Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 44
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 044
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000 - 1099
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 044: Pontifical
- Pontifical
- Description
Summary: This handsome manuscript contains a Pontifical. On script grounds it has been attributed to Canterbury, probably St Augustine's rather than Christ Church; however its text has been held to show that it was made for use at Christ Church, Canterbury. The script of CCCC MS 44 shows it to have been written at some point during the middle two quarters of the eleventh century, but a more precise dating is arguably possible given the association of the coronation ordo it contains (the third recension of the second ordo) with William the Conqueror. This association is by no means generally accepted. The distinctive mark on f. 3 shows that the manuscript was at Ely in the later Middle Ages. It has been suggested that it might have been part of the treasure of Archbishop Stigand (1052-72), with which he fled to Ely shortly before his death in 1072; clearly this again depends on how one interprets the dating evidence of the manuscript's text.
Contents :
2-386 - Pontifical
rubric: (2) Incipit ordo uel examinatio in ordinatione episcopi
incipit: (2) Antiqua sanctorum patruum institutio
Note: (3) On the margin of p. 3 is the Ely mark
Note: (3) In the lower margin an erasure
Note: (3) Iste liber pertinet ecclesie ...
rubric: (9) In nomine domini. Incipit ordo qualiter domus dei consecranda est
Note: (12) In the Litany we have: Apostles Petre ii, (p. 13) Martyrs: Stephane, Quiriace, Ælphege, Line, Clete, Clemens, Syxte, Laurenti, Vincenti, Apollonaris, Dionisii, Salui, Blasi, Mauricii, Georgii. Confessors: Benedicte II, Martine, Hieronime, Gregori, Augustine, Dunstane II, Audoene, Pauline, Byrine, Suuythune, Guthlace, Fursee. Virgins: Tecla, Iuliana, Margareta, (p. 14) Cristina, Eufemia, Agnes, Agatha, Lucia, Cecilia, S(c)olastica, Austroberhte, Ætheldrytha, Mildrytha
Note: (22) In a second Litany, where three of each order are invoked, we have: Martyrs: Ælphege, (p. 23) Eaduuarde. Confessors: Benedicte, Augustine, Dunstane. Confessors: Tecla, Scolastica, Brigida
Note: (47) Neumes occur first here [actually, first apear on p. 38]
Note: (76) After f. 39v (p. 76) a leaf is missing
rubric: (82) In consecratione altaris
Note: (100) Consecratio Ciborii
rubric: (103) Consecratio pauimenti aecclesiae
Note: (alphabet not given)
rubric: (105) Incipit benedictio ad uestimenta sacerdotalia
rubric: (108) Consecratio episcopalis tunicae
rubric: (110) Oratio ad offertorium lintheamen
rubric: (111) Benedictio corporalis
rubric: (114) Oratio ad patenam
rubric: (115) Oratio ad calicem
rubric: (117) Prefatio eucharistialis uasculi
rubric: (118) Benedictio turibuli
rubric: (119) Benedictio uel consecratio thimiamatis siue incensi
rubric: (124) In benedictione sanctae crucis
rubric: (138) Benedictio ad imaginem sanctae mariae
Note: (et Iohannis)
Note: (138) [Anglo-Saxon glosses occur on pp. 138, 140]
rubric: (143) Benedictio uexillorum
rubric: (146) Ad scrinium uel arcam
rubric: (151) Prefatio consecrationis capsarum
rubric: (157) Ad signum aecclesiae (bell)
rubric: (165) In consecratione cymiterii
rubric: (174) In reconciliatione altaris
rubric: (186) Oratio in consecratione baptisterii
rubric: (188) Oratio ad benedicendum librum
rubric: (190) Benedictio ad generalem cultum aecclesiae
rubric: (190) Benedictio super munus
rubric: (192) Ad nouam capillaturam incidendam
rubric: (192) Oratio ad clericum faciendum
rubric: (200) Incipit ordo nouem ad aecclesiasticorum graduum
rubric: (243) Incipit ordinatio episcopi
Note: (258) A gap after p. 258
rubric: (272) Missa in consecratione archyepiscopi
rubric: (274a) Ad processionem archypresulis de roma uenienti palliumque offerenti
rubric: (278) Incipit consecratio regis
rubric: (301) Finit consecratio regis quam sequitur consecratio reginae
rubric: (308) Incipit ordinatio monachi
Note: (310) Litany, Petre ii, (p. 311) Martyrs: Stephane, Ælfhege, Eadƿarde. Confessors: Benedicte II, Augustine, Dunstane II. Virgins: Tecla, Scolastica, Mildryȝa
rubric: (329) Incipit consecratio abbatis
rubric: (341) Orationes ad ordinandum decanum
rubric: (346) Benedictio super uestimentum uirginis
rubric: (347) Benedictiones dicendae super uirginem
rubric: (356) Incipit benedictio uestis uidue
rubric: (357) Benedictio uidue
rubric: (360) Benedictio super nouum uestimentum
rubric: (361) Benedictio ciuitatis
rubric: (362) Benedictio ferri, ab episcopo danda
rubric: (365) Incipit exorcismus aquae ad iudicium dei demonstrandum
rubric: (379) Incipit adiuratio ferri uel aquae feruentis ad iudicium
rubric: (384) Incipit exorcismus panis ordeacii et casei
Note: The original hand ends here at p. 386 in the middle of a prayer
Note: (387) The end is supplied in a hand of cent. xvi early which is meant to imitate the original
Note: (389) The same hand adds Adiuratio aquae. Exorcismus satis and exorcisms for a possessed person
Note: ff. 196v-197v blank
Note: On 198r-199v the same hand has added in a much smaller script
Note: (403) Qualiter concilium agatur prouinciale prima secunda et tertia die
Note: (405) Benedictio super regem tempore sinodi
Note: (405) Benedictio super regem cotidiana
Note: (405) Benedictio ab archiepiscopo in dissolutione sinodi
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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