit: (321v) Ƿyrd ƿriteras secgaþ
Note: Thorpe I 454. The end appears to differ
328r-342v - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees
Note: (Cameron B1.3.25)
Note: Change of hand at f. 328r
rubric: (328r) Kalendas Augustus. Passio Sanctorum Machabeorum
incipit: (328r) Æfter ðam ðe alexander se egefulla
Note: Skeat's Aelfric, no. XXV (II 66)
rubric: (341v) De tribus ordinibus
incipit: (341v) Is sƿa ðeah to ƿitenne
Note: (Skeat's Aelfric II 120)
342v-350r - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Laurence
Note: (Cameron B1.1.31)
rubric: (342v) III Idus augusti. Passio Sancti Laurentii Martyris
incipit: (342v) On decius dæge þæs hreoƿan caseres
Note: Thorpe I 416
350r-359v - Homily for the Assumption of Mary the Virgin
Note: (Cameron B3.3.20)
rubric: (350r) In assumptione Sancte Marie uirginis
incipit: (350r) Men ða leofestan gehyrað nu hƿaet her segð
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Blickling Homilies, p. 137
incipit: (353r) Et post hec uocauit Sancta Maria omnes apostolas in cubiculo suo
incipit: (353r) Ond ða æfter ðon ða cegde seo halige Maria
Note: Ends 359r. The lower part (blank?) is cut off, the verso blank
Note: Blickling Homilies, p. 139 (defective)
360r-366v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis
Note: (Cameron B1.1.36)
rubric: (360r) III kalendas Octobris. Dedicatio ecclesie Sancti michaelis archangeli
incipit: (360r) Manegum is cuð seo halige stoƿ
Note: Thorpe I 502
367r-374v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, De initio creaturae
Note: (Cameron B1.1.2)
Note: Change of hand at f. 367r
rubric: (367r) Exameron siue initium creaturae
Note: (title added xvi)
incipit: (367r) An anginn is ealra ðinga
Note: Thorpe I 8
374v-377r - Homily De sancto Iohanne
Note: (Cameron B3.4.17.1)
rubric: (374v) De Sancto Iohanne
incipit: (374v) Sanctus Iohannes geseah ofer garsegc
Note: (of the Phoenix)
Note: Kluge, Engl. Studien 8, 477
377v-377v - Neumed office for St Guthlac (partial)
Note: On f. 377v are parts of an office in Latin for St Guthlac, with neumes, in a small hand
incipit: (377v) Secundo anno inquit beatus GUTHLACUS
Note: (377v) quo hanc heremum inhabitaui mane ad (et) uespere semper angelum domini colloquutorem habui qui meos labores leuigabat qui michi aeterna gaudia nuntiabat hinc anima mea dominum magnificat. Magnificat. Per sanctum interuentorem nostrum GUTHLACUM adoremus dominum deum nostrum. Venite exult. (I)n ipso ortu beati GUTHLACI quis esset futurus aparuit miraculo celesti. Beatus uir. Visa est palam cunctis humana manus de celo fulgida cum cruce ante hostium domus puerperi porrecta. Quare f. Cunctis uidentibus admirabilis manus signo crucis signauit hostium et sic recepta est in celum (neumes cease here). Domine quid mult. Mox inauditum miraculum patriam impleuit et quantus puer natus esset in mundo claruit. Cum inuocarem
explicit: (377v) Vita eius diuersa benigna pueritia bellicosa adholescentia cetera sanctitas theorica
incipit: (377v) Ingenuas uires adholescentie bellis exercuit et cetibus ut sciret quid diuine militie deberet conuersus. Ordinata erat beati GUTHLACI abstinentiam uictus eius post solis occasum panis ordeaceus cum aqua
378r-385v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Martin
Note: (Cameron B1.2.42)
Note: Another hand at f. 378r
rubric: (378r) III Idus Novembris. Depositio Sancti Martini Episcopi
incipit: (378r) Martinus se ƿuldorfulle godes andettere
Note: Thorpe II 498
rubric: (384r) (De obitus eius)
incipit: (384r) Martinus se eadiga ƿiste his geendunge
Note: Thorpe II 516
385v-385v - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Excusatio dictantis
Note: (Cameron B1.2.43)
rubric: (385v) Excusatio dictantis
incipit: (385v) Fela fægere godspell ƿe forlætað
Note: Thorpe II 520
386r-394v - Homily for St Andrew
Note: (Cameron B3.3.1.1)
rubric: (386r) Sancti Andreae
incipit: (386r) Her sigð þæt æfter þam þe Drihten
Note: The name Andreas is in capitals throughout
Note: Goodwin, Anglo-Saxon Legends of Andrew and Veronica; Bright, Anglo-Saxon Reader 113, Blickling Homilies
Note: (394v) A large initial H and some six lines of carefully erased writing, the beginning of another sermon, follow
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